Where to complain about the beeline hotline. How and where you can write a complaint to Beeline: a sample claim


Intercity communication

Well, oh, how I didn’t want to, but Beeline’s consultants simply mated me very much, he will very much address complaints to all sorts of instances against the operator cellular operating under the Beeline brand in the Tver and Moscow regions. I'll start with a book with a sting, let's go!

Good time of the day!
This week, with the assistance of consultants, he changed tariff plan.
Until September 23, my subscriber number +7 909 271 91 67 was served by an operator under the Beeline brand according to the “All Two” tariff plan. I purchased this SIM card with this number in my time in the city of Torzhok, Tver region. But since I am often on the road outside the Tver region, and most often in Moscow and the Moscow region, with this in mind, I again, when consulting the seller in the operator's salon, chose the "All Two" tariff plan. After the cancellation of roaming in the country, the operator has a new tariff line. And I thought, maybe with the changes in the rules on the market for the provision of cellular services, the Beeline's pricing policy has changed downward for using SIM cards outside the home region. And with this question through my account in the social network "classmates" I turned to the consultants of Beeline. The consultants explained to me that my tariff plan has been archived since March 2018 and that I can choose for myself new tariff from the current ruler. I was recommended the "Vsemoё2" tariff plan. On the same terms, only with the exception of Crimea and Sevostopol. At the same time, with the transition to the new tariff "Vsemoё2", the daily payment for services will be 21.67 rubles, which is cheaper than on the previous "All two". On the previous one it was 22 rubles. At the same time, I was assured that, as before, no additional options need to be connected, since everything is already included and I will be able to use cellular services as well as before.
I was interested in this, and I through mobile app looked through the tariff line. Tariffs in the current line of "Vsemoyo" differed in monthly packages of minutes, SMS and gigabytes of Internet access within the framework of a certain subscription fee, which was different in terms of the amount of payment. I calculated that I spend about 4 hours of talk time on calls, 250-300 SMS messages and 10 gigabytes of Internet traffic. For these costs, I was approached by a tariff plan from the current line "Everything1", where for 13 rubles 33 kopecks of payment per day, I would be provided with 300 minutes of voice communication, 300 sms messages and 12 gigabytes of Internet traffic per month.
Using a mobile application on my smartphone, I change the tariff. A payment in the amount of a daily subscription fee was debited from the balance for changing the tariff. After a day of using the tariff, I discovered that, in addition to the daily monthly fee, they debited money for roaming from the balance, I go to the mobile application and look at the details and it says that they also charge 5 rubles for each SMS message.
After that, I again start communicating with Beeline consultants through the social network. "Classmates" and ask the question why they rip off 5 rubles from me for each SMS-message. Moreover, it should be noted that I sent SMS-messages to the subscriber number of the SIM-ki Beeline, which was also purchased in the city of Torzhok, Tver region. Beeline's consultants answered me that since I am in the Moscow region, these SMS messages are not included in the monthly tariff package and are charged as long-distance. I parry this answer, because my SIM and the number to which I sent SMS-messages were purchased in one city of the Tver region and how they suddenly became long-distance. To this objection, they explained to me that I am in the Moscow region not in my home region, and therefore these numbers for each other are long-distance. To which I objected again, but after all, the concept of roaming was canceled in Russia, and what's the difference in my physical location, whether it's the Moscow region, or it's the Tver region.
And this is what the Beeline operator in the person of a consultant answered me, I quote: “Because funds are required to maintain the network. When sending SMS, as well as making calls to another region, more equipment is used than when communicating in one region "
That is, in fact, for the abolition of roaming in the country, in order to compensate for lost profits, subscribers are now charged for the so-called "long distance" communication. It is even more expensive than it was under the conditions of roaming in the country.
I wondered why, then they did not charge for the previous tariff "All two". I was told that the tariff plan was different and with different conditions. And before that, the consultants assured me otherwise. That without any financial losses I will be able to use cellular services as before after switching to a new tariff.
I asked me to return my number to the previous tariff, since I could not do this physically through the mobile application or through the website. I was told that they could not transport me to the previous tariff, since it is in the archive. Then the consultant initiated my application No. 2173821615.
Across certain time I got a call on this application from +7 9033285353, they told me that they were calling from Beeline at my request and that due to the loss of time, it is technically impossible to transfer to the previous tariff, since it is in the archive. And they confirmed that all tariffs of the current line are charged for "long distance" messages and calls.
In this regard, I ask you to clarify and assess the concept of "long distance" message and calls in the absence of roaming in the country, provided that the subscriber's SIM card was purchased in the Tver region, and are used in the Moscow region for calls and sending messages to numbers in the Tver region of the same operator?
I also ask you to transfer me to the previous tariff plan "All 2", which served my SIM until September 23, or in the current tariff line "All mine" in the monthly package within the subscription fee include so-called "long distance" calls and SMS messages.
And also to restore my balance by returning the debited payment for "long-distance" calls and SMS - messages from September 23 to the present.
Askar Sharipov

System telephone connection sometimes it fails, which the client can regard as the provision of low-quality services. In such cases and if there are other grounds, a citizen can file a complaint about the quality of Beeline communication.

Grounds for appeal

You can file a complaint against the provider if there are the following reasons:

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem- contact a consultant:


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  • blocking an account without a reason;
  • poor service was provided at the company's representative office;
  • the quality of the support service does not satisfy the client;
  • annoying messages from the operator;
  • the legal rights of a citizen have been violated;
  • poor quality of communication, interactive communication;
  • a complaint against the hotline operator is rude, rude, obscene;
  • the operator refused to terminate the existing service agreement;
  • spending Money credited to the account by the subscriber is illegal.

Other reasons can also be identified. The main thing when contacting is to provide sufficient grounds and supplement them with misconduct or incorrect attitude towards the client.

How to write

  1. The written statement should be written succinctly, without unnecessary information.
  2. The text should convey only important data that will help to accurately describe the existing problem, and the body in question will be able to quickly make a decision to resolve the dispute.
  3. If a claim is made against an employee, then the location of the branch where he worked should be indicated.
  4. If the contacting client has evidence in documentary or other form, then they must be attached to the claim.

The complaint must include the following mandatory points:

  • where the claim is sent;
  • data of the applicant, which will allow correctly assigning the addressee when sending a response to the complaint;
  • main text describing the essence of the complaint;
  • for what purposes the application (requirements) was drawn up and sent;
  • if the application is sent to the operator, then it is necessary to indicate what consequences await if the claim is ignored, for example, or.

The main text of the appeal should include:

  • the nature of the problem or violation;
  • date and time of the incident;
  • data of employees who took part in the conflict or themselves became its provocateurs;
  • what exactly was violated (clauses of the contract with the operator, legislative norms).

Sample 2020


Where can you file a complaint about Beeline

Each telecom operator is obliged to provide its customers with high-quality services within the terms stipulated by the contract. This rule is fixed in the provisions of the Federal Law No. 126 "On Communication" dated July 7, 2003.

Citizens who are dissatisfied with the fulfillment by the company of its obligations have the right to send it a corresponding claim.

When can you complain about a carrier?

Any client can contact Beeline with a claim for the quality of the service provided. If necessary, the complaint is submitted to the company through a legal representative, if he has a notarized power of attorney.

A claim may be required in the following cases:

  • regularly receiving spam;
  • low speed Internet connections;
  • inactivity of the support service;
  • substandard mobile connection;
  • incorrect behavior of office employees or call-center operators;
  • unjustified refusal to terminate the contract;
  • constant interruptions in the Internet;
  • illegal connection additional services without the client's permission.

In the cases listed above, the subscriber can contact Beeline with a corresponding claim. Lawyers tend to favor the written version more, but an oral complaint also has a positive effect.

If you are faced with an illegal debiting of money from your account or the activation of additional services without obtaining your consent, you have the right to demand the return of finances. In this case, the claim must be made in writing.

Ways to submit a claim to Beeline

You can send an appeal to a telecom operator in several available ways. The easiest way is to call the call-center employee at 0611 or 8-800-700-0611 and tell him the problem that has arisen.

Depending on the type of complaints, the client may need a different phone number, which can be found on the official website of the company in the "Contact information" section.

Another way to submit a claim remotely is to communicate with a Beeline representative in an online chat on the company's website. You just need to log in to the system, select the subject of the appeal, indicate your phone or Internet number, as well as your name to enter the chat.

The operator will provide you with detailed advice on any issue of interest and help you solve the problem.

In addition, you can send a complaint to Beeline or report fraudulent actions using the form feedback(https://moskva.beeline.ru/customers/help/safe-beeline/rekomendatsii/moshennichestvo/) available on the operator's website.

When submitting an electronic request, it is important to choose the subject of the appeal and the method of receiving a response, indicate the name, phone number and the nature of the problem.

The last option for filing a claim is to contact the nearest office of the company with a passport and documents confirming the validity of your claims.

How to write a claim to Beeline using a sample?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a standard claim form, however, in order to consider the appeal on the merits, its text must contain the following data:

  • the name of the telecom operator;
  • Full name and address of residence of the client;
  • his contact phone number;
  • the essence of the problem with detailed description the circumstances of the violation of the applicant's rights;
  • customer requirements;
  • date of preparation of the document;
  • personal signature the applicant.

When drawing up a claim, it is important to refer to the clauses of the agreement that were violated, and the norms of Russian legislation confirming the validity of the applicant's position. The appeal must be supplemented by documents relevant to the case (for example, an agreement for the provision of a particular service, payment receipts).

The client must provide two copies of the claim to the Beeline office, one of which is certified by an authorized employee (the date of acceptance of the papers and the signature of the official are stamped on it) and returned to the applicant.

According to part 7 of article 55 of the Federal Law No. 126, the terms for consideration of the claim are 30 days from the date of registration of the appeal. The company's response is made in writing and sent to the applicant at the specified address or by e-mail.

Sample claims

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a telecom operator is not entitled to connect additional paid services without first obtaining the client's permission.

If you are faced with a similar violation, and money has already been debited from your account, you have the right to send to Beeline and demand the return of the amount paid.

It should be noted that the client's permission to connect a particular service provided on a paid basis must be made in writing.

In addition, you can also use another, illegally debited from your account.

Often, customers make erroneous payments, which can be returned by contacting the company's office with a corresponding statement. A blank form is provided by the operator's staff, but you can download it here on the website.

If the transfer amount does not exceed 200 rubles, you can return the money remotely - by calling 0611 or by writing to e-mail [email protected]

Are you tired of regularly sending spam? Subscribers can receive SMS messages about discounts, upcoming events and ongoing promotions. To unsubscribe from this mailing, it is enough to provide to the Beeline office, the form of which can also be obtained from a company employee.