Universal wi-fi signal amplifier. TP-Link TL-WA850RE - now we will slowly go down the mountain and ...

A Wi-Fi repeater (or repeater) is a device whose task is to relay the signal from a wireless router or access point. It is used to expand the coverage of the wireless network. Many modern equipment models can operate in different modes:

  • access point (AP \u003d Access Point);
  • repeater;
  • universal repeater;
  • wireless client;
  • bridge with access point function.

Operating modes of wireless equipment

If you want to use the wireless repeater function today, you need to look for equipment that is referred to in manufacturers' catalogs as:

  • Access point (in English terminology Wireless Access Point) ;
  • Wireless repeater or wireless signal booster(in English terminology Range Extender) ;

Attention! Routers (i.e. routers) these days rarely have a wireless repeater function. Some models of routers can be used as a repeater by installing the DD-WRT alternative firmware. However, the device may become unstable on alternative firmware.

Take an inexpensive access point as an example. TP-Link TL-WA701ND... But the manual is also suitable for other models like TL-WA730RE, TL-WA801ND and similar ones.

The device can operate in several modes:

Access point mode

Converting an existing wired network to a wireless one.

Repeater mode

Extending the coverage of an existing Wi-Fi network by repeating a wireless signal.

Wireless client mode

The device acts as a wireless adapter for connecting wired devices to a wireless network.

Bridge + Access Point Mode

Connection of two local networks using a wireless channel.

What is the difference between a repeater and an access point

A wireless access point connects to the network using a cable and creates a wireless network around it. And the repeater mode implies both connecting to the network and its retransmission exclusively over the radio channel.

Setting up a Wi-Fi repeater

Before setting up the repeater, set up the main router to a specific broadcast channel. If auto channel selection is set on the main router, the repeater will lose connection with it more often:

Different manufacturers have different equipment web interfaces, but the essence of setting up a wireless repeater is the same: in the device settings, you need to specify the MAC address (BSSID) of the main access point and its security parameters. We will tell you how to configure network relaying using the example of the same budget TP-Link TL-WA701ND access point, which can work in repeater mode.

Before setting up, place the repeater in an area of \u200b\u200bstrong reception of the wireless network, which you want to expand the coverage of. Later, when the relay is set up, you can experiment by moving the repeater and observing the quality of the relay.

To pair the repeater with the head router or access point, you need to do the following:

1 Connect the repeater with an Ethernet cable (patch cord) to LAN-port of your existing router or access point:

You cannot connect wirelessly to an unconfigured repeater. it itself does not broadcast a wireless network and does not issue an IP address. An exception may be the situation if your repeater by default operates in the access points and you will configure it from a device equipped with a Wi-Fi module. But we still recommend using a patch cord.

2 Connect to the network of your main router from any computer, as you did before.

Go to the properties of the network adapter on the computer and manually assign the IP address from the same address rangeto which your new wireless repeater (or access point with repeater function) is configured (). Read the instructions for the device and you will find out exactly what its default IP address is. Often, the IP address is also indicated on the bottom of the device:

If we talk about TP-Link equipment, then usually their routers have an IP address of by default, and an access point with a repeater function has an IP

Let's say the default new extender has an IP address of So to configure it, you can temporarily assign the IP address to the network adapter of your computer:

3 Go to the repeater web interface ().

By default, TP-Link equipment has credentials:

IP address:;
Login: admin;
Password admin.

4 Click EXIT to exit the setup wizard.

5 Go to the section Network... The only setting in this section will open LAN.

As we said above, by default the device uses the IP address If you are using a different range of addresses on your network, set a new IP address from the same range. For example, if your router, whose signal you are going to relay, operates on the subnet, change the repeater address to or any free one from the 192.168.1. * Subnet.

When setting up the repeater, make sure that:

  • The repeater's IP address belongs to the same subnet as the IP address of the main router;
  • no conflict of addresses of the router, signal repeater and other devices on the network.

If your network uses addresses in the range with a mask of, do not change the setting LAN on the repeater.
In this case, continue reading this manual with paragraph 8 with the words “Select the mode Repeater (Range Extender)«

In our example, we are using the subnet Therefore, let's change the IP address from on

If you have changed the IP address of the access point, press Save

Then press OK in the next window to reboot the device:

Wait for the reboot to finish:

6 Because now the repeater will fall into the working range of IP addresses of your existing network, return the automatic receipt of parameters in the properties of the computer's network card:

7 Go to the repeater web interface using the new IP address:

(if you haven't changed the IP address, then go back to

8 Select a mode Repeater (Range Extender).

Click the button Save:

After changing the operating mode of the device, you must reboot it again. Click on OK to reboot the device:

Wait for the device to load:

9 Go to section Wireless... This will open the setting Wireless Settings.

Repeater mode has two subtypes: WDS Repeater and Universal repeater... The easiest way is to use the mode Universal repeater... It will work in most cases. Use Wds-repeater only if you know for sure that the root AP supports WDS.

After selecting the operating mode, you need to specify the details of the main access point, whose signal should be relayed by the repeater. In field Wireless Name of Root AP enter the wireless network name (SSID) of the main access point, and in the field MAC Address of Root APenter the MAC address of the main access point.

For these purposes, there is a button in the web interface of TP-Link devices. Survey.

It searches for available wireless networks. By clicking on it, you can select any available wireless network and add it to the repeater with one click on the link Connect... However, you do not need to enter either the SSID or the MAC address of the access point (BSSID). These details will be substituted automatically.

After pressing the button Survey wait about 10-15 seconds until a window appears with a list of available wireless networks, and then click Connect on the line with your network:

Click on Save to save the settings:

10 Go to setting Wireless Security.

Select the security mode used on the root AP (WPA2-Personal is recommended).

Enter the appropriate security key.

Click on Save:

In the pop-up window, click OK:

11 Go to section DHCP... This will open the setting DHCP Settings.

Set the switch DHCP Serverinto position Disabled and press the button Save:

If you leave the DHCP server enabled, the Internet will not work on the devices that will connect to the repeater.

12 Go to section System Tools.

Click the button Reboot:

In the window with a question Are you sure to reboot the Device press the button OK:

Wait for the device to reboot:

13 Disconnect the patch cord from the LAN port of the device.

After rebooting within 1-2 minutes, the device should connect to the root AP (or main router) and start relaying the signal. At the same time, the first indicator on the right should light up on the device:

Your devices, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, will see the same network as before, only the signal should become more powerful by several divisions. There is no need to make any reconnections on client devices. the repeater repeats the network with the same name and the same security settings.

How to check the repeater operation

Question: Why check? After all, if the devices are connected to the network, then everything is in order?

Answer: this statement is not true. Devices can connect to a more remote access point or router, and the repeater may not function. Therefore, the verification should be approached more scrupulously.

Method 1. Try to access the web interface of the access point after disconnecting the patch cord from its LAN port.

Go to the page Status... If in the area Wireless you see the SSID of the relayed network and the signal strength of the root AP, and in the area Traffic Statistics - the number of sent and received packets, then the signal repeater functions correctly:

Method 2. Run the application Wi-Fi Analyzer on an Android device ().

You should see two APs with the same SSID operating on the same channel:

Full description

TP-LINK TL-WA850RE - signal amplifier, wireless, device speed reaches 300 Mbps.

Strengthens the signal where the signal is going and even where there is no way to lay the cable.

It has a nice small size design. This makes it possible to install the device anywhere and connect to any available outlet. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe network is made larger by pressing a single button called Range Extender.

By wirelessly sending data at 300Mbps and small in size, it can easily expand the area covered by the wireless network. The Ethernet port allows the TL-WA850RE to act as a wireless adapter and connect wireless devices.

How TP-LINK TL-WA850RE works

It is needed in order to connect wireless devices, increase the area over which the network extends, and remove dead zones. This makes it possible to improve the wireless connection without any problems. Thanks to the transmission power of 300 Mbps, the device can be considered ideal for watching movies in good quality, playing games or listening to music.

Thanks to its beautiful and small body, you can easily install it where you need it, as well as change its location. Another big plus is that he easily remembers the network to which he has already connected. If you replace the router, you do not have to re-configure the functions on the device.

You can easily make a larger network coverage area, while without installing a cable yet, this can be done only by pressing a button. You can set up a secured connection by pressing the Pair button.

For example, a router is installed in a house or apartment, but a laptop, phone or tablet has a weak signal in the back room. At the same time, it is so weak that connection is sometimes impossible.

Of course, you can connect a more powerful Wi-Fi adapter to your laptop, but what to do with your phone and tablet? In this case, an access point that supports the operation mode will help us - repeater or repeater... Access point TL-WR740N will connect via Wi-Fi to your router and transmit the wireless signal further than a phone, tablet or other client device can do. Using the TP-Link repeater, you can strengthen wifi signal for your devices.

Setting up an access point in Wi-Fi repeater mode

TP-Link router connects to a computer or laptop using a twisted pair cable. Power is connected to the access point using a power supply. The network card settings should be set by default.

After configuring the access point, the cable from the computer to the access point can be disconnected.

Open the browser Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome or any other, and enter the address ... This is the default and can also be viewed on the bottom of the router.

In the next window, enter the username admin, password admin.

Open the menu: Wireless mode - Configure wireless mode -.

After - a group of text fields will appear below. Press the button "Search"

In the window that appears, click "Connect" opposite the Wifi network to which we will connect.

Choose the type of encryption: open, or. In the last column we enter password from wifi networkto which we want to connect. And also install channel number, the same as the wi-fi network with which we want to create a WDS connection.

After that we save the settings by clicking the Save button. If the wifi network channel differs from the required one, then you will receive the following remark:

The channel of your AP does not match the channel of the bridged AP, would you like to change your channel to that of the bridged AP?

We confirm, and the channel should automatically change to the correct one.

Now all that remains is to configure wifi network security parameters... Go to the menu: Wireless Mode - Wireless Security. We select the type of encryption and the password that is used on the router to which our TP-Link repeater is connected. In our case, encryption was used.

Please note that if your router uses, then in the fields Type, WEP Key Format, WEP Key, Key Type settings similar to the router to which the access point will connect should be specified. Otherwise, the TP-Link repeater will not connect to the router. Don't forget to indicate correct region where your router is located. If on the source router there is a different number in the channel column, then the repeater cannot connect to the router due to incorrectly specified security parameters.

After configuring the security settings, save the settings with the Save button and reboot.

Verifying WDS Mode Activation

You can find out that the TP-Link repeater was able to connect to the router in the menu condition.

Open the menu and look at the connection parameters. In field Name () - the name of the wifi network should appear, in the field - the mac of the router distributing the network, and channel number and other parameters.

Connecting equipment to a Wi-Fi network with WDS

You can connect to WDS Wi-Fi network smartphone with Wi-Fi, tablet or laptop. To connect the laptop to a Wi-Fi network, in the lower right corner of the screen we find the Wi-Fi connection control icon. In the list, select our Wi-Fi network and click the "Connect" button.

Enter the password for connecting to the Wi-Fi network, which was set in the router settings. After that, the laptop will connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Checking the connection of devices to the Wi-Fi repeater

After connecting any wireless device (laptop, phone, tablet) to the Wi-Fi network, we will check that the device is connected to the repeater and not to the router. To do this, on the access point, open the Wireless Mode - Wireless Statistics menu and see the devices connected to the TP-Link repeater.

If the list does not include the MAC address of your device, and the Internet is working on it, then the device has connected to the router, since at this point the signal of the router is better than the signal of the repeater. Place the access point away from the router and connect next to it. If the device still fails to connect to the access point, check that the access point is connected to the router and has the correct encryption type and password set in the security settings.

Good afternoon everyone! Today our portal will tell you about such a Wi-Fi signal repeater as TP-LINK TL-WA850RE. Initially, I would like to note that a Wi-Fi repeater is a special device designed to transmit a Wi-Fi signal over certain distances (depending on the model and range). It's also a good way to boost the signal if your native Wi-Fi router can't handle it and some rooms in the house can't get wireless.

The essence of the article will be that we will go over the main characteristics of the repeater, its functionality, conduct a short course on how to configure it and tell you about possible problems and ways to solve them.

general information

So, we will begin our review with a brief look at the characteristics of the repeater. Our amplifier is released by TP-Link and belongs to the TP-Link Range Extender range of repeaters. It has several signal transmission standards - 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n (at a speed of 11 Mbit / s, 54 Mbit / s and 300 Mbit / s, respectively). The repeater works in the 2.4 GHz band.

The repeater is relatively inexpensive (from 1,000 to 1,750 rubles apiece). Externally, it is a small white plastic box with a large button in the lower right corner of the back side. The button itself is highlighted with blue LEDs, and additional diodes are turned on on the illuminated circle, displaying the signal quality (only five divisions) and its performance.

On the lower side we have another Reset button and an Ethernet port, which gives us the ability to configure our repeater in any mode convenient for us - either through this port or using a wireless signal.

Basic repeater setup

Watch the video tutorial on connecting the repeater in the following video:

Let's move on to the instructions for configuring TP-Link TL-WA850RE. We have two paths, either via a wireless connection or via an Ethernet cable.

Let's start with a wireless connection:

  1. Let's plug our repeater into an outlet. Check that the device is within the range of the Wi-Fi router.
  2. On the back of your router, press the button signed by WPS.
  3. Within 30 seconds after turning on WPS mode, press the button on the back of the amplifier (there is a lock on it).
  4. Wait until the LED next to RE lights up.

It is worth explaining separately what it is for:

  1. If it is on constantly, then your signal booster is already connected to the network and has increased the signal coverage of the router.
  2. If it blinks, it means that it continues to connect to the router.
  3. If it does not light up at all, then the repeater is not connected to the router.

Now let's talk about connecting via Ethernet, or via a cable. Its advantage is that through this mode of operation you can use the web interface for more precise settings. To do this, we need the cable that comes with the amplifier and a laptop or computer.

So, here's a little excursion step by step:

  1. Plug the repeater into an outlet, which is pretty straightforward.
  2. Using an Ethernet cable, connect a laptop or computer to the repeater.
  3. In the address bar of any browser, type tplinkrepeater.net and press Enter. If that doesn't work, go to;
  4. In the open window, enter the factory login and password - they are indicated on the repeater body as a label. If there is none, then the basic username and password are the word admin;

  1. After authorization, you will be prompted for a quick setup. If you don't need it, or if you will deal with it later, click "Exit". To activate the quick setup mode, select the "Next" button;
  2. In the "Region" window, select "Russia" and click "Next";
  3. After you have selected a region, the "Wireless Settings" window will open, where you need to wait a little until a list of all "local" Wi-Fi points appears;
  4. Find your local network in this list and put a tick next to it, then click "Next". If your network is not in the list, move your repeater closer to the router or update the list several times by clicking on the "Update" button;

  1. After you have selected a local network, enter the network name, password of the router and select in which mode the Wi-Fi network will work (either creating a network with a new SSID, or copying the operating mode of the Wi-Fi router);

  1. In the "Finish" item, carefully check the correctness of the data that you entered, then click "Finish";

  1. Wait for the settings to be activated.
  1. After such debugging, disconnect the laptop from the repeater and try to connect to Wi-Fi.

The TP-Link TL WA850RE repeater has the ability to work in two modes - repeater mode and adapter mode, and at the same time.

Repeater Fine Tuning

Little by little, we move on to a more precise setting of the access point. After all the steps above have been done, you can proceed to a more user-friendly setting.

To do this, it is better to open the "Wireless Network" - there you can change the network name, password, repeater mode, region, network name, MAC address and channel width. Once debugging has been completed, you can safely click "Save".

If you want to put protection in the form of a password, then go to the "Wireless protection" tab, and there we select the level, protection version, password and type of data encryption. Those who need MAC address filtering can take advantage of this feature, but most other configurations at home are not very useful.

Just like on a Wi-Fi router, you can see who has connected to your network. To see this, do the following:

  1. Open the web interface of the repeater through a direct connection to it (Ethernet cable).
  2. Open the "Network" column.
  3. In the subsections of the "Network" item, find the line "DHCP Clients List" and open it. In the window that opens, everyone who has connected to the repeater and the data of these users will be displayed - IP address, MAC address, and how long the user has been connected for.

Amplifier problems

Also, problems with the performance of the repeater are not excluded. The chance that this is a marriage is low, if not minimal. If the repeater does not want to work, you must make sure of three things:

  1. The amplifier is within the coverage area of \u200b\u200byour Wi-Fi network. It is best if the signal scale has 4-5 values \u200b\u200b(LEDs are on).
  2. Reboot the repeater directly (unplug and put back in).
  3. Perform a soft restart (Web interface - "System Tools" - "Restart").

If none of the points helped to restore functionality, cancel the repeater settings. There are two ways here: by pressing the "Reset" button on the case or through the user interface ("System Tools" - "Reset Settings").

You can also try to update the firmware in the Firmware Update section, but for this you need to download a file with the firmware for the repeater to your laptop or PC from the TP-Link website. If none of the proposed solutions to the problem helped, then contact the service center.

For a complete overview, information on configuring and updating the repeater, see the following video:

So, what can we say about the TP-Link TL WA850RE repeater . The repeater will help to strengthen the signal and coverage area if your router is equipped with a weak module. The repeater will help to increase the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe network up to 30 m. It is also effective in rooms with a large number of obstacles in the form of walls and ceilings.

We hope our article was useful to you! All the best!

Hello. I have already been asked several times in the comments about how you can connect two routers via Wi-Fi in wireless bridge mode (WDS)... More precisely, one router will work as usual for itself, and the second will connect to it wirelessly, take the Internet and distribute it as another network. This method can enhance the wireless signal.

For example, you already have one router installed in your home, but it is not enough and the network does not catch the whole house. To strengthen the Wi-Fi network, of course, there are special devices - Wi-Fi repeaters... Which simply catch the signal from the router and distribute it further. But almost all modern routers can work in this mode, that is, they can act as a Wi-Fi repeater.

If you have not yet understood what and how I will configure, then I found an excellent picture on the official TP-Link website that clearly shows the diagram of such a connection.

Honestly, I do not know how things are with this in the routers of such companies as: Asus, D-Link, Tenda, Linksys, etc. I will show you how to set up a wireless bridge (WDS) on a router from TP-Link... Now I work through a router and experimented on it. But for example, setting the same in repeater mode will be no different. Checked. Anyway, my instructions should come in handy.

Here is another comment that was left a few days ago, and we will answer it today.

If you have a main router, for example, TP-Link company and you want to install another router as a repeater, then I advise you to buy a device from the same company, in our case TP-Link. Devices from the same company perform better and more stable.

We use a TP-Link router as a "Repeater"

This means that only the channel needs to be changed on our main router.

Configuring the main router

Go to the router settings and go to the tab Wireless... Opposite parameter Channel set channel number like 6 (the same channel will need to be installed on the router, which we will configure as a repeater)... Save the settings by clicking the button "Save".

Configuring the "Repeater" router

At the time of setup, the router (which will work as a repeater) you need to connect to your computer via cable.

We go into the settings of the router. To do this, in the browser, type the address , or (the address can be viewed from the bottom of the router).

Then you will be prompted to enter your login and password to access the router settings. If you have not changed them, then usually by default they are admin and admin (you can also look at the bottom of the device).

I wrote more about WPS in the article, you can read it. We need to disable this feature.

To do this, go to the tab WPS and click on the button "Disable WPS".

Reboot your router. To do this, you can click on the link “Click here” which will appear on the page after changing the settings.

After rebooting, the router settings page should open again.

Change the IP address of the TP-Link router

Go to the tab NetworkLAN... In field IP Address change the last number of the IP address to a digit 2 ... For example, I had the address, and I changed to ... Press the button to save the settings. "Save".

The router will reboot itself, will ask you to enter your login and password again to access the settings, and you will be taken to the settings page. Please note that the IP address in the browser will be different.

Setting up a wireless bridge (WDS) on a TP-Link router

Go to the tab Wireless.

Near Wireless Network Name specify the name of the new wireless network that our new so-called "Repeater" will distribute. And near Region specify your region.

On the contrary Channel I advise you to change the channel to digital 6 (or better set 1, so that the channels do not match. Try this and that).

Attention! If, when installing the same channels (for example, 6) on the main router and on the “repeater” router, the Internet does not work, then set channel 1 (or another) on the second router. Try this and that.

To enable bridge mode (WDS), check the box next to Enable WDS Bridging.

Well, all that remains is to start the search for Wi-Fi routers. To do this, click on the button "Survey".

A page will open with a list of wireless networks (there can be only one network)... Select the network (main router) and in front of it press the button "Connect".

You will see that the fields SSID (to be bridged) and BSSID (to be bridged) will be filled. If a password for the Wi-Fi network is set on the main router, then in the field Key type specify the type of encryption, and in the field Password enter the password for accessing the wireless network of the main router.

Click the button "Save" and restart your router.

Everything should work. On the main page of the router settings, you can see the connection status. If opposite is written Run, then this means that the router has connected to the main router and should distribute the Internet.

Potential Problems When Setting Up a Wireless Bridge (WDS)

If on the main page of the router settings in the status for a long time it is written Scan ..., then this means that our repeater router cannot connect to the main router.

Only when configuring the main router, you need to specify the MAC address of the secondary router. And when configuring the secondary, specify the MAC address of the primary. The MAC address of the router can be viewed from the bottom of the device.


Perhaps a little confusing article turned out, but I tried to sort everything out on the shelves. In fact, setting up a wireless bridge on a router is not difficult.

To be honest, I had an HTC phone as the main router, it has the ability to work as a router. So here is mine TP-Link TL-MR3220, which I configured as "Repeater" connected to the phone via Wi-Fi and distributed the wireless network further. And everything worked great. But this is not a very important point, since the settings do not differ.

I just wanted to make sure everything works, and it's not very good to write unverified information.

There will be questions, ask! Good luck!