Complete list of stop words for instagram. Mass following settings for bloggers

And I use Key Collector for this, I suggest using the base of stop words to clean up garbage. For everyone else, I recommend contacting me and, and then you don’t have to suffer, rake and group thousands of phrases, I will do all this for you 🙂

Stopword bases for Key Collector

I collected this database from scraps and fragments of stop words for the Key Collector, which can be found on the Internet. In my opinion, this is the most complete list of all negative keywords that exists today, so I strongly recommend using it to clean up the semantic core.

The database contains:

  1. List of stop words for KeyCollector for all cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
  2. Negative keyword lists to filter: XXX topics, DIY, repair, humor, etc.
  3. List of male and female names.
  4. Stop words for Kay Collector broken down by topics (!) - there are not many topics, but nonetheless.

These databases are really enough to clean up 95% of the garbage that occurs when collecting semantics, but you still have to work with your hands anyway. However, thanks to the use of these stop words, I began to save hours of time cleaning up kernels, which used to be a real pain!

What are stop words? When promoting Instagram, stop words are words in the name or description of the profile, in the presence of which the program performs a certain activity, or vice versa skips the account.

Most often, in the description of a profile, commercial accounts or a bot, there are typical words: “Cheat, likes, sale, services”. By specifying these words in the SocialKit settings, you are instructing the program to skip unwanted accounts without spending money on them. .

Stop words can be used, as during, as well as at .

What are the default stop words in the SocialKit settings

In the SocialKit program, when you start activities, the following happens - you can enable or disable stop words by default.

Leaving them on is worth it if you are interested in a live audience. Turn off when you need maximum coverage and no matter which users.

The SocialKit selection has a small but very effective database of stop words that allows you to exclude the vast majority of commercial accounts and bots. You can view the entire list of stop words by downloading this list: .

How the program analyzes stop words

The analysis of stop words in the program is as follows, the line with the stop word from the file is compared case-insensitively with the field specified in the filter (description or name) and if it matches, the profile is excluded or vice versa the action is performed: like, subscribe.

The choice to exclude a profile or make an activity can be configured by checking the box "Include" or "Exclude".

Is it possible to add your own list of stop words

Yes, it is possible for this, in the program you can specify the source (file on the computer). The fact is that many areas of activity have their own specifics and they may require an addition to the database.

How to make this list? First of all, look at what words your competitors use so that you do not sign up for them when completing tasks. But if you decide to make a list of stop words for work yourself, we recommend that you first conduct several experiments on a small sample of users to check the correctness of your hypothesis.

The list of stop words must be specified in Windows-1251 encoding, counting each stop word on a new line.

It no longer gives the same result as before. However, it is still a cheap tool for promotion in the early stages. If you decide to become a blogger and are thinking of building an audience on a page using mass following, I want to give you some tips on setting up a subscription, unsubscribing, and liking.

Set the source only by accounts

Hashtags, even narrow ones, are almost all cluttered. Geolocation is suitable for a local business, not a blogger. The best effect is achieved now by subscribing to accounts. Ideally, by liking and commenting on a competitor, however, many instagrammers wind up likes and get comments from (and you will subscribe to the wrong ones at all). Therefore, it is best to subscribe to account readers by filtering them (more on that later). Well, and, of course, you need to choose the right source (without cheated subscribers and likes, ideally).

Know exactly who your target audience is, who will be interested in reading your blog, and then find out in the subscribers who can take it from. Not necessarily it will be a competitor, after all, following a competitor’s audience is ugly (but it’s up to you, of course). You can find a profile with a similar target audience. For example, you write about sports, make training schedules. Your page may be of interest to people who subscribe to PP bloggers (who write about proper nutrition) and PP publics.

You can also follow the list of users (that is, these are already selected people with a large list, on which you tell the mass following service to subscribe), formed on a third-party service (for example, on Findgram).

Subscribe with a like

If you just follow people, you may not be noticed. Or not go to your page. Therefore, you must definitely subscribe and like the person. One like is not enough, two are too. Everyone understands now that this is mass following. But the subscription + 4-5 likes is already similar to the action of a real user.

Scheme of work for old profiles (from 6 months)

1 day 200 subscriptions + 1000 likes
2 day 200 subscriptions + 1000 likes
3 day 200 subscriptions + 1000 likes
4 day 200 subscriptions + 1000 likes
5 day unsubscribe

If you are afraid for your profile, you can do 800 likes (4 likes per user) or 150 subscriptions and 750 likes, and between the 2nd and 3rd day take a break from activities for the day. If you are just starting to work with the Instagram promotion service, increase the number of subscriptions and likes gradually and be sure to read the recommendations from the service itself!

The hardest part is source audience filters

It’s not enough to set up targeting, you also need to filter the found audience. Feel free to weed out large (and not so) bloggers who will never subscribe to you in response - number of subscribers up to a maximum of 1 thousand. In a good way, you need up to 300 people, but in this case, people may come across who fundamentally block mass followers (that's why they have so few subscribers).

Number of subscriptions from 20 - you don’t need less, there are those who do not subscribe to anyone in principle. Maximum 300 - otherwise they subscribe to everyone in a row, which means that your posts in their feeds will not be shown.

Mandatory use stop words! This is how you filter out online stores (although maybe one of them will subscribe in response to you, I had such cases).

With avatar or without? I choose with an avatar, but it happens that profiles without an avatar are real people, not bots, as it is believed.

Closed follow? I usually cut them out. The probability that a closed account will not be allowed is very high.

white words use carefully. Usually in services there is a choice: either stop words or white words. Better to use stop words. White is more difficult. For example, I somehow had to collect mothers. I used the white word "mom", but I noticed that the profile began to subscribe mainly to nl-schikov and other representatives of the network business, who indicate in the description that they are mothers.

Subscribe to abandoned profiles or not - it happens in different ways. Maybe a person does not post anything on Instagram and observes, or maybe they do not actually enter the application. So date of last publication It's better to leave it for 3 days.

Audience filters are the most important and complex setting in mass following. Try my settings, but be sure to experiment, change them and track the result!

Don't forget to prepare your profile

In the end, I want to recall a common truth. Before you start automatically following people, be sure to prepare your profile. Write at least 9 interesting posts. Think about their visual design. It is not necessary that your profile be in the same style. It is much more important that you have not washed out, not grainy, not dark photos.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about what masfollowing is and how to get live subscribers. This topic has always been relevant for beginners, so all the necessary material will be presented here in full. After reading the article, you will gain basic skills in promoting Instagram accounts and attracting the target audience (live subscribers) to accounts.

This article will answer the question of how instagram promotion.

What is Masfollowing?

How to choose an audience? Audience filtering.

As you probably already guessed, the success of masfollowing depends on how correctly you select the target audience. Let's look at a couple of examples:

  1. Account about events in the city up to 100,000 people. Target audience - residents of the city.
  2. Manicurist. The target audience is women in the nearest areas of the city, if the city is not large, then all residents can be worked out.
  3. Account with the theme of weight loss. The target audience is overweight women and men, as well as those who are interested in proper nutrition, diets, etc.
  4. Women's clothing store. The target audience is women from their city and the whole country.

Where to gather an audience?

  1. Hashtags. Only those people who have indicated a certain hashtag under their photos are going to.
  2. Other subscribers. Subscribers of other accounts gather, in other words, you can take someone else's audience for yourself. You can collect followers of any accounts.
  3. active subscribers. Active followers are followers who left a like or comment
  4. Geopoints. People gather from certain places, for example, a park, a cafe, a shopping center, etc.
  5. Vkontakte groups. You can gather members of any group or public VKontakte page.

Filters and audience filtering

There are a lot on Instagram right now.

- commercial accounts (accounts that sell various goods or services).

- abandoned pages (the owners of these accounts have stopped using Instagram).

- bots (these are specially created accounts, they are used for cheating).

When collecting your target audience, you will collect a lot of such pages (commerce, abandoned and bots). For high-quality work, you need to get rid of all this “garbage” and leave only the pages of ordinary people - living people will be your audience. The target audience is Instagram users who may be interested in your account. And once again, your task is to collect a high-quality audience of people who may be interested in the account you are promoting, and these should be only real people, otherwise you will not get subscribers.

At the moment, InstaTop has the following filters:

  1. Delete closed accounts. This means that all closed accounts will be deleted. As a rule, the owners of closed accounts very rarely reciprocate. Also, when following a closed account, your number of subscriptions will not increase until the owner of the closed account approves you. If this item is not checked for you, then all closed accounts will be included in the final list.
  2. Delete blocked accounts. Now Instagram is actively banning accounts, and at the same time, one problem arises - it does not have time to remove all banned accounts from subscriptions (this is when an account subscribed to someone, and then it was banned - it will remain a subscriber) and such an account cannot be distinguished. Check this filter if you do not want to subscribe to banned accounts.
  3. There is an avatar. As a rule, all people have avatars, only bots do not have them.
  4. Minimum subscribers. If the account is abandoned and inactive, then it will have few subscribers.
  5. Maximum subscribers. If an account has a lot of followers, then this account is popular and will not follow you back.
  6. Minimum subscriptions. If the account has few subscriptions, then this may mean that the account is abandoned. Ordinary people have 20-70 subscriptions at least.
  7. Maximum subscriptions. If an account has several thousand subscriptions, then this means that the account itself is promoting and it is not worth subscribing to it.
  8. Photos minimum. Here you can specify the minimum number of photos per account.
  9. Last photo (days ago). If you want to collect people who were active most recently on Instagram, then use this filter.
  10. Floor. You can select male or female, but this filter is not 100% correct. Instagram does not provide any information about the field of the account, so the gender is calculated by searching from the possible names.
  11. Russian language account. This filter has an accuracy of approximately 90%. An account is considered Russian if the number of Russian letters (in the account description, photo description and photo hashtags) is 50%.
  12. Delete if there are stop words. This is the most useful filter. It is he who allows you to weed out commercial accounts. To do this, you must make a list of stop words. These stop words are searched in the account bio (shown in the image). In this example, stop words can be: delivery, mail, viber, stock.

For basic filtering you need to use filters:

  1. Delete banned accounts - this will remove those who are already banned.
  2. Maximum subscribers - this way you will delete popular accounts (stars, models, etc.), accounts that themselves are promoted (manually or programmatically) and accounts that have gained subscribers.
  3. Maximum subscriptions - you will delete accounts that are promoted by masfollowing and bots.
  4. Delete if there are stop words - you will delete commercial accounts.

For more detailed filtering, you can use filters:

  1. Minimum subscribers - you will remove those who do not have a certain number of subscribers (these are bots or empty pages).
  2. Minimum photos - you will remove those who have few photos (bots and abandoned pages).
  3. Russian language accounts - you will remove Arabs, Chinese, etc.

On the video you can see the collection of the audience with filtering. As you can see, everything happens automatically and as a result you get a filtered list with a target audience without bots and commercial pages. The video is short - it was indicated to collect and filter 300 people (this is to quickly show you how everything works and not drag out the video for a long time), but in work you can collect and filter 5000-10000 accounts at a time.

As you can see, out of 300 people found, only 24 people came up to us. All the rest do not fit the filters we have specified - they have more subscriptions / subscribers and they contain stop words (which means that these are stores and other commercial pages). Just imagine if you would subscribe to these inappropriate people and not get a single subscriber in return. Now you understand how important it is to filter the audience?

We carry out masfollowing

It's time for masfollowing. You have gathered an audience for your work in advance and now we will consider a subscription (masfollowing). Instagram has a limit of 1,000 followers per day, but in fact, you can make up to 3,000 followers per day (only for experienced people). Recommended pauses of 60-80 seconds between subscriptions (you can change them at your discretion). It is also recommended to put likes when subscribing - this will increase the number of mutual subscriptions. The pause between likes when subscribing is 10-20 seconds.

Now let's look at how masfollowing starts in InstaTop:

  1. Open the program and go to the Tasks tab.
  2. Select an account to work with.
  3. Specify the following settings:

- how many subscriptions to complete.

- pause between subscriptions.

- a groove between likes (if you want to put likes when subscribing).

- check the box "like when subscribing" if you need to do this, also the number of likes.

To successfully promote Instagram, you need:

1. Determine your target audience correctly.

2. Gather an audience and filter it - remove commercial accounts, bots and abandoned pages.

3. Carry out masfollowing.

Remember, you can subscribe to 1000 people per day, pauses should be 60-80 seconds.

Most likely, you are not aware that Instagram blocks hashtags such as #license and #passport in order to prevent the theft of your personal data. The Internet is full of smart people who, having received the coveted crust or secret, are in a hurry to immediately publish it on Insta. Than they bring upon themselves a wicked misfortune. Well, imagine that for no reason at all, a multi-million dollar debt is suddenly hung on your Uryupin passport. Why is there a debt, they will buy some kind of weapon and then someone bang-bang and oh-oh-oh, you will already have it. And fuck?

Photo (c)

In short, it is for these (though not only) cases that Instagram blocks a lot of words in hashtags. Such words are called stop words.

The most interesting thing is that such words can be the most harmless, we will see this later. And here derivatives from everyones there sex can and work.

What do we have from that?

What a sadness for us - do some hashtags on Instagram work or not? And here's the one: when hashtags stop working for us, we suddenly start frantically flipping through the Internet and Tsvetkov's website in search of an answer - what happened ?! Why did these average hashtags work last night, and this morning - zero emotions?! Why was the photo liked an hour ago, and now there is complete calm and indifference? What kind of attack is this?

And the attack, meanwhile, is simple! Somewhere, under some photo, you used a stop word in hashtags. Once you've done that - EVERYTHING! All hashtags stop working. They just turn off! Here is such a trouble! And until you find all these hashtags, and remove them to the fucking loaf, then it will be so. That is, no way.

There is no complete and accurate list of blocked hashtags, it is constantly updated.

To find out exactly, blocked this or that word on Instagram as a hashtag, you can use the service that searches for pictures by hashtags on Twitter, Instagram and Twitter and gives out some interesting information at the same time.

See, it literally says: "Ah, yep! Instagram thinks it's a taboo word!"

Well, we have come to the treasured lists. Write them down for yourself somewhere and, if hashtags do not work for you, then one of these tasty words is probably lost somewhere among them. Stay alert and wish you good luck!

Threat. In order about the most important

1. Pay close attention to simple hashtags, such as #instagirl, #instagram - they all cause a hashtag ban.

2. If your occupation not associated with pornography, then do not abuse professional obscene language, part of which you will find in the list below.

3. To get banned by hashtags (this is when hashtags don't work at all) ONE banned hashtag is enough on every photo!

4. There is no such thing as hashtags working partially. They either work or they don't. If the hashtag does not work for any word, then it is in the bath (stop word).

5. Popular hashtags instantly slide down. That is, once you put a popular hashtag on your photo and try to find out if the hashtag works, the photo may already be page 10 from the beginning. There are many who want it, but there is little sense from such a hashtag.

6. If you are used to hashtag and see a lot of likes after that, and one fine day you find that you only got a couple of likes or none at all - don't be surprised. How long have you been liking other people's photos using this hashtag? Never? What are you waiting for then?! Or do you think that Zuckerberg is sitting there and liking your pictures? Right now!!!

Table of banned hashtags (ban, stopword, ban, doesn't work) on Instagram

#white power

If you suddenly find a new banned hashtag, write in the comments, share!