How to delete posts on facebook. How to delete photos on facebook and other elements of the social network

Social networks know about the habits and lives of their users than their parents or even spouses. This is not a very pleasant fact, because all this information is available not only to advertisers, but also to your competitors and enemies. In the lives of many people, there are situations when it is necessary for some time to disappear from the public space and go into the shadows. For example, if you suddenly and "from above" ordered to urgently delete all compromising information about yourself. Facebook does not have a built-in ability to delete all your posts and photos, but you can hide them from prying eyes for a while. Business Insider journalists described a sequence of actions, as a result of which all previous user activity will be hidden, and you will literally go into “invisible mode”.

First of all, find the button with the image of the lock in the upper right corner and after the drop-down menu appears, click on the link “See other settings”.

You will be taken to the "Privacy Settings and Tools" menu. Look for "Who can see your posts in the future?" and select "Only Me".

The next step is to hide our previous posts. To do this, click on the link "Restrict access to previous publications" and confirm the action. Thus, all our previous entries will become visible only to friends.

We limit the list of people who can add us as friends. Now only friends of friends can do it.

We leave the opportunity to contact us only to friends.

Be sure to turn off the ability to find us by email address.

We do the same procedure with the phone number.

Another important thing is that search engines should not know about us, so we uncheck "Allow search engines to link to your Timeline".

Then we go to the "Timeline and Tags" menu and restrict the ability of other people to post entries in our timeline. Looking for settings: "Who can post to your Timeline?", "Who can see the posts you're tagged in on your Timeline?", "Who can see what others post to your Timeline?", "When you're tagged in a post who can see it, except for those people for whom it is already open? and everywhere we select "Only me". After that, turn on “Submit tags made by friends before they are published on your Timeline?” and “Submit tags that other users make on your posts before they appear on Facebook?”. The last step in this section is in the menu "Who sees tag recommendations when photos with images of people like you are uploaded?" select "No one". We should get the following picture:

Facebook allows your followers to see your public posts as well as their friends. Let's kill this opportunity.

After that, we prohibit Facebook and third-party sites from using our profile for various kinds of advertising activities.

Almost done! We go to the "Applications" section and disable authorization using Facebook on third sites and the use of various kinds of applications.

Finally, hide posts made with older Facebook mobile apps that don't have a built-in audience selection feature (for example, older versions of Facebook for BlackBerry). Ready!

Recall that Facebook recently seriously attended to the problem of cheating likes on the pages of brands and. Soon the social network will remove "likes" from users whose accounts have been deactivated. This applies to deceased users and those whose profiles have been deleted for violating the terms of use of the social network or due to prolonged inactivity.

Noticed an error? Select it and click Ctrl+Enter to let us know.

Has a terrible habit of reminding you of everything you've ever posted. Most likely, in the dark corners of your Chronicle there are many records that you no longer remember. It's time to remove them once and for all.

Checking the Chronicle

First of all, make sure you know how your Timeline is viewed by regular users (those who are not your Facebook friends). To do this, go to your Timeline, click on the lock icon, in the "Who can see my materials?" select "View As" and you will see the following:

Have a good look at everything, and if you don't like something, click on the date under your name, then on the globe icon, and change the item "Available to everyone" to "Friends", "Only me" or "User settings". In addition, you can completely delete the entry by selecting the appropriate item after clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner.

Hide old public posts

If you want to hide many public posts at once, then you will be surprised that Facebook has a special tool for this.

Click on the privacy settings padlock in the upper right corner of the page, select "See other settings" and click "Restrict access to previous posts." Read the message that appears and click "Apply these restrictions to past posts" if you want only friends to see all your old posts.

Change Chronicle settings

Next, let's make sure the Chronicle settings match your preferences. Click again on the privacy settings padlock in the upper right corner, select "See other settings" and click on the "Timeline and Tags" tab in the left panel.

Check that the first, fourth, fifth and seventh points are set to "Friends" or whatever you choose:

More thorough cleaning of Facebook

If these tips are not enough for you, you can use one of the extensions for the Chrome browser, such as Facebook Post Manager. However, such programs can be overly aggressive, so be careful when using them.

Ready! You have cleared your Timeline of old forgotten posts. Now you can live peacefully and not worry that someone will stumble upon a compromising image or status that you posted in 2009.

Deleting messages on Facebook is not as easy as it is in email, as the former keeps the entire history of your messages.

To delete messages, you need to open one, go to options and start selecting the messages you want to get rid of. If there are a lot of such accumulated, then it will take a lot of time to clean them. Alternatively, you can remove the message from the list, but only for a while. It will be archived and will appear when this person sends you a new message.

This task is intended to facilitate the application for Chrome -. With it, you can delete all messages with one click of the mouse.

Delete messages on Facebook (slow option)
You can open your messages and send them one by one to the "Archive". However, the messages you delete will not disappear forever - they will appear when you receive a new message from this addressee.

To delete individual messages, you first need to open each of them. Click on the button " Actions' and select ' Delete messages ».

You will see all correspondence with this friend, opposite each message there will be a window. Tick ​​the ones you want to delete, or just click " delete everything».

Tiring, isn't it?

Delete all messages on Facebook at once
To take control of all your Facebook messages, go to the extension in your browser and click " Add to Chrome" to start the installation.

Once the installation is complete, the extension will be automatically activated. Now, to delete all your messages on Facebook with one click and not open each individually, go to the Messages page. You will see two additional buttons: one is in the top toolbar, the other is highlighted in red. Click on them to permanently delete all your messages and conversations.

With this extension, you don't have to spend a lot of time deleting messages by clicking on each one individually. Just install it on your Chrome browser and perform this operation with one click!

To get started, it's worth looking at what your feed looks like and deciding which posts to hide or delete. To do this, click on the three dots next to the "View activity log" button and select "View as ...". In this mode, you can see how your page is displayed to friends and everyone else.

Each post can be separately deleted and hidden right in the feed, but in the settings there is an item for simultaneously hiding all previously published entries from prying eyes. Click on the padlock icon in the top bar and select See other settings. This will take you to the privacy settings, where you can apply visibility restrictions in the feed. All your old entries will now be visible only to friends.

Next, you need to select the item "Chronicle and tags" in the menu on the left. In this section, you can configure the access and visibility of your timeline, especially pay attention to the first, fourth, fifth and seventh points - switch to the "Friends" or "Only Me" mode.

It is most convenient to delete and hide posts from the feed in the activity log (the "View activity log" button), where there are filters to view only your posts, likes or posts in which you are tagged. If you don't want to set up each post separately, you can use a Chrome extension like Facebook Post Manager.

After installing the extension, go to the activity log, select the required post filter and, without scrolling the page, start Post Manager. In the extension settings, you can select the year, month and keywords to hide, open (Hide / Unhide) or delete posts (Delete Posts) and likes (Unlike) in your feed. After executing the command, all that remains is to confirm the decision by clicking the corresponding button (Confirm) that appears in the top panel.

Communication with friends using posts and reposts on the wall allows you to make information available not only for the addressee, but also for other users who have a subscription to user updates. This feature is available not only for publications on your page, but also on the pages of other users of the social network Facebook. Thus, other users of the social network will be able to view and leave a comment on your post (if access to records is not restricted and the privacy settings of information on the page are not changed). In the event that the added post or entry on the page is not relevant or created by mistake, you can quickly and easily delete it. Please note that on a friend's page, you can only delete entries that were created exclusively by you. In this step-by-step guide with photos, you will learn how to delete a timeline entry on your page and a post you created on a friend's Facebook page.

Step 1

How to delete your entry on a friend's Facebook page.

Start by clicking on the corner (number 2 in the example photo) next to your post on a friend's wall. Then, in the context menu that opens, select the "Delete" item.

Step 2

Confirm the deletion of the entry by clicking the "Delete publication" button.

Step 3

Your post has been removed from your friend's page.

Step 4

How to delete a post from your Facebook News Feed.

To delete an entry from the news feed on your page, you must select the entry and click the checkmark next to it (number 1 in the photo example). Then, in the context menu that opens, select the "Delete" item.

Step 5

Confirm the deletion of the entry by clicking the "Delete publication" button. It is worth noting that the deleted publication will be impossible to recover, so carefully choose the entries that are to be deleted. The post has been removed from your page. If the information was useful to you - click Thank you!