The principle of operation of the air ionizer scheme. Simple ways to manufacture automotive air ionizer

In the past few years, the use of ionizing air purifiers was very popular. And it is not surprising, because in the cities the atmosphere is becoming worse and dirty, and such devices are capable of quickly and efficiently clean it. This allows you to reduce the number of viral infections, strengthen the immune protection of the body, get rid of allergies and other diseases.

First of all, experts recommend to put ionizers in those homes where children and older people live, who have heart disease, vessels and respiratory organs. Also actively use air ionizers is recommended during flu lacers and sharp respiratory diseases. It is advisable to ionize the air in apartments, where a computer and TV and TV are working for a long time, more than 2 hours per day. Useful will use a ionizer if you are in a closed room for a long time, an apartment or office.

What is a ionizer: work principles

Everyone is familiar, as nice and easy breathing in mountainous areas, by the sea or in the forest with a large number of coniferous trees. And all because the air there is saturated with oxygen ions, which have long been used for therapeutic purposes. In the premises, especially rarely ventilated, the number of these ions is less than 10, or even 15 times. If a person is constantly breathing in such air, he will suffer from aero-ionic insufficiency, which in the future will be the cause of serious diseases, will lead to premature old age and death.

The air ionizer will help strengthen the body's immune defense and resistance to adverse environmental factors. It also lowers the frequency of the occurrence of ORZ and other infectious and viral diseases. When air ionization eliminates factors provoking allergies. Breathing becomes easy and pleasant.

An important positive effect of air saturation by ions is to reduce the electrostatic voltage from the TV and the computer monitor. When using ionizers, air is cleaned from dust, it takes on a negative charge and settles on the floor and walls. True now you will have to quickly wipe the dust on the furniture and wash the floor.

Contraindications for the use of air ionizer:

  • In cancerium diseases, the use of the ionizer accelerates the development of tumors. But in the absence of neoplasms, ionized air is the prevention of cancer.
  • Increase body temperature. The ionizer can cause even greater heat and worsen the condition of the sick person.
  • With individual intolerance of the ionizer.

How to do air ionizer with his own hands?

The ionizer can be done at home, because it is very simple. Factory and homemade devices work equally. The device will not require the acquisition of expensive spare parts and experience in assembling radioshem. The air ionization unit can be 2 species: automotive and home. An elementary ionizer for the house will be able to collect a person without experience in a very short time. You will need materials:

  1. 2 containers from kinder surprise or similar plastic containers
  2. Scissors
  3. 2 wires with a diameter of 0.5 cm, each of them should be with a fork
  4. Insulation for wires
  5. Needle.

You can take 3 or 5 containers, but if you are a ionizer for the first time, follow the instructions clearly. There is always a chance that from the 1st time you will not work. Materials prepare in advance so as not to be distracted while working on their selection and search.

Stages of manufacturing ionizer:

  • Make holes with needles in each of the containers. They should not be too small to increase them twist the needle in the hole.
  • Thin wiring needs to be dissolved on separate veins.
  • These wiring passes through the holes in the containers. At the same time, 1 must be negative "-", and the other positive "+". Opposite wires need to be located in different containers.
  • Then insulate the wires using an insulating tape.
  • Isolated vendors combine each other.
  • Connect the wiring to the fork, and then turn on the ionizer into the outlet.

The homemade ionizer is a rather fragile device and it is easy to break it. To protect the device fold it into a small box and store on the shelf. The ionizer needs to be installed where it will be unavailable for children and domestic animals.

Collect the ionizer for the car is more difficult than for the house and there will be some experience and accuracy. Time making such a device will take a little more. First prepare the power supply that you can take, breaking the old technique, for example, a computer. Gently remove the transformer, it is most convenient to do this with a soldering iron. To facilitate the process, specialists are recommended to heat the ferrite lighter, and then with the help of the needle, separate the halves from each other. It is important to do it slowly and make sure that they do not break and did not crumble.

Old winding you will not need. It will need to be done again, primary by 14 revolutions, and the secondary to 600. Between the winding, do not forget to install at least 2 layers of isolation, and better 3. The simple transparent stationery tape is suitable for this purpose. Isolation should be done every 100 revolutions, a total of about 5-6 layers of insulation.

When the winding is ready, connect the timer to the transformer. Then attach the voltage multiplier to them. This item can be made from KC106 diodes and capacitors with a capacity of 10 kW 3300pf. Output wires Slide on a voltage multiplier by 3 cm, and then connect the device to the power grid. If the device is assembled correctly, you will soon feel the presence of ozone in the air, it will become fresh and pleasant.

Car ionizer: reviews

People who purchased air ionizers for the car are very satisfied with the device. Many have noted that they are less likely to sow with flu and ARVI even during the outbreaks of these diseases. Well-being noticeably improved, cheerfulness and ease appeared. Judging by some reviews it can be concluded that people who suffered from chronic allergic diseases noticed the relief of the state and began to take less drugs from allergies. Air ionization at home and in the office also brings great benefits. Buyers of this device noticed that it became more pleasant to breathe, and performance increased. Gradually, sleep disorders, insomnia, improves the mood. Sleep is becoming deeper, and wake up easier. Many people have noticed that they began to get enough sleep when they started using ionizers.

We offer another option of the converter. The design was published by S. Bryukov, Moscow. The magazine "Radio", No. 2, 1997. As you know, the aeroionizer consists of a high-voltage source of constant voltage of negative polarity and the chandeliers itself - the "emitter" of Aeroions. Consider the source of high voltage of the ionizer, the diagram of which is shown in the figure below.

The source works so. Positive network voltage network via diodes VD2, VD3 and resistors R5, R6 charges C1 and C2 capacitors. The VT1 transistor is open and saturated, and VT2 is closed. When a positive half-wave ends, the VT1 transistor closes, and VT2 opens. The C1 capacitor is discharged through the R4 resistor and the control transition of the VS1 trinistore. The Trinistor turns on, and the C2 condenser is discharged to the primary winding of the T1 transformer. In the oscillatory circuit consisting of a C2 condenser and a transformer winding, dropping oscillations occur.

High voltage pulses arising on the secondary winding come to a multiplier performed on the diode columns VD6-VD11 and CONDENSERS SZ-C8. A negative voltage of about 30 kV from the release of a multiplier is supplied through the current-limit resistors R7-R9 on the "chandelier". The source used mainly resistors MLT, R7-R9 - C2-29 (MLT with the same total resistance is suitable), R6 - SPO-1 or any other power of at least 1 W. Capacitors - K42U-2 on voltage 630 V (C1) and 160 V (C2) and KVI-3 on a voltage of 10 kV (SZ-C8). In place C1 and C2, you can use capacitors to voltage at least 400 and 160 V, respectively. Capacitors SZ-C8 - any other voltage at least 10 kV and with a capacity of at least 300 PF.

Diode VD1 is any low-power silicon, VD2 and VD3, VD4 - any at least 400 VD5 operating voltage - any of the KD202 series to voltage at least 200 V or other similar. High-voltage pillars can be CC110A, KC105D, KC117A, CC118B or others to voltage at least 10 square meters. Trinistor - Series KU201 or KU202 on voltage of at least 200 V.The VT1 transistor can be replaced by almost any N-P-N structure of small or medium power, for example, KT312 series, CT315, CT3102, CT603, KT608; VT2 - any of the same structure of medium or high power with a valid voltage collector-emitter at least 300 V, for example, KT850B, CT854A, CT940A. As a transformer T1, a car ignition coil B-115 was used, but any other car or motorcycle coil is suitable.

The MGSV-0.75 wire to the "chandelier" is removed from the housing through an insulator, isted from fluoroplastic, but you can use any thick-walled tube from the insulating material. Unlike, "chandelier" is advisable to make in the following order. Initially, the corresponding number of stationery pins with a ring should be prepared as an needle.

Next, it is necessary to make a ring with a diameter of 80 cm, bending it from a metal tube with a diameter of 5 ... 20 mm and connecting the ends of the dressing tube using the segment of the metal rod of the suitable diameter and rivets. Cut from corrugated cardboard a circle freely passing into the ring. The circle is placed with a grid with a side of squares of 40 mm and in the grid nodes stick the needles, after which the needles over the rings to stretch the tinned copper wire in two directions and suck the rings. Insert the circle into the ring and the ends of the wire to wind on it, the turns are preferably sued. Carefully remove the cardboard circle, a little stretch the grid to get the desired deflection - "chandelier" is ready.

Install the "chandelier" at a distance of at least 80 cm from the ceiling, walls, lighting and 120 cm from the location of people in the room. It is advisable to arrange it above the bed, securing on two tights stretched between the walls of the room with a line with a diameter of 1 mm. The fishing line is comfortable to pull the triangle - two hooks for its mounting are installed on the wall, to which the "chandelier" is closer, one on the opposite wall. The chandelier itself is attached to the fishing lining with small wire hooks.

In this embodiment, the chandelier did not do - limited himself to such a compact design of the ion emitter. Before the first turning on the device, the variable resistor R6 should be set to the lower position. By turning on the source connected to it to it, smoothly increase the voltage supplied to it, turning the axis of the R6 resistor. After the ozone smell appears, the voltage is reduced to its disappearance. If there is a coronation in the high voltage source, determine its place in the dark and squeeze the molten paraffin (of course, during a de-energized source). The ionizer gathered and experienced Fesca.

The simplest air ionizer, intended for cars, can be made it with your own hands, without putting practically no cash in it. All you need is the details of the old unnecessary equipment. The principle of operation of the device is based on a high voltage voltage converter, which will work according to the block generator scheme.

How to collect the ionizer with your own hands?

The converter scheme is simple and affordable, its composition includes a single active element - transistor. The selection of the transistor is not important. You can use various models ranging from direct transistors of the KT818 series and ending with reverse conductivity transistors, for example, KT819.

You can use the analogues of the models listed above, but it will have to change the scheme slightly and change the polarity of the power supply. When implementing the scheme, it is desirable to install a transistor on the heat sink.

The range of operation of the inverter scheme is quite wide, the device starts to operate from one volt of the input voltage.

As a multiplier, such diodes such as KC106 should be used or similar to it, the choice of the capacitor is not critical, the main thing is to pay attention to the fact that the capacitor should have a working voltage above three kV (ideal - 6kV), and its capacity should vary within 500 -4700PKF.

A high-voltage type transformer dulls on the B30 core, the size and shape of the core value do not have. The first winding consists of 2x30 turns of the wire. The wire section should be 0.75mm, but a 0.65mm and 1mm wire can also be used. Over the first winding, it is necessary to lay insulation, which is made of fluoroplast or any other insulating material, then begin to make the second winding. Making the winding is best in the layers, each layer should consist of hundred turns (with a wire of 0.05mm).

In order to avoid interlayer breakdowns, each layer is used to isolate with special care. After the transformer is ready, it is desirable to fill it with epoxy resin.

More or less high-quality household appliances for air ionization in rooms, especially from European manufacturers, can cost considerable money. Because many masters - Cleells are interested in the question of how the air ionizer can be done at home. This is really possible, just need to own some skills in the assembly of radio-electronic schemes. In this material you will find both the working circuit in the device and the recommendations for its manufacture.

How does air ionizer work

It is impossible to collect any device, not knowing the principle of its action. Therefore, let's start with the theory. The task of the ionizer is to inform the negative charge particles, turning them into so-called aeroions. It is believed that they are beneficial on the health of people living in the house. Electrized oxygen molecules help reduce fatigue, remove the headache and make the air is more healthy.

The conversion of conventional particles into negative aeroiodes is due to the passage of air through the zone of the corona electrical discharge.

Also, the device of the air ionizer allows it to be purified from pathogenic microorganisms, the smallest particles of dust and allergens. The principle is simple: the listed hazards after passing through the device also receive an electrical charge, as a result of which partially attracted to the plate with the potential of the opposite sign. The other part quickly settles on all surfaces near the device and removes with a wet cleaning.

The crown discharge inside the ionizer is created by the high voltage electric current (at least 15 kV), pulsedly supplied from an increase in the transformer to a system of pointed electrodes made from metal. But at the same time, the ozone ozone molecules are formed, which in large concentrations, on the contrary, are harmful to humans. To make a self-made ionizer that highlights a small amount of ozone, you need to achieve a discharge of a certain force and frequency.

On various Internet resources, many schemes and manuals have been published, how to make a simple ionizer from remedies. In fact, such homemade devices can not only harm health, but also carry a direct danger of lesion or electric shock. We will present to your attention the scheme of one of the serial devices, verified in the work. If you manage to repeat it, then you exactly get the expected effect without any danger during operation.

So, to collect the ionizer, you need to prepare the following details:

  • metal case, suitable from the power supply of the computer;
  • fan (cooler for computer);
  • power transformer - any, at 220 / 18-20 V, enhanced - fuel assembly 90p4 or twex 90pc10. To the last one you need to add 2 windings from the wire PEV-0.35 in the amount of 25 turns each;
  • plata of fiberglass thickness 2.5-3 mm thick;
  • connecting wires, fasteners.

In addition, you should purchase a set of radio components, their list can be compiled in the figure, where the air ionizer scheme is depicted:

We offer a number of tips for the selection of radio components and their analogues:

  • transistors: Instead of KT315 (in the Scheme), you can take other of the same power, CT816B interchangeable with CT646 (letter - any);
  • stabilians: D815 is changing to a similar, whose stabilization stress is 15 V. Stabilitron VD4 - KS512A or D815D;
  • instead of ready-made diode bridges, sets are used from individual diodes. It is important that they are designed for the voltage of 400 V and current not less than 0.5 A.

Note. The remaining parts are subject to replacement for generally accepted analogs with the same characteristics.

The proposed air ionizer made by their own hands is functioning as follows. The initial impulses are generated by a multivibrator collected on low-power transistors KT315 (VT1,2). The frequency of these pulses is adjusted within the range of 30-60 kHz using the R7 resistor. After the generated pulses are amplified by the CT816 transistors (VT3.4) and are fed to the winding I and II of the T2 transformer. With winding III, a voltage of about 2.5 kV is removed and passes through the multiplier, increasing to 15 kV, and from there - on the working electrodes.

Ionized electrodes are made with their own hands from the stranded copper wire. To do this, the insulation is removed from it, and the veins bend in all directions at an angle of 90 ° in such a way that the umbrella appears. It must be installed at such a distance from the housing to achieve the required number of ion produced, which will require additional setting.

Note. In the scheme, the role of the fuse plays the spark arrester (designated as SG1). It is triggered if the voltage is exceeded on the transformer winding.

To blow the air through the electrodes of the "umbrella" inside the case, a cooler from the computer is installed on the closer. Its nutrition is organized from the power transformer and rectifier block with stabilization (according to the scheme). If the homemade ionizer is assembled correctly and using recommended parts, it will earn right away. It is only necessary to choose the distance between the case and the working electrode.


Made by their own hands the ionizer for the apartment will accurately cost you cheaper than factory, spend only on radio metal. And if you manage to configure it correctly, then it will be no worse. But unlike other unsafe homemakes, the assembly of a reliable apparatus will require you to work, concentration and patience, as well as personal time.

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Simple ways to manufacture automotive air ionizer. Air ionizer with his own hands

Simple homemade air ionizer | Technique and programs

V. D. Lebedev, D. V. Lebedev, Kiev

It is known than the larger the negative ions in the air, the more useful for health. Air in the forest, near the waterfalls, mountain rivers contains 700-3000 negatively charged ions in 1 cm3. In modern urban apartments, televisions and computers significantly increase the number of positive ions in the air. Positive ions cause fatigue, negatively affect health. The ionizer satuates the air in the room with negative ions, due to which the well-being is improved by improving blood circulation, breathing is regulated, the intensity of metabolic intensity increases.

The ionizer consists of a spherical chandelier (Fig. 1), a transistor current converter to a variable with a frequency of 8-10 kHz (Fig. 2). The converter comprises a specifying generator (DD1, DD2), power amplifier (VT1), an overhead amplifier (VT2) and an output cascade (VT3) that generates an alternating voltage of 10-12 kV. In multiplier (C6-C10 and VD2-VD6), this voltage is multiplied by a negative ion generator, which are allocated on its needle under the action of high voltage.

The T1 transformer is wound on a toroidal ferrito-in 2 × 8 core. Winding I - 300 turns of Pal 00.15 mm, II-25 turns of Pal 00.33 mm; T2 - on the ferrite core from the SDKS-208 line transformer. Winding I - 45 V. Pal 00.53 mm, II -2500 V. Pal 00.1 mm. Winding width T210 mm, through each layer it is necessary to put a gasket from a fluoroplastic tape with a thickness of 50 microns. The T2 transformer and multiplier are placed in a textolite casing with a thickness of the walls of 2 mm and amplified by paraffin (steaarine candlestones).

The CT812A transistor (VT3) is installed on the heat sink, the converter and its housing is grounded (on the heating batteries or on the water pipes). The power supply of the converter must produce two voltages: +30 V, 280 mA and +5 V, N40 MA.

The chandelier of the ionizer (Fig. 1) is a ball surface of 0400 mm formed by half rings (6 pcs.) From aluminum pipes 08-10 mm. In the poles of the semiring are fastened with special washers (Fig. 3). In half rings, through holes 03 mm are drilled in 35-40 mm increments. Through the holes, the aluminum wire is 02.5 mm from above to the bottom, forming parallel components of the ball frame. Aluminum needles 01 mm are soldered to wires with a step of 35-40 mm, stroked at the ends, 40-50 mm long. The chandelier of the ionizer is suspended to the ceiling on the insulators. High voltage is fed from multiplier to a chandelier with high-voltage cable.

Car ionizer with his own hands

Today, once before, the air ionizers are in demand and are used in various manufacturing industries. Their use is so spread that on the shelves stores you can find ionizers for the room and even the car.

An integral timer 555, costs only 20-30 cents and is a unique device that is ideal for your ionizer. The diagram of the device can function as a timer and as a generator of rectangular pulses.

Picking the RC components of the chain, you can adjust the device very accurately and optimally efficiently. As for the transformer, it is possible to replace it with any other ionizer.

The core is wrapped in advance prepared winding. Making a core winding, use four veins at once. Seven - eight turns, will be enough for your core. Then the insulation winding should be made, which can consist of ten tape engines. Secondary insulation wounds every seventy or eighty turns. For all of work, you will need a copper wire at a 0.1 millimeter, about 7 or 8th hundred turns.

At the output part of the circuit, we install the output voltage multiplier. For him, as a rule, domestic KC106 diodes are used. The condensers are 3Q and above, are perfect for your device. It is advisable to use with a volume of more than 1000mkf. The multiplier is worth pouring the resin, to avoid closures and breaks into the current.

The whole scheme easily fit into the plastic tube with dimensions with matchboxes. As for the contacts of the multiplier, they should be placed at a distance of at least five millimeters, otherwise they will create a discharge. In the absence of light, such an air ionization resembles a certain snort, as high voltage schemes are used.

It is worth noting that these ionizers are much powerful industrial so it should be careful if they are operating and to comply with increased security measures. It is also worth noting that the voltage is very large, so that the output contacts are better to use with the mind and limit this place of the device to some kind of protection, otherwise it can strike the current.

In cases where these two contacts are bridged, as a rule, the device ceases to function. For this reason, before starting work, it should once again see the entire device for the presence of flaws that are much easier to eliminate than to repair the entire instrument.

And I also want to celebrate one moment, if you decide to change your windshield, get rid of a crack or chick, and put a new one, then I want to recommend excellent highways. Trust this difficult work to professionals who do this for more than one year.

Air ionizer with his own hands at home

Fresh air is the most important component in ensuring normal well-being and the overall health of people. Air quality largely depends on the number of positive and negative ions contained in airspace. Of particular importance are negative ions entering the body and the useful biologically active components in it. There are many negative factors in the city that reduces the level of these gas particles. This problem solves an air ionizer that can be made with your own hands at home.

As studies have shown, the number of ionized content in the airspace of urban apartments useful for a person is about 10-15 times smaller than the required norm. In natural conditions, depending on the specific locality, their amount is 600-50000 units per 1 cm 3.

The standard air purifier used at home is helped to increase the level of useful ions that have beneficial affecting the body. Immunity is strengthened, the sleep and operation of the cardiovascular system is normalized, the person is significantly less tired, reduced the risk of infectious and other diseases. The work of the ionizer for the apartment contributes to the removal of allergens and dust, bacteria and viruses from the air, and the air itself becomes much cleaner.

The main function of the ionizer is to give the negative charge to aerial particles, after which they become so-called aeroions, which are beneficial for people. Due to the electrical oxygen molecules, the air medium is recovered, and the overall human well-being is improved. In order for ordinary particles to become negative ions, the air mass must pass through the corona electrical discharge. Allergens, dust, pathogenic microorganisms pass through the ionizer and receive an electrical charge.

After that, some part of them falls on the plate with the opposite charge and attracts to it. Other harmful substances and particles quickly settle on surfaces near the ionizer, and then removed during wet cleaning.

Creating inside the ionizer of the corona discharge is carried out under the action of the electric current of high voltage, at least 15 square meters. Its feed is carried out from an increase in transformer in the form of pulses to pointed metal electrodes forming a single system. At the same time, the formation of ozone molecules is the formation of ozone, harmful to the body in an amount exceeding the norm. Therefore, the air ionizer made by its own hands should provide the desired concentration by adjusting the discharge to a certain frequency and force.

It should be borne in mind that ionizing air through these devices is not recommended in rooms where people with malignant tumors are located, with elevated temperatures, as well as children, age up to 1 year. The ionizer made independently, undesirable to use in dusty or smoked rooms.

The homemade air purifier must be assembled in accordance with the scheme, observing all the recommendations and procedures. Incorrectly assembled device is able to significantly harm health, inflict injury in the form of a burn or electric shock. In any case, before making an air ionizer with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary materials and details.

The basis of the device manufactured at home can serve as a housing from the power supply from the old computer. A cooler from the same computer is suitable as a fan. The power boost transformer can be taken anywhere in the range of 220 / 18-20 V, for example, TVX 90P4. From materials it is necessary to prepare a textolite fee, a thickness of 2.5-3.0 mm, fasteners and connecting wires.

All radio components are purchased in accordance with the scheme below:

CT315 transistors or similar elements with the same power are best suited. Stabilians D815 schemes can also be replaced by similar. The elements of the KS512A or D815D are suitable as the VD4 stabilion.

Ready diode bridges can be replaced by individual diodes collected in a single kit. Their calculated voltage is 400 volts, and the current is not lower than 0.5 A. Other details of the scheme are replaced with analogues with the same technical characteristics.

The finished air purifier, which presents this scheme, will work in the following algorithm:

  • The generation of initial pulses is carried out using a multivibrator collected on the basis of small power transistors VT1 and VT2 of the KT315 brand.
  • Adjusting the frequency of such pulses is performed using the R7 resistor ranging from 30 to 60 kHz.
  • Further, the scheme involves the enhancement of the generated pulses with transistors VT3 and VT4 of the KT816 brand, after which they come to an increase in transformer T2 to windings I and II.
  • With the III winding, the voltage is removed within 2.5 kV, which, passing through the multiplier, it increases to 15 kV, after which it enters the working electrodes of this homemade.

Copper stranded wire is used for the manufacture of ionizing electrodes. Initially, it is cleaned of isolation, and then all the veins bend in different directions under 90 degrees in the form of an umbrella. It is installed from the housing at a distance selected by the experimental way so that the required number of ions was produced.

The presented air ionizer diagram, in addition to the main elements, contains the SG1 spark arrester, which is triggered at elevated voltage in the transformer winding. Of great importance is the blowing air through the electrodes of the stranded wire - the umbrella. To this end, a cooler is mounted inside the power supply housing. For its nutrition, a power transformer and a rectifier block with stabilization are involved.

If the self-made air ionizer is made in all the rules, it should earn almost immediately. After that, it will remain only to perform the necessary adjustments.

The car's salon is a closed space without a forth air inflow. Relatively clean air can be obtained only with the help of an air conditioner, but no question of speech does not go. Therefore, many motorists acquire or make an independent air purifier.

The manufacture of the device begins with a transformer. To do this, you will need a core, which can be removed from old instruments and wires. Next winding is winding: the primary consists of 14 turns, secondary - from 600. After winding the primary winding, it must be insulated, for example, with a tape in 2-3 layers. The secondary winding is also isolated every 100 turns.

For a voltage multiplier, you can use CC106 diodes and 10 kW capacitors, a capacity of 3300 PF. The distance between the integrator electrodes is 3 cm. After that, the finished air purifier is connected to the onboard network.

One of the effective versions of air purification in the premises is considered chandelier Chizhevsky. It includes two parts - the chandelier itself and the high voltage converter. Constructively, the device consists of an aluminum hoop, a diameter of up to 1 meter, on which copper tinted wires are fixed, with a diameter of 1 mm. The grid step is an average of 35-45 mm. The grid itself saves relative to the hoop by 6-9 cm. At each point of intersection, a metallic needle is soldered, up to 4 cm long.

The needles are recommended to sharpen as much as possible, the design will work much more efficiently. Copper wires are attached to the hoop in the amount of three, located evenly every 120 degrees. Their ends are connected together above the hoop using soldering. Next, this point is connected to the high-voltage generator.

For normal operation, Chizhevsky's chandelier must be provided with high voltage voltage not lower than 25 square meters. This indicator may vary depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To this end, the cleaner scheme is complemented by the necessary number of multiplier cascades, which is a high-voltage generator.

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Simple ways to manufacture automotive air ionizer

Recently, the car market offers our compatriots a variety of different devices and devices performing different functions. One of these products is the ionizer, the purpose of which is to clean the air in the cabin. Read more about how to make an air ionizer with your own hands, we will tell below.

[ To uncover]

Features and principle of operation of the air ionizer in the car

Before making a car air purifier in his car, let's figure it out in the principle of operation of this device. The essence of its action is to transmit the negative charge to air particles, thus making them with aeronauts. There is an opinion that using the air purifier for the car, the driver thus contributes to the provision of a positive impact on his health. Electrical oxygen molecules allow you to reduce the level of fatigue of the body, save a person from headaches and in general to make air in the cabin cleaner and healthy.

Simple particles are converted into negative aeronauts as a result of air passage through the corona discharge. Due to this, the automotive air ionizer allows you to clean the oxygen from malicious and pathogenic particles, allergens and dust. The principle of action is simple - all the harmful organisms pass through the ionizing device installed in the cigarette lighter, and the electric discharge is obtained. As a result, one part of these particles is attracted to the device, and the second - simply settles on the surface next to the device.

Immediately, the coronal discharge itself is created inside the device by exposure to current, which pulses are supplied from the transformer node to a special system of pointed electrodes. The latter must be made of metal. However, it should be borne in mind that this principle of operation contributes to the development of ozone molecules, and their concentration, in turn, only harms the driver. Therefore, if you decide to make an air ionizer into a car, then note that this device should be done with all the rules. Only so you can discharge to match a certain strength and frequency.

Instructions for manufacture

It is impossible to joke with health. If the self-made air ionizer will work incorrectly, it can only cause damage to the human body. Therefore, in order for the device to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary first of all to choose all the components. For the manufacture of the device you will need a transformer device, as well as a converter generator. The device itself will need to be installed in the appropriate case, for this, for example, you can use a piece of plastic plumbing pipe or two halves from "Kinder surprise" (author of the video about the assembly of an ionizing car device - Vladimir Voronov).

Algorithm of action

So, how to make an air ionizer with your own hands for the car:

  1. First of all, you will need to make a transformer. As a basis, you can use a ready-made transformer node from any block, for example, computer. To begin with, you will need to remove the converter from it, for this you need a soldering iron. The removal procedure itself may take some time, but we can offer you a simpler way. In particular, the ferrite will need to warm up, it will take a lighter or a chimney hardware. After this element is heated, it can be divided into two parts using an ordinary needle. At this stage, you need to act as carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the parts of ferrite.
  2. The element core itself should be released from the wires, this is a prerequisite. After it is done, it will be necessary to wind up new windings on the core - primary and secondary. Be patient because this step will also take a certain time. The primary winding should include all fourteen wire turns, while secondary - six hundred.
  3. When you wrap the wire on both windings, you will need to consider the insulating layer between them. Alternatively, for this you can use the usual stationery tape, only it should be put in several layers so that the insulation is more efficient. Remember that such a layer of insulation must be laid each time after a hundred turns of the winding. If the insulation is not, the device will quickly fail.
  4. Next, the timer will be connected to the transformer received.
  5. The next step will be the assembly of the so-called voltage multiplier. To improve this item, you will need capacitors, as well as diodes, and you need to use KC diodes 106. So, using diode elements of the CC 106 and several capacitors, a multiplier is assembling. At the same time, remember that the parameters of the condenser elements should be up to 10 kW and 3300 PF. To connect components, the air ionizer circuit is used.
  6. When the multiplier is collected, it will be necessary to connect the previously made assembly from the transformer assembly and the timer.
  7. The final step will be the installation of the output electrodes of a multiplying component. You need to be installed at a distance corresponding to no more than 3 and at least 2.5 centimeters from each other. After these actions are executed, we can assume that the device assembly is completed. Now you can only make the installation of the device into the car cigarette lighter and check its performance.

Question price

Video "Test car ionizer purchased in China"

The video below shows the process of testing the Chinese automotive ionizer (the author of the movie - Channel China in Shope).

Air ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) | Electrician in the house

From the article you will learn how to make an air ionizer (Lastra Chizhevsky) with your own hands.

The ionizer is also called the chandelier of Chizhevsky by the name of the inventor of artificial aeronization - Chizhevsky Alexander Leonidovich. A bit of history: Chizhevsky A.L. (1897-1964) Soviet scientist, inventor, biophysicist, artist, philosopher, poet, professor and owner of many ranks, first revealed the fact of the positive biological effects of negatively charged ions.

And the first built an installation for air ionization (in 1927), which was used and now applied in animal husbandry, crop production, medicine, industry, agriculture ...

He called this installation of an electropralized chandelier, but the name of Chizhevsky is more accustomed. Now there are instruments of ionizers produced by the serial industry for use at home. There are even devices combining several functions. But, unfortunately, not all of them are made correctly, the fact is that some ionizers have not high voltage on the electrode (chandelier), the ionizers with a voltage of less than 25 kV (25,000 V) are not beneficial. Also, during the operation of the ionizer, no odors should appear - this indicates the wrong work, if there is a smell, this is the formation of ozone and / or nitrogen oxides, it is harmful, do not acquire such ionizers.

So, consider the classical, the correct scheme of the chandelier of Chizhevsky.

Device scheme

Air ionizer

The scheme indicates:

  • R1 is the C5-35V resistor, 1 com;
  • R2 - resistor MLT-2, 20 kΩ;
  • R3 resistor C5-35V, 10 MΩ;
  • D1, d2 - diode d226;
  • D3 - D6 - Stamp rectifier D1008;
  • VS1 - thyristor ku201k;
  • C1 - Condenser MBM 1 MKF, 400 V;
  • C2-C5 - condenser of 390 PF, 10 kV;
  • T1 - ignition coil B2B (6V, motorcycle).
Work scheme

With a positive half-wave of the network voltage, D1 is open, C1 capacitor is charged through the primary winding T1. During the negative half-wave voltage D1 and D2, the vs1 thyristor opens and the C1 capacitor is discharged through the primary winding of T1.

Thus, in the primary winding T1, the pulsating voltage appears, which rises with the coil and enters the voltage multiplier rectifier, collected on D3-D6, C2-C5.

Through a resistor R3, a straightened high-voltage negative voltage is supplied to the chandelier. The R3 resistor serves to limit the current.

Details of the scheme

The R1 resistor can be made up of three-four parallel connected MLT-2, R3 can be made up of four-five successively connected MLT-2 resistors. R2 - any type, at least 2W scattering power.

D1, D2 diodes can be replaced by D205, KD109V (g) or other at least 300 mA and reverse voltage not lower than 400V. Rectaging pillars D3-D6 can be replaced by KC201G (D, E), KC105G, 2C202G (D, E), 2 C203B (B), 7G350AF.

CONDACTOR C1 You can take any non-polar, no longer below 250V. Capacitors C2-C5, besides these, there may be any other high-voltage voltage at no lower than 15 kV.

Thyristor VS1 can be replaced by KU201L, KU202K (L, M, H). NCM700C, 1N4202.

Instead of T1, you can take another ignition coil or an increase in the transformer, for example, from the old TV - TVX110L6, TVC110L, TVC110am ... Also, the transformer can be hosted as it is described here.

Setting up the scheme

In principle, the correctly collected scheme does not require configuration and works immediately after switching on to the network. But when applying other parts, some problems may occur ... For example, it may be necessary to adjust the discovery of a thyristor - the selection of the nominal R2. You can change the output voltage by selecting R1 and C1 ratings.

When installing the high-voltage part of the circuit, you need to try to dissemble the findings of parts as far as possible from each other, to avoid discharges between them and the soldering places are better pouring the molten paraffin.

Alternative to the high-voltage part of the scheme

The high-voltage part of the scheme can be collected on the basis of a ready-made voltage multiplier from a color TV type Un 8.5 / 25 - 1.2.

Since this multiplier is intended to obtain a plus voltage, it will have to be modified somewhat. To do this, you need to position the multiplier so that it is clear that the brand does not be seen (see above). In semicircular protrusions from above and below are capacitors, we need to get to the upper left point 1, for this you have to carefully cut the part of the compound fill of the multiplier.

The scheme indicates:

  • Multiplier is a multiplier of UN8.5 / 25-1.2;
  • C2, C5, D6, R3 are similar to the elements of the air ionizer scheme (see).

Another cascade of multiplication on C5, D6 is added to the scheme to increase the output voltage, since At the output of the multiplier, the voltage will be only about 25 square meters.

Design chandelier chizhevsky

With the electrical part of the circuit, we figured it out, now consider how to make the radiating ions to the chandelier.

It is possible to make it from bare copper wire: a wire ring with a diameter of 4-5 mm, perpendicular to the strained filaments from a wire with a diameter of 0.7-1.0 mm.

Design chandelier chizhevsky

Also as a ring, you can apply a metal gymnastic hoop. The wire is stretched to the ring so that it sags down and formed part of the sphere, the approximate dimensions are shown in the figure.

The wire is tensioned in two mutually perpendicular directions, in the intersection points there are ordinary steel pins with a ring (needles) with a length of 30-40 mm, such pins can be purchased at any stationery store.

After that, the chandelier is suspended with three segments of wire with a diameter of 0.7-1.0 mm fixed on the rim chandeliers at an angle of 120 degrees. At the point of connecting the segments, we make a ring and hang to the chandelier to the ceiling with the help of a fishing line, which extends in the ring.

High-voltage voltage is supplied to the same ring. By the way, you can bring it by any high-voltage wire or even an antenna cable with a diameter of 8-10 mm, but from the antenna cable it will be necessary to remove the upper insulation and "screen".

Be careful! A working chandelier must be no closer than 1.5 m from the person.

High voltage is supplied to the chandelier, do not touch the chandelier even after it is turned off, because In the capacitors, some time is a residual charge.

Checking performance

To test the chandelier, it is enough to take a small piece of watts and bring to the chandelier to a distance of 0.6 m - the chandelier must be attracted. On some sites, they are offered to bring a hand to a distance of 6-10 cm and feel "chill" ... In fact, you can feel the coronal discharge between the chalk and your hand, which is extremely unpleasant, although not deadly. In accordance with the rules of Pot PM, the permissible distance from people to the current-carrying parts (voltage from 1 to 35 kV) is 0.6 m.

The voltage level, in the absence of a kilovoltmeter, can be approximately the distance between the shared wire and the wire on the chandelier at which the spark starts to slip between the wires, this distance (h) in millimeters will approximately correspond to the level of voltage in kilovolt.

It is more convenient to check the design of an insulating material, such as a textolite, plexiglass, Ghetynaks ... In which the two sharpened M3-M6 screws, as shown in the figure below.

Normal stress for chandelier will be a voltage of 30-40 kV (minimum of 25 kV).

Be careful when adjusting the chandeliers, after shutdown, you need to close the wire on the chandelier (R3) and the overall wire (D2, T1, D3, C3) for the discharge of capacitors, before any configuration or repairs.

Of course, the strength of the current is less dangerous for the person (30 mA) when touched to the working chandelier, but still the feeling will be unpleasant.

Ionizer for cars

The car ionizer is a high-voltage device, which charges the air with negative oxygen ions, thus cleaning the air from harmful microbes and viruses. Air ionizers have been widely used in factories, and in large indoors where air can accumulate. Clean air is especially needed by children and older people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Dirty air from the roads can accumulate in the car, which is harmful to your health. On the market you can already find enough compact automotive air ionizers. You can always buy, but let's try to make a similar scheme of the ionizer with your own hands.

The design of the air ionizer is quite simple. Consists of a high voltage voltage converter. At the output, the device is formed high voltage with a par with a few tens of thousands of volts. The output voltage is high enough, so you need to follow all safety rules while working with high voltage. In any voltage converter, there must be a generator that is the specifying part of the scheme. In our case, a simple one-stroke generator is applied, which is built on a widely used timer of the 555 series.

Timer 555 - is one of the first integral timers, which can work in two modes. In our case, the chip is connected to the generator diagram of the rectangular pulse, the frequency of which can be configured by the selection of components of the frequency chain.

Rectangular pulses of a certain frequency come to the shutter of a powerful field transistor. The entire main load falls on the field key, so it needs cooling.

The pulse transformer is wound on the W-shaped core, which was removed from the old computer power supply. To begin with the power supply, you need to drop the transformer, then carefully disassemble. It is advisable to warm the halves of ferrite and carefully separate them from each other. Observe extreme caution, since ferrite is a rather fragile material. After that, you need to remove all the factory windings and wind new ones. Our transformer has two windings. The primary winding consists of 14 turns of the copper wire with a diameter of 0.7-0.9 mm. Then you need to put several layers of isolation and wind the secondary winding. The winding consists of 600 turns of the wire with a diameter of 0.05-0.15 mm (there is no longer no sense). At the output of the capacitor, voltage is formed more than 1000 volts (in some cases up to 3,500 volts), so it is not allowed to wind the high-voltage winding in the bulk! Every 80-100 turns need to lay insulation. As an insulating material, it is convenient to use a transparent scotch 3-4 layer for each row.

Voltage multiplier increases output voltage several times. The multiplier consists of 5 kV condensers 2200 PF and diodes of the KC106 series. The choice of capacitors is not critical, you can use with a voltage of 3-10 kV, the container from 470 to 3300 PF. The device can consume up to 2 amps. The scheme starts working from 8 volts and will continue to work even when the audit of the input voltage comes to 20 volts. At the output of the multiplier, high-voltage discharges are formed with a length of up to 2.5 cm, therefore, if the output wires are up to 3 cm, the crown is formed. In this case, you can feel the smell of ozone and freshness, if everything is so, then you can enjoy - everything works for you.

Homemade chandelier Chizhevsky. Do it yourself doing homemade air ionizer

Homemade Fools March 25, 2014

Today, only lazy speak about the health and healthy lifestyle. People make a lot also for the improvement of their habitat, they are trying to choose only those food that cannot harm their organism.

It is quite natural that everyone began to remember those methods of recovery that were massively distributed during the times of our parents. For example, today it became relevant to Chizhevsky's chandelier. It is not so simple to do it with your own hands, but all the efforts are worth it!

What is the chandelier?

Here you should make a little retreat, told about what this chandelier is. What is its benefit? Well, we will reveal this question in more detail.

Professor A. L. Chizhevsky, whose works are currently almost forgotten, once spoke of human nonsense in that part of it, in which she concerned a completely disassembly attitude of people to the air. To that air, with which each of us breathes at any second of its existence.

He especially emphasized the role of negatively charged ions in the formation of human respiratory system organs. The scientist brought as an example the fact that in the air of the middle size of the forest meadow or glade is contained up to 15,000 negatively charged ions in a cubic centimeter! For comparison, in a similar amount of air of the average urban apartment, no more than 15-50 ions are contained!

For what it is needed, the practical effect

The difference is visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, the person is inclined to underestimate dry facts, and therefore we give more specific information. The fact is that the low content of ions in the air contributes to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, leads to rapid fatigue and low performance.

Have you ever noticed that when you work outdoors, you are much less tired? In particular, when working in the apartment, sometimes enough to perform a couple of minor work on the house to feel completely broken. These are the negative consequences of the small content of negative ions in the air.

Fight with this and helps Chizhevsky's chandelier. We will try to do it with your own hands. This article is devoted to this.

Video on the topic

Main nodes

The most important element of the device is an electrical efficual "chandelier", as well as a transformer that converts voltage. Actually, the "challenge" in this case is the negative ion generator itself. Negatively charged ions are flowing with its blades, which are then simply glued to oxygen molecules. Due to this, the latter receive not only a negative charge, but also high speed.

Mechanical basis

For the base, a metal rim is taken, the diameter of which should be at least a meter. Every four centimeters, copper wires (bare) with a diameter of about 1 mm stretch on it. They must form a kind of hemisphere that will be somewhat down.

In the corners of this sphere, the needles should be vaccinated, the length of which is five centimeters, and the thickness does not exceed 0.5 mm. Important! The needles must be as sharpened as much as possible, since in this case the probability of ozone formation is reduced, which is extremely harmful at home.

By the way, that is why Chizhevsky's chandelier should be made as responsible as possible, with accurate observance of all assembly schemes. Otherwise, you can get the equipment that will not contribute to the improvement of your health.

Comments on the fastener

Three copper wires belonging to each other are attached to the rim of 120 °. The diameter is at least 1 mm, exactly in the center of the chandelier they are soldered together. It is to this point that high voltage should be supplied.

Important! To the same point it is necessary to attach a fastening that will be at a distance of at least one and a half meters from the ceiling or ceiling beam. The voltage must be at least 25 square meters. Only with such a magnitude ensures sufficient vitality of ions, allowing them to perform their wellness functions.

Electrical schemes and work principle

But the most important thing in our narrative is the chandelier of Chizhevsky, without which you are unlikely to be able to assemble something useful. Immediately we note that in the usual apartment you are unlikely to find everything you need for the assembly, so you have to rinse in the radio engineering store.

When a positive half-period is coming, due to the resistor R1, the VD1 diode and the T1 transformer, the C1 condenser is complete. The trinistor VS1 in this case is necessarily blocked, since through its control electrode current at that moment does not pass.

If half-period is negative, VD1 and VD2 diodes are blocked. A voltage in comparison with the control electrode strongly falls on the trinistore cathode. Thus, a minus is formed on the cathode, and a plus turns on the control electrode. Accordingly, the current is based on, as a result of which the Trinistor opens. At the same moment, a complete discharge of a C1 condenser occurs, which passes through the primary winding of the transformer.

Since the transformer is used however, a high voltage pulse appears in the secondary winding. The above process occurs during each period of voltage. Note that high voltage pulses should be rectified, since at discharge through the primary winding there are decaying oscillations.

Use a rectifier for this, which is collected on VD3-VD6 diodes. It is from his output that the voltage comes (does not forget to put the R3 resistor) to the "chandelier" itself.

The scheme of Chizhevsky chandelier described by us can also be found in any Soviet magazine for radio engineering lovers, but in any case it is useful to describe its principle of operation. Without it, it will be more difficult to figure out in some assembly nuances.

Some important information

The R1 resistor can be made up of three MLT-2 connected in parallel. Resistance to everyone - at least 3 com. The R3 resistor also make up of them, but here MLT-2 can already be taken already four pieces, and their overall resistance should be about 10 ... 20 MΩ.

On R2 we take one MLT-2. You should not take cheap varieties of all of the above components: such a power supply for Chizhevsky's chandelier may well cause a fire, simply not withstanding the voltage.

VD1 and VD2 diodes can be taken almost any, but the current strength must be at least 300 mA, and the reverse voltage value is at least 400 V (on the VD1 diode) and 100 V (VD2). If we talk about VD3-VD6, then for them you can take the CC201G-KC201E.

Condensor C1 take an IBM, which can withstand the voltage at least 250 V, C2 and C5 takes, designed for voltage at least 10 square meters. In addition, C2 must withstand at least 15 square meters. Of course, it is quite acceptable to take any other condensers, withstanding current of 15 kV and more. In this case, the self-made chandelier of Chizhevsky will cost cheaper. As a rule, many essential components can be pulled out from old radio engineering.

Trinistrators and transformer

Trinistor VS1 can be selected from ku201k, cu201l or ku202k-ku202n. Transformer T1 may well be made from the classic ignition coil B2B (6 V) from any Soviet motorcycle.

However, no one forbids to take a similar detail from the car for this purpose. If you have an old television transformer of the TWS-110L6 lowercase transformer, then it is very good. Its third conclusion must be combined with C1 capacitor, the second and fourth conclusions are mounted with a shared wire. The high-voltage wire must be connected to the SZ condenser and the VD3 diode.

Here is something like the chandelier of Chizhevsky with their own hands. As you can see, you must have at least basic knowledge in electronics. Do not believe those charlatans on the Internet, which speak about the possibility of assembling such a "chandelier" from the primary materials, as it is actually unreal.

How to check the working capacity

How to make sure that the design collected with such works normally works? We propose to use the most reliable and primitive tool for this - a small piece of cotton wool. Even the simplest chandelier of Chizhevsky, whose photo is in the article, will definitely be reacting for it.

It is known that even a small bundle of cotton fibers will begin to attract the chandelier from the distance of about half a meter. If you simply bring the hand to the needles chandeliers, then at a distance of 10-15 cm you will feel the obvious chill that will indicate the complete operation of the equipment.

By the way, if you decide to make a compact version of the ionizer, then the needles can be replaced by one metal plate with teeth. Of course, the effectiveness of such an appliance will be much lower, but it is quite suitable for air recovery about the workplace.

Some information about the correct conduct of ionaterapy sessions

Remember that the Chizhevsky chandelier, the reviews of which in most cases indicate its beneficial effects on the body, must be at a distance of at least one and a half meters from the person. Sessions should be carried out for 45-50 minutes maximum. It is best to do it before bedtime, when fresh ionized air will help relieve tension and recharge your strength for the next business day.

Secondly, it should be remembered that the fool and the fumes is useless to ionize. If one carbon dioxide in the room, then the benefits of this event will not be an even account any.

By the way, the ionizer can be effectively used in the southern regions where a big problem is a strong dust of air. In this regard, Chizhevsky chandelier, the reviews of which confirm this is able to precipitate dust even if low humidity.

Where can it be applied?

Of course, we only told you about one design of the ionizer, which is quite suitable for use not only in the home, but also in industrial conditions. In principle, you can upgrade the scheme yourself. It should only be borne in mind that the output voltage must be at least 25 square meters. By the way, once again we remind that the scheme is often found on the Internet (Chizhevsky's chandelier with your own hands), on which the output voltage on the rectifier is even less than 5 kV!

We assure you that no practical benefit does not bring such a device. Yes, the "budget chandelier" will create some kind of concentration of negatively charged ions, but in their mass they will be too heavy, and therefore incapable of circulation in the air flow.

However, such devices successfully can be used as a room cleaner from dust in the air, which will be simply deposited. In the end, the chandelier of Chizhevsky is an air ionizer, and not an advanced cleaner. For this, it is much better to use the usual air conditioner.

But! Remember also the fact that any fundamental changes in the design, which was also offered to Chizhevsky himself, are strictly contraindicated. If you do not understand the electrical engineering and physiology, then the experiments will only lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the device, as well as to develop a lack of ions. You will only need to burn electricity, a smooth account does not get anything in return.

In general, Chizhevsky's chandelier with her own hands (which is in the article) made, will give an excellent opportunity to save money on expensive medical equipment, make your life healthier.