Methods of communication on the Internet. An overview of the means of communication on the Internet

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Methods of communication on the Internet

At the moment, there are many sites for online communication in the world, below are some of the popular sites:

From multilingual:

Google + (there is a Russian-language interface);

Facebook (there is a Russian-language interface);

LinkedIn (there is a Russian-language interface);

Badoo (there is a Russian-language interface);

Myspace (there is a Russian-language interface);

Livejournal (there is a Russian-language interface);

Twitter (there is a Russian-language interface);

In contact with;

Russian speakers:;;

My [email protected];

With friends.

Types of communication on the Internet


The easiest and most affordable way to communicate online is email. The first email was received in 1971. But, despite such an honorable age, this system is far from the last place among Internet users.

Email Benefits:

Message forwarding speed;

The ability to send not only text information, but also programs, graphics, sound as attachments;

Ability to deliver one letter to many recipients.

But e-mail also has such disadvantages as:

The need for a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software;

When sending a large number of attachments or large files, it may be more appropriate to use regular mail.


Teleconferencing service appeared in 1979. Unlike e-mail, which transmits messages from one user to another, news is transmitted from one user to several at once. Thus, many people can participate in the discussion of the topic of the teleconference, regardless of where they are located geographically.

Teleconferences are discussion groups where users exchange emails, ask and answer questions, exchange files, and so on. teleconferences or newsgroups, sometimes also called an interactive bulletin board.

But since a huge number of messages are sent out daily, one person is not able not only to read them all, but even to look through all the titles.

Therefore, each conference participant notes in advance which topics are of interest to him, and receives messages only on these topics.

Types of teleconferencing:

1. Open (available to everyone)

Closed (for the elite)

2. Moderated (managed by a specific person - moderator)

Unmoderated (with randomly flowing discussion)

All known conferences have a collection of frequently asked questions and answers to them FAQ (Frequently Asked / Answered Questions) and before subscribing to the newsgroup, you can read the contents of the FAQ.


Chat, chatter (English chatter - to chat) - a means of exchanging messages over a computer network in real time, as well as software that allows you to organize such communication. A characteristic feature is communication in real time or close to it, which distinguishes chat from forums and other "slow" means. That is, if you can write a question on the forum and wait until someone considers it necessary to answer it (at the same time, you can get several answers at once from different users), then in the chat, communication occurs only with those who are present in it at the moment, and the results of the exchange of messages may not be saved.

The word chat usually refers to group communication, although it can also include one-on-one text exchange via instant messaging programs, such as XMPP, ICQ, or even SMS (it's unusual to hear this, but it's a fact, SMS is a particular example of a chat).


The forum is designed to discuss a single topic. Let's just say that it's like a club with the same interests. There are forums for programmers, for designers, for cat and dog lovers, for music lovers, and so on.

While in the chat, we immediately answer the interlocutor to his message, but on the forum you can answer immediately, or you can give an answer after some time. To find out the address of the forum or the site where the forum is located, you need to use the search sites again.

Blogs. Virtual diaries

All the time that humanity has existed, people keep their diaries and enter there their experiences, observations, events that happen to them. Different people write for different reasons. Some write for themselves, others for posterity.

Previously, all the diaries that people kept were paper ones, but now most of the users use virtual diaries. With the Internet at hand, each person can keep his own virtual diary absolutely free of charge. In it, people write whatever they want: their thoughts, views on life, their experiences, etc. You can open your entries for public review, or you can make them private.

Due to the fact that diaries are kept by many Internet users, certain interest groups began to form.

On the Internet, there is a club for every person with his interests, no matter what he is fond of. In the user's diary, you can put personal photos, you can also read other people's diaries and make comments on them.

Moving on to the saddest part of our story. Although there are secure solutions for almost every type of online communication, using them will require you to convince your interlocutor that “it is necessary”. As the experience of Jabber fans suggests, it is impossible to do this without the intervention of large companies. Therefore, this review is rather futuristic in nature - if all this finds demand, perhaps someone will someday learn how to make money on it.

Secure messages

To send secure messages, the OTR (Off-the-Record) cryptographic protocol has been developed. The protocol uses a combination of AES algorithms, symmetric key, Diffie-Hellman algorithm and SHA-1 hash function to create strong encryption.

The main advantage of OTR over other means of encryption is its use on the fly, and not after the preparation and sending of the message. It was designed by Nikita Borisov and Jan Goldberg. For use in third-party applications, the developers of the protocol created a client lib. Therefore, in order to protect data transmission over IM channels, you can use applications specially designed for protection.

One such project is Cryptocat; is an open source web application written in JS. There are extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In addition, there is a client application, but only for OS X. Cryptocat encrypts messages on the client and transfers them to a trusted server. To do this, the client side uses symmetric encryption of messages and files using AES-256 and the selected key. A new key is generated for each chat.

Other participants in the conversation - up to ten people in the room - will only be able to read them if they themselves correctly enter the same key. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is used for secure key transfer, the Whirlpool hash function for generating unique fingerprints for authentication, and HMAC-WHIRLPOOL for message integrity checking. The keying approach turns Cryptocat into a system of perfect forward secrecy, in which even the loss of the private key cannot compromise the session key. The chat log is deleted after 30 minutes of inactivity, and the service itself works with permanent SSL encryption.

Private mail

The self-closing of the mail service, which Snowden took advantage of, was widely known. The service was closed after the security services made demands to provide access to the stored data.

It is difficult to find a complete alternative to Lavabit (except for self-hosted solutions), but VFEmail can be offered as a more or less secure service. It scans every incoming email and its attachments for viruses and spam. If malware is detected, the message is blocked on the gateway and does not reach the server. The mail server supports gray and black lists, and the well-recognized SpamAssassin system is used to detect spam. Work with VFEmail goes through the standard POP, IMAP, SMTP protocols, and the web interface is implemented via a secure SSL channel. Like most modern email services, VFEmail supports opening Microsoft Office documents in the browser. However, you have to pay for the resulting secrecy of correspondence. True, there is a free, so-called "copper account", which provides the user with 50 MB of server space for letters. To increase the space, you need to buy another, more advanced account.

Another project of this kind is Bitmessage, written by Jonathan Warren in python. Bitmessage is a decentralized P2P program for encrypted messaging between two and/or multiple users. It uses strong cryptography that reliably protects subscribers from eavesdropping at the ISP or server level. It is worth noting that the cryptographic system almost exactly copies the scheme used in the Bitcoin P2P system, however, it is aimed at messaging. The peculiarity of Bitmessage is that the fact of communication between two users is almost impossible to prove: the message is not transmitted directly from user A to B, but is sent to all network members (a similar approach is implemented in Tor). At the same time, only the user with whom the connection is established and who has the correct decryption key can read it.

The last project in this series that we will look at will be TorChat. The TorChat network is a free, decentralized, highly anonymous, crypto-secure instant messaging and file exchange system. All code is open, and therefore, we check. TorChat uses the Tor anonymous network at its core, but it is a completely separate project. The anonymity of data transfer is entirely assigned to the hidden services Tor, TorChat, in fact, is just an add-on to them that processes messages. The crypto-protection of the connection between two users is also provided by the Tor hidden services through asymmetric encryption according to the RSA standard. Initially, TorChat was written in python, the client for OS X, respectively, in Objective C. In early 2012, the jTorChat project was launched, developed in Java. Until it implements all the functionality of the original TorChar, for example, there is no file transfer.


Although the web interfaces of the considered messengers can be used on mobile devices, an instant messaging tool specially tailored for mobiles is under development.

Hemlis mobile messenger

Voice and video chat

With instant text messaging we are anonymous, but what about voice and video communication? Skype is owned by Microsoft, and it (according to the Snowden documents) was convicted of passing information to intelligence agencies.

Therefore, other options are needed. One of them was the Tox project, an open and free alternative to Skype. It uses a network communication model similar to Skype's P2P to distribute messages, using cryptographic methods to identify the user and protect transit traffic from interception. Text messaging, voice communication, video calls and file transfer are supported. The work is organized through a simple and typical graphical interface for IM clients.

One of the key objectives of the project is to ensure the privacy and secrecy of correspondence, including protection from possible traffic analysis by special services. To provide user addressing, a distributed hash table (DHT) is used, the work with which is organized in the BitTorrent style. The communication channel is organized using an add-on over the UDP protocol with the implementation of the session layer (Lossless UDP).

To identify each user, a special public key is used, which is also used as a public key for encryption. Separately, a private key is generated to decrypt messages encrypted using the ID/public key. To organize communications, a connection to a peer is required (each client of the network is a peer), which can be defined manually or found automatically (the function of searching for peers in the local network is available).

The Tox code is written in C and distributed under the GPLv3 license. Linux, Windows and OS X platforms are supported. The libsodium library is used to organize encryption. The development functionality is still at the level of a series of test prototypes, a console client written using the ncurses library, and a graphical client based on Qt5.

In addition, an alternative is being created in GNU called GNU Free Call. This project aims to develop and implement secure and self-organizing communication services around the world. GNU Free Call will use SIP as its base protocol, which is supported by the GNU SIP Witch VoIP server. The communication network is built using P2P technologies and has a mesh network topology, in which each client point of the network is connected through neighboring client points. The ultimate goal of the project is to form a VoIP network that resembles Skype in terms of features and ease of use.

On the technical side, for the implementation of the project in GNU SIP Witch, in addition to the function of routing SIP calls, support will be provided for working as a secure VoIP proxy, the ability to store a cache of hosts and perform the functions of exchanging routes with neighboring nodes of the mesh network will be added. VoIP proxy support will simplify building user interfaces and creating applications for mobile devices, as it will provide support for receiving and making calls from any SIP-compatible softphones.

The GNU Free Call networking client software will support a wide variety of software platforms. The network will have a completely decentralized structure, not tied to individual control servers.

Social media

To protect your private data from the insolent eyes of intelligence agencies, you can use free secure counterparts. Of course, they have much fewer users - 15-year-old schoolgirls taking pictures with iPhones, but so much the better. And the more users will understand the importance of the privacy of information, and everything goes to this, the more of them will go to secure social networks.

One such network is Friendica. The project was started in 2011 by Mike McGreevin. Friendica is a free and open source social network hosted on GitHub. It provides a wide range of connectors for a variety of social networks, both traditional (Facebook, Twitter) and new ones (Diaspora, In addition, with the help of Friendica, you can exchange letters and read RSS feeds. If you make a photo private in Friendica, then it will actually be private and no one (except, of course, the owner and his chosen persons) will be able to access it.

Currently, the development of the next version of the social network called Red (which means “network” in Spanish) is underway. According to the authors, during the development of Friendica, the details were realized and the mechanisms for developing social networks were tested, so the next project will become even better and will be spared from the fundamental shortcomings of the first version.

Another secure social network we'll be taking a look at is Diaspora. This network is based on three basic principles. Unlike traditional social networks, where data is stored in one data center, i.e. centrally, in Diaspora, as in many web-secured products, data is stored decentralized. In this case, the data is stored not on a central server, but on pods - computers of those users who provided them for this purpose. The second principle, of course, is freedom, who could doubt it? The third principle is secrecy. No one but you has access to your data, and who can view it is up to you to set permissions. And they act globally, that is, no one will violate them.


As you can see, it makes no sense to panic because of total surveillance. There are secure solutions for all the usual services: email, instant messaging, voice / video chat, social networks. If you use them, then no Big Brother (or modest intelligence agency) will get into your affairs. No one is able to stop the spread of information on the Internet! Use all the possibilities of the Web for your own purposes!

Progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds. More recently, the computer was mainly used for work or for games. And we had no problems with communication. We spent half our lives in queues, traveling. Only one minus - we called up friends from other cities and countries once every six months. And only for five minutes, otherwise we would then receive a six-figure bill.

Today, thanks to the development of technology, it has become possible to make purchases in online stores, solve a number of administrative issues and, of course, actively communicate on the Internet. And you do not need to go out, go to a neighbor or work colleague to visit to exchange news. You can do this at home, sitting on your favorite chair or sofa. Convenient, isn't it?

But is everything really as good as it seems to us at first glance? If you look closely at the current situation, you can be horrified! Communication in the Internet space replaces real relationships for us. Statuses "engaged", "have a boyfriend", "everything is complicated", hearts under the photos. And what is really going on in the soul of the person who sent us a smiley, we may never know.

What are social networks and why are they dangerous?

Social networks are gaining more and more popularity and become an important part of our lives. A page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook is a reflection of your Self. Through the same profiles of your friends, you will find out the latest news from their lives, listen to the music they prefer. Watch movies that your colleagues or comrades have downloaded. There is a fear that communication on the Internet in the near future will completely replace the real one. Is this true, and what is the use of the World Wide Web for us?

Many animals interact with each other, but only a person does this not for joint hunting or survival, but just like that, for fun. Only Homo Sapiens (a reasonable person) has a need for communication as such. From the point of view of psychology, communicative relationships are the process of establishing and developing contacts between people. Arises due to the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, as well as the perception and influence on each other.

What is the specificity of communication on the Internet? Due to anonymity, there are no barriers to interaction due to gender, age, appearance, social status, financial position, and so on down the list. There is an opportunity to create any impression about yourself. It is interesting that many people tend to invent a different life and image for themselves in general. This applies to the so-called "virtual personalities". These persons do what a person would never dare to do in everyday life.

So, for example, a shy representative of the fair sex can flirt with respectable and smart men, a hunted teenage guy will insult and criticize older ones, a person offended by life can be rude and prove her case. Where else can you show your character, without fear of getting a serious rebuff from your opponent.

An important feature of communication on the Internet is also voluntariness. You and only you determine with whom you will communicate now. And if you get tired of it, you can just turn off. (For the same reason, disconnections that sometimes occur can be misinterpreted by interlocutors as unwillingness to communicate with them). And in real life, you will have to be responsible for all your actions and actions.

Communication on the Internet, just like usual, has two sides - the exchange of information and perception. Here we get to know each other, establish contacts and build relationships with people we like. However, in network communication (due to the lack of a common physical space), the third party is limited - interaction with each other. You will not be able to touch a person, hug him, look into his eyes. You will not understand if your friend is telling the truth, what your significant other is doing at this particular moment.

But this same feature makes online communication so versatile and limitless. Wherever you are, you just need to turn on the computer and find the network. One has only to want, and before you will be a huge number of people who want to talk. In reality, it is very difficult to find a friend who would share your thoughts, ideas, suggest how and what should be done in a given situation.

The perception of another person on the Internet is also limited. For the most part, communication on the network is carried out through written speech, which cannot express your intonation or facial expressions. Dialogue cannot be accompanied by any eloquent gesture. Mutual understanding often suffers from this. Tell me how you will understand that the interlocutor really likes you without hearing a tremor in his voice, a sly look and a flirty smile.

Supporters of online correspondence decided to negate this shortcoming. They tried to create a special language of Internet communication. He, like many other slangs, is distinguished by a tendency to abbreviations (for example, “comp” - a computer, “Internet” - the Internet) and jargon (for example, “LOL” English laughing out loud - “laughed out loud” - so they comment on which some very funny stuff).

In addition to special words and expressions, the language of communication on the Internet also includes special icons - emoticons, which display your facial expressions, gestures, actions or mood. Using them, you need to clearly understand the meaning of a particular sign, and also be sure that your interlocutor knows it. Otherwise, firstly, he may think that you are clogging your speech with incomprehensible brackets and squiggles, and secondly, confuse the meanings and decide that what is happening to you is not at all what was meant.

How people communicate on the Internet

Live and direct communication includes many different types and types: business, friendly, formal, spiritual, educational, verbal, non-verbal, and so on. Communication on the Internet, unlike physical, can be reduced to three main types:

  • Business

One of the main reasons why the Internet is developing so quickly and qualitatively is its service to business goals and objectives. Fifteen years ago, all work issues were resolved by us by phone, fax or mail. However, now even the cleaning lady has her own email address. After all, this way she can send a resume to any company, and not go there, wait for an appointment to give a piece of paper to the recruiting manager.

Compared to conventional communication, business communication via the global network is much cheaper for organizations. You run a dedicated Internet, set up Skype - and your employee can answer calls from all over the world. Plus, you don't have to wait weeks for papers to be sent to you from, say, Canada. Two minutes and you're done. Here you can conduct training seminars - they are also called webinars - and network conferences. The transfer of information is easy, and the cost of such activities is negligible.

Thanks to the Internet, such a sphere of business life as freelancing is rapidly developing. Previously, it was very difficult for a young mother on maternity leave to find a job that met her needs: with a flexible schedule, interesting and well-paid. But now, thanks to various freelance exchanges and opportunities to work via the Internet, it has become a reality.

  • informal

The Internet, as a means of communication, functions not only in business terms, but also in personal terms. Moreover, informal contacts currently occupy the lion's share of our lives. Now, probably, there is no longer a person who does not sit on social networks and does not flinch at the sounds of a working “ICQ”.

The Internet is one of the most common answers to the question of how to find a partner, because it is thanks to the global network that it has become possible to search for your soul mate among millions of other people. You can provide only the information you want about yourself, and it will certainly be easier for you to control what you say. This way you can make the right impression.

But the above advantages smoothly turn into disadvantages when your partner has the same capabilities. Agree, it is disappointing when, after a long correspondence, you get to know a person live, and he turns out to be completely different from what you imagined. A tall blue-eyed blond with a two-story villa can turn into a small plump man who last went to work two years ago. And there is no magic in it. This person just wanted to please you.

But the Internet is more than capable of satisfying the need for communication - which is why it is now believed that you cannot be alone if you have access to the network. But is it? Do you feel happy when you close your Facebook page and go to sleep in an empty bed?

  • gaming

This type is separated from the informal category due to its place that it occupies in human lives. Online games are a huge layer of modern culture. The nature of communication depends on the type of toy. For example, communication in role-playing games (the so-called “walkers”) is based on the principle of theater and masks. Each participant has his own special role, which he plays to the end.

Sometimes characters need to unite in order to achieve a common goal. For example, you need to kill the main sorcerer or defeat someone else's clan. And then group correspondence takes on the character of communication, accompanied by some kind of joint activity. At the same time, the characters love each other and can even gather at gatherings of interest.

Communication in other games such as “shooters” and racing is distinguished by its aggressiveness (it is not surprising, because the goal of the game is to win at all costs). Friendship usually has no place here. By the way, this is why you should restrict access to such sites if you have small children.

In intellectual games (such as preference, chess, checkers), the conversation of people is more like the conversations of old friends who have gathered together. They are distinguished by a variety of topics and a manner of discussion inherent only to them. No one here will insult, ridicule or offend you. You can run into aggression only if you are a beginner who is rude to your elders, or if you are trying to deceive your partner.

What are the dangers of online communication

Like any other phenomenon in our life, online communication has its drawbacks. Therefore, before you plunge headlong into the global network and forget about the real world, think about whether you need it. Weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the danger and future prospects.

The upside is that you can connect with anyone in just a couple of seconds. In this case, you do not have to pay fabulous sums for communication and communication. The negative aspects include abuse of anonymity, frequent deceptions, as well as Internet addiction.

Abuse of anonymity or who is who

Quite often, when meeting on the Internet, people, instead of being themselves, invent a new personality for themselves and play it. Therefore, lying becomes a rather serious problem in Internet communication. And if people do not tell the truth about themselves, then the establishment of trusting contacts becomes impossible. When meeting through the Internet, there is neither responsibility nor obligations, and without them no serious relationship is possible. Psychological studies show that the fair sex most often suffers from fantasies and inventing a new “I”.

Fraud: scammers are allowed in

In the course of Internet communication, it is easy to deceive another person. As mentioned above, due to anonymity, you do not have true information about the gender, age, social status, work of the interlocutor. What he says is often very difficult or almost impossible to verify. That is why you must be especially careful when communicating on the Internet. Often maniacs thus lure the victim to him. Do you get suspicious if a person with whom a trusting relationship has developed invites you to a cup of coffee after a date?

It is enough just to be skeptical about what has been said and not to trust everything that is said to you at the initial stage of acquaintance. You will be smart to be wary of what people tell you about themselves. It is especially difficult when your relationship is still in its infancy. It is also worth carefully and carefully talking about your life. Fraudsters usually use the data to get passwords, codes and other information that will help them get rich.

Therefore, pay attention to the fact that self-disclosure should only be mutual. In any case, take your time and first talk about abstract topics, and then about personal ones. Anonymity and deceit become especially dangerous when children communicate over the network. That is why you should carefully monitor how and with whom your child texts or calls on the Internet.

Internet addiction or say no to real life

The delights of online communication can cause the deterioration of "ordinary" human relationships. In particular, there are cases when families broke up due to the fact that one of the spouses spent too much time communicating on social networks with representatives of the opposite sex. In addition, communication on the Internet is characterized by permissiveness, relaxation, lack of shyness.

It is easier to get to know each other online and find like-minded people on any issue. And a person, getting used to such ease and lack of effort in communication, begins to plunge deeper and deeper into the abyss of online communications. And then the Internet turns from good to evil. To determine if you have an internet addiction, try to be honest with the questions below.

Virtual addiction test:

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed, in a bad mood, and irritated while offline?
  • Can you spend the last money on the Internet and online entertainment?
  • Are you at risk of losing your family, job, or relationships with friends because you spend too much time online?
  • Do you think about the Internet when you are not online?
  • Do you need to spend more time on the Internet to increase your comfort?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you can't live without the Internet?
  • When you go online, do you spend much more time there than you planned?
  • Do you use the internet to escape real problems and deal with anxiety, depression, or guilt?
  • Do you occasionally lie to family and friends by downplaying the amount of time you spend online?

If you answered yes to at least three questions, then you should consider whether using the Internet is causing too much damage to your life. Remember that, despite all the advantages that communication in the global network has, it also has serious limitations and cannot completely replace relationships in the real world.

People who have an addiction find it quite difficult to get rid of it. In the twenty-first century, it is considered a serious disease. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist who will understand the problems that led to this disease. He will also set the patient in the right mood.

How to communicate online

Follow the same communication rules online as in real life. Don't be rude, don't insult other people. Many of them react just as sharply to sharp attacks as they usually do. Therefore, observe moral and social norms, despite the absence of a possible punishment. Then online communication will really bring you joy.

Getting to various forums and sites, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of communication on them. Read what other users write. Remember the saying: "Do not go into someone else's monastery with your charter." If you don't like something on a particular forum, it's easier to try to find another one, rather than remake this one (unless you're the host, of course).

Respect your interlocutors. Do not neglect the norms of the Russian language and grammar. The once widespread "language of padonkuff" for the most part causes rejection and unwillingness to keep up a conversation in a cultured person. Watch your speech in all aspects. For example, the abuse of quotes can cause dislike. Believe me, the phrases “I am a woman, which means I am an actress. There are a hundred faces and a thousand roles in me ... ”are already in the liver of most users. Write in the status something smart, not worn out. And people will come to you.

Listen to other participants and share your knowledge with them. Many people turn to the network for help, including you. Therefore, if you know the answer to the question asked in the chat, do not be too lazy to write a couple of lines. Share with the questioner all the information you have.

Hold back strong emotions. There is such a phenomenon - "trolling" - when one person writes something solely in order to cause a violent reaction in other people and pit them against each other. Do not give him such pleasure, be moderately calm and restrained. The same goes for you. Do not ask provocative questions that can scold all forum participants.

Be tolerant of your own and others' right to privacy. Do not try to hack into your boyfriend's email to read the correspondence. It's just as ugly as it is in real life. If, for example, you turned on the computer, and the page of your partner or friend loaded in the browser, exit it.

How to please someone on the internet

Many people, as already mentioned above, use communication in the Internet space in order to make new friends. In this regard, the network provides almost limitless possibilities. But it turns out to be not so easy. In order to attract other people in cyberspace, try to properly use the advantages of the Internet and negate its disadvantages.

As mentioned earlier, on the Internet, no one will appreciate your appearance. And this can be both a plus and a minus. If you are used to the fact that beauty is your trump card, prompting you to start getting to know you, then in Internet communication you may feel at ease. You may feel like no one is paying attention to you. But if there are some flaws in your appearance that scare other people away in ordinary life, then the Internet can serve you well. It is here that your inner world will become your main trump card, which men will fall in love with.

By the way, about the soul and your thoughts. It depends on how others perceive you. Therefore, as many train the figure and pump the press, “pump” your inner world! Read books, watch movies, be interested in the latest news and events taking place in the world.

If you want to meet a man on the Internet, try to develop in the direction of purely masculine topics. Of course, sports, weapons, cars, fishing and similar hobbies are not as interesting as shopping, but you can get involved in this over time. Be sure to visit the forums dedicated to similar topics. There are usually far fewer members of the fair sex than on other sites. You will be a unique woman who shares the interests of a man, and this is very attractive to them!

But in no case do not forget about your individuality. Since appearance is not important on the Internet, it becomes especially noticeable how some girls look alike. The same interests (such as “expensive clothes, beautiful cars, sexy men”), the same statuses (classics of the genre - “I’m hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget”), the same pictures on avatars. All this causes a sad smile from smart and interesting men (and after all, these are the ones we need?). Don't try to stand out. Just don't be banal.

In the process of communication, try to be natural. Even if the partner does not see your face and gestures, he can still feel deceit and falsehood. Therefore, do not try to keep up the conversation on the topic “cognitive dissonance as a factor in the formation of negative emotions”, while continuously using the search engine and Wikipedia. It’s better to honestly admit that you don’t understand anything about this, but you will be happy to learn something new. And then your interlocutor (especially a man) will be happy to tell you about it.

To make it easier and more pleasant to communicate with you, post a couple of your photos. But only those where you are portrayed in a favorable light. Thanks to this, the interlocutor, talking with you, will represent you mentally. And this will only improve relations and make your contact direct. In addition, some things or events can be conversation hooks. For example: “How, were you also in Goa? I love this place! And what did you like the most?” etc. … Gradually, such a conversation can come to a discussion of plans for a joint vacation. Just do not specifically look for topics that can be discussed.

Communication in the Internet space on various topics is generally a useful and safe platform for practicing new behaviors. For example, you have always wanted to be bold and uninhibited in dealing with men. And there is nothing better than trying it on the Internet! The worst thing that can happen is that you cut off contact and never see these partners again. And if you like it, you will be able to transfer the acquired style into ordinary life with relative ease.

What Not to Do on the Internet

How to communicate on the Internet so that later there are no problems? To begin with, always and everywhere take precautions and communicate only on distant topics. First, don't post personal information to the public. Year of birth, place of residence and work, presence of children - all this should be kept secret. Also, do not upload photos and videos of an intimate nature to your profile. This may provoke you in the future. It is not known how the husband will react if he finds your photo in only underwear (or, worse, without it).

You should not talk on the forms about the problems that are happening in your home. Do not take dirty linen out of the hut. Think about it, if you would like to find your husband’s correspondence with other people, where he would tell what a bad housewife and wife you are. Your partner will experience the same if they accidentally stumble upon the site. Plus, almost always everything secret becomes clear.

Introduction.. 2

1. Characteristics and role of services on the Internet and the system of communication via the Internet .. 4

1.1.The concept and role of services on the Internet. 4

1.2 Methods of communication via the Internet. 5

2.3. Internet portals.. 11




Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that live communication cannot boast of. These include: anonymity - no one can reveal himself anywhere as much as it is possible to do on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how ready he is to reveal himself to this or that interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting exactly as much time to him as he can afford; a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet it is possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before, and perhaps never will see; the opportunity to find not only close friends, but also a life partner, if you're lucky.

This substantiates the relevance of studying the issues of communication via the Internet. Many programs have been developed for this. Programs for communication on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some by modern standards are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication over the Internet was originally organized, include e-mail, social networks, Internet portals, QIP, Skyper, etc.

The purpose of the abstract is to study Internet services, programs and social networks for communication on the Internet.

The tasks of the work were:

1. define and evaluate the popularity of Internet services;

2. present programs for communication on the Internet;

Characteristics and role of Internet services and Internet communication system

The concept and role of Internet services

Internet services are services provided to users in providing access to a social network and the use of Internet resources. The most popular Internet services are the following:

1. Electronic payment systems. Using the Internet, it is very convenient to order and pay for almost any services or goods in online stores, etc. More and more people use this service every day. Payment service providers earn profit in two ways: either a fixed fee for each transaction, or a percentage of each transaction.

2. Internet advertising. Today, everyone understands the importance of advertising on the Internet on numerous sites, because Internet advertising is cheaper and its audience is constantly growing. Therefore, the advertising business on the Internet is a promising occupation, especially if an unconventional approach is used in this business.

3. Online consultations. In order to provide online consultations, you need to register on a special website, indicate your specialization, information about yourself, upload certificates and diplomas and indicate the schedule of consultations and the price for your consultation.

4. Creation, promotion and administration of sites. If you are familiar with the basics of programming or have the opportunity to hire a web programmer, then you can safely start creating and promoting websites. Despite the fact that there is huge competition here, by doing quality work, you can build a profitable business.

5. Web design. Web design is not an easy but relevant topic. It is possible to master it yourself or use the services of professionals. Such a business has one significant plus - it can be started almost from scratch. The main thing is not to stop developing your business and not be lazy.

6. Information business. Information is a product that is ideal for selling over the Internet. It is in high demand, easy to ship and easy to manufacture. You can sell e-books, audios, videos, on topics that are interesting or find a market that has a need for a particular product.

7. Subscription sites. There is such a thing on the Internet as a subscription site. It is possible to create a website and just sell a subscription to it, and this can generate income every month. The topics for such a site can be different: from sites dedicated to news and Internet marketing to sites about buying and selling stocks, resources in certain industries, etc.

9. Travel agency online. Opening an online travel agency is much easier: you don't have to worry about office costs, the number of clients, and you can manage it from anywhere in the world.

10. Copywriting. You can earn by selling articles and texts for websites. High-quality text that can increase the ranking of the site is now very much appreciated. Copywriting, of course, does not earn much, but if you organize a copywriting agency, you can make good money.

10. Real estate agency online. Here the benefits are similar to those of a travel agency. Large expenses will be spent on advertising, but they will still pay off.

Methods of communication over the Internet

Let's present the rating of the most popular programs for communication on the Internet. Programs for communication on the Internet are programs that help you communicate in various ways with an interlocutor sitting at another computer. Methods can be from simple correspondence using text instant messages, to video calls. Most programs have the ability to send SMS messages to mobile phones.

Communicating through instant messengers (programs for communicating via the Internet) is very convenient, since you can conduct a dialogue simultaneously with many people who can be located anywhere in the world where there is Internet. There is a great variety of programs using both the ICQ protocol and their own. Consider the most popular.

ICQ (and its various builds). This program is particularly popular, but the quality of information transfer is low. First, ICQ suffers from poor optimization, which requires a large amount of system resources and traffic. The severity of the program is given by various little-useful functions, such as the game service, which are removed in other versions. Secondly, ICQ has the status of "adware", that is, the user is forced to endure an advertising banner as payment for the program. Of the advantages, I would like to highlight a pretty good look and support for skins. But this advantage does not cover other disadvantages.

Table 1 - Characterization and evaluation of ICQ

QIP 2005. QIP is a messenger that does not have all the shortcomings of the previous one, being a fast and compact program. It has support for skins, has many rather useful features, such as anti-flood protection, the ability to quickly switch interlocutors in one window, and many other features.

QIP supports a huge number of languages, you can install additional emoticon packs. Many users love QIP for the ability to communicate from two numbers at once. All you have to do is run a second copy of the program. There is also a mobile version of QIP for smartphones.

Many QIP users have questions related to file transfer.
Of course, QIP is not without flaws. For comfortable work, you will have to use the latest version of the program, there is a connection limit. But all this is trifles, compared with the significant functionality of the program.

Table 2 - Characterization and assessment of QIP

Miranda. This is a multifunctional client that supports all popular protocols. Significantly expandable with plugins, thanks to open source code. Because of this, it has unlimited expansion potential.
Miranda has a fairly significant security, both from hackers and from spam and flooding. As for an Internet chatting program, Miranda is very small in size and consumes a small amount of system resources. The only thing that not everyone may like is that to ensure sufficient functionality, this program needs to be customized, unlike the same QIP that comes already assembled. Although there is a solution for such people - ready-made program assemblies.
Table 3 - Characterization and evaluation of Miranda

Skype. The difference between this program and the rest is that the main advantage here is video calling. Now you can see the interlocutor and hear his voice. Skype will help you establish a connection between two computers for free. It is enough that this program be installed on both computers with an available Internet connection. Using Skype, you can exchange not only text messages like ICQ clients, but also establish voice and even video communication (if you have headphones and a microphone, and a webcam for video calls) with another Skype user.

In addition, using Skype, you can make calls over the Internet to any mobile or landline phone. But these are already paid services, although their cost is low compared to a regular call. Payment is made through a personal Skype account, funds to which can be deposited in any convenient way. The Skype protocol is perfectly protected, checked by the German special services, who tried to intercept the conversation through this program. All this works thanks to specialized communication technology.

Table 4 - Characteristics and evaluation of Skyper Agent. This program is the official messenger of the most popular Russian mail service Only registered users of the named site can use this program. The popularity of the program is ensured by the popularity of the mail service. All users using the program understand Russian. The agent also has an excellent search for interlocutors (even the best), so you can always find someone to talk to.

As for the functionality of the program, in addition to the standard messaging, there is the possibility of voice communication and the possibility of video calls implemented in the latest version. An interesting solution was cartoons - such small flash cartoons that express some emotions like emoticons, but more colorfully. And in general, the agent is one of the most colorful programs for communication on the Internet.

Since the program is connected to the service, it is possible to notify about new letters and enter the mailbox immediately from the program window without entering a password. And in general, the agent is very much intertwined with the service that supports it, which should really please the owners of mail on

Although the program has many advantages, it is not without its drawbacks. The main drawback is the speed of work and the buggy of the server, which is why constant failures occur. It will also be very problematic and annoying to communicate with a slow Internet connection.

Table 5 - Characteristics and evaluation of Skyper

Viber. First of all, the system allows you to send messages, high-quality photos, videos, geolocations for free - information can be transmitted very quickly. The data transfer speed depends only on your internet connection. If you want to save money on communication, then connect yourself a tariff plan with unlimited internet. The functions do not end there / Using the application, you can talk for free - make calls to any device on which the messenger is installed, in all countries of the world (even in Honduras, Senegal, Madagascar). At the same time, the quality of communication will be excellent in 3g, 4g and Wi-Fi networks. The most important “secret” that many do not know about: you can call landline (landline) and mobile phones for a penny: the system allows you to dial a number when the Internet is turned off: you will always be in touch. Such communication is not free: the price of a minute of conversation depends on which country you are calling. The cost varies from 2 to 15 rubles (it used to cost less, but the dollar, unfortunately, has risen in price).

So, there are quite a lot of ways to communicate on the Internet using programs, and everyone independently chooses a program for himself, taking into account his own needs.