Closes the keyboard on the laptop what to do. Restoring laptop buttons

Do you click on some letters on the keyboard of a laptop or computer, and completely different ones appear on the screen? Don't worry, it's easy to fix. If a the keyboard is typing the wrong letters and symbols, there may be several reasons. I will describe each of them and the options for solving the problem below.

Reason # 1: An additional keyboard is included, which is activated by the Fn key.

If you are using a laptop. Most likely the reason is the FN key pressed, press Fn + Ins (Insert) and try typing. In some cases, Fn + Num Lock should help.

As I said above, pressing the Fn key activates additional symbols attached to the buttons. They are usually labeled in a different color and painted on the buttons in the corner.

If you're sure your keyboard doesn't have an Fn button, just read on. There are a few more ways below.

Reason # 2: Sticky Keys is on.

Windows has a Sticky Keys mechanism, which is activated if you press one button or several buttons many times in a row. Very often cats turn on this mode, walking on the keyboard or lying on it.

Disabling Sticky Keys is simple:

  1. Go to Start Menu
  2. Find the item "Settings"
  3. Here "Control Panel"
  4. Further "Accessibility" or "Accessibility Center"
  5. Search for "Set of keyboard shortcuts one by one" or "Sticky Keys"
  6. Find the checkbox "Enable Sticky Keys" and uncheck it.

Reason # 3: Crumbs in the keyboard or other rubbish.

Everything is simple here, look visually at the keyboard if crumbs or other debris are visible between the buttons. Flip the keyboard over and shake gently until all or most of the crumbs fall out from under the buttons, then check to see if that helps. Repeat until all buttons work.

Reason # 4: Problems with regional settings.

Check in the menu:

    1. Start
    2. Setting up
    3. Control Panel
    4. language and regional standards
    5. Here is the "Languages" tab and click "More"
    6. Then check which keyboards you have, should be Russian and English (USA).

Please note that there are no postscripts next to the word Russian: Mashinny, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. If you had an incorrect layout, then delete it and click on the "Add language" or "Add keyboard layout" button. Then choose the correct Russian, no postscripts.

Choosing the correct Russian layout

If both keyboards were correct, try pressing each letter in the English layout and see if the letters and symbols are pressed correctly, if they match what you press. If so, please check your computer for viruses and once again, just in case, make sure that the correct Russian layout has been added. It will not be superfluous to delete it and add it again, just in case. If, on the English layout, the discrepancy between what you press and what appears on the screen continues, then you have a problem with the keyboard itself and it needs to be replaced. This often happens when liquid gets on the keyboard.

If this article helped you, please write in the comments about it. Also, if there are problems and something did not work out, write, I will try to help.

The main method of entering information on a computer is a keyboard. If you didn’t fill it with liquid, didn’t break, didn’t replace the keyboard, then there should be no problems with its performance. Users sometimes face the problem that it does not work, does not respond to pressing, and the touchpad (touch replacement for a mouse), for example, functions. There are several options for how to check the performance of the keyboard and turn it on if it is accidentally blocked.

How to test the keyboard for performance

The failure of the device may be related to software (not a physical reason) or failure of some part of the computer (hardware reason). There is an easy way to find out the nature of the problem on a laptop. It is necessary to turn on the computer and immediately enter the BIOS at boot. If within this environment the buttons are responsive, then the problem is in the software. In this case, you can do the following:

  • run a virus scan;
  • start system restore from checkpoint when the keyboard worked correctly;
  • completely uninstall or roll back the keyboard drivers.

If there is no response when switching to the BIOS, then the problem must be looked for with the hardware (flexible cable, motherboard, etc.). If there is no response from individual buttons, it is necessary to check the device for contamination. Pieces of food, accumulated dirt, foreign objects can cause the device to malfunction. A can of compressed air works well for cleaning, it will help to blow well the keyboard on a laptop. Can be attributed to the service maintenance, so that the specialists independently

Causes of problems

There is no dependence between the brand, computer model and a specific breakdown. Every laptop can be exposed to hardware or software problems. Any device can break down, often due to inaccurate handling of the gadget, but other situations may arise that lead to malfunction. Common options for turning off the keybeard are:

  1. Software glitch. The operating system receives an error from the device driver and "does not understand" how to work with it. As a rule, reinstalling the driver or rolling back to a system restore point when it worked correctly helps to turn the keyboard back on.
  2. Liquid spilled. People often eat in front of a computer screen (work or watch something). If you accidentally spill coffee, tea (especially sweet), then in 90% of cases there is a breakdown of the device, sticking buttons. It may not appear immediately, but after 2-3 days (until the oxidation of the contacts inside the laptop begins).
  3. Loop problems. Due to moisture, if liquid gets in or unsuccessful repairs, the contacts may oxidize, the master unsuccessfully connected the keyboard to the motherboard. This leads to partial or complete inoperability of the keyboard. You can try to disassemble and diagnose the loop, but without experience it is better not to do this.

How to unlock the keyboard on a laptop

If the keyboard stops responding to pressing, this does not necessarily indicate a malfunction of the laptop. It is possible that you accidentally pressed a hot key combination while cleaning, when you wiped the computer. This is a keypad lock on a laptop so as not to accidentally press buttons during a presentation, transporting the device. If the problem lies in a malfunction of the motherboard, loop, then you should contact the service center.

Hotkey combination

Disabling the keyboard on a laptop can be done using a hot combination programmed by the developer. Often this situation arises when a person wiped the keyboard during cleaning and accidentally pressed the required combination of buttons. The main thing is that the cloth is not wet and moisture does not penetrate into the case. This situation can be corrected very quickly. You can activate additional functions on laptops using the FN button and one of the F1-F12 special keys.

Take a close look at the pictograms on the keys. Different manufacturers have different functional buttons, so you need to find the one you need yourself. Typically, this function is depicted as a lock. You just need to hold down the FN button and the corresponding F with the lock pattern. Sometimes only the right block with numbers is disabled. Num Lock or a combination of Fn + Num Lock is responsible for it. If pressing these hot buttons does not help, then the reason should be looked for elsewhere.

The operating system uses special files that are responsible for the relationship between computer components and Windows. They are called drivers, produced by device manufacturers (separate video cards, motherboards, monitors, etc.). Modern versions of operating systems independently install most of the drivers from the database, but occasionally they fail or become "crooked". This is one of the reasons why the keyboard may not work. To enable the keyboard in this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the control panel through the Start panel.
  2. Click on the "Keyboard" section.
  3. Select the Hardware tab. Look so that next to "Status" it says "device is working normally".
  4. Click on the "Properties" section. The device manager should see and display the keyboard in the main menu.

If at some stage you notice that the data does not correspond to the standard, then the problem is in the software. There is the following solution to the problem:

  1. Right click on the My Computer icon.
  2. Select Properties from the menu.
  3. From the left menu you need the item "Device Manager".
  4. Find the keyboard and open by double-clicking the property.
  5. Go to the "Driver" tab and click the "Update" button.
  6. If this does not help, then you should completely remove it and reinstall it.

Removing a ban in the Group Policy Editor

In rare cases, it is required to unlock the keyboard on the laptop at the system resolution level. This option is possible if you have checked all the software aspects and made sure that this is not a hardware failure. You can turn on a ban on the use of a keyboard inside Windows. To turn on the input device, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the quick access menu "Start", find the item "Run". In the 10th version of the operating system, it is located in the "System" folder.
  2. Use the virtual keyboard to write "gpedit.msc". Click OK.
  3. Open the "Computer configuration" folder, then follow the path: administrative, templates, system, device installation, installation restrictions.
  4. You need the item "Prohibit device installation".
  5. Click on "Show", make sure there is no data there. Opposite the prohibition should be the "Disable" parameter.

Checking the keyboard loop

Problems with the wire occur after liquid spills on the laptop or after an unsuccessful repair. Newbie masters may not fully connect the cable to the connector, which leads to the inoperability of the keyboard. The first reason obliges you to contact the service center, because an ordinary user will not be able to fix the problem on his own after the flooding.

If you notice that only the input device does not work, then you can try to disassemble the device yourself. Most models use snap fasteners. You need to find grooves on the surface that are easiest to pry off with a plastic card. Do not use iron objects, such as a screwdriver, for this purpose, as it can damage the computer and the locks themselves.

Begin opening from the left edge, gently pry the first latch and pull the Esc key on the keyboard. It will be easier to open the part further, when most of the locks are removed, you can separate the keyboard and you will see a train. Disconnect the wire (sometimes you need to lift the frame or just pull it out, depending on the model), clean the contacts, connect it securely and put the keyboards back in place. Restart your laptop and try turning on the keyboard.

Checking for faulty motherboard

The basis for all other computer components is the Mother Board. You cannot fix it yourself, but you can determine that the problem lies in it. Check the performance of the network cable, touchpad, USB port. Their inactivity indicates a breakdown of the south bridge of the motherboard. For this reason, it is not recommended to take any action. The best option would be to contact a service center.

How to enable an additional keyboard on a laptop

If the input device is faulty, you can connect an additional one to the computer. All modern keyboards that are used on stationary PCs have a USB connector. You have the ability to connect any of them using the appropriate connector. The system will detect the device itself, install the necessary driver. This is a solution to the problem if a hardware failure has occurred, but if the motherboard is faulty, the connection will fail.

What to do when laptop keyboard does not work? This is not a desktop computer where it is easy to disconnect a faulty device and test it on another machine. Do not panic, in more than half of the cases, the failure is resolved in a couple of minutes. To do this, read the information in the article.

Determine how serious the problem is, perhaps only some of the keys are faulty, not the entire block. It happens that bread crumbs and small debris get under the mechanism of the button and because of this, contact has disappeared or it is not fully pressed. It happens that the numeric keypad on the right on the laptop does not work - turn it on by pressing Num Lock or by pressing the Num Lock + Fn keys. Make sure your computer is connected to an electrical outlet. Make sure the problem isn't trivial. Next, be sure to restart your computer and if nothing has changed, then take more active steps after that.

Possible causes of laptop keyboard failure

The keyboard can stop working for two basic reasons:

  1. Hardware. Mechanical breakdowns, clogging, liquid spills are included. These problems are easier to diagnose, but the difficulty of fixing them varies from case to case. For example, if some of the USB ports stop working together with the keyboard, then the motherboard is to blame, and repairing it can be expensive.
  2. Software. This covers the consequences of malware, driver failures, incorrect settings. It is sometimes difficult to find the specific cause of such malfunctions, but they can be eliminated relatively simply, including by universal methods.

Viruses and driver crashes

There are special viruses - keyloggers that monitor everything that is entered using the keyboard. However, they rarely become the culprit. What's the point in a faulty device, because a person will not be able to enter the CVV-code of a bank card from it. Therefore, during anti-virus scanning, do not focus on specialized viruses. If some malware caused a breakdown, then most likely it was a normal virus, whose action is aimed at disabling the computer.

Regarding drivers, this is a relatively simple program code, thanks to which the laptop "understands" what data is coming from the keyboard. Software glitches are common. For example, a Windows update may compromise the integrity of the driver, causing it to stop working. To check this, do the following:

  • Hold down the Win + R key combination, enter the command mmc devmgmt.msc., Run it by clicking on "OK". The Device Manager will open.
  • Expand the line "Keyboards". The keyboard name will be displayed. Place the cursor on it, right-click, select the "Delete device" line in the drop-down list.
  • Reboot your device. You can forcibly turn off the laptop by pressing the corresponding button.
  • After starting, the system will automatically install the drivers.

An important point in relation to this action - if a yellow exclamation mark or a red cross is displayed in the Device Manager near the line with the keyboard name, this clearly indicates a non-working or faulty driver. This situation can be observed with significant mechanical damage.

Liquid spilled on the laptop keyboard

Pouring cola or tea on a laptop is a trifling matter. There are 2 dangers:

  1. The keyboard is always mounted above the main computer hardware. Rarely does a laptop have a protection against moisture penetration through the keyboard into the case. Bottom line: there is a high risk of serious damage to the motherboard and other system components.
  2. Sugar and other impurities present in the liquid. When it evaporates, it will form a thin adhesive layer on which dust will accumulate and the key mechanism will not work well. Bottom line: Wash away any potentially sticky residue from the entire keyboard after the liquid evaporates.

Restoring keyboard work

Laptop keyboard does not work, what should I do after a liquid spill?

Turn off your computer first. Next, remove the keyboard unit (discussed as part of the article), carry out a complete cleaning. If you're not afraid, disassemble the rest of the laptop - there are instructions on the Internet for any model. The main thing is that nothing is oxidized from the liquid and there are no sticky traces left. Having shown perseverance and accuracy, you can not contact the service center.

How to clean and replace keys yourself

With almost all inexpensive laptops and most of the expensive ones, it is easy to remove the buttons from the keyboard yourself. This will allow you to clean it efficiently, and the mechanisms will not suffer. If one key sinks, pry it with tweezers or a small screwdriver. It does not take much effort to get the “hat” out of the latches. As a result, you will get access to the "insides" of a small part of the keyboard unit. The easiest way is to vacuum this area, and in case of significant contamination, wipe everything with a cotton swab moistened with soapy water.

Removing all keys to completely clear the block is not a difficult task, you need to repeat the previously given algorithm. In order not to collect the wrong set of keys after cleaning, first print a sheet with the correct layout or take a photo of the keyboard. Regarding the replacement of buttons, everything is limited only by the budget. Typically, in markets and showdowns, one key can cost the same as the entire keyboard unit. If several buttons are physically out of order, then it is more rational to buy a new keyboard right away.

An alternative to the previously indicated method is to remove the entire keyboard block, which will be discussed in the article. After the mini-disassembly, do the following:

  • pour warm water into a basin and add a little detergent there;
  • dip the keyboard unit into the water;
  • press all the keys for 4-5 minutes, thanks to this, water will penetrate into the mechanisms;
  • leave the block in water for 10 minutes;
  • repeat the cycle of pressing all keys;
  • rinse the unit under a strong pressure of clean water;
  • wipe the inner surfaces, then blow the unit with a hairdryer in cold air mode for 15-20 minutes;
  • leave the keyboard in a draft for 4-5 hours, for example, on a windowsill with an open window.

An important nuance in relation to this method is maximum accuracy with the train!

Problems with loop contacts

Using a special adapter (loop), the keyboard unit is connected to the motherboard. This is not a USB connector used in desktop computers to connect peripherals. The ribbon cable has a unique connector that differs from model to model. Often the breakdown of this component is preceded by minor malfunctions in the keyboard. For example, if it has a backlight, then its brightness may decrease.

Follow these steps to check the loop:

  • Examine the sides of the keyboard unit carefully. There should be small latches or depressions. It is enough to press the latch (insert something small into the hollow), while prying the keyboard next to it with something thin (plastic card) - the structure will rise. By following the same steps in sequence for all latches (depressions), you will pull the entire block out of place. Be careful not to overdo it. Pre-study on the network instructions for disassembling your laptop.
  • Examine the connection connector and ribbon cable. The train should not be kinked or broken. The connector is usually secured at the top with a small plastic latch, which must be pulled to the left or right so that the ribbon cable can be pulled out. There should be no oxides on its contact metal tracks, no part of the track along its entire length should be interrupted. Wipe the contacts and reconnect the unit to the connector. At home, it is impossible to diagnose or repair the loop, but it is not difficult to visually verify its serviceability.

Failure of the microcontroller

If none of the above helps, then there is a high probability that the microcontroller has burned out. This breakdown will be fixed only at the service center. Do not embellish the situation for specialists. For example, if you really spilled water on the computer, then immediately talk about it - this will speed up the repair, and you still cannot hide the real reason when disassembling the laptop. You can find a spare keyboard unit for almost any laptop, so it is not worth it to immediately go to buy a new computer due to its breakdown. Perhaps the spare part will have to be ordered abroad, but in this situation everything will be cheaper for a new laptop.

How to enter characters when the device is not working

It is most beneficial to find an external USB keyboard and connect it to your computer. If not, turn on the onscreen keyboard. This is a special Windows utility that was developed to solve two problems:

  • for permanent use on touchscreen computers;
  • for the possibility of entering characters when the physical keyboard breaks down.

You can run this program in the following ways:

  1. Through the Notification area. Click the right mouse button in the lower right corner of the desktop. A context menu will appear, in which you need to click on the line "Show touch button ...". After that, a new icon will appear in the same area. When you click on it, a full-fledged electronic keyboard will open, which is used with a mouse or touchpad.
  2. Via the "Options" menu. This method works for Windows 7 and later. You need to go along the path: "Start" \u003d\u003e "Settings" \u003d\u003e "Accessibility" \u003d\u003e "Keyboard (in Windows 7 there will be" Electronic keyboard ")". Next, in the settings window set the slider in the line "Enable on-screen keyboard" to "On"

A good alternative to a separate Microsoft app is the onscreen keyboard in Google Chrome. It is always on the open page of the Google search engine. Look carefully at the line where the request is entered, then on the right you will notice the icon, clicking on which brings up the virtual keyboard.


  1. Elimination of commonplace reasons saves in most cases.
  2. For software reasons, reinstalling the driver and antivirus scanning helps.
  3. It is better to fix hardware breakdowns at a service center, but you can often do everything yourself, although this can take a lot of time.
  4. When the keyboard is not working, connect a third-party external one, or activate the On-Screen Keyboard function in Windows.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

A broken computer keyboard doesn't seem like a big deal. It is enough just to replace the "keyboard" with a new one and the problem is solved. But it's another matter if the keyboard does not work on the laptop. After all, this component is an integral part of the laptop, which is part of a holistic design with the rest of the details. It is important to know about the causes of the keyboard malfunction here. Information on options for correcting the situation at home will be useful.

Reasons for failure of the keyboard on a laptop

If you are confident that the laptop is working properly, and there are no system failures, then you need to look for the reason for the lack of response when you press the buttons.

Remember! If your laptop was purchased recently and there is a warranty for the product, then just take it to the service and let them figure it out - this is a marriage or another reason.

There are several reasons. It is important to consider all the options for deciding whether to start a repair or buy a new laptop. After all, the way of solving the problem depends on the basis on which the breakdown occurred.


Tipped liquid on the keyboard

This information is more likely for the future, because if this happens, then it will be too late to look for information and sit and read about what needs to be done, and there is nothing. Therefore, remember a few tips.

An overturned cup with liquid in the form of coffee, tea, juice, etc. - your actions:

  • the laptop is de-energized, the power supply turns off, the battery is taken out;
  • flush the liquid upside down with lightning speed;
  • the keyboard is removed (read how to do this below) for direct rinsing under the tap;
  • if the liquid gets on the motherboard, then you need to try to get it wet with a cotton swab and let it dry;
  • after water procedures, dried overnight;
  • the dry keyboard is inserted in the same dry place;
  • the ability to fulfill her functional abilities is tested.

This method of resuscitation will help in most cases, provided that the fluid does not contain much salt or sugar. For example, a spilled cola is almost one hundred percent irreparable damage to the laptop.

For greater certainty that the laptop will work normally, it is possible to prevent the motherboard from corrosion, to exclude a short circuit when turned on, which can lead to the burning of chips. And they are not cheap. This can be done at specialized service centers.

Unprofessional dusting

After a simple manipulation of cleaning the laptop from dust, a keyboard problem may occur. The reason for this is very simple - a mistake was made when installing the parts. A person without experience can set the train crooked.

There are times when the loop is installed just the other way around. Inexperience can inadvertently damage the contact. And therefore, the keyboard does not work on the laptops. Just reinstalling the cable correctly, you can continue to safely use the laptop.

Error in the operating system

Sometimes the keyboard in the laptop does not work also due to a software failure. To make sure that this is the cause of the breakdown, you can take the following actions:

  1. Put the laptop into reboot mode by holding down the Delete key (in some laptops, the F1, F2 buttons are also used for such an operation - read the instructions) - this is needed to exit the BIOS.
  2. Provided that the keyboard responds, you need to boot Windows in safe mode (holding the F8 key for Windows XP, Vista, 7). In the menu, select boot in safe mode without drivers.
  3. We are testing the operation of the keypad without drivers and without the participation of most system services.
  4. After testing, in the same way we return the normal mode of operation of the laptop.

Test results may show the following:

  • in safe mode, the keys work - the problem is in the drivers, they need to be reinstalled or updated;
  • does not work, but you can enter data in the BIOS - the problem may be with the operating system.

A way out of the situation - cleaning the keyboard from dust or, as an option, reinstallingWindows, to a newer version.

Keyboard loop oxidation

Sometimes it happens that the key on laptops does not work, which is used for games or is most often pressed while typing. This may be due to the fact that contact was oxidized there - fatty or wet hands when pressed can very much lead to this.

To correct the situation, carry out the following manipulations:

  • in accordance with the instructions for a specific laptop model, you need to disassemble the laptop and get the cable;
  • conduct an inspection to identify areas with damage, short circuit or oxidized places;
  • fix the breakdown, and if everything is visually normal, then it is enough to wipe the train with alcohol or an eraser;
  • after complete drying, the cable is installed in place;
  • test buttons.

Breakage of the keyboard as a result of hitting or dropping the laptop

A laptop is a very mobile device. Therefore, this reason for a keyboard breakdown is quite common. With physical damage, most likely, you will have to change the entire "clave." If you have experience in carrying out such repairs, then you can proceed. You can buy either a new cable, or the entire keypad. It depends on the situation and the level of damage.

Dust and dirt are Claudia's worst enemies

Most often, it is for this reason that the keys become faulty. It is necessary to use such a device more carefully so as to prevent clogging of the keyboard. Try not to eat next to the laptop, the smallest crumbs accumulate over time and turn into a "pile of garbage" under the key. It's not worth talking about the meaning of clean hands. Greasy fingers can do more harm than a glass of water. And then we think, why the keys on the laptop do not work?

Elementary - because you need to regularly clean up the desktop and monitor hygiene. It is difficult to imagine how many microbes can accumulate on the keys of a laptop.

If the keyboard does not work, arm yourself with a cotton swab and alcohol and thoroughly clean the cable. In some simple cases, cleaning withcompressor.

Keyboard problem due to motherboard

A symptom of a malfunction of the keys for this reason may be a problem in the operation of the USB port, Wi-Fi, etc.

In this case, it is better not to risk it and not to try all the options listed above. If you're lucky, a technician will repair your laptop. In the worst case, you have to buy a new one.

Worn rubber shock absorber

When you press each key on the laptop, a special shock-absorbing component is triggered. If it is worn out or a foreign object in the form of a crumb falls under the key, the keyboard may not work properly. There are two options for overcoming the situation - either to clean the cable, or to completely change the "keyboard". It all depends on the complexity of the damage.

Common reasons for keyboard problems

It often happens that the keyboard does not work for unknown reasons. But then, as it turns out, they are very commonplace and are therefore unexpected.

  • some keys do not respond (for example, the dial on the right) - check if the Num Lock button is on;
  • some keys do not work when used during the game, but in other cases they work fine - you need to change the game settings in the menu and save them.


Before starting this action, it is important to study the disassembly procedure for your model's laptop. Such information can be found on the manufacturer's website. With the advice of the site in mind, start removing the keyboard in this sequence:

  1. Unplug the laptop completely (remember to remove the battery).
  2. Unscrew the screws on the back cover that hold the keyboard to the case.
  3. There may be plastic latches on the front of the notebook; open them.
  4. Expand the laptop as wide as possible.
  5. Pry the “clave” on one side with a small hour-old screwdriver or needle, gently holding it, remove it from the nests.
  6. There will be a ribbon cable under the keyboard, which will also have to be carefully removed, for this you need to turn the black frame.
  7. Perform the necessary manipulation.
  8. Install the keyboard on the connector in the reverse order.
  9. Carefully install each part of the keyboard so that everything falls into place. Otherwise, the keyboard will not work.

The keyboard is based on an aluminum backing. Keys are attached to it. They consist of a platform, an elevator, a shock-absorbing element. There is also a three-layer plastic board on which the tracks are drawn.

These very tracks can be damaged. But they can be restored. This will require conductive paint, varnish, glue, a means for repairing glass heating threads on the rear of the car. To paint on, you have to melt the glue that holds the layers of the board. It is better to draw after testing with a special device all sections of the board to make sure that they did not miss anything.

After the glue dries, you need to assemble the keyboard and check its operation. If you do not have enough experience to carry out such jewelry work, it is better to consult a specialist.

An alternative way to enter text on a laptop without a keyboard

What to do if you urgently need to type text, and the keypad does not work? There are several ways to accomplish this task:

Virtual keypad on laptop

The Windows operating system provides an emulating physical keyboard or on-screen keyboard. It is very easy to find it - through "Start" we go to "Special abilities" push "Screen keyboard"... Using the mouse, you can enter any characters, the application parameters can be configured.


Touch keys

A later operating system has a built in function - "Screen keyboard" other format. It works on tablets and laptops with a touch screen. A pop-up window with touch keys for finger operation is used for typing. You can call the window through the "Taskbar" - "Properties". Entering the menu Taskbar Properties, you must check the box next to the option "Touch keyboard"... Further on the knurled one - "Apply", "Ok". A special shortcut will appear at the bottom of the screen, entering which you can type.

Using computer keys

If you have a good neighbor or a friend who lives nearby, you can use a keyboard that connects to your laptop like a computer via a USB port. You can find such a find in any hardware store around the corner of your home. It doesn't cost as much as an urgent laptop repair. You can also use bluetooth to connect through the module, which is in almost every laptop.


The laptop keyboard stops working as often as the keyboard on a regular desktop computer. True, if the keyboard of an ordinary PC can be easily and quickly disconnected and a new one connected (at least for testing), then with a laptop it is somewhat more difficult ...

In general, there are many reasons why the keyboard on a laptop does not work. In this short article, I want to analyze the most common ones.

1. Setting the fault ...

If the keyboard stops working suddenly, without any serious reasons (for example, a device crashes), then the first thing I recommend doing is to check whether it "completely works" or only on Windows?

The fact is that some viruses and especially drivers (for example, for Bluetooth), if they fail, can disable the touchpad and keyboard. The fastest way to check this is to go into the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS (enter keys) -

If you entered BIOS and the keys work there - this is most likely the cause of the malfunction in Windows. In this case, you can try booting into Safe Mode (or with help) and check if the keyboard works. If it works - the reason is in Windows 99.99%! In this case, one of the simplest solutions to the problem is reinstalling Windows (or finding a faulty driver, you can find out in device manager).

Device Manager: No drivers available.

If you are not in BIOS - the keyboard does not work completely and the point is not in the drivers or Windows crash. In this case, I recommend trying to connect a mouse and keyboard to the USB port and see how they work. If they also do not work, the problem may be in a burnt chip on the mat. board (you can't do without a service center).

2. The problem with the drivers.

As mentioned above, this is a very popular reason for keyboard failure. It occurs in most cases due to drivers on USB and Bluetooth. To solve it: you can roll back the system (restore) if there are restore control points; remove faulty drivers; reinstall Windows.

1. System Restore

Go to the control panel and start recovery (in Windows 8/7: Control Panel \\ All Control Panel Items \\ Recovery).

2. Removing / installing drivers

I have some good articles about this on my blog. I will give links to them here. In general, you need to: remove completely faulty drivers, and then download the drivers from the official website of the device manufacturer.

3. Reinstall Windows

Reinstalling Windows 7 instead of Windows 8:

3. Is the battery OK ...

The fact is that some laptop models, due to the specific design, may not work correctly with the battery. Those. if it is connected to a laptop and discharged (or simply does not work) - then the keyboard may stop working. This can be easily verified by disconnecting the battery from the laptop and plugging it in.

Notebook: bottom view (green arrow indicates location under the battery).

4. Is the train OK ...

If the touchpad on the laptop works, the connected keyboard and mouse to USB also work - maybe it's a loop: it could just move away (either due to loose contact, or when the device was moved). Also, the cable from the keyboard could be incorrectly connected if you recently removed the keyboard (for example, when cleaning the laptop, and indeed when disassembling the device).

A fracture (bend) of the cable is also not excluded (this may be due to an unsuccessful laptop design.

Laptop keyboard: cable to connect to the device.

Important! To remove the * keyboard from the laptop, pay attention to its outline: there will be small latches on the top and bottom (sometimes on the left and right). It is convenient to pry them off with a regular screwdriver, and then carefully remove the keyboard. You need to act slowly, the train in some models is thin enough and damaging it is a very simple matter. If you have never disassembled your laptop before, you should probably contact a service center.

* By the way, in some laptop models it is not so easy to remove the keyboard, you must first unscrew the additional mount.

5. If several keys do not work

If dust (or small particles, crumbs) gets under the keys, they may stop working. A fairly common reason for the inoperability of individual keys on the keyboard. The fight against this scourge is simple: to clean from dust and not to take the device into the kitchen (as many people like to do it ...).

6. Flooded keyboard

If you pour liquid containing sugar or salt (for example tea or lemonade, juice) onto the surface of the keyboard, the corrosion process will begin. By the way, because of this, not only the keyboard may fail, but also the motherboard and other devices of the laptop.

Actions when flooding:

  1. Disconnect from the power supply completely and as quickly as possible (remove the battery from the device case, disconnect the power supply);
  2. Turn the device over: so that all the liquid flows out;
  3. Do not turn on the device until it is completely dry (usually 1-2 days).
  4. It is advisable to show the device in a service center. The fact is that even if the device works after switching on, the corrosion process that could begin is not excluded. And soon, the laptop may fail (even more so if "aggressive" liquids have been spilled: coffee or tea with sugar, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, juices, etc.).

6. Temporary measures

In my opinion, there are 2 effective ways to temporarily solve the problem.

1) Connecting an additional keyboard to the USB port (if, of course, they work).

2) Turn on the on-screen keyboard (it will especially help if you do not have 1-2 keys that you need to press from time to time).

How do I enable the onscreen keyboard? Go to " Control Panel \\ Accessibility \\ Accessibility“Then turn it on.

Good luck!