The glowing apple is a new feature for connoisseurs.

The glowing logo is one of the most interesting design elements that you can add to your phone while modding. Its shape can be very diverse, depending on the preferences of the client. The brand name of the company, the trade mark of the manufacturer, the emblem of the sports team, the stylized initials of the owner or that stylishly bitten glowing apple - there are no borders or frames. Coultury specialists will not only bring to life any wishes of the customer, but will also give a number of different advice on this and other elements of customization.

Power consumption of the glowing logo

Any light source requires power, and the glowing logo for a custom iPhone is no different. During the design of the backlight chip, our specialists focused on minimizing its power consumption. A single diode is used to illuminate a small logo, which consumes up to 0.9% of the battery charge per hour of its activity. Large logos require two diodes, but even in this case, the user of a stock or modding device will not notice absolutely no difference in its autonomy.

Choose the color of the glow

In choosing the color of the glow for glowing logo there are no restrictions. Based on the user's preferences, you can determine its nature. Red, for example, symbolizes an unbridled desire for success, pink unites passion and purity, orange is synonymous with extraordinary, green enchants with a balance of warmth and coolness, blue conveys affection and loyalty, and blue conveys calm and serenity. Despite the variety available, most users opt for the cool white glow.

How to decide on a glowing logo

Some logos can only be made from specific materials and using a specific technology. However, most orders can be completed with a few various methods... In any case, Coultury specialists will present to the client everything possible ways implementation of a specific glowing logo with a miscalculation of its cost, as well as consult on the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The user will only be required to provide the desired logo, clarify the key nuances, and also make the final choice.

How to find out the cost

Anything can become your symbol - from initials and abbreviations to the symbol of the most unforgettable event in your life. Even the smallest details will go a long way.
Any individual logo requires a cost estimate.
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Since the choice of iPhones in terms of color is small, many resort to modding services, i.e. accent design made on the surface of the case. It involves embossing with leather, inlaid with stones or engraving. Also, the owners of the gadget often decorate it to stand out glowing apple... Of course, in this decoration, the iPhone looks much more impressive. We will talk about him today.

Educational program

For a long time it was expected that Apple itself would leave a "opening" on the back metal panel, instead of the controversial plastic stripes - for better signal reception with antennas, and along the way would highlight the logo. However, given the small size of smartphones, the functionality of such a solution turned out to be questionable, because using the device (and the backlight is triggered only when you activate the display), a person corny covers all the beauty with his hands. What is the point of bothering and overloading the phone with insignificant elements?

But, nevertheless, the demand for such services is great, and almost all self-respecting service centers for the repair of smartphones readily undertake their implementation. Typically, miniature LEDs are used for backlighting. They consume negligible amounts of energy, and have little or no effect on iPhone performance or battery drain. According to experts, the consumption of the backlight with one diode is within 0.9% of the battery charge per hour of continuous operation. If it does not glow constantly - even less.

You can customize the backlight so that the apple will light up whenever you receive messages or incoming calls in silent mode.

It will also make it much easier to find your iPhone in the dark, when it's face down. These advanced systems tend to be more expensive.
Users can choose from a wide range of LED colors. For aesthetic reasons, the classic white color of the LED diode is ideal for any iPhone, which is why customers of service centers most often order it.

Scope of work

We will briefly describe the essence of the upcoming procedure, so that you understand that the iPhone has to "withstand". It's not nearly as innocuous as the executive companies have touted. therefore, before giving the phone for a similar "tuning", we strongly recommend doing iniTunes backups all user data. And in general, take this as a rule - before carrying out all serious operations: updates, diagnostics, etc., since no one canceled force majeure.

So, about the replacement process - first, the mounting bolts near the charging slot are unscrewed (this will require a special star screwdriver). A suction cup grabs the display (so as not to damage), and with a plastic spatula, the back of the case is removed.

After that, the internal screws on the shield covering the connecting cables are unscrewed, the display is disconnected

and the battery is removed.

Then a special sticker is removed that insulates the steel insert - the logo. Next, the apple is thoroughly warmed up with a hair dryer to soften the glue joint. This will make it easy to detach from the case.

Now you can start installing the light block. The protective film is removed and a new apple is installed in the vacant hole. The cover itself looks like this, the main difficulty is how to properly connect it to the iPhone batteries.

Then, depending on the type of LED used, its contacts are attached to the battery cables or to the display's power port - to provide energy.

We do the same with the other loop of the backlight unit. Be sure to insulate all exposed parts of the wires with the supplied tape. They should not touch the battery.

That's all, actually. It remains to reassemble the smartphone in the reverse order, the main thing is not to forget to replace all the cables and tighten all the screws tightly. An experienced craftsman can do everything in an hour and a half.

The average cost of such work is about 5,000 rubles. Judge for yourself whether it is expensive or not, given that the share of "spare parts" is usually around 700 rubles. There are tons of ads on international platforms with models in all colors. The simplest light module on the iPhone 6 is usually offered for $ 8.80, for the 6Plus version - a little more than $ 9.90, due to the increased length of the cables.

In principle, the installation work itself is not difficult, so if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "stuffing" of the iPhone, then you can do it yourself. To complete the procedure, you will need the block itself, with a glowing apple, and a basic set of tools - to safely disassemble the case. All the required elements look like this:

Sometimes the tools are included, or they can be ordered separately. Without them, it is better not to try to open the case - for sure, damage the bolts and the airtight gasket around the perimeter. Then the resulting cracks will no longer be fixed.

You can watch the whole procedure step by step in the video. It shows many nuances that must be observed for successful work.

If you are not sure that you can perform the replacement efficiently, do not risk it, it is better to entrust the gadget to a specialist. It will be much more expensive to repair the breakdowns resulting from improper opening of the case.

Important point

It should be remembered that to create such a decor, you have to disassemble half of the iPhone case. And already only this entails a 100% refusal to provide a free guarantee, if suddenly something goes wrong in the normal operation of the smartphone. You understand that after disassembly, battery cells or connecting cables may fit less tightly. And the case itself is, as it were, "depressurized", because The steel logo patch will be removed, and an apple-like hole will gape in the solid metal, even if protected by heavy-duty plastic. Think whether such beauty is justified?

A good design of your favorite gadget is more expensive than money, and even fears of losing the warranty, says David Cogen. The set he created iPhone Light Kit Mode literally helps to highlight your smartphone among the likes. Without additional energy consumption, reducing functionality and increasing the size of the device.

In contact with

Mr. Cohen's solution is interesting because it allows realizing the innermost desires of two far from always overlapping categories of users. The first includes those who have long dreamed of the opportunity to delve into the "inner world" of the iPhone, to physically upgrade a fragile overseas gadget without the risk of breaking it. In the second, amateurs are guaranteed to draw the attention of others to the fact that they are holding the latest flagship smartphone from Apple.

All that is required is to replace the original metal cap of the logo with an alternative one with an LED lamp, connecting it to the display power supply line. Minimal interference with the iPhone's power system, a symbolic increase in the load on the battery - the backlight is activated only when the smartphone screen is on. Or look at it from a different angle, as soon as you unlock the system in passing, check a notification or synchronize your watch, the gadget shines with a "beacon" in the shape of a bitten apple. Just like Apple laptops in the lap of journalists in the semi-darkness of the presentation room. Or even better - by adjusting the brightness of the display, you can control the impromptu illumination on the back of the phone.

Bearing in mind that not every potential buyer has the skills of an engineer, entrepreneur David Cohen created iPhone Light Kit Mode - a package with all the necessary tools. The price of the version for the iPhone 6 / 6s models is $ 35, the version for the 5.5-inch brother is a couple of dollars more expensive. Instructions, in the format of video and text explanations, further.

Reminder: Apple is categorically opposed to users unauthorizedly opening the iPhone case and even more so manipulating its filling. You act at your own risk.


On either side of the Lightning connector there are two tiny screws that must be unscrewed using the special screwdriver included in the kit. Don't lose the details! In the process of dismantling, several more similar procedures are planned.

We attach the suction cup to the glass of the screen, pry the panel with a plastic spatula, slowly detach the cables and put the entire structure aside.

Removing an iPhone battery from its home is not easy, but necessary. Heating with a hairdryer will help to overcome the tenacious grip of the glue, a table knife with a rounded end or a wide screwdriver will pair the blade - gently applying force, dismantle the module.

A shiny detail of an indefinite shape that appears to the eye is the original smartphone logo, which you just need to get rid of.

We again have to overcome the resistance of the adhesive composition, but now we don't have to stand on ceremony - we are talking about static, non-functional elements. More scratch, less dent, it doesn't matter. On the other hand, it makes sense to be delicate in case you later want to return the "native apple" to its place.

Installation and connection

The set contains a logo with LED completely prepared for work, equipped with spacers for mounting and a bus for connection. We put it in its rightful place and secure it with adhesive tape, mentally joining the work of thousands of hardworking Chinese workers on Foxconn conveyors. The battery is installed on top.

We take a panel with a display in our hands and examine its upper part, where the camera module is located. The area we need is hidden under a protective layer, which will have to be painstakingly ripped open.

Now we connect all cables, basic and outgoing from the updated logo, to the corresponding ports. Do not rush or rely on the sensitivity of your hands - do not neglect tweezers, do not forget to use strips of adhesive tape.

It remains to install the upper part of the iPhone case and tighten the screws. They weren't lost in the process, were they? Having finished assembling the gadget, we turn it on and test it.

Order a set iPhone Light Kit Mode can be found on the manufacturer's official website