How to update the webcam driver on a laptop. Universal driver for Havit webcams

Thermalright has presented an updated "active" version of the famous Macho passive cooler - the Le Grand Macho RT model. The dimensions of the novelty are 147x152x159 mm. The design of the model has a competent design that allows you to install full-size RAM memory strips and PCI Express expansion cards on an ATX motherboard.

The Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT CPU Cooler is a combination of an asymmetric nickel-plated heatsink with an anodized top plate, seven 6mm heatpipes, and a bundled TY 147 B fan that supports ...

The segment of solutions for thin clients has been replenished with another novelty - this time the company Giada presented its development. The i200 mini-PC is designed to work with enterprise and production-grade applications as well as digital signage systems. Despite its modest dimensions (only 5.12x5.06x1.02 inches), the computer is capable of achieving the performance of a desktop PC, offering ample connectivity and low power consumption.

The all-metal body of the Giada i200 promotes efficient heat dissipation at high ...

If you've made the decision to build your new Socket AM4 PC with AMD Ryzen series processors, then you should take a look at the new Deepcool Gammaxx 400 fan. It comes in three versions: Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Red, Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Blue, and Deepcool Gammaxx 400 White. All of them differ only in appearance: the first two use a black cooler with red or blue LED backlighting, and the third is made in a completely white color with white LED backlighting.

The Deepcool Gammaxx 400 mechanism includes a base, four 6mm copper thermal ...

A description of how to check the functionality of a webcam, as well as instructions on how to install a driver for it.

Small introduction

The vast majority of laptops, netbooks, and all-in-ones produced today are equipped with webcams. With Skype and other video telephony services gaining popularity, the webcam is becoming an increasingly necessary accessory.

And with this accessory, sometimes there are various problems with drivers, as well as other problems like an inverted image. The latter, by the way, often occurs on Asus laptops. The solution to the inverted image problem is quite simple: but the drivers are more difficult. It also often happens that the connection between the camera and the motherboard of a laptop, netbook or candy bar is broken and the camera simply does not appear in the list of devices. An inappropriate driver for the camera can lead to the same result. The camera in this case seems to be there, but it is not.

This guide will show you how to solve all these problems and make your webcam work. Here is an example algorithm for solving the problem:

  1. Determining the webcam model;
  2. Installing drivers for a specific webcam;
  3. Installing software and fixing errors in the webcam.

So, let's begin.

1. Determining the camera model

It is logical that before you start installing drivers for the camera, you need to find out what kind of camera it is. This can be done by values VID (VEN) and PID (DEV) codes for your webcam.

To find out them, you need to go to device Manager, find your camera and go to its properties:

Important note:at Device manager cameras can often be displayed as USB video device, Multimedia controller or whatever Unknown device in category Other devices or Imaging devices... If you haven't found it, then don't be upset. Its model can be determined using Ubuntu. This will be discussed below.

Go to the Details tab and select the item in the list ID equipment:

We are interested in the string USB \\ VID_04F2 & PID_B071 & REV_1515 & MI_00 (you have it, most likely, it is completely different, but the VID and PID must be present in it). It contains values VID (VEN) and PID (DEV) for your camera. In this case VID has the meaning 04F2, and PID - B071... These values \u200b\u200bcontain 4 numbers or letters from A before F.

Important note:the vast majority of webcams are connected via an internal bus USB... This means that at the beginning of the line there will be a notation USB - USB \\VID_04F2 & PID_B071 & REV_1515 & MI_00. If you have standing there PCI, and the line looks something like this: PCI\\ VEN_1969 & DEV_1063 & SUBSYS_18201043 & REV_C0, then the unknown device that you have selected is not a camera. It is absolutely the same with Bluetooth adapters and some 3G / 4G modems. They are also connected via the internal USB bus.

When you have values VID and PID for your camera, you can safely move on to the second point, which is related to installing the drivers. But if you could not find your camera, then read on.

If through device Manager if you could not find the camera, then no need to be upset. You can also search for it through utilities like Everest... How to do this is described in this manual:. When you search it is worth remembering that your camera is connected to the internal USB bus.

If the search for the camera and through Everest are not crowned with success, then several options are possible:

  1. Driver problems. The wrong drivers were installed, which led to the fact that the camera disappeared from the Device Manager and is invisible in Everest... This happens quite often. It is solved by reinstalling the operating system along with the drivers;
  2. The ribbon cable or wires with which the camera is connected to the motherboard are loose or damaged. Such a malfunction can be eliminated at home. It is necessary to disassemble the device and check the camera cable and especially the places where the cable connects to the camera board and to the motherboard;
  3. The camera is out of order or the chipset malfunctions (south bridge, such a large microcircuit that deals with USB ports). Here, I think, everything is clear. Service center.

How do you determine what happened to the camera? Rearrange the system? For a long time and not a fact that will help. Disassemble a laptop? Also not an option if the laptop is under warranty. Send it to a service center for a few weeks? It's also not an option if the problem turns out to be in the drivers, and the engineers at the service center will order a new camera so as not to sweat it.

In fact, basic camera diagnostics can also be done at home. For this we need:

  1. Utility for burning disc images. I prefer Ashampoo Burning Studio (download links: /);
  2. Ubuntu distribution (version used in the article: /).

First, download, install and run Ashampoo Burning Studio... Choose from the menu Burn CD / DVD / Blue-Ray disc from disc image:

Specify the path to the downloaded image with Ubuntu:

Put the disc in the drive and press To write:

We wait a little while the disc is being written.

As a result, you will have a bootable disk with Ubuntu Linux... Now you need the laptop to boot from this disk.

Important note:if you don't have a DVD drive in your laptop, you can use a USB flash drive. To write a disk image to a USB flash drive, I recommend using the utility UNetBootin.

Turn off the laptop, put a USB flash drive or disk with Ubuntu in it and turn it on. We go into the BIOS of the laptop. To do this, at the beginning of the laptop boot, you need to press a specific key or key combination. Usually, at boot, at the bottom of the screen it is indicated which button to press to enter the BIOS. Most often these are F2, Del, Esc and others. How to enter the BIOS should be described in the instructions for the laptop.

After entering the BIOS, you need to find where the boot order is configured. Usually these settings are located on the tab BOOT... The F5 / F6 buttons are usually used to change the boot order. As a rule, the settings page indicates which buttons can be used to change the download list. How to change the boot order should also be indicated in the instructions for the laptop.

Install your flash drive or memory card on first place in the download list. Flash drives usually act as USB-HDD... The boot order should look something like this:

After saving the settings, the laptop should reboot. You can now proceed to download Ubuntu.

If everything is done correctly, then this window will appear:

Click on Try Ubuntu (Try Ubuntu) and wait for the system to boot.

When the system has booted, go to the top menu and run Terminal:

In the terminal, enter the command lsusb and press Enter:

This command lists all USB devices in the system:

Since the camera is connected via USB, it must also be present in that list. In the image above, I have selected it with my mouse. You can also see the values \u200b\u200bthere VID and PID codes for your camera. They are written in the form VID: PID... Judging by the image above, VID my camera has 04f2, PID - b071... The same information was reported by device Manager... This is how you can find out what kind of webcam you have installed.

Important note:if your camera was not there, then this means either the camera itself is out of order, or, more likely, the contact in the camera connectors has come off or the cable is damaged somewhere. If the laptop is under warranty, then it makes sense to take it to the service center under warranty, if the laptop is not under warranty, then you can try to disassemble the laptop yourself and inspect the camera cable and connectors.

If you have a desire, you can check directly in Ubuntu if your camera works or not. For this we need a utility Kamoso... To install it, go to the menu and launch the application manager:

Important note:to install this application, you need to first set up Internet access from Ubuntu. If you are connecting via 3G / 4G modems, then it is better to go straight to installing the drivers. You have VID and PID codes. The fact is that setting up the Internet in Ubuntu is rather complicated in this case.

In the window above, enter Kamoso:

Double click on the application, and then click on the buttons Use this source and Install:

We are just waiting:

That's all. The application has been installed. This is how programs are installed in Ubuntu:

We launch this utility:

And here's the camera working:

If it doesn't work for you, then Kamoso most likely does not support your camera.

We proceed to installing the drivers.

2. Installing drivers for the webcam

So. With the definition of which camera is sorted out. You should have the VID and PID codes for your camera at this point. We will select drivers for them.

For greater convenience, the drivers are collected in one small archive and divided into folders. Below will be download links, as well as a list of supported cameras for each folder with drivers. Use the page search by your PID code. It will be faster.

A set of drivers for webcams: /.

You can also download a set of drivers for laptop webcams Asus (/) and Lenovo (/). Description with a list VID / PID codes for different folders is in the archive. For search VID / PID code, it is recommended to use the page search in the browser. Usually invoked by pressing Ctrl and F.

This archive of drivers for webcams contains the following folders with drivers:


VID_05E3 & PID_0503
VID_05E3 & PID_0505
VID_05E3 & PID_F191
VID_05E3 & PID_F192


List of supported webcams:
VID_13D3 & PID_5108
VID_13D3 & PID_5118
VID_13D3 & PID_5120
VID_13D3 & PID_5129
VID_13D3 & PID_5130
VID_13D3 & PID_5132
VID_13D3 & PID_5082
VID_13D3 & PID_5102
VID_13D3 & PID_5104
VID_13D3 & PID_5105
VID_13D3 & PID_5106
VID_13D3 & PID_5113
VID_13D3 & PID_5114
VID_13D3 & PID_5133
VID_13D3 & PID_5122
VID_13D3 & PID_5101


List of supported webcams:
VID_093A & PID_2700
VID_13D3 & PID_5094


List of supported webcams:
VID_13D3 & PID_5108
VID_13D3 & PID_5118
VID_13D3 & PID_5120
VID_13D3 & PID_5129
VID_13D3 & PID_5130
VID_13D3 & PID_5132
VID_13D3 & PID_5082
VID_13D3 & PID_5102
VID_13D3 & PID_5104
VID_13D3 & PID_5105
VID_13D3 & PID_5106
VID_13D3 & PID_5113
VID_13D3 & PID_5114
VID_13D3 & PID_5133
VID_13D3 & PID_5122
VID_13D3 & PID_5101


List of supported webcams:
VID_5986 & PID_01A3
VID_5986 & PID_01AB
VID_5986 & PID_01AD
VID_5986 & PID_01AF
VID_5986 & PID_02A0
VID_5986 & PID_02A1
VID_5986 & PID_02A2
VID_5986 & PID_02A3
VID_5986 & PID_02A4
VID_5986 & PID_02A5
VID_5986 & PID_02A6
VID_5986 & PID_02A7
VID_5986 & PID_02A8
VID_5986 & PID_02A9


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B012
VID_04F2 & PID_B028


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B033


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B034
VID_04F2 & PID_B106
VID_04F2 & PID_B10B
VID_04F2 & PID_B10D
VID_04F2 & PID_B012
VID_04F2 & PID_B029
VID_04F2 & PID_B071
VID_04F2 & PID_B13A
VID_04F2 & PID_B140
VID_04F2 & PID_B141
VID_04F2 & PID_B16B
VID_04F2 & PID_B16E
VID_04F2 & PID_B028
VID_04F2 & PID_B066
VID_04F2 & PID_B036
VID_04F2 & PID_B10C
VID_04F2 & PID_B10E
VID_04F2 & PID_B10F
VID_04F2 & PID_B189


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B028
VID_04F2 & PID_B036
VID_04F2 & PID_B029
VID_04F2 & PID_B071
VID_04F2 & PID_B034
VID_04F2 & PID_B106
VID_04F2 & PID_B141
VID_04F2 & PID_B140
VID_04F2 & PID_B13A
VID_04F2 & PID_B16B
VID_04F2 & PID_B16E
VID_04F2 & PID_B189


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B028
VID_04F2 & PID_B036
VID_04F2 & PID_B029
VID_04F2 & PID_B071
VID_04F2 & PID_B034
VID_04F2 & PID_B106
VID_04F2 & PID_B141
VID_04F2 & PID_B140
VID_04F2 & PID_B13A
VID_04F2 & PID_B16B
VID_04F2 & PID_B16E
VID_04F2 & PID_B189
VID_04F2 & PID_B1B9


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B1E5


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B19D
VID_04F2 & PID_B17D
VID_04F2 & PID_B084
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C4
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C5
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C6
VID_0402 & PID_7670
VID_0402 & PID_7740
VID_0402 & PID_9710
VID_0402 & PID_7675
VID_064E & PID_D101
VID_064E & PID_D102
VID_064E & PID_D103
VID_04F2 & PID_B14A
VID_04F2 & PID_B1D0
VID_04F2 & PID_B188
VID_04F2 & PID_B1A2
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C7
VID_064E & PID_D203
VID_0402 & PID_9665
VID_064E & PID_D104
VID_064E & PID_D202


List of supported webcams:
VID_093A & PID_2700
VID_13D3 & PID_5094


List of supported webcams:
VID_174F & PID_5A35
VID_174F & PID_5A31
VID_174F & PID_5A51
VID_174F & PID_5A11


List of supported webcams:
VID_04FC & PID_2000
VID_174F & PID_110D
VID_174F & PID_1115
VID_174F & PID_111D
VID_174F & PID_1120
VID_174F & PID_170E


List of supported webcams:
VID_064E & PID_A115
VID_064E & PID_A122
VID_064E & PID_A112
VID_064E & PID_A131
VID_064E & PID_A116
VID_064E & PID_A111
VID_064E & PID_A118
VID_064E & PID_A130
VID_064E & PID_A117
VID_064E & PID_A133
VID_064E & PID_F111
VID_064E & PID_F116
VID_064E & PID_F118
VID_064E & PID_F117
VID_064E & PID_F115
VID_064E & PID_A124
VID_064E & PID_A134
VID_064E & PID_A136
VID_064E & PID_A138


List of supported webcams:
VID_064E & PID_A111
VID_064E & PID_F111
VID_064E & PID_F116
VID_064E & PID_A116
VID_064E & PID_F115
VID_064E & PID_A115
VID_064E & PID_A122
VID_064E & PID_A124
VID_064E & PID_A136


List of supported webcams:
VID_064E & PID_A115
VID_064E & PID_A113
VID_064E & PID_A108
VID_064E & PID_F115
VID_064E & PID_F113
VID_064E & PID_A116
VID_064E & PID_A111
VID_064E & PID_A118
VID_064E & PID_F111
VID_064E & PID_F116
VID_064E & PID_F118
VID_064E & PID_A117
VID_064E & PID_F117
VID_064E & PID_A114


List of supported webcams:
VID_064E & PID_A115
VID_064E & PID_A122
VID_064E & PID_A112
VID_064E & PID_A131
VID_064E & PID_A116
VID_064E & PID_A111
VID_064E & PID_A118
VID_064E & PID_A130
VID_064E & PID_A117
VID_064E & PID_A133
VID_064E & PID_F111
VID_064E & PID_F116
VID_064E & PID_F118
VID_064E & PID_F117
VID_064E & PID_F115
VID_064E & PID_A124
VID_064E & PID_A134
VID_064E & PID_A136
VID_064E & PID_A138


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B19D
VID_04F2 & PID_B17D
VID_04F2 & PID_B084
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C4
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C5
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C6
VID_0402 & PID_7670
VID_0402 & PID_7740
VID_0402 & PID_9710
VID_0402 & PID_2675
VID_064E & PID_D101
VID_064E & PID_D102
VID_064E & PID_D103
VID_04F2 & PID_B14A
VID_04F2 & PID_B1D0
VID_04F2 & PID_B188
VID_04F2 & PID_B1A2
VID_04F2 & PID_B1C7
VID_064E & PID_D203
VID_0402 & PID_9665
VID_064E & PID_D104
VID_064E & PID_D202


List of supported webcams:
VID_064E & PID_A102
VID_04F2 & PID_B175
VID_04F2 & PID_B155
VID_0C45 & PID_64A1
VID_0C45 & PID_62C0
VID_0C45 & PID_6310
VID_04F2 & PID_B196
VID_064E & PID_A103
VID_064E & PID_A139
VID_064E & PID_A140
VID_04F2 & PID_B044
VID_04F2 & PID_B18C
VID_0C45 & PID_64A0
VID_064E & PID_A117
VID_064E & PID_A133
VID_04F2 & PID_B110
VID_04F2 & PID_B160
VID_04F2 & PID_B199
VID_04F2 & PID_B1D8
VID_064E & PID_A219

VID_04F2 & PID_B026

List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B026

VID_0C45 & PID_6310

List of supported webcams:
VID_0C45 & PID_62C0
VID_0C45 & PID_6300
VID_0C45 & PID_6310
VID_0C45 & PID_62E1
VID_0C45 & PID_62F0
VID_0C45 & PID_62E0
VID_0C45 & PID_62C1
VID_0C45 & PID_6301
VID_0C45 & PID_62F1

VID_5986 & PID_0105

List of supported webcams:
VID_5986 & PID_0105


List of supported webcams:
VID_0C45 & PID_62C0
VID_064E & PID_A100
VID_064E & PID_A101
VID_064E & PID_A110
VID_064E & PID_A111
VID_064E & PID_A112
VID_064E & PID_A120


List of supported webcams:
VID_5986 & PID_0200
VID_5986 & PID_0100
VID_5986 & PID_0101
VID_5986 & PID_0102
VID_5986 & PID_0103
VID_0402 & PID_5606


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B044
VID_04F2 & PID_B110
VID_04F2 & PID_B160


List of supported webcams:
VID_04F2 & PID_B026
VID_04F2 & PID_B044
VID_04F2 & PID_B084

Important note:if you did not find the drivers for your camera with the required VID and PID values \u200b\u200bin the list above, then contact this forum topic for help:. In the message, be sure to indicate your VID and PID.

Now let's touch on the question of how to install the driver for the camera. Usually, to install, just run setup.exe, PNPINST.exe, PNPINST64.exe or another executable file. If you did not find one or the driver is not installed like that, then you can install the driver manually.

To manually install the driver, you need to go to device Manager, go to the properties of the camera, as we did earlier, and go to the tab Driver:

On this tab, click on the button Refresh... We refuse to automatically search for drivers:

We indicate the folder with drivers for the webcam:

This completes the driver installation. If you have any problems finding and installing drivers, please refer to this forum topic:.

Installing software and fixing errors in the webcam

Finally, let's talk about programs for working with the camera. There are a great many of them. Each manufacturer has its own version of such programs. Have Acer this is Acer crystal eye, at Asus - LifeFrame, at Lenovo - Youcam, at HP its own and so on. They often allow you to take photos, apply various effects, and change settings. Some also allow you to shoot video with your webcam.

In addition to programs from manufacturers of laptops, netbooks, monoblocks and other devices, there are also third-party programs like WebCamMax and others like that. Also, the same Skype... For it to work, you must have installed drivers for the camera. In settings Skype you can check if the camera is working or not.

AT Windows XP the camera could be accessed through My computer, on Windows Vista and Windows 7 this feature was removed.

Camera settings are available both from apps and through the registry. This is shown in more detail here:. By changing various parameters in the registry, you can configure the camera. These parameters are different for each camera. Their names and meanings are often spelled out in inf-file in the folder with the camera driver. This forgives them further search in the registry.

That's all.

All questions about webcams are stated in this forum thread:. Before asking, be sure to read the topic itself. It is possible that a similar problem has already been solved.

You can express all comments and suggestions on the article itself through this contact form: Please note that if something is not working out for you, then you should only ask for. This kind of emails will be ignored.

Thermalright has presented an updated "active" version of the famous Macho passive cooler - the Le Grand Macho RT model. The dimensions of the novelty are 147x152x159 mm. The design of the model has a competent design that allows you to install full-size RAM memory strips and PCI Express expansion cards on an ATX motherboard.

The Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT CPU Cooler is a combination of an asymmetric nickel-plated heatsink with an anodized top plate, seven 6mm heatpipes, and a bundled TY 147 B fan that supports ...

The segment of solutions for thin clients has been replenished with another novelty - this time the company Giada presented its development. The i200 mini-PC is designed to work with enterprise and production-grade applications as well as digital signage systems. Despite its modest dimensions (only 5.12x5.06x1.02 inches), the computer is capable of achieving the performance of a desktop PC, offering ample connectivity and low power consumption.

The all-metal body of the Giada i200 promotes efficient heat dissipation at high ...

If you've made the decision to build your new Socket AM4 PC with AMD Ryzen series processors, then you should take a look at the new Deepcool Gammaxx 400 fan. It comes in three versions: Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Red, Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Blue, and Deepcool Gammaxx 400 White. All of them differ only in appearance: the first two use a black cooler with red or blue LED backlighting, and the third is made in a completely white color with white LED backlighting.

The Deepcool Gammaxx 400 mechanism includes a base, four 6mm copper thermal ...

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* This software is provided by Carambis as shareware. This means that for free you can: download it from our website or the website of a partner company, install it on your computer, use some of the functions that are available in the free version. For example, in Driver Updater, you can scan your computer for outdated and missing hardware drivers. However, only the paid version is available for update and automatic download of drivers. All questions regarding the operation of the program, the purchase of a license key, support, etc., are resolved exclusively with the company that provides this software.

Thermalright has presented an updated "active" version of the famous Macho passive cooler - the Le Grand Macho RT model. The dimensions of the novelty are 147x152x159 mm. The design of the model has a competent design that allows you to install full-size RAM memory strips and PCI Express expansion cards on an ATX motherboard.

The Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT CPU Cooler is a combination of an asymmetric nickel-plated heatsink with an anodized top plate, seven 6mm heatpipes, and a bundled TY 147 B fan that supports ...

The segment of solutions for thin clients has been replenished with another novelty - this time the company Giada presented its development. The i200 mini-PC is designed to work with enterprise and production-grade applications as well as digital signage systems. Despite its modest dimensions (only 5.12x5.06x1.02 inches), the computer is capable of achieving the performance of a desktop PC, offering ample connectivity and low power consumption.

The all-metal body of the Giada i200 promotes efficient heat dissipation at high ...

If you've made the decision to build your new Socket AM4 PC with AMD Ryzen series processors, then you should take a look at the new Deepcool Gammaxx 400 fan. It comes in three versions: Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Red, Deepcool Gammaxx 400 Blue, and Deepcool Gammaxx 400 White. All of them differ only in appearance: the first two use a black cooler with red or blue LED backlighting, and the third is made in a completely white color with white LED backlighting.

The Deepcool Gammaxx 400 mechanism includes a base, four 6mm copper thermal ...