How to choose the right queries for Yandex Direct. An example of choosing keywords for Yandex Direct

Searching for keywords Yandex Direct and Google AdWords start with the widest possible list of possible phrases that your potential customers enter.

All people enter different keywords in Yandex and Google

Let's say you sell Mercedes cars.

Different people will write in their search "business class car", "mercedes s class 2014" or "buy a Mercedes gelik", but they are all your potential clients. And we would like to have each of these queries in our list of keywords.

Therefore, the more requests we can collect, the better(but without fanaticism: for the first launch for you).

How to choose the right keywords for Yandex Direct?

We have a 25-point checklist for that. At each point, you need to write out all the key options in a separate text document. Or mind-card, as it is more convenient to whom.

1. Your own head
A business owner knows his audience like no other. The first thing to do is sit down and think about how they might be looking for you. Allocate at least 15 minutes for this. This is where queries may pop up that won't help you find the rest of the checklist.
2. Interview 10 people (brainstorming)
As we said, everyone thinks differently. So ask 5-10 people how they would search for your products or services? You will see options for queries that never crossed your mind. If possible, gather people into a group and gather a list of active discussion.

Only after that, go through the following list. Each of the points has a chance to suggest you a huge variety of new keywords.

3.product / service name (Mercedes S Class 2015)

4.the name of the product / service group (German cars)

5.your site (

6.competitors website or related queries (bmw business class) of speech (order - order) of manufacture or purchase (Mercedes dealer)

9.Specialists (Mercedes seller)

10.goods brands (mercedes sls amg)

11. company brands (mercedes-benz)

12.Nomenclature lists

13. errors (mersedes)

14.translite (Mercedes Benz)

15.translation (Mercedes)

16.regions (Mercedes in Ufa)

17.Single root words


19. abbreviations, slang and professionalism (gelding tseshka brabus)


21.Abbreviations (AMG)

22. word fusions (mercedesbenz)

23. problem (need a good car urgently)

24. cause of the problem (Rollsroys is falling apart what to do)

25. my head again. Now you think wider and you can think of something else

An example of the selection of keywords for Yandex Direct

We have a file with a large list of various possible requests, which is the base. With its help, the selection of keywords Yandex Direct or Google Adwords becomes much easier.

An example of what can be obtained: a mind map for the aromatization of offices. I laid out a fairly small map on purpose.

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For each service / product, we select phrases in the service:

In most cases, we collect keywords from 30 impressions per month. We enter target phrases into a file for further use in the RK, from non-target phrases we prepare a list of negative keywords.

When selecting key phrases, we take into account the region in which our ads will be broadcast.

Otherwise, phrases with zero impressions will be added, and unnecessary work will be done.

Phrases for each product / service are selected, but the full coverage of the audience is not yet complete.

1. Synonyms

Example: "website development" and "website development".

2. Words with common mistakes
"Subwoofer for a car" may be requested: "subwoofer", "sambufer".

3. Slang / professionalism / abbreviations

  • "Phone" - "mobile phone"
  • in plumbing "union nut" - "American"
  • "Car" - "auto".

You have a competitor who offers similar products, add phrases to the RK indicating the name of the competitor itself or its products.

One note: in the title and text of the ads we indicate our name of the company or product, otherwise you will be held liable for the use of someone else's trademark.

The service has an additional column:

Here we see similar user requests. We check if something else has not been used as keywords.

We advise you to periodically check the completeness of the semantic core. During the collection process, you might have missed something, you had an expansion of the list of products or services, or there were new user requests that need to be added to the advertising campaign.

Useful tips when working

1. Using the operator or | and the grouping operator () to speed up the process of creating a list of keywords.

For example, you can process all synonyms for website development at once with the following structure: (development | creation) (websites | landing pages).

Those. no need to drive in requests separately: website development, landing page development, website development, landing page creation. We just prepare a template according to which the system itself will substitute all the variants of words and group them.

2. Wordstat supports negative keywords, if you immediately insert a basic list of minuses, you can cut off a lot of unnecessary queries. Example: (development | creation) (sites | landing pages) -free-with-your-hands-independently

You can use a ready-made standard list of negative keywords, which is suitable for almost any advertising campaign. For instance - .

3. Application of operators +,!, ""

  • Operator "+". Takes into account prepositions and conjunctions in statistics when choosing phrases. Without adding this operator, the search engine ignores them
  • Operator "!" We receive impressions only for a given word form
  • The "" operator (quotes). Using an operator, the service displays impressions only for a given word or phrase, taking into account all its word forms.

4. Installing the browser extension: Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

This widget will speed up the process of collecting keywords.

In this article, we examined one of the ways to select keywords. Collecting phrases can be done using the tool, as well as using special software: Key Collector, etc.

Keywords - search queries of Yandex users.

For the Yandex.Direct test, it is better to use only hot keywords with a clear customer need. You need to prepare for the collection - make a list of masks.

1. Keyword masks

Masks are general queries that include keywords. An example of a mask and its entries in the word selection service -

To collect masks, you need to make a list of the words of the subject. I do it in the program xmind, but you can also in excel. Basic functions are enough and they are free.

An example of brainstorming in xmind:

Filling the map in xmind:

Materials for the video:

  • selling supplements -.

Let's continue. When the map is ready, you need to multiply its components. The meaning is this:

  1. we need primary masks that characterize the product and can be selling - "buy wallpaper", "sale wallpaper"
  2. and secondary, any word from the card categories, for example - "liquid", "children's", "kitchen"
  3. by multiplying the 1st and 2nd we get the main masks, we will use them to collect the semantic core.

Here is a video on multiplying masks:

Multiplication services:

The masks are ready, now you need to get the keywords - to collect the semantics. More on this below.

2. Collecting keywords

Long way - drive each mask into and copy queries from statistics. Please note - there will be up to 40 pages of statistics for each mask. Wordstat instruction:

Fast way - buy Key Collector on the official website, he collects keywords from Wordstat himself. Collector instruction:

3. Removing duplicates

The keywords have been collected, now they need to be checked for duplicates. I am telling you how to do this in the key-collector program ...


4. Sorting keywords

I already wrote that Yandex.Direct should be tested on hot keywords.

If a person does not leave an application for "apartment renovation", then the request "tools for apartment renovation" is unlikely to change anything. The keywords must be sorted into hot, warm, and cold.

Sorting videos:

5. Cross backing track

So that the keywords do not overlap and do not create competition for each other, it is necessary to minus them.

Video about the backing track:

Backing track service:


You should have a list of keywords in your hands - save it, it will be useful to us later. If something seemed incomprehensible - write in the comments.

How to start working with Yandex Direct?

Which came first - the chicken or the egg? You can argue about this endlessly. As for the Yandex Direct system, everything is more stable here.

Any one invariably begins from collecting keywords!

Keywords Are the words for which your ads will be shown. And, the more such words there are, the higher the chances that a potential client will land on your site.

Keywords (or queries) consist of a certain number of unique words: from 1 to 5.

For example, " refrigerator"Is a one-word keyword, and" buy a refrigerator in Moscow inexpensively"- four-word.

Prepositions and conjunctions are not taken into account when selecting key queries.

Key queries can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: basic and nested.

Basic query - a target request consisting of a unique combination of two words for which you want to advertise.

Nested query is a 3, 4 and 5 word keyword that contains the basic query

Let's say you sell televisions.

Your basic queries would be:

  • buy tv
  • new tv
  • tV set Moscow
  • LCD buy
  • LCD Moscow
  • etc.

Your nested queries will be:

  • tv buy cheap online store
  • tV new discount Moscow
  • telivizor Moscow store
  • LCD buy cheap
  • LCD Moscow delivery
  • etc.

The first step is to collect at least 100 basic queries.

There are several to collect key queries proven technicians... Here is one of them.

Reactive keyword collection method

You will need MS Excel or similar functions and a 5x5 cell table.

Action scheme:

1. In the first column, write out 5 one-word queries that describe the product being sold as accurately as possible;

2. In the other four - one-word queries associated with a product (service);

Important! Different parts of speech and synonyms are different words)

* Include geography if necessary for your area of \u200b\u200bbusiness.

** The marketing supplement is almost always relevant.

3. Now transfer all words from columns 3, 4 and 5 to column number 2 and, using the multiplication function in MS Excel (or macros), multiply queries from the first column with queries from column 2.

The result should be at least 100 two-word combinations... These will be the very basic queries that will form the basis of your advertising campaign.

It's really simple and fast!

What are those empty green cells in the table?

We decided to leave them to you. Let's just say this is a practical task to consolidate the material.

Anything that you do not implement today, you will never implement. it fact verified by numerous seminars.

Create your spreadsheet now! And check in practice with the MPC.

After that, you or the Key Collector program and work through each basic query in depth to get several thousand keywords for your first campaign.

You have keywords for the Very First Advertising Campaign!

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

The correct selection of keywords Yandex.Direct is the key to successful and profitable advertising that brings high-quality traffic and, as a result, profit. How to choose the right "keys"? What is a negative phrase? And what is the difference between manual and automatic word selection? We will tell you in the article.

How PPC keywords are grouped

Keyword (phrase) is a request by which the system finds the necessary data and shows it in the search results.

Key phrases allow you to briefly describe the activities of the page and bring to the site target customers who will definitely be interested in the advertised objects. All words are grouped according to three criteria:

  • frequency;
  • temperature
  • the number of words.

Each of them affects the quality and quantity of traffic, as well as the success of the advertising campaign.


Each search query corresponds to a certain frequency, for example, the key "Dog food" has an indicator of 328,951 views per month. This means that 328,951 users entered this query into the system and searched for something with this phrase. There are keys with fewer impressions, up to one.

So, requests can be divided into three groups by the number of impressions:

  • low-frequency - from 1 to 500;
  • mid-frequency - from 501 to 2000;
  • high-frequency - from 2001.

As for traffic, the indicators differ depending on the frequency:

  • high frequency - a large amount of low quality traffic;
  • mid-frequency - the optimal amount of good quality traffic. (The majority of Yandex.Direct advertisers use MF requests);
  • low frequency - low traffic of the highest quality.


However, it's not worth judging the value of a key based on the number of requests alone. There is another factor indicating the likelihood of a purchase - "temperature".

Hot Keys... These are words that speak of a high probability of purchase. Such requests are accompanied by selling prefixes: "price", "order", "buy", etc.

For example, take our query "dog food". It will become hot in the following combinations:

  • dog food is cheap;
  • dog food price;
  • buy dog \u200b\u200bfood.

Why does the likelihood of buying feed increase? It's simple: following such a request, a person has already set a goal - to buy a product, which means that when he gets to an advertisement with the appropriate key, he will be able to find what he is looking for.

Warm Keys... These are some kind of indicator words that check a potential client, find out details about him and his preferences. . For example:

  • dog food in St. Petersburg;
  • where to buy premium dog food;
  • how much dog food costs.

Here the person has not yet decided whether to buy him food or not. However, he is interested, which means that advertising with a similar key will lead the user and turn ordinary interest into a purchase.

The selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct is mainly based on warm queries that provide the advertiser with useful traffic.

Cold keys... Simple phrases without target prefixes. These are queries with a low likelihood of buying, and it might seem like they are inappropriate to use them. But this is not the case. The fact is that such keys have the highest frequency, which means they attract more users who see ads and go to the site.

  • dog food;
  • food for a shepherd dog;
  • premium dog food.

Word Count

  • basic queries (a two-word phrase that clearly explains the essence of advertising);
  • nested queries (basic keys supplemented with qualifiers).

Suppose that you are selling smartphones, in this case, the basic queries will be considered:

  • buy a smartphone;
  • smartphone Voronezh;
  • new phone, etc.

Nested queries:

  • smart phone buy cheap online store;
  • discounted smartphone Voronezh;
  • iPhone X with delivery in Moscow, etc.

Selection of words for contextual advertising

This is a painstaking procedure that requires maximum concentration on details. One missed request can ruin the entire advertising campaign, but, on the contrary, careful study will allow you to achieve your goals.

Process features:

  1. Search queries should reflect the subject of your ad.
  2. The case of letters and the order in which the words are written in the key do not matter.
  3. The total maximum number of characters in a request cannot exceed 4096 characters.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms by which the client can search for the desired product (For example: food - delicacy - food, etc.)

Finally, we come to the most interesting part of the article - the description of the selection of words for Yandex.Direct. The process can be conditionally divided into manual and automatic. Let's consider each of them.

Manual selection of words Yandex.Direct

Options for the selection of search queries without the use of special programs have two indisputable advantages. The first is efficiency, and the second is that you don't have to pay for the selection process itself. Of course, you will need to spend an invaluable resource - time, but the result is worth it.

We will tell you how to quickly type about 100 key phrases for Yandex.Direct using a table. We used the Exel program.

Algorithm of actions:

Attention! Location should only be provided if required by the business. For example, a regional online store or a delivery service.

Now you have a ready-made scheme, combining words in which you get the initial mass of queries.

Another manual way to find words for advertising is to work out basic phrases in the keyword selection service for Yandex.Direct. This is the most common and reliable option for getting quality traffic.

Algorithm of work in Wordstat:

  1. Go to the website and enter the base key in the selection line.

First of all, you need a set of keys that best characterize the essence of the advertisement. For example, the key "dog food" is basic, based on which we will consider the process of work.

2. You will see a list of requests that users use in conjunction with the given key. Your task is to choose the most suitable phrases in terms of meaning and quality.

We have identified the best in our opinion requests that will bring profit to the store.

3. Then you can click on any selected key and you will see a list of "hot" phrases that can be used in advertising. The action must be done for each, in your opinion, quality key.

We went through the "buy dog \u200b\u200bfood" key and got the following list:

This type of selection of key queries is time-consuming, and when working out queries, it is important to rely on the specifics of the business and the needs of customers.

Automatic word selection

For those who want to save time, and maybe even nerves, special programs have been developed - parsers that allow you to quickly and effortlessly select the best keys for an advertising campaign.

The scheme of work of all services consists in the automatic elaboration of the basic phrase. Your task is to specify the required request and set the settings, the rest of the process takes place without user participation.

The most popular key guessing tool is KeyCollector. This is a paid scraper, but its functions ensure the selection of the highest quality key phrases, which you just have to choose from the list of proposed ones and include them in the advertising text.

Important! If the keywords in the collection overlap, you need to add negative keywords to them. What it is? Let's consider further.

Selection of negative phrases Yandex.Direct

Negative wordsthese are words that allow you to refine your search and show ads only to targeted consumers.

To describe the term more clearly, let's give an example:
You are launching an advertising campaign for an online store selling luxury floor tiles. Your target audience is wealthy people who are planning or in the process of renovation. Their need is to buy high-quality, exclusive tiles. They are not interested in the market option that their neighbor has. Your advertising campaign is built on the phrase “buy tiles”. And if you do not use negative keywords, then your ad will be seen by keywords: buy cheap tiles; inexpensive tiles; chocolate bar; third grade tiles. etc.

From this example, there are several advantages of negative keywords:

  • reduction of off-target referrals. You will pay for each transition, and if you forget to draw up a list of stop words, you will have to pay for useless transitions that do not generate income;
  • increase in click-through rates. This will lead to lower CPCs.

That is why it is important not to forget about stop words. Let's consider a few simple options.

Using Wordstat

Who is suitable for word exclusion with Wordstat:

  • those who have a lot of free time to manually search and enter stop words;
  • those who run just one ad campaign.

If the selection of negative keywords is necessary for several keywords at once, the process of working in Wordstat can be delayed.


This is a quick way to find negative keywords, which is done in the Direct itself. The great advantage of the method is that you do not have to search for stop words yourself and declare them in your mind. The system automatically calculates morphology and provides a complete list of negative keywords.
To get started, you need to create an ad in Yandex.Direct, then the system itself will offer you to refine your search.

You can use the refinement function not only after creating an ad, but also in the "Budget forecast" section. This is possible if you know at least a rough set of stop words.In this case, you can more accurately calculate the budget and save on advertising.

For campaign

Stop keywords for a campaign should take into account all ad groups and cut off non-targeted ad clicks.

You are creating a campaign for ceramic mugs, you must exclude metal, wood and earthen mugs. Even if they are presented in the catalog of your IM.

You can add negative keywords before presenting ads to users.

In order to study stop words, go to the "Unified list of negative keywords" section.

For the group

This set of phrases will allow you to exclude inappropriate clicks for each specific ad.

You can add stop words in the "Group settings" section.

Or in the group editing functionality, if the stop words were not added before the launch of the advertising campaign.

For key request

A great advantage of Yandex.Direct is that you can specify the key itself; this function is not available, for example, in Google.

We talked about how to choose the right words for advertising and found out what stop phrases are for. We hope that the information presented will help you create an effective advertising campaign and get the maximum profit after the first announcement.