Htc disconnected. Android turns itself off

It often happens that the HTC phone turns itself off when making a call, unlocking it or just lying on the table. Each disconnection has its own root cause, but it is sometimes quite difficult to understand them.

Because independently figure out why your smartphone turns off is not easy, use the services of specialists. Professional diagnostics will determine the exact cause of the malfunction and options for its elimination. We can perform HTC repairs of any complexity. We will install original components.

1. There is a problem with the HTC battery.

If the HTC battery is faulty (loss of power), and this will eventually await any rechargeable battery, you will have to replace it. It happens that batteries with a larger capacity are installed.

You can also pay attention to the contacts of the battery. If they are dirty or oxidized, then they must be cleaned. And not only the contacts on the battery, but also on the phone itself. Also, the contacts on the system board could be bent or deformed in another way. In this case, some users independently use a "seal" - between the battery cover and the battery itself, put a piece of paper folded several times.

2. Malfunction of the HTC radio module.

A malfunction of the radio path can also cause the HTC phone to turn itself off. This is due to the fact that the call increases energy consumption. This situation leads to the shutdown of the device.

3. Ingress of moisture under the HTC case.

If water or other liquid got into the phone, after which the mobile device began to turn off on its own, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Thorough diagnostics will determine the extent of the damage caused, and qualified technicians will eliminate all breakages, dry and clean your HTC as soon as possible.

4. Result of falls and blows.

Disconnection of the HTC phone may also be due to component damage caused by dropping it. For example, a drop could damage the contacts that hold the flash memory and the processor. Thus, a violation occurs in the electrical circuit of the mobile phone, which leads to a spontaneous shutdown.

5. Broken display module (only for slider format).

This breakdown may cause the HTC phone to malfunction. If the display module with a ribbon cable is frayed, then it will need to be replaced. If you do not know for what reasons the HTC phone turns off by itself, please contact our service center in St. Petersburg. Free diagnostics and quality of services provided will be guaranteed to you.

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HTC phone turns itself off - reasons

Alexander, HTC One X9 dual sim

Hello. the phone turns off while charging from the network (Not powerbank, from the outlet), regardless of the% charge not in the open sun (It can turn off even at 30%. The cable is new, the plug is working. OS Android 6.0. I recently bought a new battery because of this.
The phone cannot be turned on until I disconnect it from charging and again the last one. At the same time, when the system boots, the time is reset to the factory ones, you have to uncheck the autodetect checkboxes from the network and set the checkboxes again. The phone is warming up. Also, the signal on one sim card is much stronger than on the other, both sim cards were bought in the same operator's office (beeline) and the numbers are beeline. Tariffs are the same. The phone fell a couple of times to the floor from a small height at the level of the chair, it was in a protective case.

There may be malfunctions in the power circuit, which can cause the phone to warm up, turn off, not charge, etc. The cost of repair is from 1000-1500 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Michael, NTS ОPMG200 D820

The phone turns off in various situations, for example, I listen to music, surf the Internet, watch a movie, or just call someone or go to applications to check the balance, while the battery charge is very different sometimes it turns off at 30%, as recently it did at 60-70 %, I have two SIM cards, and if I take out one or turn it off, it works, but also not for long.

The problem can be of both mechanical and software nature, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Michael, HTC Desire 825 Dual Sim

The phone sometimes turns off when charged at 50%. In this case, completely various anomalies occur after switching on - the list of contacts disappears, or applications lose their entire cache, or some applications disappear / require reinstallation.

The phone did not bathe, did not fall, but was actively used at sub-zero temperatures (watching videos, Internet, communication). It was during this that he passed out for the first time.

Most likely, the internal memory fails, the cost of recovery is from 1000-1500 rubles, diagnostics are free.

client, HTC 728

Good day, the phone turns off when it heats up, and it heats up when you watch a video or listen to music, the SIM card is in place. I noticed such a thing, the children tested it for a week, played, watched cartoons, and never turned off. I inserted the sim and after about 30 minutes it does not heat up very much, and it starts to turn off, I gave it for repairs, they cannot find the reason, I can send a video how it turns off. The phone works well, the battery normally holds a charge, the current turns off, please help me figure out what is the reason, I beg you 😥

Good afternoon!
Most likely, there is consumption on the board, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, the diagnostics are free.

Vitaly, htc 628

Hello. There is only one problem, the phone turns off by itself. After turning on and using the Internet, after 30-40 minutes, when the charge is 70% -65%, the phone turns off. Also, when using the camera, it turns off. After re-enabling, the programs are updated within 13-15 minutes. There are also spots on the screen display. They appeared after three or four months. At the same time, the phone did not fall. I look after it well. What could be the reason? The web is not healthy? Phone 1.5 I also noticed this problemma began to appear after 6-7 months of use. It gets very hot, the processor is at the top of the phone. THANKS.

Good afternoon!
The reason may be malfunctions in the power supply circuit, damage to microelements of the board - during these, the board usually heats up and there may be a long load. Otherwise, you need to look, the diagnostics are free.

Zheka, Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom C105

does not charge, does not see the wire

Good afternoon!
Repair cost from 1500 rubles.

Tyoma ... 174, iPhone 5S

the smartphone has turned off and does not turn on. The screen does not even light up ... in general, you hold the power button, and in response there is zero reaction.

The cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Sergei, iPhone 5C

Hello, when watching a video, it turned off and does not turn on.

Good afternoon!
Software failure, cost of recovery 1000 rubles.

Nazim, Htc desire 630 dual sim

Fell into the water. Dried up. They turned on a week later. Began to turn off and on by itself. Disassembled. There was oxidation in two places, I cleaned it with alcohol, but the problem did not go away. What can go wrong? Thanks in advance.

Good afternoon!
The cost of repair after the ingress of liquid from 1500 rubles, any element of the board can be damaged.

Nadya, HTC e9 +

Hello! The phone is 2.5 years old. fell a couple of times, from a distance of about 1 meter. It was all right at once. Gradually, more and more often it began to turn off and turn on by itself as a reboot. The battery is lithium, but the charge did not last long either. It also turns off when you call. It turns off and I can not turn it on for a long time. Do not affect the sound button activation and on / off.

There may be malfunctions in the internal memory of the phone, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free, data may be lost, so it is better to save it on a memory card in advance.

pavel, HTC ONE

turned off and always turns on after HTC powerd by android immediately turns off

The reason is a software failure or malfunction in the internal memory of the phone. The cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Mashrab, HTC 820 dual sim

The phone turns off by itself and a green candle blinks.

The reason can be from a software failure to malfunctions in the internal memory, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Rus, HTC m7

Good day! I have such a problem. The phone functions quite normally, and it can live for 2 days (without active use) But - sometimes I will take it off the charge and literally after 30-40 minutes on 80-60% of the bodies. turns off and does not turn on. Putting it on charge shows 30-40%. (Or even 0%). It also happens that when using the Internet, the connection disappears after a couple of minutes, and then it turns off completely, killing at 0. Also, when the charge is below 50%, I try not to turn on the camera, because the phone turns off when the photo is taken. I sin on the power controller or on the radio module (because the Akb is new) Can you please tell me if my suspicions can be correct, and are there any chances to fix them? Thanks!

Good afternoon!
Consumption on the board is possible, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

nastya, htc desire sv

When I turn on the phone, it seems to turn on, and when I unlock it, it logs into the android system and immediately turns off and so constantly ... what could it be?

The reason may be a software failure, as well as failure of the internal memory. The cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Ramil, Htc onr m7

When you press the unlock lock button, the inscription appears hold the power button to turn it off for three seconds, two seconds one second, after the phone turns off and tries to turn on, but these attempts can be endless, periodically pressing the power button and volume down turns on the phone, sometimes you have to press for a very long time !

Good afternoon!
The reason may be a software failure, as well as a failed internal memory, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Vitaly, HTC Desire 828

good afternoon! the phone turns off when photographing something (on the third or fourth photo, NOT in burst mode, but in normal mode, it turns off immediately) what are the reasons?

Good afternoon!
The reason may be a software failure, malfunctions of the camera itself, the cost of repairs from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Paul, htc one m9

Hello! the htc one m9 phone began to turn off when the navigator application was turned on, and charged, today it turned off 60% of the battery charge. what to do? what is the reason?

One of the reasons may be a battery malfunction, the replacement cost is from 2000 rubles, diagnostics are free. The availability of a component must be specified by calling the service.

Sergei, HTC -628

Good evening. When you watch the video, it heats up on the right side and after five minutes it turns off spontaneously. And then all applications are optimized for about half an hour, but not always.

Good afternoon!
Microdamages in the board elements are possible, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Vyacheslav, Htc 628 dual sim

The phone heats up quite strongly in the upper part and turns off, If you do nothing, it does not heat up

The reasons may be damage to the microelements of the board, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Aydar, HTC desire 830 dual sim

Approximately the first year from the purchase, the phone worked fine, but it began to be cut down by 30% -40%, a little later and by 50%, 60%, etc. until it began to be cut down by 90% -100%, but connecting to the charger to the device, it turns on, showing 30% less than it was before the shutdown, and when it turns on completely it shows the same 90% -100% or just a little less, later after the phone began to be cut down by 90% -100%, I noticed that when you turn on the mobile Internet and wi-fi, the phone immediately turns off, or turns off when you enter a game that requires an Internet connection, there may have been a slight fall from which it started. After the start of the problem, the phone could not charge from the original HTC unit, the phone wrote that the charging device was damaged or defective and it was worth replacing the charger, because of this problem I replaced the HTC unit with a unit that charged the phone many times better, but not the HTC wire (in one night with the HTC unit, in 7 hours there was very little charge, up to about 40% -50%) And finally, the most important problem because of which I am writing this: after 3-5 shutdowns and quick turns on of the phone with optimization 3 applications (optimization is fast, 0-5 seconds), it starts to optimize all the applications present on the phone (I usually have 40 of them), the optimization of which takes almost an hour.
I hope that I described in great detail the problem of the phone and if there are errors in the text somewhere or something is not clear, please ask what you would like to know in more detail.

An accurate diagnosis of the problem can only be made after a complete diagnosis of the phone. Some of the possible malfunctions are microcracks on the board, internal consumption, due to which there are problems with charging, a problem with applications may indicate a software failure. The cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Solomon, htc one m8

the phone was 82% after which it turned off, I put it on charge and it functioned perfectly, but when removed from the charge it turned off again (at 100%) please help

The problem may be faults in the power supply circuit, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Andrew, HTC one E8

The phone is 4 years old. The last month turns off for 20-30% of the charge. It mostly turns off under "load" (conversation, internet). When the charger is connected, it starts at 1%. Charges for a long time (3-4 hours). There are no complaints about other functions. Charger native.

Good afternoon!
Most likely, the battery is out of order, the replacement cost is from 2000 rubles with the original spare part, diagnostics are free. The availability of a component and the final price must be specified by calling the service.

dmitry, HTC Desire X

everything was fine for about 4 years. then the phone started giving errors in applications and programs and turned off. Now it does not turn on at all. What is the reason?

Good afternoon!
The reason may be a software failure or a failed internal memory, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Alexei, HTC DESİRE 820

Hello. Phone when disconnected from charging. turns off. No splash screen. It just turns off. But if you hold down the power button and decrease the sound. And go to the Recover menu. The phone is working. That is, the problem is not with the battery.

Good afternoon!
Possible software malfunctions. The cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Bakhtiyor, HTC desir 828

Hello! What is the reason the phone turns off by itself

Good afternoon!
Perhaps the internal memory is out of order, try resetting to factory settings, if the problem persists, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

sergei, nts desire-820

Please tell me, when you turn on the mobile Internet, the phone turns off and does not turn on until you connect the charger. I reset it to the factory settings, nothing has changed. Problems began to appear when Google services began to knock out errors, and I could not do anything until I reset it to the factory settings, the last time I reset it to the factory settings twice a day. Thanks in advance

Most likely, a software failure, there may also be problems in a malfunction in the power circuit, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Amina, Htc

It just takes the phone and turns off by itself, thought because of the battery and changed it, but still the same thing repeats

Good afternoon!
Most likely, a malfunction with the internal memory of the phone, try resetting to factory settings. If the problem remains, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Diana, Htc desire 816 dual sim

The battery runs out very quickly from 90% to 1% instantly. There were no significant hits to the device. When connected to a charger, the phone turns on and charges. Checked the battery log and its usage, everything is fine. We cannot identify the cause. Please help. Thanks in advance!

Diagnostics is needed, the reasons can be from a battery malfunction to consumption on the board, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Eugene, HTC desire 816

Hello, the phone is almost 4 years old and there were no problems during this time. But now the phone starts turning off by itself, when I just put it somewhere, it does not turn off when working / using it. For 4 years, it fell a couple of times, but from an insignificant short distance, and a few days ago it fell from 60 cm, but began to turn off in a strange way only today. What is the MB problem? Thanks.

Good afternoon!
Perhaps the internal memory is out of order, diagnostics are needed, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Gulnaz, HTC dual sim 626 G

hello, the phone did not fall or float, in October it suddenly turned off and at that moment the charge was 100%, then a few hours later I pressed the lock button, and then it worked well and again in March it turned off, and yesterday on Friday and today it also turned off by itself, what can I do? HTC dual sim 626 G

The reason may be a software failure or a failed internal memory, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Bakhodyr, HTC desire 816 dual sim

The phone turns off at any charge level, and when it is charging no problems

Diagnostics is necessary, there may be problems with microelements of the board, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Vitaly, Htc one m7

I have a speaker. I took it off, assembled the phone, everything is fine. But now it reboots every 5-15 minutes. Can it restart constantly due to the fact that there is no speaker?

Good afternoon!
Diagnostics is required, it is difficult to say exactly what the reason is without seeing the device. Diagnostics is free.

Anastasia, HTC m8 dual sim

The phone turned off when taking a photo in the cold and did not turn on. We asked again. Now the phone constantly turns off when taking a photo outdoors (at temperatures below zero degrees). Once it fell heavily, before the firmware.

Good afternoon!
Microcracks are possible after a fall, diagnostics are necessary, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Gregory, HTC Desire 830

It turns off at any charge level, and when it's on charge no problem

Good afternoon!
Diagnostics is necessary, there may be malfunctions in the microelements of the board, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Dmitry, Htc one m8

Hello. The phone turns off when used. When it turns off, it depends on the load. If not used, it gradually shrinks to zero. When used, it turns off somewhere after 5-10 minutes. Sometimes less. During shutdown, the start of the discharge signal is heard. When I turn on the charge, it may remain the same, or it may be less by 20-40%. Also, if the charge is 40-50% and just restart the phone, the charge may drop by ~ 20%. Akb or something with the board? And how can you determine? If you connect a lbp instead of akb and trouble with the board, then there will be big jumps in consumption, right or am I wrong?

Diagnostics is necessary, the reason may be both in the battery and in the motherboard, the cost of replacing the battery from 3000 rubles with the original spare part, the diagnostics are free.

Oleg, Htc desire 828

Good afternoon, I have such a problem, the phone turns off itself at least 95% of the charge, at least 15%. But most often it turns off when opening games, camera, music, etc. It works on the charger, but the western light at the top of the panel flashes, it shouldn't be like that !? The phone did not fall and moisture did not get in! He also makes it so that he can turn off, and for about 3-4 days it does not work at all, not on charge! It's like it's without a battery. Help identify the cause !?

Good afternoon!
One of the reasons may be a malfunction of the internal memory. Diagnostics is required, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Novel, HTC desire 310 dual sim

The on / off screen spontaneously turns on, does not respond to pressing the screen and buttons, I did not find any relationship with applications, but the Internet was always turned on. (The phone was repaired, the screen was broken)

Good afternoon!
Diagnostics is needed, most likely, due to a fall, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Maxim, HTC One m8

I bought a phone recently, there are two problems: the first one - I charge the phone by 100 percent, I play, it sits down quickly, but sometimes it turns off by itself, and when you turn it on, 25 percent remains, and the second, when I turn on the camera, it’s a repik or something like that, and does not focus, and the same sounds when you turn on the flashlight.

Good afternoon!
If the game requires a lot of power from the phone, the battery can drain quickly. Try to observe how he will behave if you do not play games. If the charge lasts during the day, then the problem is not in the battery, if it also sits down quickly, the replacement cost is from 1500 rubles. The camera is most likely faulty, for the availability of a spare part and the cost of replacement, it is necessary to clarify by calling the service, diagnostics are free.

Vitaly, htc 526G dual

Hello! The phone is over 2 years old. When connected, the charging turns off and does not turn on. After from the connection, the charging turns on and works normally. Is it worth repairing or buying a new one? Thanks.

Diagnostics is needed, possibly a malfunction in the power circuit, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free. Whether it is worth repairing is up to you.

dinar, htc onemini 2

Nts 2 years turns off 70%, sometimes 50%, When turned on 0% charge. After charging, the same thing. The settings were reset to factory settings 3 times. It helps temporarily. I do not use the application much.

Good afternoon!
Most likely, the reason is in the battery, today there are no components available for this model.

client, Htc

The phone has turned off and will not turn on.
I already flashed it. He worked well for a week and passed out today.

Good afternoon!
Diagnostics is needed, the reason may be in malfunctions of microelements of the board, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Marina, HTC desire 830 dual sim

Good afternoon. The phone began to turn off constantly when watching and recording video, when making a video call on Viber, Whatsapp. In this case, the battery charge can be 90%. The phone is 4 months old. Can you please tell me what could be the reason?

Check if there is enough memory in the phone, delete all unnecessary files and applications, try resetting to factory settings, if the problem persists, bring it for diagnostics, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Marina, HTC 820G

The phone was bought last year in August, for the first time it turned off by itself and did not turn on after a month ... since that time it has already gone through 4 reflashing, and then it turned off again. There is no strength for it, they do not speak in the workshop, reflash and everything, tell me, maybe you can turn it on yourself in some way? (it does not react to normal switching on and charging too)

On this issue, you must contact the service contact numbers for consultation.

Tatyana, HTC desire 820

The phone itself turns on and off. For 2 hours. then it works fine. But after a while it turns off and on again.

Good afternoon!
Perhaps the memory is overloaded, try resetting to factory settings, if the problem persists, bring it to the diagnostics, the reasons may also be in the consequences of falls, moisture, and others. Free diagnostics, repair from 1000 rubles.

Tatyana, HTC doul M7

Hello! The phone is charged, the phone turns itself off and turns on for an hour! Shows that there is no network in any SIM slot and wi-fi also does not catch.

Diagnostics is necessary, perhaps a software failure, there may also be consequences of falling, moisture ingress, the cost of repairs from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Elena, htc one m8

When sending a message, it spontaneously turns off and then turns on.
It can just lie on the table and reboot itself (within an hour, it restarted itself 3 times). Can you please tell me what the problem might be?

The problem may be in the internal memory, in the microelements of the board, the consequences of water ingress, falls, shocks can also manifest themselves, diagnostics are necessary, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Tatyana, HTC one e 9+

When the battery is charged, the charge becomes 0% and the phone turns off! When I turn on the charge it returns! But not always! After several shutdowns in a row, it works fine! The battery is not removable

Good afternoon!
Most likely, the battery is out of order, the replacement cost is from 2500 rubles, the availability of a spare part must be clarified by calling the service. Diagnostics is free.

Miller, HTC One m8

I used non-original charging, when the smartphone was on charge, the sensor was buggy after a while, the smartphone turned off by 15%, later by 50%, 70%. I changed the charge, but also not the original problem did not dare, but the charge stopped decreasing. The device is charging 100%, now it turns off 93%. When I put it on charging, it shows that there is a charge, but less by about 20% -40%. If you do not connect to charging, you can turn it on after a while, after turning it on, it gives out a different charge, usually 54% or 2%, but after a few seconds it turns off, after which it is impossible to turn it on without charging. Did not drop, did not bathe, does not turn off when you call.
I'm thinking of replacing the battery.

Perhaps, due to the use of non-original charging, malfunctions arose in the power circuit, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Ayrat, HTC Desire 628

The phone turns off when the charger is on (when you call, when a message comes in whatsapp, etc.). Once removed from charging, it stops turning off

Good afternoon!
Perhaps there are faults in the power circuit, diagnostics are needed, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Michael, Htc ine m7

It works only on charging, it shows 100% as soon as I take it off, after a few seconds it turns off and turns on and then turns off during the boot time I put it on charging turns on.

Good afternoon!
The reason may be in a faulty battery, also in a faulty power circuit, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of moisture, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free. The availability of the battery and the replacement price (if required) should be specified by calling the service.

Valery, Htc d 728

It turns off on incoming calls, when watching a video, listening to music. The battery charge shows. But when the charging is on, it does not turn off!? I think the problem is in the battery !? But I would like to clarify !? Tell me what is the reason !? Thanks

The exact reason can be named after the diagnosis, one of the reasons may be a faulty battery, also an overloaded phone memory, a software failure and a faulty internal memory, diagnostics are free, battery replacement is approximately 3000 rubles with an original spare part.

client, HTC 728g DUOL Sim

Hello! my phone turned on, the HTC inscription appeared and that's it, and it doesn't load further, it's already 10-15 minutes

Good afternoon!
Most likely a software failure, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free,

Today, when buying a phone, one cannot be 100% sure that it will work without various problems during the agreed warranty period.

Therefore, you need to be prepared for a variety of incidents. This can be a sudden reboot of the device, and termination of recharging, or even a simple shutdown of the smartphone.

The last incident can occur in all modern models, unfortunately, HTC phones are not without it. Further in the article we will try to determine why the device does not want to show signs of life, and we will also try to determine ways to solve this problem.

Reasons for not including

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why HTC doesn't turn on:

Low battery problem

If your smartphone turns off and does not turn on due to a discharged battery, then you can breathe out calmly. Nothing serious happened. To solve the problem, you just need to start charging your phone. If after connecting the charger there are no signs of the life of the smartphone, then you should not despair.

There are times when the connection between the contacts of the phone and the battery simply disappears. To solve the problem, you need to remove the battery from the device, and then insert it back. The problem will be solved.

Lost connection between the power button and the phone

Such an incident can also occur while working with a smartphone. All devices, and HTC is no exception, produce phones with small gaps between the button and the hole for it. This is provided so that you can conveniently turn on and off the device.

The process of working with the device can take place in different conditions, so various particles of dust, sand, etc. can get into this small gap. In this regard, the operation of the button itself is disrupted, and it does not respond to pressing. Therefore, the smartphone may not turn on.

To solve this difficulty, it is better to contact a specialized service center for help. If you wish, of course, you can clean the button yourself with alcohol, but there is a risk that after that the smartphone will not work especially better.

Internal memory malfunction

As a rule, when there is a malfunction in the internal memory, and all the other microchips and contacts are in good order, then after the device vibrates 7 times, it simply does not show signs of life. In this case, it is better not to go inside the phone yourself to find the source of the problem, but it is better to immediately seek help from experts.

As a preliminary before going to the service center, you can do the following:

If these actions have not brought the desired effect, then only a specialist can help.

The operating system does not load

This can also be one of the tasks if the device is turned off and does not turn on again.

There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. try to solve it by manually flashing your smartphone. Typically, a power-on issue occurs after an unsuccessful update to an operating system that needs to be reinstalled. This can be done using a personal computer. It is better to install already tested firmware versions so that similar difficulties do not arise;
  2. contact the service center of the company. The center's specialists always have only proven ways to solve such problems, and they will be able to install a new working operating system on your smartphone without any problems.

The difficulty with the operating system is not the most tangible, and therefore help in solving it will not cost a lot of money.

Chips or battery are out of order

It is very easy to check that HTC does not turn on due to battery fault. To do this, you need to open the back panel of the device and see what state the battery is in. If it is swollen or liquid spots are visible on its surface, then it is urgent to replace it. The cost of this item is not very high

Burning of one of the microcircuits can be much more tangible for the wallet. Then you will not be able to resolve this issue yourself. The only option is to go to the service center for the help of a specialist. Depending on the complexity of the work and the rarity of the microcircuit, the price for repairs can cost up to a third of the cost of the smartphone itself.

How to behave if HTC won't turn on

Surely you are familiar with the situation when, when your smartphone does not turn on, you start to panic. The first thing you do is knock on it in the hope that in this way you can reanimate it. But, naturally, it doesn't help in any way.

So how to act if suddenly the device turns off and does not show signs of life?

Video: HTC Nexus One PB99100 won't turn on

What adds to the difficulty?

Of course, a switched off phone is always a problem, no matter if it is expensive or extra budget. But given the characteristics of some models, it is extremely difficult to independently verify the cause of the incident.

We are talking about HTC models that are manufactured in such a way that the battery and everything else are non-removable. In this regard, even a slight difficulty with the battery can result in a rather large incident.

Therefore, you should not go inside your device if the simplest steps to solve the problem did not help. It is better to immediately seek qualified assistance from the employees of the HTC service center.

This article is dedicated to a common problem - HTC phone won't turn on. The main reasons for this, as well as possible solutions are considered.


Smartphone Htc One V is wide possibilities in sound, image, functions. Even in low light conditions, the photos are of high quality. With Beats Audio, sound is deep and natural, with subtle nuances and tones. The body is curved at the bottom, which is comfortable for the hand, the phone weighs only 115 grams.

The smartphone is based on Android ™ 4.0 platform with HTC Sense ™ interface. Has a total memory of 4 GB. The excellent characteristics of the gadget are a guarantee of stable operation, but there are still cases of failure. Such breakdowns are especially typical in case of accidental falls, ingress of liquid, mechanical damage (shock, squeezing, etc.).

In the case when the phone is discharged and does not turn on, you can try to help it yourself, without involving a service center.

Typical symptoms of HTC one (V, X, S, dual sim, mini) malfunctioning that you can fix yourself:

1) The phone is not charging. This is the case when the battery is apparently faulty. You can try charging through a computer.

2) One of the reasons for refusing to charge may be a malfunction in the charger, such as a broken conductor or lack of contact. This defect can be identified visually on examination. You will have to buy a new charger, it is not always possible to use a faulty one, in addition, you can complicate the repair process by the appearance of new defects derived from a bad rectifier.

3) Sometimes, when falling, the contacts of some parts and assemblies come off. During the inspection, try to reinstall those elements of the device that can be reinstalled several times. (SIM card, battery, memory card). By reinstalling them again, you can restore lost contacts.

4) Under mechanical stress, the parts of the sim reader may be deformed. This malfunction will be eliminated at the service center by replacing the accessory part.

5) In addition to being dropped, malfunction may be affected by a humid or corrosive environment. Vapors of water, fats, acids, alkalis can cause active corrosion of the elements of the SIM card. Elimination is possible by degreasing or cleaning with an abrasive. It is better to entrust this operation to professionals in order not to damage the delicate structures.

6) HTC one V, X, S, dual sim, mini freezes, turns off, or won't turn on ?. If the phone refuses to work, when only the htc brand name appears on the screen, you can (select your phone model in the "Hard Reset" section of our website), make a flashing. These operations return the phone to factory settings, remove all your applications, files, you will have to reinstall the necessary tasks, but the phone will start working as usual.

7) Sometimes they try to hold the power button for 10 seconds. Or the second option is to increase the volume + the power button, hold until it reboots. This restores the smartphone to work. Of course, it all depends on the nature of the damage, and the connection may not be restored. In this case, you will have to use the services of the service center.

To restore the operating parameters of a smartphone, the article "" can be useful.

The article contains extensive, deep and complete information on solving such issues. Professional advice can be helpful and educational. By following these techniques, you can achieve positive dynamics in restoring the functions of your gadget.

There may be several reasons why the communicator does not respond to pressing the power button. The experience of using HTC devices shows that sometimes the smartphone may not turn on as a result of a complete battery discharge. The next possible reason, due to which the activation of the device may arise, is the failure of the operating system. Another circumstance that can make it difficult to bring the device into working condition is damage to the hardware components of the communicator. The above reasons can be considered the most common.

Elimination of problems that led to the inability to turn on the smartphone

In a situation where the smartphone cannot be turned on in the usual way, the first step is to take out the battery for 2-3 minutes and insert it back. After that, you need to hold down the power button for a few seconds. If the battery is not removable, you still need to do the same with the button. Sometimes just this simple action may be enough to solve the problem.

If prolonged pressing of the button does not work, you can proceed to the next step. It is necessary to make sure that the battery has enough charge to operate the communicator. To do this, you need to connect your smartphone to the mains using the original charger with which the device was purchased. After that, it is advisable to leave the smartphone on charge for a while. The best option is at least 30 minutes. Then you can try to turn on the communicator again.

If, after the performed manipulations, the smartphone still refuses to turn on, you can try resetting the communicator to the factory state. This procedure resets the operating system settings and deletes all user data. Thus, after resetting the settings, the system will return to the state in which it was when the smartphone was first turned on. No personal data previously uploaded by the user will remain on the communicator. If your smartphone is unable to start up due to a software glitch, a factory reset will likely fix the problem.

The procedure can be done using the hardware buttons of the device. Detailed instructions for performing a reset for different models of HTC communicators can be found on the official website of the company:

In cases where even a factory reset does not help "reanimate" a smartphone, there is a high probability of damage to the hardware of the device. In such situations, it is better to contact the service center employees.


  • HTC official website - Russia and CIS
  • HTC technical support chat in Russia and CIS

Today it is difficult to imagine your life without a mobile phone. It is no coincidence that cellular has borrowed the word "honeycomb" for its name. These honeycombs covered the whole world. In civilized countries, the telephone received the name of a must-have accessory for a modern person. The presence of the phone does not speak of solidity, but rather of necessity. If cellular communication was able to reach such a number of people, then it is a popular means of exchanging information. Accordingly, every person who buys a mobile phone needs to be able to use it.

You will need

  • Turning on a cell phone and identifying the reasons for its shutdown.


The recently purchased one for you can be a real puzzle if this is your first phone. Turning on is done by long pressing the power key. The phone's power key is different for each model, they can be located in different places. For example, for the majority, such a key will be the key on which the telephone handset is shown in red (call rejection key). Often under this handset there is an icon for turning on the phone, a similar icon you can find on the remote control (on / off).