What command to issue the command block. Command block in Minecraft: how to use

The command block z "did not appear in minecraft immediately. Only in version 1.4 the gravitians z" are new features. In the whole version of minecraft, there is also a command block, which is quite different from the commands of the console.

So also the command block

Vlasne, the command block is the whole block, in which grave the command is prescribed. The command block can be viewed, like clicking on a new bear. When asked, the field will appear, in which I write down the commands for the application. Below, the information about the result of the commands entered will be displayed.

Yak zrobiti command block

It's a pity that the command block in minecraft itself is not possible for the savage koristuvachev, the command block in minecraft itself is not possible, it is unimportant on the majesty of the gravel, even behind the auxiliary command block in the virtual light you can control the map and conduct the listing in the chat at the same time. The command block itself cannot be built, it can only be trimmed. There are a lot of options in order to correct the command block.


In order to trim a new list of commands, as you can register in the command block, enter the word help in the chat window.

Introduce the commands, if you cancel the required result:

  • give @p iron_ingot 10 - 10 gold coins
  • setblock 42 21 60 wool - set block at coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60
  • tp Player 42 21 60 - teleport to the point with coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60

You can also use the showcases on gravts_v:

  • @p - closest gravel;
  • @a - all gravitas;
  • @r - vivid gravel;
  • @e - all days.
  • x - X coordinate to the center of the poke;
  • y - Y coordinate to the center of the poke;
  • z - Z coordinate to the center of the poke;
  • r is the maximum value of the radius of the poke;
  • rm - the minimum value of the radius of the message;
  • m - gri mode;
  • l - the maximum amount of information from the grave;
  • lm - minimal amount of notice at the grave.

It's no secret that Minecraft is a game that allows you to interact with a huge number of different blocks. They all have different functions, appearance, location in space, and it is from them that the game world is formed. There are blocks of earth, blocks of water, blocks of stone, and so on. You can take them into your inventory or place them back in the world, you can recycle them, for example, getting the material itself from a block of stone, which can then be processed. In general, the concept of the game is built on blocks, however there is one sample that is completely different from the rest - this command block... Various play an important role in Minecraft, and this object is more related to the console than to the game itself. This may sound rather strange at first, but if you get it right, everything will be quite obvious.

Commands in "Minecraft"

If you play exclusively in the single-player mode of "Minecraft", then you may not even know that this project has a console. It significantly expands the functionality of the game, but it is relevant mainly exclusively for the multiplayer mode. The fact is that the server administrator uses the console and the commands that can be entered there to set special conditions for the game. The command block in Minecraft serves the same purpose, but in a slightly different way. First, let's look at how commands are used in general. The administrator can call the console at any time during the game and enter a command there that will change a certain aspect of the game. It can be as something mundane, for example, adding monsters or restoring the natural landscape, or something global - up to changing the game mode. As you can see, the commands in Minecraft give the administrator full powers of a god in his separate world of the game. But why then the command block in Minecraft, if the administrator can simply enter commands and activate them in the console?

Command block

Many Minecraft fans are unaware of its existence, and if they have seen it, they do not know how to use it. It's actually quite simple - the command block in Minecraft serves to automate certain commands and create specific conditions and events. That is, the administrator can place a command block on the map, prescribe certain commands for it that will be launched when the player activates this block - and now the event for this game is ready. In the block field, you can specify who the effects will affect, and what they will be, as well as much more. Thus, command blocks in Minecraft 1.7.2 serve to diversify the gameplay.

Command block conditions

Hardly anyone can argue with the fact that the command block in Minecraft 1.5.2 and later is a very powerful and functional object. That is why a simple player cannot get it. This block, as mentioned earlier, is available exclusively to server administrators; it cannot be crafted or knocked out of mobs. The only way for an ordinary player on the server to get such an object is with cheat codes, but for this you can be instantly banned. Moreover, if you are not sent to a ban for receiving a command block, then its use will certainly not go unnoticed, and you will still lose access to the server. Therefore, it is better to play by the rules, and if you want to use the command block, you can create your own server where you will have all the rights, including access to this object.

Using the command block

As for the direct use of the command block, everything is quite simple here. First, the necessary commands are prescribed for him - the administrator can do this by right-clicking on the block - a field will appear on the screen in which you will need to specify all the necessary conditions, commands and other information, for example, text messages to the players. The block is then placed in the game world where players can find it. A red stone is installed next to the block, when activated, a signal is transmitted to the command block. Naturally, you can set the conditions in such a way that the command is executed continuously or periodically at equal intervals. Thus, you can set pretty clear conditions for executing the desired command if you know how to use the command block in Minecraft. The teams can be very diverse, so you can create a unique environment for the players on your server.

Command block activation

In addition to activating the command block with a redstone, you also need to know how to activate it when creating a server. You should understand that server planning includes detailed configuration of absolutely everything that will affect your world. Among the huge amount of data that you will need to customize for yourself in the server properties, there is one line - enable-command-block. It is she who is responsible for whether your server will have a command block or not. True enables the command block, and false disables it.

IN recent times Developers delight map creators with new tools. That is a lot of attention to the signal strength of 1.5, then statistics and commands, then, finally, the ability to customize NBT using command blocks. And it would seem that nothing radically new is being introduced. After all, before the appearance of statistics, they used counters and various tricks, before it became possible to directly change NBT - spawners and special programs... A clear course has been taken to simplify development, reduce the size of mechanisms - now they fit literally into several blocks. Therefore, we will try to keep up with the times and deal with those global changes in command blocks that were provided to us in version 1.9.

Wonderful. Let's try to deal with different types command blocks.

Picture A type Description
1 Pulse
The same command block that we worked with before 1.9. The most standard. There is absolutely nothing special about it.
2 Repeat mode ( Repeat) A command block that, at the time it receives a signal, executes the command it contains and those commands once per game beat. Able to activate the chain of command blocks in the appropriate mode and make it constantly work.
3 Chain mode ( Chain) When a signal is sent to the first block of the chain, all powered command blocks (in this mode) in the chain. If there is an unpowered chained command block on the rung, it is skipped without executing and immediately begins executing the next one (if any).

Fine. The word "chain" was mentioned several times in the description. A chain is a sequential chain of command blocks, the pointer of each of which is directed to the next. This became possible thanks to the introduction of the concept of direction when working with command blocks.

I also note the presence of various modifiers in command blocks. Technically, they can be applied to any type of command block, but it's wise to use them only in certain cases. Let's consider all the variations.

room Modifier Variations
1 ConventionConditional (Conditional) - Applies to command blocks in chained mode. It consists in the following: a command block with such a variation of the modifier will work only if the previous command block in chaining mode or in repetition mode executed the command contained in it (replacing the comparator). Command blocks with this variation of the modifier have (bottom row).

Unconditional (Unconditional) - executed in any case, subject to the appropriate conditions.

It should be noted that when using the conditional variation of the modifier, only the previous command block is analyzed. Also, if a command block in chaining mode with such a modifier variation did not fire, subsequent ones, if not equipped with such a modifier variation, will fire.

2 Activity"Always active" (Always Active) - Applies to command blocks in repetition mode and chaining mode. The inclusion of such a variation of the modifier means that the command block with it will be constantly powered.

"Signal required" (Needs Redstone) - standard operating mode, in which, in order to power the command block, it must be given a signal.

That, in fact, is all. Practical examples coming soon. Please follow my profile in case someone is interested.