WDS technology. Setting up a WiFi repeater (repeater) for a wireless network

Perhaps, every time I decide to write about another victory, it is worth mentioning my far from high level of command of the situation, but that is why the accomplishment is more pleasant. I set up this Wi-fi router as a repeater for my network and an adapter for my computer!

The question I asked is quite common - How to set up DIr-300 in repeater mode. How to use a router as a Wi-fi adapter?
Googling and torturing Yasha did not give useful answers - clones of articles and other forums, where people who do not know, confuse the very dense in the question.
The post on the DD-WRT firmware forum was very helpful.
And so, I solve the problem of connecting the router as a wi-fi adapter. It's not that I didn't have an independent adapter, I just needed a Lan connection with the same effect, but without a ton of network cards with the intermediate bonus of increasing network coverage around the house.

Instructions: how to set up Dir-300b1 (dir-600) in repeater mode.

1. You will need to install an alternative DD-WRT firmware.
Download it from this link DIR-600 B1 / B2 - this is for those who put it for the first time
Or if you are updating an existing DIR-600 B1 / B2 firmware. We are not afraid that it is for the DIR-600, because the DIR-300 is its clone.

2. Install the firmware via Crash mode.

  • We take out the food.

  • Press Reset and don't let go.

  • We put the power back in.

  • Hold Reset for another 30 seconds.

  • On the indicator panel, the power icon is amber.

  • We go to the address and, by pressing the button, select the first firmware file. Doesn't help - take the second one.

  • At the end of the firmware, during which you do not touch the router and do not breathe on it at all, the admin panel is now available at
3. Let's start with tinctures. This is a revised excerpt of the most valuable advice on the DD-WRT firmware forum.
1) Making settings reset and hard reset

2) P we connect the client router through the LAN port (This is not the port where Internet is written)

3) Open Wireless -\u003e Basic Settings tab
open WIFI-\u003e basic settings

4) Wireless Mode: Client Bridge (I have a Repeater bridge)
install (type of wireless network-\u003e client bridge)

5) Wireless Network Mode: Match Primary Router (I didn't have one, but the task is simple - the network settings are copied from the main router)
set the wireless network mode as on the access point

6) Wireless Network Name (SSID): Match Primary Router
set the network name as on the access point

7) Wireless Channel: Match Primary Router
channel as on access point

8) Wireless SSID Broadcast: Enable
SSID Broadcast: Enable

9) Network Configuration: Bridged
network configuration: in bridge

11) Open the Wireless-\u003e Wireless Security tab
open WIFI-\u003e security

* 12) Set your Encryption to either WEP or WPA-Personal
enter the encryption settings WEP or WPA

* 13) Note - Don "t use WPA2 for Client Bridge mode
don't use WPA2 for client bridge mode

I don’t understand why - I just have WPA2 and everything works.

14) Type of encryption as at the main point.

15) Note - 07/15/08 - TKIP + AES is now working on the Client Bridge.- redhawk
on firmware 07/15/08 TKIP + AES is now in Client Bridge mode

16) Enter your encryption key to match the Primary router
enter the encryption key of the network, as on the access point

17) Save Settings
save settings

18) Open the Setup -\u003e Basic Setup tab
open installation-\u003e basic settings

19) Connection Type will be: Disabled
Wan connection type-\u003e connection type-\u003e disabled

20) Set STP for Disabled (Enabled sometimes can cause connection problems)
STP checkbox to disable

21) IP Address: (Assuming Primary Router IP is
Set the IP (If, for example, is installed on the access point)

22) Mask:

23) Gateway: (again assuming Primary Router IP is
gateway (or the IP of your access point)

24) Assign WAN Port to Switch: Checked or Unchecked - your choice (as I understand it, you can expand the number of ports at the expense of this Internet port - your business)

25) Save Settings
save settings

26) Open the Setup -\u003e Advanced Routing tab
open installation-\u003e routes

27) Change Type to: Router
set the operating mode: Router

28) Save Settings

29) Open the Security -\u003e Firewall tab
open security-\u003e firewall

30) You MUST Uncheck all boxes except "Filter Multicast" in "Block WAN Requests" before the next step
Disable SP1 firewall
you must uncheck all the boxes except "Filter multicast streams" in the section "Blocking requests from WAN"
disable SPI Firewall

32) Open the Administration tab
APPLY Settings

After that, you can wait a little and restart the router manually, but after downloading it will be available at this address

Brief F.A.Q.
1) in network connections on two computers, ai pi should be on the machine? -Yes, if DHCP is enabled on the router that is configured with an access point
2) should we (two computers) see each other in the "workgroup computers" tab? -Yes
3) in general, a bridge type connection works without an Internet connection, i.e. how is the local network? - there will be both the local network and the Internet both on the machine connected to the client and on the machine connected to the access point

I think it's not worth mentioning how long it took to find those very little things that the manual clones lacked

Repeater WISP (Repeater Wireless Internet Service Provider) - for organizing shared access of office and home computers to the Internet, both via the Ethernet port and via wireless WiFi. I show it using the example of the DIR-300 NRU B5 model, firmware version: 1.2.94 - 1.4.3.

Firmware version: 1.2.94

Reset to factory settings.

Firmware version: 1.2.94. Whoever has a new firmware - 1.3.3, then you can return to version 1.2.94 by flashing first with version DIR_300NRUB5-1.2.93.fwz, and then immediately, without rebooting the router - DIR_300NRUB5-1.2.94.bin ( Firmware on ftp.dlink.ru).

  • In the address bar of the browser, write and go to the router using the login "admin" and the password "admin". We go to the menu "network" - "connections" - "LAN". There we change the IP address to another subnet - from to and do not forget to save all changes for any operations.
  • In the same place, in the "connections", go to "WAN" and change the connection type to "IPoE", the physical interface to "WiFiClient", IP and DNS to "automatically" (perhaps you need to drive your settings as if you were setting up a wired WAN compound). Then "change" and "save".
  • In the "Wi-Fi" menu, turn on the wireless connection.
  • In the "Wi-Fi" menu, go to the "client" and turn it on. After automatic network search, a list of available networks will appear. "Click" on the network you need (in my case, it is DIR-620), if the required network is not found, change the position of the antenna and repeat the "search for networks". We remember the channel on which the network sits. Then "change" and "save".
  • In the "basic settings" of the Wi-Fi menu, we manually set the channel of our selected network. We save everything.
  • We check in "Statuses" "Network statistics". Everything should be "connected", if not, save and reboot the system.
  • The next time you enter the router menu, do not forget to register the address

Firmware version: 1.3.3

For this firmware, all settings and changes are made in the same way, so I will not repeat myself, just do not forget to connect the "client" to "wi-fi" first, otherwise the "WiFiClient_1" settings will be hidden.
Everything works for me, I was glad to help.

Firmware version: 1.4.0 - 1.4.9

And for this firmware, all settings and changes are made in the same way as the previous ones, PrtScn-pictures are shown below. For WiFiClient settings to appear in the "Network \u003e\u003e WAN" submenu, you must first go to the "Wi-Fi \u003e\u003e Client" section, then select a network and save it.

Simple reflector - reflector for the router antenna

  • In 5 minutes, it is made from a regular can of beer-juice (see photo below).
  • If the signal is caught with the vertical antenna of the router, you can use the already existing hole in the bank.
  • We put the structure on the antenna and align it so that the distance from the antenna to the reflector is about 15-20mm.
  • We are looking for a rotation angle for maximum signal reception. To do this, click on "search network" in the "wi-fi client" after each change in the direction of the reflector (at least 2-3 times in one position, if the signal was weak).
  • If you want to catch the reflected signal (the signal source is not in line of sight), then remember physics for the 5th grade - the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and set the reflector accordingly.
  • I advise you to manipulate not only the reflector, but also the position of the antenna - my maximum signal reception was achieved in the recumbent position of the router's antenna, and even at an angle of 45 degrees to the window. In the vertical or other positions of the antenna, the network I needed was not caught at all, even with a reflector.
  • As a result of such gestures, I achieved on my router the amplification of a weak reflected wi-fi signal from 15% (without a reflector) to a stable 39%, and the number of caught networks increased from 8 to 19 pieces.
  • In the second photo, a test design of a directional antenna is screwed to the reflector for additional passive amplification of the wi-fi signal (I saw something similar on the Internet and decided to check how much more the signal would be amplified). On the "knee" in 15 minutes I screwed on a guide made of copper wire in a PVC sheath ~ 5 cm transverse elements made of the same wire, only without a sheath, at a distance of ~ 3 cm from each other - more exact dimensions are available on the Internet.
    In your case, to improve the signal, such an antenna can be located both vertically and horizontally - it is experimentally located, regardless of how the router antenna itself will be located.
    As a result, another 5-7 new sources of wi-fi signal were added and the power of the network I needed rose to 44% and even a couple of times gave a resonance to 55-60%.
edited: 11.10.2015

Good day! Today we are going to tell you about the D-Link DIR-300 network router and its functions. Our article will describe the possibility of using a router as a repeater. The first part will tell specifically about the model, the second will be devoted to setting up and further operation as a repeater.

Description and characteristics

The D-Link family of routers has gained great popularity due to its low cost and long presence in the market of network routers. The DIR-300 has become the most massive of all currently available competitors.

Briefly about the characteristics, functionality and software basis. The first model, the DIR-300, is an inexpensive counterpart to the AirLink 330 with the same Atheros base. DIR-300 worked with 802.11b / g specifications, that is, the router's radio module provided speeds within 54 Mbps. The processor ran at 180 MHz, and the amount of RAM was only 16 MB.

In 2010, an updated model of the DIR-300B1 router appears. It is a copy of the DIR-600 model, which was then removed from the assembly line. The novelty had better performance than its predecessor. The processor started working at 320 MHz, the RAM was twice as much - 32 MB. The updated radio module already supported the 802.11n standard.

Subsequent models did not have significant changes. The router still has 32 MB of RAM, the processor has been overclocked to 400 MHz, and the firmware is loaded onto a small 8 MB module. The radio module has not received any changes and still works with the 802.11n standard.

DIR-300 works with any WAN connection, thanks to which any Internet provider can interact with this router. it is possible to implement IP-routing (dynamic and static).

Below is an image showing all possible types of connections on the DIR-300 router:

If you use PPTP and L2TP in work, the router confidently supports a speed of 70-90 Mbit / s. However, if you try to increase the streaming load, the router starts to get very hot, which will make the interface unstable.

The following figure shows the possible functions:

"Client" with normal firmware

See a visual aid here:

Now on to the main topic. Is it possible to use DIR-300 in repeater mode? The answer is possible. You can make a signal repeater from a router using the settings in the "Client" mode.

So, what settings can be created and fixed in the "Client" mode:

  1. Repeater. Initially, D-Link does not have such a mode, but they can work in it. It is enough just to specify all the settings of the main router on the future signal amplifier, and the router will turn into a repeater.
  2. WDS bridge. Using a wireless connection, you can connect a router to another, after which the connected router will receive a Wi-Fi signal and transmit it via a cable to a PC or repeater.

What is Bridge Mode? If interested, watch the video:

  1. Receiver. The router becomes a regular equipment receiver, but will not distribute Wi-Fi. This mode is convenient if you have several stationary PCs and "Smart TV", which supports only cable connection.

The capabilities of the router are briefly described, but we will tell you about each of the proposed options. First of all, you need to start the "Client" mode, but this will be discussed further.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's start by reconfiguring the router to a repeater. The main problem will be that the standard firmware does not provide for operation as a repeater. It is because of this that there are no operating mode pages in the user interface at all. If you configure the DIR-300 so that it is recognized as a client, the router will become a full-fledged repeater, and we will be able to expand the Wi-Fi network area by adding another access point.

So, we decided to use two routers, one of which is the central one. We will send a Wi-Fi signal from the central to the side signal, which will be copied and distributed over a large area.

  1. The router works with the DHCP server enabled.

  1. IP and DNS addresses are set to get automatically.

  1. The connection type is the one that was originally set by the provider.
  2. The router has the necessary parameters that determine the security of the network.
  3. The most important thing is that the router is connected to the PC via the LAN connector (WAN should not be touched - this is the port for the provider's cable).

So, all points have been checked. Now let's go directly to the DIR-300 setup itself:

  1. Enter the repeater interface. To do this, enter IP: in the address bar of the browser and press the "Enter" button.
  2. Go through authorization - you will need to enter your username and password. If you have not set your own values, it will be "admin" in both fields. Click the "Login" button.
  3. Now you need to open the "Wi-Fi" section, and in it "Client", where you need to check the following points:
  • Enable;
  • Broadcast wireless network.
  1. After that, we prescribe the following parameters:
  • Network name (SSID);
  • Network standard;
  • Encryption type and authentication;
  • The channel to be used;
  • Password.

Please note that in order for the D-Link router to work as a repeater, you must set absolutely identical settings by copying them from the main router.

After you fill in everything, execute the "Apply" command. We return to the title page, where we press the “Add” button and select “Network / WAN”. We have to create a new connection, so we specify "Dynamic IP" in the "Connection type" and "WiFiClient" in the "Interface". Save the settings with the "Apply" button.

For alternative firmware

Step-by-step instructions are presented in the following video:

Now let's talk about setting up through the alternative firmware "DD WRT". It is universal, since it can work with every router model and is tailored for finer settings than the basic one. It contains the function we need to configure the router in the Wi-Fi amplifier.

Follow each step in the following instructions:

  1. Download the firmware from the official website. Find out the model of the router beforehand, since you will need to specify it. If you enter everything correctly, the download will start. After that, a file with the extension .bin will appear on the computer.

  1. Enter the DIR-300 user interface (see steps 1 and 2 of the previous instruction).
  2. Open the "System" tab, where we look for and open "Software Update".
  3. You should open a window where you need to select our firmware and download it by clicking on the "Review" stencil.
  4. After the software update to the new firmware has been successful, we reboot the device. And only then can we start configuring the router as a Wi-Fi network repeater.
  5. We must turn off the DHCP option.
  6. Next, manually specify a free static IP. Also provide connection details. In our case, you need to enter the addresses of the gateway and DNS server, which coincide with the network address of the router. Also, do not forget to specify the ISP's subnet mask.

Look at all points in the following image:

  1. Next, you need to select the type "Repeater" for our network, and leave the name intact (note the image).

  1. In the next section "Security" we choose the encryption type and password. The values \u200b\u200bof the main router and the future repeater must be the same. Click "Save".

From personal experience, I can note that the DIR-300 as a repeater proved to be excellent. The speed has practically not changed, which is good news.


Now let's move on to configuring DIR-300 in the "Wireless Bridge (WDS)" operating mode:

  1. It is recommended to perform a factory reset and only then proceed to configure the router.
  2. After the reset, go to the control panel and go to the "Wi-Fi" - "Client" tab, where we check the "Enable" box.
  3. We mark "Broadcast wireless network" (optional) if you want the distribution of the Internet to take place over a Wi-Fi network and cable.
  4. The next important point will be the choice of the network to which the Wi-Fi signal is transmitted. It is advisable to know exactly which router should receive this signal, so we remember all the main characteristics and find the network in the list of available ones.
  5. If you have chosen everything and decided on the settings, it remains only to write down the password from the main network in the "PSK encryption key" field and click "Apply".

If you have done everything correctly, a green icon will be lit next to the Wi-Fi network to which the DIR-300 is connected. Next, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Network" - "WAN" tab and delete all current connections. This can be done by selecting these networks with check marks and pressing the "Delete" button.
  2. Now we press the "Add" button.

  1. In the "Connection Type" list, select "Dynamic IP", then in the "Interface" item, select "WiFiClient". After that, click on the "Apply" button and save the settings using the pop-up window.

The router is already connected to the main network and is distributing the Internet. To save the settings, you can reload it again.


Now we turn to the last part of the article - setting up the router in the "Receiver" operating mode. There is nothing complicated here, because the "Client" mode is the adapter mode. Therefore, it is enough to repeat the settings from the "Wireless Bridge" mode, but do not tick the "Broadcast wireless network" item. Thus, you get an adapter for transferring the Internet connection to your Wi-Fi network via cable to a PC or TV.

On this, perhaps, everything. Thank you for your attention and good luck with your setup!

Sometimes it becomes necessary to configure two routers together: to increase the coverage area, connect more than 4 devices via cable. Basic settings on the second router. For example, I took D-Link DIR-300. Usually the chain looks like this:

The difference is in how the devices are connected to each other. I considered 4 schemes:

  1. The first router starts the Internet, the second is configured as a receiver, a client - a "repeater", "repeater". Bridge - bridge mode, receives and distributes the Internet via cable.
  2. Similar to the first option, it only distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi.
  3. The second router also receives a signal, but not via cable, but via Wi-Fi. WDS technology - wireless bridge. Then he distributes it by cable.
  4. Similar to the third option, but distributes via Wi-Fi.

There is no separate “Repeater” or “Repeater” mode in D-Link routers. He showed how you can customize their analogy with improvised means. But on each of them, NAT is started, because of this, difficulties arise when port forwarding, setting up IP cameras.

In all schemes, I use two routers. The first is DIR-615, the second is DIR-300. It doesn't matter which router you have first, the main thing is that it starts and distributes the Internet. Usually, this is already configured and works in automatic mode. All the nuances of setting are related to the second router. I described them in the article.

Preparing for setup

First you need to go to the web interface of the router. Open your browser, type in the address bar ... An authorization window will appear. In the login field enter admin, password - admin, standard data. If it gives an error, but you don't know the login and password -.

This will reset not only the login information, but all existing settings.

If you can't get in, there is a separate one that should help.

When using two routers together, check the gateway address for each one, it should be different.

They often coincide. The DIR-300, like most D-Link routers, has the standard addresses If the first one is the same, then in the DIR-300 settings it must be changed so that there is no conflict between them. Go to "Network" - "LAN". In the IP address field, replace 0 with 1, you get In the DHCP server, it is similar - "Start IP" at, "End IP" at Click Apply.

Click on the red number at the top, then on "Save and Restart". Wait 95 seconds.

Please note that after that, to enter the DIR-300 in the browser, you need to register not, but

"Repeater" by cable

The first router starts the Internet depending on the provider - PPPoE, 2LTP, Dynamic IP. After the second router, DIR-300, receives a signal via cable and distributes the Internet to other devices in two ways: via cable and via Wi-Fi. Let's consider both options.

By cable

Internet cable to the WAN port of the first router. Then from its LAN port the network cable is connected to the DIR-300 WAN port. From its LAN port, a cable to any device: computer, laptop, candy bar.

I already wrote above, it is important that the gateways of the routers differ from each other. Connect the devices according to the diagram.

  1. provider's network cable;
  2. patch cord - connects both routers;
  3. patch cord - connects the second DIR-300 router to the computer.

If the router at the factory settings is new or reset, then the connection type "Dynamic IP" is initially selected for it, nothing needs to be changed. Immediately after connecting a computer, laptop, the Internet should work.

If the browser gives an error, check which connection type is selected on the router. Go to "Network" - "WAN". Probably there is nothing there or a wrong connection or multiple connections. Check the boxes, click Remove.

Then "Add", select the type of connection "Dynamic IP", click "Apply". Save your settings.


Internet cable to the WAN port of the first router. Then from its LAN port the network cable is connected to the DIR-300 WAN port. Then he distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi to any device: laptop, tablet, smartphone.

The algorithm is similar to the cable connection from DIR-300 to a computer, but in addition, you need to tweak Wi-Fi on it. Go to "Wi-Fi" - "Basic settings". The checkbox for "Enable wireless connection" should be on. In the field opposite "SSID", create and enter a name for Wi-Fi. Click Apply.

Go to "Security Settings". In the "Network authentication" field, select "WPA2-PSK", in the "PSK encryption key" field, create and enter a password for Wi-Fi. Click Apply. Save your settings.

After, for example, on your phone, open the list of available networks, select the name that you came up with. Enter the password, click "Connect".

"Repeater" via Wi-Fi

Just as with the cable repeater scheme, the first router starts the Internet. Then the DIR-300 receives a signal, but not over the wire, but over Wi-Fi. After that, it distributes the Internet to other devices in two ways: by cable and by Wi-Fi.

By cable

Internet cable to the WAN port of the first router. Then DIR-300 is connected to the first router via Wi-Fi in "client" mode. From the DIR-300 LAN port, a network cable to any device: computer, laptop, candy bar.

In the menu on the left, click on "Wi-Fi" - "Client". Check the box next to Enable.

If you need DIR-300 to distribute Wi-Fi, check the box next to "Broadcast wireless network".

After select the wireless network of the first router, click on it. In the "PSK encryption key" field, enter the Wi-Fi password of the first router. Click Apply.

Save your settings. The indicator on the name of the network to which you are connected will turn green.

Go to "Network" - "WAN". Put a check mark on the connection, click "Delete", after "Add", described in more detail above. Select "Dynamic IP", in the field opposite "Interface" set "WiFiClient", click "Apply".

Then save the settings.


Internet cable to the WAN port of the first router. Then DIR-300 is connected to the first router via Wi-Fi in "client" mode. Then he distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi to any device: laptop, tablet, smartphone.

The method is similar to the previous one, described above. Except for one parameter - put a tick in front of "Broadcast wireless network". Although I've tried without it, both routers share Wi-Fi. But put it in any case, it will not be superfluous.

There are 2 options for choosing a network name and password for Wi-Fi on the DIR-300 - the second router:

  1. the name and password for Wi-Fi completely coincide with the first router;
  2. differ from him.

In the first case, if your device is a smartphone, the laptop is already connected to the first router, it will automatically connect to the second. After that, he will independently reconnect to the router with the best signal level.

In the second case, you need to disconnect from the first router and connect to the second - select a network, enter the key. The plus is that you can see which of the devices you are connected to at the moment. Useful for diagnostics.

Otherwise, there is not much difference, to set up Wi-Fi go to "Wi-Fi" - "Basic settings". In the field opposite "SSID" enter the name, click "Apply". Then go to "Wi-Fi" - "Security settings", in the field opposite "PSK encryption key" enter the password. Click Apply. Save your settings.

Plug in your devices, it should work.

  1. Briefly described how to enter the settings of the router, what to change for correct collaboration.
  2. Disassembled 4 diagrams for connecting two routers. Different modes of the second router on the example of DIR-300: as a receiver, client, Wi-Fi client - "repeater", "repeater". Technologies WDS (wireless bridge), bridge (bridge).

If something is not clear, write below in the comments, we will try to analyze your situation, find a solution.

Step by step instructions on how dIR-300 setup... It starts with connecting a router.

Physical connection

  • Plug the D-link DIR-300 into a power outlet via the power adapter.
  • Install the cable from the Internet provider into the corresponding port of the router.
  • Connect the computer and the router with a wire (patch cord, i.e. blue cable).
  • For Wi-Fi, screw on the antenna.
  • As a result, the wires on the back of the router should look something like this:

    PC setup

    On a stationary computer connected by wire - via Start, open the Control Panel, go to Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, then go to Change adapter settings. See if your local network is enabled. Enable if disabled.

    From now on, for the network to work, nothing else needs to be configured on the computer. If you have any problems, perhaps you do not have the driver for the network card (or for Wi-Fi) installed, refer to our article on.

    How to enter the admin panel

    You no longer need to configure the computer itself, the router stores all the Internet settings in itself. But to set up the network, you need to visit the router through the web interface. This can be done only through a wire, so you have to go either through a stationary PC with a wired connection, or connect a laptop / netbook via a LAN network to a router.

    • Most often, the bottom of the DIR-300 contains the address of the local “site” with settings, as well as a username and password. Usually the address is

    • Enter it into the browser line and you will go to the page generated by the router.

    • By default, the login and password are admin.

    Setting up

    Initial setup and the path to the main Internet settings:

    • You can immediately change the interface language.

    • And set a password for the DIR-300 router. If you forget it, you will have to reset it along with all the settings to "default".

    • To configure the Internet at the bottom, go to the Advanced settings.

    • In the Network section, follow the WAN link.

    • Create a new connection by clicking the Add button in the lower right corner.

    Basic network settings in the D-link DIR-300 router:

    • Here you need to select the type of Internet connection. This is usually PPPoE.
    • You may need to clone the MAC address of your computer's network card into the router using the green arrow button (not always necessary, only if your ISP has a MAC address binding).
    • Enter Username and Password. This data for Internet access from your provider (if you don't know, look for them in the agreement with the provider).
    • In other fields, you can leave everything as default and click the Save button.

    • After that, you will be redirected to the previous page. The new connection you configured appears there. Check if the round check mark for this connection is set to Default Gateway.

    • As a result, the Internet on a computer connected via LAN (i.e. by wire) should work. To check, go to any site:

    • To prevent the settings from being reset, click Save in the router:

    Congratulations, you have configured the Internet in the router and connected a computer to it via LAN.

    Enabling WI-FI and setting

    To work on WiFi, you need not only a laptop with a wireless network adapter, but also setting up a long-distance router. You already know how to enter the router through a computer, do it.

    • In Advanced settings, find the WiFi section. Make sure the green switch is on. Just below, follow the link to Basic Settings.

    • Check the box next to Enable wireless and enter a name for the network. It will be displayed as the name of the Wi-Fi, which is visible to all devices (not even yours) in the range of the router.

    • Click edit.

    • It will bring us back, click Security Settings.

    • Write down the password for Wi-Fi, otherwise everyone who catches it can use it.

    • Save the changes in the Wi-Fi setting on the DIR-300 router.

    How to connect to Wi-Fi

    If you set up the D-link router through a laptop / netbook using a wired connection, then you no longer need it. Disconnect the wire physically, and in Windows, turn off Local Area Connection.

    • Now turn on the Wireless Network Connection (it should be with all drivers and software on Wi-Fi).

    • A window with found WiFi networks will appear in the tray next to the clock. Remember how you called it in the router settings. Select and click Connect.

    • Enter the password you set when setting up the D-link DIR-300 Wi-Fi router.

    How to forward ports on a router

    What is port forwarding? This is the binding of a port on the external interface of the DIR-300 router with a device port in the local network. The point is to give access to the device from the Internet using a specific open port on the router.

    In practice, it might look like this. There is a need to provide access to remote control of the slave. a PC table connected to the Internet via a DIR-300 router (or other reason). To do this, a rule is created to forward the WAN port to the home PC port.

    To do this, go to the Advanced section, then to the Port Forwarding setting.
    How to set up:

    • Choose a name for the rule (in order not to get confused, it is better to give meaningful names).
    • Select a specific public port number or write down the port range). Public is an external port for the Internet. To register only one specific number, indicate it in the form of a start and end.
    • In the test case, we opened port 3389.
    • Write down the IP address of the PC (server) to which the ports are forwarded. It is worth to reserve this IP address for a specific computer in the DHCP reservation settings on the router, then it will not change over time. If you do not want to reserve in the router, then you can register the IP address manually in the settings of the PC network card.
    • In the test case, the internal gray IP address was specified.
    • Register the port for receiving incoming connections on the PC in the local network.
    • We registered the default port 3389 for the test.
    • Don't forget to check the box on the left to enable the rule to work.

    IPTV setup

    Configuring IPTV on routers: D-Link DIR-300, DIR-400, DIR-615 and DIR-655. Enter the admin panel (instructions at the beginning of the article), you will see the main settings menu. Click Advanced, then Advanced Network. Specify parameters:

    • Check the Enable Multicast Stream checkbox for IPTV to work over cable.
    • Checkbox Wireless Enhance Mode for IPTV over Wi-Fi.
    • We save the button "Save Settings" (at the top of the page).

    Perhaps the interface in your model will slightly differ from the presented picture.

    If the specified menu items are not in the router, it may need to be flashed with a new firmware that supports IGMP proxy or Multicast Routing. Also note that the English interface is shown here, you may have Russian.

    How to turn on the router as a repeater

    In order for the DIR-300 to work as a repeater, it must be reflashed with the DD-WRT program.

    • The A1 version is flashed via TFTP (so making it a repeater is more difficult).
    • Version B1 can be flashed through the web interface.

    Let's start configuring the repeater:

    • Change the DIR-300 subnet to another one so that it differs from the main point of the source (for example, laptop). If the laptop is, then here you need to do
    • Enable DHCP is available, for this, select the IP of the main point ( as a gateway.
    • In the WAN settings item, go to Automatic-configuration DHCP and activate STP. Save.

    Wi-Fi setup:

    • In Wireless, select Mode - Repeater (or Repeater Bridge if you have a different firmware version).
    • The other remaining settings must match the source parameters (SSID, channel, connection type).
    • The channel must be set to specific, not Auto. The security settings must also be similar to the source parameters.
    • Save.

    After saving the settings, go to Status\u003e Wireless\u003e Site Survey, select the source point. Click the Connect button and save again. As a result, your router should receive the source IP and work as a repeater.

    Video settings on Rostelecom

    Step-by-step video instructions for setting up D-Link DIR-300 for Rostelecom:

    How to reset and reboot

    To reset the settings to the factory (default) settings, the router must be plugged into a power outlet. Then press the Reset button. It is recessed into the body to prevent accidental pressing, so you need a toothpick. In some models, to reset, you need to press Reset, and hold for 15 seconds.

    This will reset absolutely all settings, including the password (by default it, like the login, is admin).

    How to reboot the router:

    • Log in via the web interface, and click Reboot.

    • In 30-60 seconds, the router will reboot, at which time you will be shown a message stating that it cannot be disconnected from the power supply.

    • After that, the D-link DIR-300 is completely ready to work with the old settings.

    Also, to reboot the router, you can physically disconnect it from the power outlet (preferably 15-30 seconds).


    You have learned how to configure the D-link DIR 300 router. And remember, the main ways to fix some problems with the router are rebooting and flashing. Even if you have the latest firmware version, flashing can get rid of the network glitches that have appeared (similarly).