Electronic diary: what is it and what is it for? How to register and log into a student’s electronic diary through government services How reliable and timely is the information in the electronic journal?

The Electronic Schoolchildren's Diary is a system for interaction between schoolchildren, their parents, teachers and school and city administration, via the Internet and SMS. Everyone benefits from the system.
With the help of electronic diaries, parents will be able to monitor their child’s progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, absenteeism, find out in time about the upcoming parent-teacher meeting (for example, by subscribing to the SMS diary service), and also communicate online with teachers and school administration. The system will remind students of their schedule and homework. It will also give you the opportunity to view statistics and ratings of your ratings by week, month or year. Teachers will have a convenient and quick way to communicate with parents; in addition, the electronic journal will help in preparing progress reports, ratings of students by performance, and will also allow them to conduct electronic tests for students, even in their absence from school.

Why do you need an Electronic Student Diary?

The main advantages of this system can be formulated as follows:
1. The diary is now impossible to forget at home or lose!
2. Parents have constant and easy access to their child’s diary. All you need is the Internet!
3. The student has full access to the system and feels responsible for the results of his studies; in addition, even if he got sick or for some other reason could not write down his homework, he just needs to go online to get it.
4. An electronic diary allows you to promptly notify parents about important events and send them urgent messages even to a mobile phone.
5. An electronic diary allows the teacher to keep attendance and progress records in one place.
6. The electronic diary system greatly simplifies the accumulation of all information about the school and its analysis.
7. Connecting to the electronic diary system is a very simple procedure and does not require additional equipment. A regular computer and Internet access are enough.
8. The electronic diary system is developed on a powerful modern software base, which eliminates any possibility of hacking or unauthorized access to the system.
9. System maintenance is a popular and democratic service, available to absolutely any educational institution and is widely used in Russian schools.
10. Great attention is paid to confidentiality. Each user has their own login and password. The teacher fills out information only for the classes in which he teaches; parents receive information only about their children.

What is DEVNIK.RU?

Dnevnik.ru is a school social network that unites all schools in Russia;
This is a unique school project that has no analogues in the world.
Basic goals:
Create a unified information environment for teachers, students and their parents.
Make the learning process at school easier and more interesting.
Dnevnik.ru creates a modern communication environment for real participants in school life.
On the school page, teachers, students and parents have access to remote communication functions: the ability to send and receive messages, create groups and announce events, and share news. The school administration can post detailed information about the school.
Each Diary user has his own personal page where he can talk about himself, his interests, publish photos and maintain his own blog.
Diary users communicate with each other, with their classmates and teachers.
The diary allows you to completely transfer the learning process online.
Digital library
The Diary presents all literary works that are studied as part of the school curriculum.
All textbooks that are recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are also presented. Based on user reviews and ratings in the Diary, an overall rating of textbooks is formed.
Works wherever there is Internet
In any part of the world, if you have access to the Internet, you can access the Diary at any time of the day.
Absolutely free
Diary users are not charged any fees: neither installation nor subscription.
Connecting the Diary requires absolutely no costs. You just need to use it: freely and without obligation.
You can find out more on the website Dnevnik.ru.

  • Administrative regulations of the Gorodetsky district administration for the provision of municipal services “Providing information on the current progress of a student, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic grade book”

Manuals and instructions

Modern technologies are penetrating deeper into human life. The educational sphere is no exception, where such an innovative device as an electronic student diary has recently been used. The purpose of the diary is to bring parents, teachers and students closer together.

Why do you need an electronic diary?

Almost every home is connected to the Internet, and innovative digital technologies are an important element of human life. Students are increasingly using e-books and using a laptop or tablet to record classes and study material.

In terms of its functions, an electronic diary is an electronic service or software that allows you to monitor the student’s implementation of the school curriculum. Comfort for every student is obvious.

The functionality of the device in electronic form is:

  • Monitoring progress and implementation of the school curriculum.
  • Monitoring lesson attendance.
  • Informing parents about children's achievements in the learning process.
  • Creating a portfolio for a school student.
  • Reducing the burden on the educational institution.
  • Creation of a school-wide social network.

As a result, it is possible to minimize the need for the usual paper diary. The electronic version ensures that parents will be aware of the child's activities at school.

In some parameters and functions, electronic services are similar, but have different capabilities. Electronic journals refer to accounting tools that allow:

  1. Monitor the progress and attendance of schoolchildren.
  2. Facilitate the implementation of educational and teaching load.
  3. Inform all interested parties about the results of your studies.

Advantages and disadvantages of a diary

Benefits for parents

Conducting assessments in this way has the following advantages for parents:

  • 24/7 access to information about student progress.
  • View lesson schedules, information about school events.
  • Opportunity to communicate with the child’s teacher and the management of the educational institution.

Benefits for students

The program allows the student not to worry about timely recording of homework or about changes in the schedule. All information and important information will appear on the log screen in a timely manner. This is also convenient for schoolchildren who, for some reason, were not in class.

The introduction of innovative development into the educational process will allow:

  • See grades received during different periods of study.
  • Find out your progress.
  • Get acquainted with the events taking place in the educational institution.

The benefits of electronic diaries for teachers

The use of a diary by a teacher provides a number of advantages:

  • Communication with parents of students is ensured.
  • It turns out to quickly calculate data on student performance.
  • It is possible to conduct remote consultations.

Disadvantages of a diary

The level of accuracy of the information in the electronic journal may be out of date and may not reflect actual information about the student's progress. This is due to the teacher’s forgetfulness or his workload.

As a result, there is a need to explain to teaching staff about the advantages of an electronic journal and the correct use of innovative development.

Video story

Is it possible for a student to delete or correct grades on his own?

Deleting or correcting grades by a student is possible if the teacher forgot to close the system. The student can enter into it and make changes. Such interference will likely be detected and the student will be disciplined.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that children are literate Internet users, so a student, when helping a teacher with a computer, can quietly correct grades in the system.

The reason for possible unauthorized access to the electronic journal is the installation of simple passwords or the lack of data protection software. Overall, a significant level of security can be achieved.

Video story

It should be taken into account that electronic journals, like other software, are developed by specialists. They try to ensure the safety of data with various levels of protection. It may be that among the students there is a talented young programmer who will be able to bypass the installed security systems and get into the magazine. This can be done from anywhere on a personal computer. In this case, it is obvious not only that the ratings have changed, but also that the files have been infected with malware.

Step 1. Register on the website portal

To use the “Electronic School Diary” service, you and your child must register on the website. The child and parent must have separate personal accounts. To register, fill out your last name, first name, patronymic, email address and mobile phone number.

When registering, make sure that your personal account contains the current phone number and email address that you use. If these details are incorrect, you will not be able to access the service. You can read more about registering on the portal in our.

Step 2. Provide your details to the school

Provide the class teacher with your and your child’s details specified when registering on the website portal:

  • E-mail address;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) (optional).

Please note that the child and parent must have different accounts on the site.

After the personal data is processed, you and your child will have access to an electronic diary, to enter which you must enter your login and password from the site.

2. How to enter the electronic diary?

After this, you will be taken to the website dnevnik.site, where you can see the child’s progress, his homework and check how he is attending school.

3. How to provide access to an electronic diary to a trusted person?

If your relative or other trusted person, such as a nanny, is registered on the website portal, you can give him access to the child’s electronic diary. For this:

  • After authorization in the service, follow the link and click the “Add trusted” button or immediately select “Give access to the electronic diary and information about the child’s visits and nutrition” in the service catalog on the website.
  • select the service to which you want to give access to a trusted representative, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the child whose diary you want to allow viewing;
  • indicate the last name, SNILS or mobile phone number of the person you want to invite.

The authorized person will see the invitation in their personal account to the site (section). Access will open within 24 hours after the invitation is accepted by a trusted representative.

At the moment, the question of how parents can access a student’s electronic diary is of constant interest. The nature of modern life requires constant monitoring of children.

Therefore, electronic diaries were introduced into use, which are posted on the Internet using the public services portal (PSU).

Gone are the leisurely times when huge computers stood in research laboratories and could only be used by specialists. Having firmly entered every home, PCs turned out to be in great demand.

Unbiased control over school problems through the government services website has made secondary education more accessible and obvious to parents.


First, letters of the Latin layout pgu.mos.ru are typed through the search engine Yandex, Rambler or Google.

The desired site opens, and the user only needs to register or simply click the “Login” button if registration was completed in advance.

You should not reveal your password and login to children, as they will want to use it for their own purposes. From now on, moms and dads will log into the PSU through this password and login.

Then select the service “Electronic student diary of MRKO” from the “Education, studies” section and click on the “Get service” button.

Further actions

To open the diary access data, you must:

  1. Parents should come up with an “Account Name” for themselves - it is under this heading that you can see your child on the government services website.
  2. Then you need to enter the login and password that are provided to each student at the school, and click on the green “Continue” box.
  3. A control check will follow, and if everything is correct, the “Done” button is pressed.
  4. The window of the student’s electronic diary of the Moscow Register of Education Quality opens. In a few seconds, mom or dad finds themselves in their child’s electronic diary.

How to view ratings

The diary page is designed in the same way as a regular paper school diary. All ratings are posted there.

If there are comments, teachers write them in special columns. Homework assignments are clearly written in each column.

At the bottom of the section there is a “View the diary” button, which is active for parents every Friday, starting at noon.

If one of them looked at the grades and pressed this button, then a record is displayed that such and such a parent (last name and first name of father or mother) has read the diary, and a number is entered.

Note: For the class teacher, this is similar to the fact that the parents signed the paper version of the diary.

There is a section on the right side of the column that allows you to identify scores from previous weeks. To do this, click the green square located to the right of the date and open the weekly calendar.

detailed instructions

In order to view all of your child’s grades posted in the electronic journal, you must:

  1. Go to the “Analysis” tab.
  2. Open the “All ratings” button. Parents have access to their child's grades by period. For example, if school is taught in trimesters, then all grades for two of them are displayed and the average score is given.
  3. Go to the “Message” tab. With its help, the class teacher will be able to point out the problems that arise for a given student.
  4. Each subject in the school curriculum has its own column. This will help predict what grade the child will graduate from a given school period.

Recommendations for parents: If they wish, they can see the dynamics of their child’s academic performance, which is clearly displayed on the graph. To do this, you just need to check the box at the bottom of the page for the item that interests you. A graph will appear where the ratings are indicated vertically and the days of the month horizontally.

If necessary, parents can use checkboxes to find out the dynamics of academic performance in several subjects at once.

It is interesting to observe the dynamics after the child begins to actively study the subject in which he was lagging behind. If parents do not help their son or daughter, then the dynamics noticeably worsen.


What is the point of an electronic diary?

This is done so that parents are immediately aware of:

  • the child's latest grades;
  • knew about his absenteeism;
  • topics missed due to illness;
  • progress dynamics;
  • information that can be obtained if a parent meeting is missed.

This technique helps students monitor their average grade against the progress of their classmates, always have homework with them written by the teacher, and be aware of their schedule.

Watch a video that explains the capabilities of a student’s electronic diary:

Student's electronic diary is an online service of the State Services website that displays data on the progress of each individual student. Here you can view not only grades, but also missed lessons, as well as teachers’ comments on grades. To more accurately formulate an idea of ​​the situation at school, data on the child’s behavior for each past week is provided. Parents have access to only their child’s diary, and can also sign it using an electronic signature.

An electronic journal is created for each class separately, to which not only parents and students, but also all teachers, subject teachers, class teacher and director of the educational institution have access. In the electronic journal, teachers can do the following:

  • give grades for lessons and comment on them;
  • mark absenteeism by children;
  • submit homework;
  • make announcements to parents and students;
  • conduct correspondence with certain parents of the student.

For each subject, the average score and the number of absences are calculated, which allows you to quickly view the data of interest.

Who can apply for the service

Parents of students (legal representatives), students, proxies.
Important! Each student must have their own registration on the mos.ru portal to enter their personal electronic diary.

Documents required to receive the service

  • Request (statement)
  • Birth certificate of a minor student (if a parent applies for the service)
  • A document confirming the right of a legal representative who is not a parent (document issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities)
  • Identity document

Service cost

You can apply for access to the electronic diary by contacting the educational institution in person or through an official representative. The duration of the service is 15 minutes.

Important! The student’s electronic diary through State Services displays complete information about the student’s progress completely free of charge. You should not turn to other sites and pay money for it. Services on the school portal are provided without charging money, because an agreement is previously concluded with each parent defining the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

Terms of service provision

Constantly throughout the school year.

Terms of service provision

  • Service completion time: 3 working days. days
  • Period during which the application for the provision of services must be registered: 15 minutes.
  • Maximum waiting time in line when applying for services in person: 15 minutes.

How to log into an electronic diary through State Services

To log into the electronic diary, you need to go to the city services portal using the link and log in with your username and password.

Or on the State Services website itself

Next, you will see a form to create an account. You can request your login and password from your school's class teacher. It is enough to enter this data only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and save it in the Unified Personal Account. Then click on the green “Go to diary” button.

This video clearly shows how to access a student’s electronic diary:

Additional services

In addition to the services described above, the following opportunities can be obtained on the State Services portal:

  • report card. A table is created for each student, which is formed from the grades he received for the quarter. Absences and final grades for each period of study are also noted here. Recently, an additional function for calculating average scores was added, which allows high school students to focus on passing scores for universities. Here you can see which teacher gave a grade, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents and students. It became possible to track progress throughout the entire quarter;
  • progress chart. You can track your progress not only by grades, but also in graphical form. The graph makes it possible to vary comparisons across different criteria and categories;
  • lesson schedule not only for students, but also for teachers;
  • call schedule;
  • personal data of each registered user of the school portal;
  • chat communication within school.

Refusal to provide service

The reason for refusal to receive the electronic diary service may be an incorrectly completed application form. If you inaccurately indicated your first name, last name or patronymic, then you should fill out a new form again, because otherwise you will not be able to open the electronic diary on the State Services portal.

If a teacher comes to the department, he must provide the journal of the class to which he wants to access electronically. Only if this requirement is met will the teacher be able to open an electronic journal through State Services.

An applicant may be denied access to the Electronic Diary on the following grounds:

  1. the request was submitted by a person not related to the circle of applicants;
  2. the person about whom the applicant requests information about current academic performance and attendance is not a student of this educational organization;
  3. the documents submitted by the applicant do not meet the established requirements;
  4. the documents submitted by the applicant contain contradictory information;
  5. the applicant's statement about refusal to receive the service.

How can a parent log into the electronic diary?

1. Register on the mos.ru website by entering your credentials (login and password), mobile phone, email address, SNILS (if available).
2. Select the section “Services” - “Education” - “Secondary general” - “Electronic student diary”.
3. Log in to the “Electronic student diary”.
4. If you were unable to enter the diary, it is possible that your data in your personal account does not match the data available at the school. Contact your class teacher and provide current information.
5. After entering the correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

How can a student log into an electronic diary?

1. Register on mos.ru, indicating your full name, e-mail, mobile phone, SNILS (if available).
2. Select the service “Electronic student diary”.
3. The data in your personal account and the data in the school must match. If you are unable to enter the diary, you need to contact your class teacher and provide the current data.
4. After entering the correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

What do you need to enter the diary?

To access the electronic diary, you need to check in your Personal Account whether the required fields to gain access to the electronic diary are filled in: E-mail, mobile phone number and SNILS (if available). To enter the diary, go to the mos.ru portal and click the “Login” button. Enter your username and password. Read more about entering the diary in the instructions.

Contact your class teacher and provide him with the contact information indicated in your Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number).

What should I do if I receive the error “Unfortunately, there is not enough data to access the electronic diary”?

Contact your class teacher and provide him with the information specified in your Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number). If this error occurs in a child, then you need to transfer the data from the child’s Personal Account on mos.ru to the class teacher.

What should I do if I receive the error “The application cannot be submitted”?

To gain access to the diary, please fill in the missing information in your Personal Account: SNILS, phone number, email address (the parameter that needs to be filled in is displayed) and try to log in to the electronic diary again.

Grades in the diary

How do I find out what and when a grade was given?

When you hover your mouse over a cell with a grade in the diary, a tooltip is displayed that contains the name of the control form and the time it was issued.

What are the priorities for grades for different assignments when calculating the grade for the midterm assessment?

Points earned for testing or control work are of great importance.
Classwork grades and board responses are considered less important. The results of homework have little weight at all, since when completing them the child has the opportunity to use additional materials and outside help.

What is a point in a diary?

The dot means a debt to complete the work or the need for a retake. It can also serve as a reminder of work that is planned in the future. When marking a “dot,” the teacher independently sets the validity period, after which the dot either turns into a grade or disappears. At the end of the evaluation period, the point automatically turns into a grade, if it was marked, or disappears.

What is the dot next to the score?

Several grades can be given in the diary and next to them there can be a “dot” mark. When you hover your mouse over this mark, the name of the type of work for which it was assigned will be displayed - for example, an oral response. This means that the teacher noted the debt for the answer on the topic and indicates the intention to ask the student again or do the work again.

How is the midterm assessment graded?

Add up all homework grades and calculate your overall score. In the same way, calculate the average grade for class work. If the results of classwork and homework are the same, we can assume that this is an objective assessment of the student’s knowledge. If the score for classwork is higher or lower than for homework, it should be considered priority. Calculate and evaluate the overall result of the tests. If it coincides with the grade for homework and/or class work, it should be considered a quarter total. If test scores are higher or lower, test scores are given priority.

Diary functions

How to find out the child's stay schedule?

The “Stay Mode” directory includes: a bell schedule, a schedule of extracurricular activities, a schedule of children's associations (additional education), a physical activity schedule, a diet schedule, and a walking schedule.
In the list of specified activities, breaks and dynamic pauses are separately identified, intended for students to rest and move from office to office. The changes may additionally indicate the name of the meal break - breakfast or lunch.

How to control the weight of textbooks in a child’s briefcase?

In order to familiarize yourself with the contents of a student’s backpack for each day of the school week, you need to go to the “Diary” section through the “Diary” main menu item. To the right of the week’s name is the “Student’s Briefcase” icon and the weight of the content planned for each subject teacher’s lesson is indicated.

Using the special “Event Feed” service, parents and students have access to a general list of events planned in the Moscow education system. The block contains information such as the date of the event, a brief description, the location of the event, the type of event (competition, Olympiad, conference, seminar), and the academic subject with which the event is being held. You can also contact the organizers via chat or personal messaging service.

How to contact technical support if you have questions?

To contact the OEJD technical support service, click on the “Ask us” link in the lower left corner of the page. A request form will appear in front of you. Select the type of request from the drop-down list. Enter your email address, phone number, subject and message text in the appropriate fields and click the “Submit message” button. In the near future you will receive an email with the number and status of your request. After your issue is resolved, you will receive a notification about the change in the status of the request and a response text from technical support.

Child's attendance at lessons

How to create a notification about a child's absence from school?

Select the “Notice of Absence” section located in the “Diary” item of the main menu of the Electronic Diary. To add a period of absence for a child, you need to click on the date in the calendar and select the period of absence. The parent himself indicates the reason for the absence and, if necessary, can add a comment to the notification. After filling in all the required fields, do not forget to click on the “Create on selected range” button.

How can I get information about attendance at lessons and classes?

A parent can obtain information about attendance at lessons and classes through the “Notification of Absence” item in the “Diary” section of the main menu of the system. Also, non-attendance marks are displayed in the “Diary” section on the diary pages in the “Grades” column. If a student misses a class, the student will receive a “N” mark instead of a grade. When you hover over a date in the calendar, a window appears with detailed information about which lessons were missed.

Learning process

What is a training profile?

Direction (profile) of education - the orientation of the educational program towards specific areas of knowledge and (or) types of activity, which determines its subject-thematic content, the predominant types of educational activity of the student and the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program. Profile training is introduced from the 10th grade.

How to find out what profile a child is studying in?

You can find out the profile on which the training course is taking place by selecting the “Curriculum” section in the “Diary” tab. A new window will display information about the student's academic plans. When you select a curriculum, a description opens in which the name will be indicated in the “profile” section.

How do I view homework and independent work assignments?

Parents can view homework and assignments for independent work through the “Homework” item in the “Diary” section of the main menu of the system. Select a subject for which you need to familiarize yourself with homework and assignments for independent work. Next, you need to determine the period for which all homework will be displayed. If necessary, you can select mandatory and/or voluntary tasks to display.

How can I check when a self-study assignment was posted?

In the electronic diary, when you select the menu item “Diary” - “Homework”, a description of all assignments opens, indicating the time and date of the last revision.

Save it or you’ll forget: