How to make money on the difference of cryptocurrency courses. Cryptocurrency how to earn a step by step instruction

Racing digital currency courses allow you to make money on their exchange, without selling them directly on the stock exchange. Online exchange currencies today are very popular. However, trying to make a profit on the exchange, you should be very careful, because fraudulent schemes flourish on the Internet. As you can earn a cryptocurrency on the exchanger and not to get caught on the fishing adventurists, it is described below.

What is a cryptodeneg exchanger

This is a special resource on the Internet, the main purpose of which is the exchange of cryptographic coins on fiat and in the opposite direction. You can also exchange one crypt for another crypt.

Exchangers, as a rule, are 2 species:

  • Online. On the services of this type of exchange operation, the means are carried out in the online mode.
  • Offline. Periodically, you can exchange cryptocurrency for fiants. On the site, the user leaves the appropriate application. Then he goes to the physical office and takes the necessary currency. Such services are relatively small. The first type of exchangers is more in demand today.

Where to get cryptomones

To implement cryptocurrency operations, you need to create appropriate wallets, for example, for BTC and ETH. You can get digital coins for free (more precisely, without attaching personal funds) and paid.

Free methods

  • Clicks on special online services. You can get up to 0.40 $ per hour.
  • The use of bitcoin cranes. Middle rates 0.05-0.08 $ per hour.
  • Work on some Freelance Exchanges. For the completion of a simple task, about 0.00000340BTC is paid.
  • Writing articles on the topic of cryptocurrencies. Some time ago, Bitcointalk offered for writing posts more than $ 2.5 per hour.
  • Content development for thematic blogs or news feeds. The sum of remuneration depends on the skill of the rammer and can reach $ 5 for 1000 characters.
  • Provision of services of various kinds. We are talking about programming, design, layout, translations, technical support etc.
  • Participation in Bounty-campaigns.
  • Mining on your computer.
  • Some computer games.
  • Reference links.
  • Answers on questions.

Paid ways

  • The work of the Eskrow agent, which includes arbitration of operations with cryptocurrent. The income level can be very different.
  • Participation in gambling. Very risky enterprise.
  • Trading. Requires certain knowledge and experience.
  • Resources for investing in Bitcoin. In most of these fraudulent services.
  • Cloud mining.
  • Digital coins in debt. The method of increased risk does not fit beginners. The interest rate and creditor requests affects the profit.
  • Exchange of fiats on cryptomones in exchanger.

Getting cryptocurrency through exchanges

Since free to get the normal amounts of cryptographic coins is almost unrealistic, then then we will look at one of the most effective paid ways - Using online exchanger.

  1. Choose an exchanger on the Bestchange service that offers the most profitable exchange rate RUR → BTC.
  2. Specify payment System, Which wallet you have rubles, and select the cryptocurrency you want to get.
  3. Dozens of exchangers are demonstrated in the system. The first place is the resource with the most favorable course. The less profitable course, the lower the exchangers are placed.
  4. Click on the desired exchanger, specify a cryptographic wallet, a card number or wallet in the electronic payment system.
  5. Wait for the list of the desired amount of cryptocurrency.

Is it possible to make money on the exchange of bitcoins on kiwi?

How real is the earnings on the exchange of BTC on QIWI? Immediately it should be noted that you should not expect some big income. All promises in this case are simple fraud. If this way could really earn a lot of money, no one would have shared voluntarily in earnings.

And even numerous reviews of the obtained fabulous amounts that regularly publish on sites or forums should not be misleading you. As a rule, copywriters to order are written.

On such schemes, only their developers earn. They create a spectacular Landing page, where they paint colorfully, how to exchange QIWI RUB on BTC and get huge money. Often, users offer:

  1. Make a wallet on QIWI Russian rubles.
  2. Exchange QIWI (RUR), for example, on Perfect Money USD.
  3. Exchange received USD on Bitcoin.
  4. The obtained BTC is exchanged on QIWI rubles.
  5. Print profit on the bank card.

This scheme initially can inspire confidence, because at the first stages of the exchange, exchangers are used with a good reputation (up to the third stage inclusive). However, at the stage of the 4th stage, fraudulent Internet service is already applied, the owners of which set themselves the goal to attach the money of the unlucky user who seeks to find out how to make money on the cryptocurrency exchange.

The user, for example, comes across the network advertising such a resource, he moves to it and reads that as a result of several exchange operations, it can get up to 30% of the profits from several thousand rubles in 10 minutes.

The user passes all stages of exchange. At first, he certifies that money is received on his wallets, and continues to follow the fraudulent algorithm. However, he is deprived of his money in the final.

As a result, fraudsters do not pay the funds with a trusting user and receive referral remuneration immediately with several exchanger authority, as well as at least 2,000 rubles in digital currency.

Top 5 exchangers for earnings

Name RequireiTE Depositgo Reserve Customer recommendations
Top-Exchange.1 Ethereum.14 435.4158 RUB.6.72 176
365Cash1 Ethereum.14 435.4159 RUB.37.30 4155
NETEX24.1 Ethereum.14 435.4159 RUB.25.65 8335
Flashobmen.1 Ethereum.14 435.4159 RUB.4.11 44
Tierraplay.1 Ethereum.14 450.7002 RUB.0.18 347

You should choose an exchanger, first of all, according to other customer reviews, and only after that at the rate.

Earnings on exchanger

There are several types of earnings on the exchange of digital currencies.

  1. Cryptovaly arbitration. The user finds an exchanger with the most profitable course, acquires cryptomones, and then sells them in another exchanger.
  2. Exchange services on their exchanger. The user creates its exchanger for exchanging cryptographic and fate money for customer unfavorable for customers.
  3. Exchange of fiats on cryptocurrency. The user stores digital means. Some time after the growth of their courses, he exchanges them back into fate currencies.
  4. Affiliate program. The user attracts to the exchanger of customers who go to the site by its referral link, and receives a certain remuneration from each exchange transaction.

Trade exchanges with currency are always conjugate with risk. The risk of loss of cryptocurrencies is real and, unfortunately, never disappear. Before you entrust your funds to the exchanger, check the reviews about it, published on Bestchange.

Start exchange operations with small amounts that you will not mind will lose. Use several exchangers with a good reputation to diversify risks. Constantly follow the quotes cryptocurrency. Get the most low prices, but sell - at the highest.

We, in Orderflowtrading, do not like gambling, so We predict the probability:

Much coincided? Then this article is for you. It is devoted tohow to make a cryptocurrency.We have prepared this overview of how to make cryptocurrency in order to make more coins in your digital wallet.

But is this topic relevant after "Crypto-boom" in December 2017 - early 2018?

Ready to take the risk to assume that yes. The blockchain technology is developing, and the use of cryptocurrency as a method for payment of goods and services in the digital globalization era will be in demand in the long run. At the time of writing this article (autumn 2018) in a number of countries (such as Russia, Switzerland, Italy), "dollar" loses "Bitcoin" in frequency of requests. In Latin American countries, Bitcoin is already superior to the dollar (as evidenced by Google Trends)

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group and another 400 companies, confident in the future cryptocurrency:

"I invested in Bitcoin, because I believe in his potential. His ability to change the world of payments inspires. "

Lionel Messi, Mike Tyson, Ashton Kutcher, Paris Hilton and other celebrities were in the cryptocurrency.

So how can I make earnings of bitcoins?

Cryptocurrency - digital money. Some methods are similar to the earnings of ordinary (fate) money. Some are specific. But you will not find a quick and easy way to earn a lot of cryptocurrency, because money is not easy. That they are money.

10 ways to make a cryptocurrency

Consider the most popular ways to earn cryptocurrency.

1. Buy mining farm.

The Mining Farm is a mining device (mining - mining of minerals) cryptocurrency.

The price of simple mining Farm begins from several hundred dollars. And the cost of the most expensive tends to infinity. For example, It takes 8 buildings, consists of 25 thousand processors, which are performed under powerful cooling 24 hours a day. In one day, this farm consumes electricity by 39 thousand dollars.

Is it possible to relax bitcoins at home? I guess, yes. According to approximate calculations, a customized ASIC farm worth $ 300 will produce cryptocurrency for $ 1 per day. In conditions of sharp jumps of the cost of cryptocurrency, the payback period of the farm can range from 6 months to 2-3 years, on average, as lucky. Is it worth installing a noisy box at home, which requires uninterrupted Internet and a lot of electricity - everyone will take a solution for himself.

2. Cloud mining.

If you do not want to turn one of the rooms of your home into the server, this method is suitable. Cloud mining cryptocurrency implies that you rent a large farm computing power, which is physically somewhere very far. Such services are available on the sites of,,,

What how much? To estimate whether the heater is worth it, there are calculators to calculate the profitability of mining, here are some of them:


Count. On Genesis Mining you can buy a contract for mining Bitcoin for 5 years. Under the terms of the contract you get a 1t / s hash. With this power, you can count on receiving 0.23 milli-bitkins per day (including maintenance fees) or $ 1.5 per day. That is, it is approximately a contract pays off in 190 days, and further (5 years minus 190 days) will receive a net profit on your wallet. This if the mining service does not close, because cases of fraud in this market happened (as it was with Hashocean and Bitcoin Cloud Services).

3. Blogging.

The STEEMIT Blog Platform encourages the activity of its participants by paying for a remuneration in the form of tokens. Thus, it is possible to earn cryptocurrency with articles on your STEEMIT blog. Or just comment on other people's publications. As you understand, a lot of cryptocurrencies do not "cut down" in this way.

4. Faucet sites.

5. AirDrops.

Translated from English as "landing". Such landing occurs when a new cryptocurrency is introduced, and the developers team draws attention to an event, distributing new coins to the community. Usually it is required to perform some simple action - install software, open a wallet. To be aware of events in the world of AirDrop, come in more often on,

6. Bounty campaigns.

7. MicroTski.

8. Fitness.

Perhaps the most unusual way to earn cryptocurrency. The site is SWEATCO.IN distribute coins in exchange for the number of steps covered. Go more - more coins. Unfortunately (maybe, fortunately?), The service is not available in all countries.

9. Freilance.

10. Earnings on the cryptocurrency exchange.

Trade on the stock exchange as a way of earning cryptocurrency

To buy cryptocurrency, you can use online exchanger. However, the course in such services is often unprofitable. The best course provide cryptocurrency exchanges. They can exchange ETH broadcast on BTC Bitcoin, or buy Lightcoin LTC for USD dollars.

This type of exchange is very new. Most cryptocurrency exchanges have an age of 2-3 years. But the crypto-sphere is rapidly developing, and the volumes of trading on exchanges in dollar equivalent are calculated hundreds of millions, and Bitmex trading volume has already stepped over 1 billion ( data)

For comparison, trading volume with shares on the world's largest New York Stock Exchange, founded in the distant 1792, is about 70 billion dollars a day (according to September 2018,

The main advantage of cryptocurrency exchanges - they allow the use of cryptocurrency volatility to obtain speculative profits. Around the clock. Seven days a week.

And although the current amplitudes of prices for Koins are not comparable to the end of 2017, however, the difference between High and Low is up to 10% in a regular trading day. Why miss this opportunity?

The choice of a cryptocurrency exchange, taking into account their many and variety, the theme of individual several articles, so briefly outpass the features of several main platforms.

Exchange Exchange Cryptovaya

Bitmex is a leader in volume among cryptocurrency exchanges.

  • the feature is that trade is conducted on the XBTUSD futures. This is a derivative on the basic asset, which is the price of Bitcoin.
  • high liquidity
  • exchange offers traders a powerful leverage service 1: 100
  • in view of a large number of participants, orders are performed with a significant delay in the moments of a surge of volatility.
  • russified interface
  • minimum replenishment amount - 0.0001 Bitcoin
  • complete calculation system


  • you can not open short positions
  • offers 2 types of interface - simple and advanced
  • support for Russian language in the interface, however, the support in Russian practically does not speak
  • no opportunity to trade with shoulder
  • there is a software for Windows, iOS
  • exchange does not work with fiat money (usual dollars, euro)


  • exchange accepts fate money (dollars, euros), but for this you need to pass an account verification. It will be necessary to send documents and wait for an answer.
  • the minimum amount of account replenishment is equivalent to 10 thousand dollars. This restriction was introduced by the stock exchange to provide quality service to its customers. For those who are inspired by a deposit of 10k - there is a younger brother - Ethfinex.
  • pleasant thoughtful web interface
  • commissions above average
  • shoulder 3.3 to 1
  • there is an opportunity to open a FUND account and give your koine traders in debt for remuneration. It turns out that we put the coins at percent.


  • exchange with roots in the USA
  • does not have a Russian-speaking interface
  • commissions below average
  • pleasant interface

In general, making money on the Exchange Cryptovalyut really and safely. All stockies support most popular coins, care about the safety of their customers and update the protection systems from hacker attacks.

But there is a couple of nuances in terms of usability, because of which the earnings of cryptocurrencies on the stock exchange causes difficulties:

  • inconvenience in active trade. We are talking about complicated procedures for sending applications (on the market, limits, stops)
  • visualization of information about the progress of exchange trading (primitive graphics with poor customization, data of glasses, ribbons and much more)

This platform for analyzing the market and the implementation of trading operations is designed just to work in the cryptocurrency industry. Atas Crypto has built-in connectors through which it connects to such stocks as:

The list of connector is constantly updated.

Ensure that no interface of any cryptocurrency exchange provides such a functionality as ATAS-Crypto.

Here is just one small utility from Arsenal Atas-Crypto - automation of applications. To demonstrate its practicality, make an experiment. Let's open Long and protect it stop-loss in two ways:

  1. via Bitmex cryptocurrency interface
  2. through atas.

Method 1. Bitmex deal. The picture presents a standard form of sending an application on the Bitmex Exchange.

To open Long (we will use a limit order) and protect it stop-loss, it is necessary:

Obviously, in the whole routine procedure, not only appears space for typos and unwanted accidents, but also increases the risk. The danger lies in a pause between sending a limit order and sending a protective stop. If during this pause the price will move quickly against you, your limit application will work, but the protective stop will not be. It is not yet installed. And which one in this case will be a loss - here it is already lucky. And lucky in the financial market is not often.

2 way. Transaction through the ATAS platform. To open Long and protect him stop-loss, just one click! True, for this you need to pre-make a couple of simple settings:

  1. Set up a protective strategy by activating the automatic setting of stop loss. ( detailed instructions - Link to the knowledge base)
  2. Allow trading from the graph to one click. (Detailed instructions - reference to the knowledge base)
ATAS allows you to see all the trend phases - from the origin to climax. But if the trader (intentionally or by ignorant) opens and keeps a position against the main trend - the probability of liquidation of its deposit is approaching 100%.

Internet full of sadstories of enthusiasts who invested dozens and hundreds of thousands of dollars from their savings in cryptocurrency. But failed. Reason - they traded against the trend.

At its peak in the winter of 2017-2018, the schedule has repeatedly served signals about the bear moods on the market, but blind hope for rapid enrichment led these people to a broken trough.

What do signals look like that the trend has changed with bullish on bearish? Let's analyze the price schedule for Bitcoin with ATAS

On the daily chart, in addition to the volume indicators, the DELTA indicator is presented (the difference between shopping and sales). Let's study attentively 2 days (they are highlighted in blue verticals):

  1. July 24th. Significant splash of purchases on the background of price growth. This situation is characteristic of mass euphoria. The market fill FOMO Buyers (FOMO \u003d Fear of Missing Out, fear of missing the moment). They think that by breaking through the price level of 8 thousand, the cost takes off to the moon. However, if this day contains genuine power, why the price goes down in the next 2 days, and does not continue the takeoff? And who sold bitcoins to the mass buyer? Probably, these are professionals who know the honest value of coins and its closest perspective.

July 31 confirms this thesis. The price falls below the minimum on July 24. Delta shows the power of the professional seller, which completed the process of increasing Short, brought support from the market and pushed the price down, shuting in the trap of emotional buyers. Few of the beginners have the will to take losses and close with a loss. Most would prefer to hope for restoration and keep a position against the trend right up to compulsory liquidation.

A similar basic scenario of a trend reversal in various variations is manifested almost on every significant top of the market. The ability to recognize it, reject the rumors and forecasts of experts in the mainstream media, the ability to act according to their own analysis based on the facts collected from the schedule is the qualities inherent in professional traders earning in cryptocurrency exchanges. And ATAS-Crypto are their faithful and reliable assistant.

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Recently, it is very often a question of how to make money on the difference of bitcoins. In this regard, we have prepared a full-fledged article on this topic in which we will try to give a detailed answer to this question.

How we all know now there is quite enough a large number of The stock exchange, where it is possible for real money, for example, for rubles or dollars to buy bitcoins at the rate of this exchange or vice versa.

If we break a little bit in the past, we can see such interesting feature. Previously, such stockies had a rather substantial difference in the course for example, the same BTC / USD, but on all they had one single limitation, bought currency, or on the contrary, Bitcoin could be sold or exchanged again only on the same stock exchange. That is, it was impossible to buy Bitcoin on one stock exchange, where they were cheaper, and then sell them on the second exchange where they were more expensive, that is, get their benefits from the rate difference. But at the same time, it was possible to successfully spend bitcoins on purchases in online stores where for example the course could vary, at the expense of making profitable purchases with significant savings, earning on the difference.

So it was quite recently, what now? How to make money on the difference between bitcoins now in 2018?

Currently you can buy, sell bitcoins absolutely on any stock, there are no restrictions. However, a new snag appeared, on all these exchanges, purchase / sales courses became actually equal. You can easily start buying a currency for bitcoins on the same stock, then sell it to another, but the problem is that the difference is aware of modern stock exchanges so insignificant that the whole of your income will absorb the Commission for the transaction. The result you will get a penny difference, spending time and effort.

In addition, all modern stock exchanges currently need to complete the full verification of the personality, that is, to confirm its real passport data. But it does not apply to cryptocurrency, so it does not prevent you significantly.

Over the past two years, everything has changed dramatically, but we can say that even for the better. Those who have long been working with cryptocarlywood remember history with the MtGox exchange, and this is the largest bitcoins exchange, which was forced to close at the moment when Bitcoin's courses were jumping up, then down and there was no entirely connection with the course of this exchange with By a course of any other Internet playground. Then Bitcoin was not at all looked like real money - in view of various courses. The course could fall on, then rising sharply up and no one could adequately coordinate its cost at all platform. Now we see actually equal value of Bitcoin, in addition to the same USD on the 4 largest global exchanges.


So what is your answer, how to earn in the difference in Cryptovaluta Bitcoin courses, but the question arises whether there is no meaning in this? We believe there, if you operate very big sides in Bitcoins. After all, what will be higher than your transaction amount, the higher the amount obtained on the difference in bitcoins courses. On this and continue to live and earn many speculators cryptocurrencies, but it is important to say that these are all major speculators.

On this we finish our article on how to make money on the difference of bitcoins and very much hope that we were able to give more than an obvious and very important answer to such a matter of interest. And we recommend you think that you would start the Major Bitcoin Cash and our article about Tom should help you!

Choosing a way to make a cryptocurrency course on the difference in courses, you can consider two options: trust management and completely independent trade. The first option provides for the transfer of funds to make trade transactions by a third party, which significantly simplifies the process. It may be:

  • Manager - Independent professional trader. As a rule, trading operations, making a profit from fluctuation of the course. It can work exclusively with customer money or with the equity participation of own funds.
  • Cryptocurrency Fund - A company that uses investors for auction. Unlike traders, funds are not only traded by the most liquid cryptocurrencies, but also perform partial investment of funds into promising ICOs, and also conduct insider transactions.

Independent trade in cryptomones requires specialized knowledge, ability to analyze the market and make forecasts. It should be understood that the ideal step-by-step instruction how to make a profit for such an unstable asset. On the other hand, it is a less risky method, since it minimizes the likelihood of fraud, by eliminating the additional link in the overall chain of operations.

Tactics and strategy Earnings in the course cryptocurrency

Also, like any speculative product, a crypt may be a long-term and short-term asset, it can be put on an increase and lowering cost. You can sell crypto coins on the stock exchange (it assumes storage of funds in the system) or through exchange points (in this case, money is stored on the speculatory wallet).

Outdoor Methods Earnings

The easiest way to make a profit from fluctuating the Cryptovalum Cream is over-the-counter methods of earnings that suggest the purchase of coins at a more favorable price and storage of it on personal wallet until the course growth. At the same time there are two options:

  • Purchase of unpopular (new) cryptocurrency with high potential to growth. The price of such coins is low, which will allow you to quickly enter the market with minimal investments. But at the same time, the expected growth may occur only in a few years, and if the crypt was chosen incorrectly and not happening at all.
  • Acquisition of popular coins with a dynamic course. In this case, you can use short-term operations in the interval from several days to several months. Choosing moments of reducing the cost of the asset and waiting for the new lift. For example, for the first quarter of 2018, Bitcoin changed the course several times in the range from 8 to 10 thousand US dollars, which allowed many speculators even having only one coin to get good profits.
  • Arbitration. This method can be applied both on exchange services and on stock exchanges. It consists in finding two resources offering different quotes on the same currency pair. Choosing it for speculation, it is important to calculate all the recoverable commissions in order not to receive a negative result as a result.

The disadvantage of over-the-counter trading are solid commission fees of exchange offices and is not always a favorable exchange rate, therefore it is necessary to carefully calculate all transactions. The advantage of this method is the lack of the need to make funds into the system, which may be fraudulent organization.

What is a cryptocurrency exchange and how to choose it

Any cryptocurrency is a speculative product that trades on the stock exchanges similar to the traditional tools (assets). At the same time, the more interest causes a coin, the more dynamically the oscillation of the course. Cryptocuridates are online services running online and allow you to perform cryptomone purchase and sale operations. These can be both resources operating exclusively with crypt (certain types of cryptocurrency) and classic stock exchanges, where trade is carried out by a wide range of assets.

If you are miners or earned cryptocurrency, you can make it on a personal account in the trade system. If you don't have a cryptomone, you can buy them on the stock exchange for fate money using it as an exchange service. The following criteria are used to assess the reliability of cryptocyrse:

  • The age of the stock exchange and the presence of positive reputation. List of available coins and currency pairs. The stock exchange can work with a limited list of coins, including available for input. For example, there are resources that do not work with fiat paths, but allow you to enter and withdraw money only in Bitcoin.
  • Daily trading volume. This indicator determines the liquidity of assets made on the stock exchange.
  • Site fees. It may be charged both when conducting trading operations (an average of 0.25% of the transaction) and when withdrawing fate money.
  • Degree of verification. Despite the theoretical anonymity of cryptocurrency, to ensure safety at high revs, the stock exchange may require confirmation of the user's identity.

The advantage of stock trading is minimal commissions and a more realistic currency rate when exchanging. The disadvantage can be called the need to transmit personal data and enter the funds into the system, which can entail the embezzlement of money through the account lock.

Features of Cryptovaya Exchange Trade

The difference between the cryptocurrency exchanges and the usual in direct interaction between the buyer and the seller. The latter make bets (open orders) for sale or purchase of crypts for other coins or convertible currencies at a price set by the owner of the order (passive order) or at the current course (active warrant). These data are displayed in the consolidated table, which received the name "Glass". When the order finds the side accepting conditions, the transaction is closed.

This allows you to use various methods Earn money on the rate of course:

  • Marginal trade. Some exchanges provide a credit shoulder that can be used for sale or purchasing cryptocurrency. This allows you to start trading with minimal investments. The principle of earnings is simple: if after opening an order for sale, the course will decrease before it is closed, you will receive a profit.
  • Acquisition of futures. Such contracts for cryptocurrencies began to be imprisoned only in December 2017, but their popularity is growing rapidly. They suggest an agreement between the parties to the deferred purchase (sale) of Crypt at the current cost. This means that by purchasing 100 coins at a price of 1 US dollar, the initial value of the contract will be $ 100. If at the time of the contract, the price of coins will grow to $ 2, the profits from the contract will be 100%. It is also one of effective ways how to make money on the fall of the course cryptocurrency. So, to play down, it is necessary to sell futures at a higher current price and wait for its decrease.
  • Purchase option. This method allows you to make money on the forecast of the course direction and get fixed profits installed by a broker (stock exchange).

The above methods are effective for currency pairs consisting of crypt and the US dollar. If you focus trade on cross-courses between Bitcoin and other coins, you can use or more fast methods Earn money. So, most of the new altkins increase in price in the first months of ICO start, which makes it possible to receive a stable and daily income, not attracting fate money.

The basic principle of how to make money on the course cryptocurrency remains unchanged - to buy at the minimum cost, and then sell as expensive as possible. And it means that the most promising cryptocurrency will be determined to achieve the success of your main task, as well as predicting the periods of their active growth and factors contributing to the decline.

The concept of work is satisfied simple - bought cheap, sold more expensive. But it has many pitfalls that can become a serious obstacle even for a person experienced. After all, to sell something expensive, you need to buy something cheaply. And taking into account the difference in cross-courses and banking commissions, such a type of earnings, formed by independently, will not at all bring profits. Therefore, to start making money on the difference in courses, you need to resort to the services of specialized stock exchanges.

Cryptovaya Trade Exchange

As cryptocurrency exists on the Internet, and the exchanges engaged in arbitration must be sought in the global network. On the stock exchanges, online, trading in various vapors of the cryptodeneg and money of the usual, so-called - fiatate. Sometimes market quotes, on various exchanges, at one point in time, they can differ significantly (in a wide limit - from 0.01% to 50%), "forks" are created by which the arbitrals of cryptocurrencies are created.

By the way, we are obliged to current exchanges to one or another cryptocurrency, this is precisely these exchanges, trade on them creates demand, respectively, and the weighted average price may change. High demand - high cryptocurrency price, low demand - low. With a number of conventions and restrictions.

Despite the seeming lightness of such an earnings - sit and watch the courses on various stock exchanges and financial pairs, it is necessary to say that the courses change every five minutes and need to act quickly, carefully weighing their solutions.

Consider, for example, the most popular couple - the Bitcoin-ruble. Suppose you can buy 660 thousand rubles on the same Bitcoin Exchange. On the second exchange - 670 thousand rubles. Now it's enough to buy 1 Bitcoin (lot) on the first stock exchange and sell on the second. Income for one simple action - 10 thousand rubles (670,000 - 660,000 \u003d 10 000). Pure will be slightly less - part of the earnings will go to the commission for the commissioning and exchange.

The scheme is very understandable, confirmed by many years of practice. Counter trade in lots on various exchanges is a common thing that brings stable profits in skillful hands. At the same time, the Cryptovalucy Exchange Rules allow it to do and have special auxiliary instruments.

Most Popular Exchanges for Trade and Arbitration Cryptovaya: Yobit, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bitstamp, Kraken, Okkoin.

Software robots-assistants for arbitration cryptocurrency

Arbitration Cryptocurrency Case The usual, therefore, experienced arbitral traders have special software in stock. Which can not only monitor the quotes of the same pairs on various stock exchanges, but also the news trading in automatic mode.

To start your earnings, you need to understand that this is also a job requiring care and accuracy. In addition, know several tips.

  • Commission. They exist both at the stock exchange (in the area of \u200b\u200b0.2% of the cost of the lot) and for the introduction of currency (from 0.0001 BTC).
  • Exchange. Despite the fact that many exchanges exist for any year, there is a big chance that the exchange can close at any time. Therefore, it is impossible to keep all the money on one stock exchange for a long time. Made a profit - withdraw.
  • Working with cryptocurrency, should also look for the most profitable ways to transfer it to Fiat money. That is, in addition to the stock exchanges, exchangers should monitor with the purpose of finding the most favorable course.

As you can see, the cryptocurrency arbitration is quite simple. It is more difficult to gain experience and useful knowledge that cannot be replaced with any automatic programs. However, with due skill and study of the subject, experience is a matter of months. After which earnings will only grow.