Open lay. What is the LAY file extension? Lay as Tecplot data file

Which program to open the lay file you can choose from the list below!

.Lay extension What is the file format?

LAY files - are used for the design of electrical boards and circuits and are created in the Sprint Layout program.

All files made in Sprint Layout are automatically saved with the LAY extension. They usually contain various electrical circuit diagrams.

With the help of files with this extension, you can transfer and store PCB designs. Files with this extension are well known to everyone who works with printed circuit boards. It is thanks to them that clear schemes are drawn up, according to which the assembly is then carried out.

Files with the LAY extension are readable in all versions of operating systems from the Windows family. Sprint-Layout is constantly being improved by developers, however the extension remains unchanged. Of course, besides Sprint Layout, there are quite a few other software that opens LAY files. You will learn about them on the pages of this Internet resource and will be able to choose a program that will be convenient for you to use.

Did you receive an email in LAY format that cannot be read? Is your computer operating system reporting that such a document is not supported? Is access to it blocked? Then our site will be a godsend for you! Here you will find detailed information on programs that allow you to open files with LAY extension.

Now you know how to open lay and what programs to use for this!

The LAY extension belongs to different types of files that open in different programs. In today's article, we want to introduce you to the most common options for this format and how to open them.

The first type of document with this extension is data about the layers of a model developed in Rhino 3D. The second popular type is engineering model data, developed in programs of the Tecplot family. A variation of this extension is LAY6, which belongs to the Sprint-Layout engineering program.

The LAY extension also has the service files of the DVD movie disc created in Apple DVD Studio, but they cannot be opened on Windows. It will not work directly with the LAY file from the MAME arcade machine emulator. Therefore, we will consider ways to open the first two versions of a document.

Method 1: Rhino 3D

Quite a sophisticated 3D editor designed for engineers and using its own programming language called Grasshopper. LAY files associated with this program are model layers exported into a separate document.

Rhino 3D is not easy for a beginner to work with. The program is paid, but the trial version is active for 90 days.

Method 2: Tecplot 360

Another engineering application, Tecplot 360, uses LAY files to save work.

Tekplot 360 is quite beginner-friendly and easy to use, but there are several drawbacks, including significant limitations of the trial version and the lack of Russian.


Summing up, we note that the bulk of files with the LAY extension belongs to either Rhino 3D or Tecplot 360.

Have a problem opening a .LAY files? We collect information about file formats and can explain what LAY files are. Additionally, we recommend the programs that are most suitable for opening or converting such files.

What is the .LAY file format for?

File name extension .lay occurs most often when applied to the Kyodai Mahjongg Solitaire Layout file type ( .lay), linked to the free-to-play Mahjong solitaire game Kyodai Mahjongg developed by Cyna Games. In the game Kyodai Mahjongg, the layout file ( .lay) is a text document in which the mutual initial position of chips is set using a matrix of ones and zeros. To use a specific layout, the corresponding file .lay must be placed in the "Layouts" subdirectory of the game. The layout can be created by any Kyodai Mahjongg player, and a collection of over a hundred different layouts of Kyodai Mahjongg Solitaire ( .lay).

In addition, the extension .lay is a designation of the Sprint-Layout PCB Layout ( .lay) from Sprint-Layout, ABACOM's shareware PCB design tool. File .lay is a schematic diagram of a printed circuit board layout created and saved in Sprint-Layout. It is an editable binary repository of location points for electronic circuit components and their connections. In Sprint-Layout, printed circuit boards ( .lay) can be exported as standard GERBER, Excellon and HPGL files for forwarding to the manufacturer. In addition to the full version of the program, any file with the PCB layout .lay can be viewed and printed using ABACOM's free Sprint-Layout Viewer.

With regard to the Siemens S7-PLCSIM microcontroller simulation package, the extension .lay is the designation of the file type "Layout of the S7-PLCSIM workspace" ( .lay). The S7-PLCSIM environment allows you to save the arrangement of windows and panels in the form of layouts ( .lay), and then load them to restore previously saved workspaces. Files .lay differ from stored microcontroller models (.plc) and can be used together.

As part of Pro / ENGINEER, the predecessor to PTC's Creo CAD family, the .lay used to denote the Pro / ENGINEER Layout Concept ( .lay). Here file .lay contains a list of key parameters and conditions necessary for the correct presentation of the design project. Layout concepts ( .lay), also referred to as "sticky notes," are typically created with the Pro / NOTEBOOK utility and referenced to Pro / ENGINEER part or assembly designs.

A well-known commercial 3D modeling environment called Rhinoceros (Rhino) by Robert McNeel & Associates uses the extension .lay to denote layer state files. Layer state file ( .lay) is a text document in CSV format, in which various parameters of specific layers are indicated in the form of fields. These state files are used by Rhino to save and quickly restore layer settings.

In its other role, the expansion .lay is of the Associated Tecplot Data ( .lay) owned by Tecplot 360, a commercial data visualization program from Tecplot, Inc. Such a related data file ( .lay) is a text document with links to external sources of source data for visualization with Tecplot. LAY files differ from packed data files (.lpk) in that the latter contain binary data instead of links.

In addition, the extension .lay serves to denote DVD data markup files ( .lay) created by Apple DVD Studio Pro on Apple Mac OS X operating systems within any DVD project. Here, the file .lay (eg "VOB_DATA .lay") is an auxiliary file that describes the actual location of data in preparation for burning to physical DVD media. These files serve as a service function and are not written to DVDs created by this program.

Software to open or convert LAY files

You can open LAY files with the following programs: 

If there is a computer installed antivirus software can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file separately... You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.lay, then you need to right-click on this file, and select the option from the file menu "Scan with AVG"... Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus, which will scan this file for viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system link your LAY file to the correct application softwareinfluencing the so-called "File extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Tecplot 360 may solve your problem by correctly linking LAY to Tecplot 360. In other cases, problems with file associations can result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try to update Tecplot 360 to the latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often the LAY file itself may be causing the problem... If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may be damaged... If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the LAY file and try opening it again.

Caution: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or pre-existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that you have an updated antivirus running on your PC at all times.

If your file is LAY related to the hardware on your computerto open the file you may need to update device driversrelated to this equipment.

This problem usually associated with types of media filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example sound card or video card... For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a LAY file you get sYS file related error message, the problem could probably be related to corrupted or outdated device driversthat need to be updated. This process can be facilitated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you're still having problems opening LAY files, it could be due to lack of available system resources... Some versions of LAY files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory / RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer has a hard time completing a task, as the operating system (and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open the LAY file... Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Tecplot Layout File. By freeing up all the available resources on your computer, you will provide a better environment for trying to open the LAY file.

If you completed all the steps aboveand your LAY file still won't open, you might need to run equipment upgrade... In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power may still be more than adequate for most custom applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling, or heavy media work) ... In this way, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Lay format on android can be opened with many programs, but not all of them show the initial data correctly. Since you are interested in this format, you probably know that the document shows the tracing of the printed circuit board. It is precisely this trace that we will try to open with the help of specialized programs.

Which program open lay file on android:

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of programs for this, but we will use Sprint Layout for android or its analogue Droid PCB... To install Layout, it will take a lot of operations that can be viewed. Follow the link to find the complete installation instructions and download the program itself. Not every beginner in this business can cope. Therefore, we will use an analogue, since it has a direct APK file for installation on a smartphone (). The program reads all such formats and perfectly displays the original data, even if the original source was a computer. You just need to download the program and run the installer on your smartphone.


What would open format lay onandroid, you need to use the software provided in this article or use any other analogue. And remember that not all programs display correctly the original file information.