How to change the names of a wiki page. How to create a VKontakte wiki page for a group

With the help of wiki markup, you can design the group menu, analytical articles, cases, instructions. Of course, you will need to spend a little more time on this than on the design of the usual posts on the wall. But the more you get confused with the content design, the more grateful your audience will be.

How wiki markup works

Wiki markup is the language used for page layout. Conventionally, it can be called the younger brother of HTML. It is convenient to write and format text on wiki pages, insert illustrations, videos, links, tables. You can typeset a simple article or create an entire interactive guide with chapters and subheadings.

The width of any wiki page is 607px. The height is limited only by the number of characters, there can be about 16,000 of them.

All wiki markup is tagged, just like HTML. There are single tags (e.g.
- line break) and paired (for example, thumbnail).

How tags for text work in wiki markup

In some cases, wiki markup uses a simplified syntax (tags replaced with typographic characters). For example, to create a bulleted list, use asterisks "*" and for a numbered list, use hash "#".

How typographic marks work in wiki markup

All existing tags and methods of their use are collected in the officialvKontakte wiki markup community ... Use this community's content as a reliable cheat sheet. In this article, we'll walk through the basic principles of working with wiki markup and show you step by step how to use it to create pages and group menus.

The standard wiki page editor has two modes: visual and wiki markup mode (the toggle button looks like this:<>).

This is what the active wiki markup mode looks like

Primitive text with a couple of pictures can be laid out in visual mode. It is a regular text editor and does not require any knowledge of wiki markup. But if you want a neat wiki page with tables, links, and embedded videos, this can only be done in markup mode - with code.

How to create a wiki page

The button "Create a new page" does not exist in the interface of VKontakte itself. Therefore, we are talking about two methods, standard and advanced (using the application).


For the group. Go to "Community Management" → "Sections" → "Content" and select "Public" or "Restricted".

How to enable "Content" in a group

Now the section "Latest news" will appear on the main page of the group. This is the place for the intended group menu. To create a new page, you can write its name directly in the "Latest News" page editing mode, enclose it in square brackets, click on "Preview" and get a ready-made link to the new page.

How to create a new page through "Fresh news"

For the public. To create a new page, you need to find out the id of your public. To do this, go to the "Community Statistics" section. In the address bar of your browser, you will see code like this:\u003d 123456789

The desired group id is all digits after "gid \u003d".

Now you need to enter the following code into the browser address bar:\u003d-ХХХ&p\u003dPage_name

Instead of XXX, we substitute the id of the public, instead of "Page_name" - the name that you came up with. You can use Cyrillic, Latin and numbers in the name. It is not forbidden to use special characters, but it is better not to risk it: because of them, you may lose the ability to edit the page. We paste all the data in the right places, press Enter, and the browser will open the created page.

Using the app

VKontakte developers recommend three applications for working with wiki markup for use:"Mobivic" , "Source" and Vicky Poster.

In this tutorial, we'll take the Mobivic app as an example. In November 2017, it won second prize in the VKontakte Start Fellows program. Works without installation and additional registration in the desktop, mobile version of VKontakte and in the application for the phone (the developer recommends using versions not earlier than Android 5.1, iOS 9 and Windows Phone 8.1).

To create a new page, on the main application screen, select the desired group and enter the name of the new page, and then click "Get link".

How to create a new page using the Mobivic application

Links to the new wiki page in the Mobivic application

And here is a life hack for those cases when you have made a complex page with a lot of elements and are afraid that the layout will go on a small screen. Copy the address from the Code for the wiki page. Go to edit mode of your page and paste it at the very beginning of the code. You will get an image like this:

When the user clicks on it, they will be taken to the Mobivic application, which will show a neat mobile version of your page.

Left - the LIVE community menu page open on mobile,
on the right - it is the same, but opened through the "Mobivik"

How to get a link to a wiki page

How do I find the page I created earlier? The easiest and most reliable method is to copy all the addresses of the wiki pages in advance into a separate file, for example, in Google Sheets. Another way is through any wiki application. For example, go to "Mobivik", select the name of the community and the desired page, click "Get a link" and copy the address from the item "Link to the wiki page".

How to get a link to a previously created wiki page

How to make a post with a link to a wiki page

Copy the link to the wiki page and paste it into a new post on your wall or community wall. If done correctly, the site will generate a link block below the post's text box. Now remove the link text itself, attach the banner and click "Submit". In the desktop version, the banner will also become a link to the wiki page, and in the mobile version, it will open like a regular picture.

The picture attached to the post will become part of the link to the wiki page in the desktop version


Opportunities for text formatting in wiki markup generally do not differ from the capabilities of an ordinary text editor. When editing the text directly (make it bold, align to the right, etc.), we use the tags of the wiki markup, do not forget to close them:

Center text

Combinations of typographic characters are provided to structure text in wiki markup. For example, the following code “—- "Will put a horizontal dividing line in the text, and such":: "- double indentation before the paragraph.

About 16 thousand characters can be placed on one page.


To make the text visible instead of the address, add the name of the link:

[] - to user profile

[] - to the community home page

[] - to another wiki page

[] - for a meeting on VKontakte


The maximum width of an image that can be used in wiki markup is 607px, which is the width of the wiki page itself. The height is practically unlimited (remember that the height of the page itself is 16,000 characters). Images can be uploaded in two ways.

Using the loader in the top menu of the editor.

Using code. We load the picture into a separate album of the group, open it, in the address bar we see a long code like this\u003dphoto-12345_12345% 2Falbum-12345678_12345678

Copy the image id from it (in bold). Then we frame it with double square brackets and paste it in the right places on the page. It turns out something like this:


What's next? Edit alignment, text wrapping, size, anchor link. To do this, write the desired parameters after the vertical bar and separated by semicolons. For example, in this code, we set the size for the picture300x100px and the text wrap around to the right:


First you need to upload your video to Community Videos. After downloading, open the video and copy its id from the address bar (in bold).\u003dvideo-12345_12345% 2Fclub12345678% 2Fpl_-12345678_-2.

We frame it with square brackets and we get the following code:

We get a small picture with a play icon, when you click on it, a full-fledged video player is deployed. In order for the video to be played on the page itself, the VK developers suggest using the tag player.

But here we end up with a disproportionate black border around the video:

To remove it, you need to resize the player to the size of the video itself. For example, in our case, the following parameters came up:

We got a video without black borders, it will play right on the page


If you want to structure your wiki page content nicely and render it neatly on mobile devices, a table is essential. Here you need simple signs like this:

When working with tables, you can use 4 tags: noborder (makes table borders invisible), nomargin (makes the table the full width of the wiki page) nopadding (removes padding in cells) and fixed (allows you to create a table of fixed sizes).How many cells you specify in a row, as many columns will be in the table.

Here is an example table2 × 2 no margins above or below the text inside cells:

The first column is 200px wide and the second 300px wide.

That's what came out of it:

You can place text, pictures, audio and video recordings in table cells.

How to make a wiki menu

The VK group menu is not some kind of separate functionality, but simply a wiki page with several pictures, each of which has a link to a specific page. In fact, everything is simple here.

  1. Preparing a cover for the menu. You can take any suitable picture and put text on it. Or you can hire a designer who will draw beautiful blocks and buttons for you. We will have a menu with 6 buttons. For this, we need a picture where these buttons will be designated. Let's decide on its size.

When preparing an image for the menu, remember that the width of the wiki page is 607 px. The width of the image should not be larger, otherwise the image will shrink and lose quality. As an example, we took an image with a size of 510x300 px.

  1. Cut this picture into 6 parts (one part for each button). It is convenient to do this in Adobe Photoshop using the Cutting tool. If you don't want to bother, use, for example, the online serviceIMGonline (cuts pictures into equal parts). We did everything in Photoshop.

With the "Cutting" tool active, right-click on the picture and select "Divide Fragment", indicate the required number of fragments and click "OK".

How to cut a picture in Photoshop

Our menu will be designed as a table of 6 cells: three rows and two columns. To do this, we cut the picture for the menu into 6 equal pieces of 255 × 100 px. The same size will need to be set for each cell.

  1. Create a wireframe for the table.We go into the editing mode of a new page and make a table. We open it with the tag (| and immediately set three important parameters:
  • nopadding - will allow the pictures to touch
  • noborder - hides visible table borders
  • fixed - allows you to set the exact size of the cells.

Specify the fixed width of the cells - 255px 255px (twice, because there are also two columns). Next, we set the places for the beginning of new lines with the | - tag and new cells (columns) with the | ... We close the table with the tag |) and get the following skeleton:

  1. We place pictures in cells and set links for them... Open the necessary parts of the picture in the community album one by one, copy their id from the browser line ( photo-12345_12345) , enclose in double square brackets, prescribe dimensions 255x100px and nopadding tag for gluing pictures. After the vertical bar, assign a link to each button. We get the following code.

(| noborder nopadding fixed
| ~ 255px 255px

| []
| []
| []
| []
| []

  1. Done! Click "Save Page" - and we get a convenient menu for the community.

Ready-made group menu in the desktop version

Ready group menu in mobile version

If you made a menufor the group, then it will be easily accessible by clicking on "Fresh news" (by the way, this page can be renamed to "Menu" in edit mode).

If you made a menufor publicthen it can be prominently displayed under the community name using a pinned entry.

To pin the menuin a group, publish a post with a banner and a link to the wiki page on behalf of the community (if you publish on your behalf, it will not be possible to pin the page).In public there will be no problems with fixing: there you can pin a post of any author.

How to make a post with a link to the menu in the public

How to pin a community menu

New editor for VKontakte articles and wiki markup

The VKontakte administration announced the launch of the article editor on December 22, 2017 and is positioning it as a tool for publishing longreads.

Some users decided that it was created to replace the wiki markup. But so far it is too early to draw such conclusions, because the editor's functionality is still quite meager. You cannot edit media files (size and alignment) and make tables in it, and hyperlinks can only be assigned to text. There are no tags or code here, there is only a visual mode, as in a regular text editor.

From this you can see that it is still possible to create a user-friendly menu for a community or a wiki landing only with the help of wiki markup. What will happen next - time will tell.

This is how the interface of the new editor of VKontakte articles looks like

What to remember about wiki markup

  • The standard method for creating wiki pages is painstaking and not very user-friendly. The easiest way to create a page is through the Mobivic application, Source Code or Wiki Poster.
  • The community menu should be made a table so that it looks neat on mobile devices.
  • When editing a wiki page in the standard interface, do not switch between visual editing mode and wiki layout mode. Because of this, the layout may go.

It is not necessary to remember all the tags, it is enough to keep the link to

Question for connoisseurs: what are VKontakte wiki pages?

Best regards, NaDu SiK

Best Answers


Like wikipedia probably

Kirill Vnogradov:

Have you ever seen the beautifully designed Vkontakte groups? this is done using a special WIKI markup. And why exactly WIKI markup is because this markup was invented by Wikipedia, and then it got into Vkontakt. If I'm wrong, correct me

Wiki - (English wiki) website, the structure and content of which users can collectively change using the tools provided by the site itself. The most famous wiki site is Wikipedia. The term "wiki" was first used to describe a website in 1995 by Ward Cunningham, the creator of the first wiki system WikiWikiWeb, who borrowed the Hawaiian word for "fast." Later this word was coined by the English backronym What I Know Is….

Video response

This video will help you understand

Answers from experts

~ Vreda ~:

select the menu - edit - and there on the top right - wiki \u003d))

Vladimir Visited:

It is impossible to delete a page, you can only forget about it. Change all your details and forget about it. Over time, it will be removed by moderators.

Here's what Wiki writes about this:
Make the first and last name Deleted deleted, delete the page and not appear there for a month. It will be deleted automatically.
If you start spamming, they will quickly delete you)))
"Durov and Company" says that by going to the "Settings" section, you can specify "do not show, delete the page" in the "page visibility" subsection.
According to the Vkontakte blog, in a month, your account information should be erased from the Service database. I say the names of the links from memory, because I did it all. But I'm not sure if this is really so [that the information has been erased] - because I cannot verify either.
My Settings \u003e\u003e Privacy \u003e\u003e Who can view my page \u003e\u003e Nobody, delete page \u003e\u003e Save
This will lead to the fact that all information on your page will be deleted and you will never receive a single notification from the site.


About 90 thousand people are registered in contact every day. Among them, from time to time, there are those who want to delete their page.

Unfortunately, most of the page deletions occur after a hack. Therefore, in order to avoid the complete loss of the page, users should delete all contact and other information from it to delete the page, and then do the following:

My Settings \u003e\u003e Privacy \u003e\u003e Who can view my page \u003e\u003e Only me \u003e\u003e Save

This will lead to the fact that all information on your page and your page will be hidden from all users of the site, and you will never receive a single notification from the site. If you ever need to restore the page, you can use the password reminder form.

Questions and answers:

Q: Why can't you immediately delete all information without the possibility of recovery?
A: Up to 80% of the immediate deletion requests we received came from hackers who took over someone's account. Imagine that after working in a computer lab or club, you forgot to click the "Exit" button. After that, your account could be immediately deleted without the possibility of recovery. This led to a flood of complaints.
In addition, as it turned out, most of the departing people applied with a request to "return everything back and restore information" within a week.

Igor Schastlivtsev:

You have probably heard that if you create a VKontakte Wiki page, you can forget about the boring and banal presentation of information. After all, by publishing a post on your profile, you are limited only by text, link and image. As a rule, this is a short explanation of the photo and may be the address of a third-party resource. No decoration, no design possibilities. A wiki page does not have these limitations - it is based on wiki markup, similar to HTML, but much simpler. If you are interested in a living example, take a look at Wikipedia. , italics, tables, photographs, and more - all of which help create visual articles.

What is a VKontakte wiki page?

Before proceeding with the step-by-step instructions on how to create a VKontakte Wiki page, you need to understand the concept itself. So, what is it: VKontakte wiki page and what is it for?

Wiki page in VK is a special markup format that allows you to independently edit and format the display of information on the site. With its help you can set the design of the group menu, choose fonts, insert graphic elements, set table parameters, change themes according to your mood and much, much more. And all this without using the standard extremely limited tools provided by the social network.

What this is for is probably already clear. Without the use of markup, your page / group will look rather gray and trite. To get noticed, you need to attract attention. And what could be easier if you have at your fingertips a huge list of tools that make you stand out from the rest of the authors ?! Just insert tables, use links and lists, highlight text with different fonts, create product catalogs or write posts with colorful photo collages! And all this with the help of a layout language that is available to everyone! Is that great? Not that word!

Creating a VK Wiki page

The rules for creating wiki markup largely depend on whether you plan to promote through the community or through the public. We remind you that these two types are significantly different from each other. For instance:

  • the group can be closed for viewing by all users except its members. Or you can close individual functions (like, comments);
  • for the owners of the group, the section "Latest news" is available;
  • however, public owners can create events, while documents can be uploaded to the community.

In view of significant differences in functionality, we will consider each option separately. So let's get started.

In the community

How to make a VKontakte wiki page for a group, let's figure it out in steps:

  • Open the VK group and select "Control".
  • Go to sections.
  • Click next to the "Materials" text. You can choose between open and limited. In the first case, all participants will be able to create resources, in the second - only persons with the status of "administrator" or "editor".

  • In the simplest text editor, you can create content.
  • To save the wiki page, click the button of the same name. Preview is available.

Now by option "Latest news" you will be taken to the created wiki page.

You can make VKontakte wiki markup in the editor: to go to it, click the icon “<>"Located on the right. A detailed description of the rules, as well as the course "Creating a VKontakte Wiki page", examples for it, you will find in the training community.

In public

It is even easier to make such a VKontakte Wiki page - it will automatically appear when you enter an address in the browser like:\u003d-XXXXX&p\u003dNAME

  • oid - community identifier, taken from the address when the public in VK is open.
  • NAME is a name that you come up with yourself. By the way, remember that that's right, it's not an easy task, and brainstorming for the evening, or even for a week, is definitely provided for you.

To create, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the address and press Enter.
  2. On the new screen, click on the button "Fill with content".
  3. After everything is ready, in the address bar, copy the ID and paste the link in your menu. Then it can be removed, the text will still remain in place.

The main thing is not to forget to set the conditions for editing in the access settings. "Only group leaders"... Otherwise, you run the risk of being in an awkward situation when the participants, for the sake of a joke, change the recording at their discretion.

Thanks to the markup, you can also add an image to the post text. If you click on such a photo after publication, you will see not an enlarged copy of it, but the Wiki page itself.

Group menu

Now let's move on to the question of how to make a VKontakte wiki menu for a group. Basically, it's just a bunch of links that you can attach to text or images. To start creating you need to select a picture from your album and copy the link. After that, all that remains is to enclose it in double square brackets (for example, []). After that, you can start editing the image as you like. You can add text using the text tag or insert a link using the link tag.

That is, in a nutshell, in order for a menu to appear on the page, you need to create a set of graphical buttons and place them in the content area. For each item, paste the linking into a different wiki page. As a result, you will see that the following markup appears in the code:

The target of the transition is highlighted in bold: it can be your wiki page or belonging to another community - it does not matter.

To create a link to a third-party resource relative to VK, select a picture or text and click the anchor icon. In the "Link" field, enter the address, for example

Access for viewing and editing

  • Copy its full address and paste it into your community post or your profile.
  • The resource logo will appear at the bottom, after which the link can be deleted.
  • When you click on a post, the content will open in a separate window. Above you will see the transition to editing.
  • Using the button "Accessing the page" allow or deny access to specific user groups.

How do I delete a wiki page?

Unfortunately, you cannot currently destroy the created resource, since it is impossible to delete the VKontakte wiki page. Delete all transitions to it, deny access to all VK users, and the resource will simply not appear. If you do not remember its address, then it will also cease to exist for you.

Please note that when creating a wiki page in contact, it is worth remembering some features of its placement:

  1. at the moment the site supports 100% of information display, so when creating the markup, do not set another value. Otherwise, when viewing your page, the picture may "float" for other users;
  2. unfortunately, this type of layout is not adaptable to the mobile version. Therefore, when creating, constantly check how information from your group is displayed in the application;
  3. for markup, the length of characters in the link is very important (the limit is 6 characters). Therefore, do not forget before inserting them into the text.
  4. do not use special characters in the name (for example, +, _, *). It is possible that problems may arise during the encoding of such characters.
  5. choose one layout option: either a virtual editor or a wiki markup.

Tag set

There is a small set of tags that allow you to create markup for your own resource in VK. Consider some approaches to VKontakte wiki markup for dummies, you will find templates below.

You can find the tags required for work in the document by downloading it by clicking on the button.


Markup gives you much more design options than the poor set of editor tools.

Thus, wiki markup can be extremely useful if used wisely. Follow the simple rules we described and diversify your page!