Nick Carter is young. Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter accused of rape

How does the Ukrainian government evaluate the work of the joint monitoring group at gas facilities in Ukraine and Russia?
The joint activities of Europe and Ukraine, the results of the work of monitoring experts from Europe, Ukraine and Russia, testified to the groundlessness of Ukraine’s accusations of stopping gas supplies to Europe. No one has any doubts that it was Gazprom OJSC that on January 7, 2009, when the temperature in Ukraine and Europe dropped sharply, completely stopped the supply of gas through the last gas measuring station (GIS) Sudzha. Until 9.45 on this day, gas supplies by Gazprom through Ukraine in the direction of Romania, Poland, Slovakia and other European consumers, as well as Moldova, were stopped.

Why did Gazprom do this, what real goal did it pursue? I hope that the conclusion of the European Commission will provide an appropriate answer to this question. But it is already obvious that Ukrainian industry and ordinary consumers have been brought to the brink of survival. The technological operating mode of the gas transportation system (GTS) of Ukraine was critically disrupted, which created a real threat of a man-made disaster. There was also an undoubted attempt to significantly undermine the reputation of the Ukrainian state as the main transit country and partner of Europe.

European media are inclined to believe that the Kremlin used Gazprom as a political weapon in the confrontation with Ukraine. Do you think so too?

Analysis of Gazprom's actions in the period from January 1 to today by world experts indicates, at a minimum, the following: Gazprom has gone beyond the purely economic function and market, business principles. And, in fact, he created a situation where the corresponding commodity - gas - became a political instrument. This has caused deep concern not only among the political leadership of Europe and Ukraine, but also among all nations that, to a greater or lesser extent, monopoly depend on the stable, efficient and predictable activities of Gazprom.

At the same time, this has led to the fact that the very discussion about economic relations, the rights and obligations of the subjects of economic relations of Gazprom, Naftogaz and similar subjects of the European Union, unfortunately, has turned into a very sensitive part of global politics. Against this background, unfair and premature negative and critical assessments of the activities of the Ukrainian political leadership were given, which experts regard as undoubted interference in the political life of a sovereign country.

What responsibility does the Ukrainian government bear for what happened to gas supplies to Europe this winter?

Ukraine has not violated any of its obligations either to Gazprom or to European gas consumers, either as a buyer or as a responsible transiter.

As a buyer of gas for domestic consumption, Ukraine on December 30 (2008 - IF) transferred more than one and a half billion US dollars to RosUkrEnergo in one payment and repaid the material debt to it until December 31 (2008 - IF) inclusive. Why RosUkrEnergo? Because in fact there are no debts to Gazprom, since we receive exclusively Central Asian gas through RosUkrEnergo. I believe that the “splitting” of this payment, including into penalties and fines, and thus the formation by Gazprom of a new artificial debt for Ukraine, indicates an unwillingness to negotiate, as historical partners should do, but a desire to maintain the crisis of relations by any means with Gazprom dominating the accusations. Modern civilized market history no longer allows the use of such heavy PR that discriminates against the other side, as Gazprom did in relation to Ukraine. Actually, I think this is not just about Gazprom’s excessive information activity, but about a real information war.

Do you really think that these are information attacks, because Kyiv itself can also be blamed for many things...

We are talking about information expansion in relation to Ukrainians and Europeans. At the same time, manipulative and unvirtuous, where real facts were replaced by gross falsification, and sometimes outright deception. For example, the basis of this information attack on Europe and Ukraine was that Ukraine cut off and blocked gas supplies to Europe. When it turned out that Ukraine technically does not have the ability to do this, since technically it is possible to cut off supplies only on Russian territory, Gazprom said that they cut off gas to Ukraine because it was stealing it. It is clear that Gazprom did not cut off gas to Ukraine, but all large transit gas pipes from Russia through Belarus and Ukraine, which supplied Europe with gas, were blocked. During this period of time, Ukraine was forced to spend significant of its own resources in order to prevent the collapse of the Ukrainian gas transportation system. I would not like to think that this is exactly what the Russian side was counting on, since it has the technical characteristics of Ukrainian gas transportation systems.

We painstakingly checked the statement about possible unauthorized withdrawal of gas that was supplied to European consumers through the Ukrainian gas transportation system. Indeed, in the period from January 1 to January 10, 32.7 million cubic meters. m of gas were used to meet the technological needs of the GTS, to pump it from the eastern to the western borders. I just want to remind everyone that in accordance with national legislation, for such technological needs, only imported gas can be used, which Gazprom constantly takes into account when signing technical agreements on transit. But the question is different. It consists in the fact that monitoring of the gas balance is carried out not on a daily basis, but on a monthly basis, and technological fluctuations in the volume of gas in the gas transportation system are completely possible within a month, both in one direction and in the other. Such situations regularly arise in our electricity system united with Russia, but such accusations have never existed and cannot exist due to the fact that no one is trying to turn electricity into political material. Typically, such imbalances are adjusted before the end of the reporting month in various ways in order to obtain a zero balance at the monthly report.

I think that my position is absolutely clear to professionals and ordinary consumers: we acted in good faith and through our actions tried to prevent a collapse in Europe when it was at the peak of the January cold. I believe that the president acted ideally in this situation: he abandoned emotional reactions, for which there were obvious reasons, and any radical actions and tried as much as possible to get out of this conflict through negotiations with the leadership of Russia and the European Union. This precisely testifies to the reliability of the Ukrainian political leadership and its ability to resolve extremely complex issues in the conditions of a well-managed artificial crisis in order to ensure the prospect of normal, adequate and transparent relations, primarily with Russia and, of course, with the European Union. My point of view is shared by representatives of the European Union, who for the first time stated that Ukraine behaved with dignity in this situation. It is convincing that the EU has not made a single statement that Ukraine a priori is or could be an unreliable transit partner for the European Union.

What position will Ukraine take in resolving the gas conflict?

Ukraine, understanding the importance of the partnership with Gazprom, not only did not use its right to any adequate action or international judicial protection, it took on a significant part of the responsibility instead of Gazprom. Despite our own difficulties in providing national industry and citizens of Ukraine with gas, we made decisions to support our good neighbors Moldova and Bulgaria and began to allocate 2 million cubic meters from gas storage facilities every day. m of gas. It also emphasized our European unity and commonality.

How much has Ukraine suffered materially and technically from the cessation of gas transit?

The cessation of filling the Ukrainian gas transmission system with Russian gas led to a significant drop in pressure in it. To prevent, on the one hand, technological imbalance of the gas pipeline itself and, most importantly, to provide consumers in the east of Ukraine with gas, the Ukrainian Transgaz carried out a unique operation - it launched the operation of Ukrainian gas storage facilities and main gas pipelines in reverse (reverse) mode in order to prevent an obvious energy crisis Ukrainian metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, which could develop into a national tragedy. Every day, lifting more than 200 million cubic meters from storage facilities. m., adding almost 60 million (cubic meters - IF) of gas from current production, we managed to maintain the stable operation of the national economy. That is why now 6 Ukrainian metallurgical domains are working stably, and the export of Ukrainian metallurgy has also resumed, which gives us, among other things, a chance to stabilize the Ukrainian national currency.

In this regard, of course, we can talk about the unfriendly position of Gazprom, which transferred virtually all the burden on the negotiation process to the beginning of this year, when it brought the bulk of absolutely unfounded accusations against Ukraine into global information flows. But Ukraine is one of the world's largest consumers of Russian gas. And it is we who generate a significant part of the revenues of the Russian state budget and, thereby, invest in the development of the Russian Federation. Especially now, when Russia is suffering extremely serious losses from the global financial and economic crisis and the collapse in oil prices. Therefore, it seems to me that we need more pragmatic, less politicized negotiations with OAO Gazprom, assessing the development of prospects in mutual relations. Russia is doomed to be with Ukraine, just as Ukraine is doomed to be with Russia. It is important to understand that Ukraine, of course, lost a certain part of its reputation in this artificial, I declare - specially created conflict. But as an analysis of the world press shows, Russia has lost much more. I am convinced that this seriously harms our two countries for their progress, for uniting efforts to overcome the global financial and economic crisis, frightens investors, creates long-term mistrust and frightens us with the specter of a new Cold War. Now because of the gas valve.

On Monday, January 13, Gazprom finally released gas towards Europe... What further developments can we expect?

Thanks to the effective policy of Ukraine and the political leadership of Europe, the activities of monitoring experts, and the decision of the Ukrainian government to make any concessions to restore gas supplies to Europe, Gazprom decided to conduct an experiment to resume gas supplies to the Ukrainian gas transportation system to restore gas transit to Europe.

Our position is not to conduct an experiment, but to resume gas supplies to all GIS. That is, through Kobrin, Mozyr (Belarus), Sudzha Bolshaya and Malaya, Valuyki, Pisarevka, Sokhranovka and Platovo (Russia) in the direction of both the western borders (Drozdovichi, Uzhgorod, Beregovo, Tekovo), and in the direction of Moldova and GIS " Orlovka". This is necessary, firstly, for the uniform supply of gas to all European consumers without discrimination and restrictions and, secondly, for the technological resuscitation of the Ukrainian gas transportation system, that is, equalizing the internal pressure to a level of approximately 50-70 atmospheres and filling the entire gas transportation system with the required amount of gas, which will allow it to be evenly transferred to the western border with the connection of Ukrainian gas storage facilities. Thirdly, this is necessary to use the national gas resource to supply Ukrainian consumers, primarily industry. Moreover, the Russian side understands perfectly well that the Ukrainian gas transportation system operates in reverse mode to supply the eastern regions of Ukraine. Therefore, Gazprom’s experiment consisted of the following: to Ukrtransgaz at 0:58 a.m. On January 13, 2009, a fax message was received from Gazprom, which announced the resumption of gas supplies through the Sudzha GIS in the amount of 76.6 million cubic meters from 9.00 that day. m per day only for consumers of GIS "Orlovka" and Moldova. These volumes and directions were not previously agreed upon between the operators of two adjacent gas transportation systems. At the same time, since the GTS in this direction contains reverse gas from Ukrainian underground storage facilities, Ukraine really needs to stop gas supplies to consumers in the eastern regions of the country, which could lead to the collapse of the system-forming part of Ukraine’s industry. The most fair and expected way out of this situation by the Ukrainian side would be to replace Ukrainian gas with Russian gas, which was to be transmitted through the Russian GIS Pisarevka or Sokhranovka or Platovo. But the Russian side does not take this into account in its experiment. In addition, there is currently no technical agreement on the transit of this gas, and therefore the gas, having reached the Romny gas pumping station, now does not move further and we are seeking agreements with Gazprom and the EU on further steps to unblock Gazprom’s supplies gas not only in a particular direction, but throughout Europe, as provided for in the relevant contracts between Gazprom and the EU.

It seems to me that now there is the necessary awareness to stop Gazprom’s uncoordinated policy, which may look quite provocative against the backdrop of recent discussions on overcoming the gas crisis. I would not like to conclude that they are artificially trying to drag Ukraine into another round of conflict and are trying, once again, to discredit it before Brussels, understanding the sensitivity of this issue for Ukrainian European integration policy. Moreover, there are no explanations why Gazprom acts in this way, except for new statements that Gazprom has opened the gas valve to Europe.

So, based on such assessments, we can talk about the complete absence of any positive signals and a certain constancy of the conflict?

In this situation, I consider the intensification of dialogue between the President of Ukraine and the President and Prime Minister of Russia to be positive. This makes it possible to get out of the conflict and brings us closer to strategic mutual understanding and a new dialogue in relations both in gas and in other economic spheres that are extremely important for our country. Of course, in the mutual policy of the two not only good neighbors, but, most importantly, strategic partners. A strategic partnership is not just an interstate agreement, it is a mission where the two sides must initiate friendly policies aimed at supporting each other.

Russia is the world center of influence, which owns a controlling stake in the energy sector, and it is she, Russia, who must demonstrate the ability not only to prevent crisis relations with its neighbors, assessing fairly and historically correctly the global changes that have occurred, but also demonstrate diplomacy of mutual understanding and a willingness to respect not only in words, but also in deeds, modern international law. It is precisely this strategic line of Russia that gives us a serious chance to effectively overcome not only the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis, but also to abandon the use of force as a way to resolve issues of global dominance. There is a great danger for all of us that we can become defenseless against a new type of weapon - energy, which is capable of blowing up the foundations of the modern world order and destabilizing not only the market of world energy resources, but also political stability, which is the basis of constant modern development.

It is obvious that in these conditions the European Energy Charter alone is not enough to overcome the rather severe energy crisis and overcome the policy of energy expansion. I am sure that the time has come to start a discussion at the UN level in order to find new universally binding regulatory instruments to prevent the policy of energy expansion in the world and the use of energy resources as a force in international law. Of course, this discussion should end with the adoption of a corresponding universal document in the form of a declaration ratified by all UN member countries.

Does Ukraine currently have reliable international legal instruments to adequately pursue its energy policy with Russia on equal terms?

The need for the Ukrainian government to pursue a more active, pragmatic policy is obvious. I am sure that it is necessary to restore a large-scale intergovernmental dialogue between Kiev and Moscow. There are all the prerequisites for this: on the one hand, there is a crisis in the energy sector between our countries, on the other hand, there is a negotiation process between the presidents of the countries and the president of Ukraine and the prime minister of Russia.

Russia is a fundamentally important partner for Ukraine. Everything must be done to ensure that it becomes a fundamentally important investor. It is clear that in this direction we need to reach a new not only pragmatic, but also political level of dialogue. It is he who must create the quality of trust and predictability that will allow us to avoid the next, perhaps already planned, but not yet realized conflicts that harm the interests of both nations.

In modern conditions, it is no longer possible to achieve unilateral geopolitical advantages. Ukraine is a sovereign state that already has its own history and which belongs to the elections and its people. Just like Russia. We must mutually respect this historical right.

At the same time, I appeal to Ukrainian politicians and experts not to politicize Russian-Ukrainian relations. Do not use them to weaken national interests and thereby increase your political rating.

It is very important to have a positive position in this regard of the European Union, which is currently acting as a mediator in this conflict between Ukraine and Russia. We need his partnership and there is every reason for this. Ukraine has demonstrated its ability to fulfill its transit obligations to Europe and defend its interests in this matter. Defend her interests as a priority. President Yushchenko said that Ukraine is ready for the Ukrainian gas transportation system, the privatization and lease of which is prohibited by national legislation, to become part of the European gas system. This provides ample opportunities for creating a geopolitical gas project to use the capabilities of the Ukrainian gas transport corridor, which is the most efficient and economically profitable. If we manage to find a joint tripartite consensus on this problem, then speculation around bypass artificial gas pipelines with the common goal of throwing Ukraine out of European transit will naturally be removed from the agenda.

Nick Carter Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth35 million
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsKaotic Inc.
Highest Grossing MoviesThis Is the End, Edward Scissorhands & Arthur: It's Only Rock "n" Roll
ColleaguesSheryl Crow & Janelle Monae


  • Florida house ($1.2 million) (Swimming Pool Home Office Gaming Room Sports Room)


MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Nick Carter: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Nick Carter with sexy, Wife Lauren Kitt
Who is Nick Carter dating in 2019?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2013)
Current Wife of Nick CarterLauren Kitt
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesChristina Uhrenholt
Has any kids?No
Will the marriage of American actor & musician Nick Carter and current Wife, Lauren Kitt survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

    Robert Gene Carter (Father)Jane Elizabeth Carter (Mother) Aaron Carter (Brother)Virginia Carter (Sister)Angel Carter (Sister)Bobbie Jean Carter (Sister)Taelyn Dobson (Sister)Kaden Brent Carter (Brother)Leslie Carter (Sister)


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This handsome actor & musician originating from Jamestown, NY, USA has a thin body & square face type.

Hair colorRegular blonde
Hair typeStraight
Hair Lengthshort hair
Distinct featurehair color
Skin Tone/ComplexionType I: Light skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye colorBlue
Does Nick Carter smoke?Yes, on occasion

Singer and actress Melissa Schumann decided to address the public. The 33-year-old artist made accusations against former Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter. A woman claims that a member of a popular boy band raped her 15 years ago. At the time, Schumann was 18, and her abuser was 22. According to Melissa, she was afraid to enter into a confrontation with Carter, since he “has the strongest lawyer in the country.” Melissa was told this by her manager Nils Larsen.

"He was right. I had no money, connections, or access to a lawyer strong enough to fight my abuser's lawyer. I was told that I was more likely to be humiliated, accused of being famous, and that my professional reputation would suffer. “I focused on building a career, while at the same time thinking about how his action would not affect my life and future,” the singer wrote on her blog.

The first time Melissa talked to Nick was on the phone. Then the performer seemed very pleasant and friendly to her. Representatives from Schumann's label told her that Carter was in a romantic mood.

A few years later, the singer starred with the Backstreet Boys lead singer in the same film. At that time, Melissa was not in a relationship, and Nick seemed to her to be a very pleasant young man. Carter invited Schumann to his home in Santa Monica for a party. She decided to agree and invited her friend with her.

At some point, Nick suggested that Melissa retire to her office. The young people began to kiss. When Carter, according to the woman, decided to go further, she refused him.

“He didn't listen or care. He said, “Don't worry. I will not tell anyone". I was afraid and felt like I was trapped. He seemed very angry and as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere. I couldn't leave. He was stronger and older than me. (...) Then we moved to the bedroom. It was very late. He threw me on the bed and climbed on top. I told him that I was a virgin and was saving myself for my future husband. I had to repeat this several times. He whispered in my ear: “I could be your husband.” He was adamant and refused to listen to me,” Melissa said.

After that night, Carter called Schumann several times, but she did not contact him. Melissa later tried to negotiate a collaboration with Nick's music manager. However, he said that he was not interested in working with the girl. Schumann decided to end her singing career. “I felt tired and overwhelmed. I was in shock,” she recalls.

According to Schumann, she decided to break her silence and speak publicly about her traumatic experience after seeing the confession of a fan who was raped by Carter. Social network users accused the artist’s fan of lying.

“Victim-blaming is the main reason why many choose to remain silent. (...) But tell me, who the hell wants to become famous amid a rape scandal? I never wanted this and had no intention of telling my story. I wanted to lock her in my mind so that my memories would begin to fade over time,” Melissa noted.

November 23, 2018, 09:48

Nick Carter was the only child in the family who made great strides in the musical field. The youngest member of the famous boy band Backstreet boys, he was only 13 years old when he began performing with his four bandmates. Nick's musical career brought him mass popularity and eventually led to a successful solo career.
Nick Carter in his youth

Nick is the oldest child in the family of Bob and Jane Carter. In total, the Carters have 5 children, many of them also tried their hand at a musical career.

His younger brother Aaron became a pop and hip-hop star in the late '90s, aided by his older brother's strong presence on the scene.
Aaron Carter in 1998

Although the Carter children were very talented, as time went on, details began to emerge about their troubled childhoods and personal demons. Three of the Carters' five children had serious drug problems.

One of the sisters, 25-year-old Leslie, tragically died of a drug overdose in 2012. She aspired to become a popular pop singer. In 2006, Leslie created a pop group called The Other Half. In 2008, she married Mike Ashton, who worked as an actor and sound engineer. The couple moved to Toronto, where they had a daughter. Unfortunately, it was around this time that Leslie began having problems with the substances she turned to for help.
Aaron and Leslie Carter

Nick was unable to attend his sister's funeral due to tour. In a 2013 interview, he admitted that the family partly blamed him for Leslie's death and that he himself felt guilty as her older brother, thinking he could have done more to help her.

“The rest of the family started blaming me, they blamed me for the death. I felt it was unfair, especially after what I had done and continue to do for them."

In the mid-2000s, Nick's image as the nice boy next door was tarnished after two arrests. The first arrest happened when he got into a fight with an unknown woman in a night bar, the second - for drunk driving.

He said that he lost his virginity to a future criminal. This is Debra LaFave, who at age 23 will be arrested for having sex with a 14-year-old student. According to Nick, he met her in church when he was 14 or 15 years old and was completely captivated by her. However, the relationship ended when LaFave cheated on him.
Debra LaFave

At the same age, he began drinking and using marijuana before moving on to cocaine, ecstasy and Vicodin. Nick drank a bottle of vodka with cocaine and ecstasy every night. From 2003 to 2004, he dated Paris Hilton, who, according to him, “was the worst person he could ever get involved with. She stimulated only the most negative impulses in him.” Nick reportedly cheated on Paris with Ashlee Simpson.

In 2004, there were persistent rumors that he had beaten his ex-girlfriend. The allegations began when photographers noticed bruises on Hilton's body a week after she and Carter split. Paris did not comment on these rumors. And Nick denied the accusations: I'll tell you one thing: I didn't touch her. I'm not that kind of guy. I would never do this.

In 2008, while performing, Carter felt mild chest pain. He was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Nick focused on his health, lost weight and tried not to return to bad habits.

American singer and actress Melissa Schumann accused Carter of rape in November 2017. According to the artist, the incident occurred when she was 18 years old. She starred with Carter in a TV movie. Carter denied the accusations, claiming that their intimacy was consensual. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office rejected Melissa's plea. The statute of limitations for such cases is 10 years; it expired back in 2013.

Kaya Jones has claimed that her ex-boyfriend Nick Carter knew about the abuse (prostitution) she suffered while a member of the Pussycat Dolls and "did nothing." After Melissa's story, she wrote a series of messages on Twitter.

Lauren Kitt, who is a personal trainer, married Nick in 2014 in a ceremony that included few of Nick's family members. In fact, his mother never accepted Lauren.

Nick's father was a dominant personality, and both of his parents were heavy drinkers who fought constantly. Nick's family called him a "cash cow." He himself said many times that he felt that his parents were using him for money. They only called him when they needed something. They eventually divorced in 2003.
Bob and Jane Carter

Jane Carter was more concerned about the careers of her talented sons. Aaron will later say: I just want her to love me, you know? I just want her to be my mom. Am I asking too much?

Later the mother will say: All the material things in the world are unimportant compared to the amount of time you can spend on your children.

In 2003, Aaron Carter alleged that his mother Jane stole more than $100,000 from his bank account without permission. In 2004, Jane Carter was arrested. She was accused of breaking into the home and attacking her ex-husband's new wife, Ginger Elrod, while the couple slept in bed. Bob Carter married Ginger Elrod just a few months after his divorce from Jane. Then, in 2008, her ex-husband alleged that she had caused extensive damage to the home they shared while married. Jane refused to pay and was arrested again.

Bob Carter died of a heart attack at the age of 65.

Aaron's psyche was shaken by his parents' divorce. He, like his brother, used drugs: At a very early age I was introduced to a lot of different things...
Aaron Carter, then and now

Aaron was arrested several times. He also received treatment at a rehabilitation center, most recently in January of this year. Aaron came out as bisexual. At one time he dated Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff, but at the age of 17 he had experience with a man.

Due to chronic illnesses, Aaron lost a lot of weight. He even admitted that sometimes he has trouble looking in the mirror. Aaron had procedures done to “fill out his face.” He continues to make music.

Nick and Aaron still have a tense relationship. On reality TV Carter House They got into a fight in 2006.

The eldest of the sisters, Bobbie Jean Carter, was arrested twice for drunk driving. She was previously recognized as one of the top ten models in New York by a renowned fashion magazine.

Aaron has a twin sister, Angel. She is his complete opposite, because she is not involved in any scandals. Angel is a model and enjoys music and travel. She got married in 2014.

Nick missed his sister's wedding and instead celebrated his own bachelor party in Las Vegas. Angel was not offended, but wished her brother all the best.

Nicholas Carter is a musician and American singer. Lead singer of the Backstreet Boys. Released 2 solo albums. He played the main role in the film Return to Sleepy Hollow. Director of the short film "Pendant".


Nicholas was born in January 1980, in the USA, New York state. A large family, Nick has 3 sisters and a brother, moved to Florida. Carter's parents ran a bar and a nursing home. We were engaged in business, but managed to devote a lot of time to our children. Nicholas loved his sisters and rejoiced at the appearance of his only brother. Helped parents raise their children. He remembers rocking his sister in the hammock so hard that she felt dizzy.

Nick realized early on that he was in love with music. I studied in a regular school for only 4 years. There he also managed to play a role in the play “Phantom of the Opera” for the school theater. His hero sang on stage. The little actor received a standing ovation from the audience and became popular in the city and school. After the premiere of the play, there were offers to be the hero of commercials.

As a teenager, he took part in various castings and starred in commercials. I switched to homeschooling in order to have time to pursue a career. At the age of 10 he starred in the film Edward Scissorhands. The role was episodic.

In 1992, he was selected for the group “Backstreet Boys”. Together with E. McLean, H. Dorough was the first member of the disco group.

Music career

The Backstreet Boys group became very popular in the USA and Europe in the early 90s. By the end of the second millennium, even those who had never been interested in music knew them. The youth pop group was included in the Guinness Book of Records. They made a lot of money from selling albums and performing.

Since 2000, Nick has been one of the owners of N-Control Management. Helps the Break Out band organize tours and arrange concerts.

In 2002, Carter released his first solo album, Now or Never. It turned gold. About 70 thousand discs were sold. the style of the works was very different from the songs of the Backstreet Boys, close to rock.

The album's release is followed by Nick's solo tour. Carter's songs are top of the charts. Used in the TV show House of Carters.

In 2005, Nick recorded the song “Say Goodbye” for a new album. He worked on it with Tommy Lee.

In 2009 he sang a duet with Jennifer Page. They performed the song “Beautiful lie”, which took 19th place in the German charts.

In 2011, Nicholas released a new solo album, “I’m Taking Off.” Nick spent 8 years creating it. Releases the disc for sale in the USA, Japan, and Germany. The Japanese appreciated Carter's musical works. His album is in 8th place in their chart. About 20 thousand copies were sold.

While engaged in his own creativity, Nick does not forget about the group. He leaves its composition for only 2 years (2002-2004). Still a member of the Backstreet Boys. An album was recorded to mark the anniversary of their joint creative activity. The Backstreet Boys turned 20 in 2012.

Nick Carter and cinema

Nicholas has starred in several horror films. In “Return to Sleepy Hollow” he received the main role, in “Island of Monsters” - an episodic role.

Accepted an offer from the US Independent Cinema to become one of the main characters in the film "The Fast and the Furious". It was released in 2010.

Nick also took on the role of director of the short film “The Pendant” (Russian: “Pendant”).


Nicholas Carter is concerned about the state of nature. He is especially concerned about the oceans. He spends a lot of time and energy on companies to save the world's oceans. He was involved in the implementation of the UN program to save the environment and protect coral reefs.

In 2007, he received a responsible post - ambassador of the International Year of the Dolphin.

Selected filmography

  • 1990 Decision
  • 1990 Edward Scissorhands
  • 1998 Sabrina the Teenage Witch
  • 2002 Arthur
  • 2002 American Dreams
  • 2003 8 simple rules for being a friend to my teenage daughter
  • 2006 House of Carters
  • 2004 Return to Sleepy Hollow
  • 2004 Monster Island
  • 2010 Fast and Furious
  • 2010 Pendant
  • 2012 90210: New generation

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