Search engine operators Google and Yandex. All search operators Yandex and Google, including secret What they enter in Yandex search

Many users of the Google search engine, resorting to its help, notice that often the first time it is not always possible to find the information you need. Perhaps users believe that these are disadvantages of the search engine itself, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, in order to find very specific information, you need to resort to the help of special tools (operators) of this search engine.

What is the correct Google search?

For starters, do not forget that the Google search algorithm is case insensitive, in other words, if you enter "Russia" or "Russia" in the query, the search result will not change. However, this search engine is very sensitive to the algorithm of search operators, which is why the search results for the queries "Windows OR Linux" and "Windows or Linux" may be fundamentally different.

The next thing to consider is that the Google search engine does not take into account many words - bundles, for example, such as "and", "a", "but" and the like. For this reason, the result of search results does not depend in any way on their use.

Thirdly, in order to correctly search in this search engine, you should remember about the presence of certain operators (symbols or words that specify the search) and learn how to use them.

Such operators are used not only by Google, but also by other search engines, for example, Yandex.

So, Google operators that will help you find the information you need:

«+» - best used when you need to find documents containing more than two words, for example, "SEO + tools".

«-» - must be used to exclude from the issuance of documents containing some word for example, "drinks - non-alcoholic". In this case, the search engine will only find alcoholic beverages.

"OR" - is required to search for documents containing one of several words, for example, "woman OR girl".

«“”» - you need to find documents in which there is a certain phrase in the same form in which it is used as a search query, for example, "buy TV Tver"

«~» - is required to search for synonyms of words that are indicated in the request, for example, "fashion ~ smartphones".

«..» - used in the event that you need to find documents that contain numerical values \u200b\u200bin the specified intervals, for example, "300 ... 500 rubles per day."

There are also more popular Google operators for the correct search, among which the average user of this search engine may need the following.

"Daterange:" - needed to search for documents created in a certain period of time, for example, "fire in Kiev daterange: 20092011-21102010".

"Filetype:" - is used when searching for links to a document of a certain type, for example, "Solzhenitsyn's autobiography filetype: rtf".

"Site:" - is needed in order to find all the pages of the site you need or site pages that contain a certain word, for example, "site: antivirus".

"Phonebook:" - a very necessary operator who searches for phone numbers according to the specified parameters, for example, "phonebook: Omsk hotels".

It turns out it's not that hard to search Google correctly if you know how.

How to search Yandex correctly?

By no means all Yandex users know the answer to this seemingly stupid question. The reason lies in the fact that the majority of users of Internet resources do not fully use the capabilities of search programs, which is why, in certain cases, many search engine users may have any obstacles and difficulties in finding the information they need.

So how can you use the Yandex search engine correctly - the most popular search engine in the Russian-speaking segment of the World Wide Web?

1. If you need to find a specific, specifically formulated phrase. The most convenient way to search for such phrases is to use the "" operator, in other words, in order to find a web-document in which the phrase you need is located, it should be typed in quotation marks. For example, "What files can be excluded from virus scanning?"

2. If you need to find a quote, but you have forgotten some words or simply do not know. There is no difficulty in this. In this case, the entire phrase should be enclosed in quotation marks, and the "*" sign should be put in place of the forgotten words. For example, "I come to you * what more."

3. If you need to generate search results for several words or phrases at the same time. For such an operation, the operator | should be involved in the work; it must be used after each search word or phrase. For example, raspberries | strawberries | Strawberry.

4. If you have to find several words that are in one sentence. When performing this task, you need to use the & operator, it must be placed between the search words. For example, the monument to Mayakovsky & Samara.

5. If you need to find a document that contains a particular word. To do this, use the + operator. It should be used before the search words and should not be separated by a space. Also, the request may contain qualifying words or phrases. For example, a monument to Chapaev + square.

6. If you need to exclude documents containing a specific word from your search. Then you need to use the - operator. It is placed before the words to be excluded and not separated by a space. For example, buy a modern laptop.

7. If you need to find information only from a specific site. In this case, the site operator will help. It is used simultaneously with the colon and is placed directly before the site name. For example, PDF site:

8. If you need to find documents of one type or another. When searching for such files, use the mine operator. It is also used with colons. For example, the instruction for HTS mine: doc.

9. If you need to find information in a specific language. For such a task, you need to use the lang operator, after which you should put a colon and specify the selected language for the documents you are looking for. For example, Angels and Demons lang: ru.

Today there are about 300 million sites on the Internet, each of which contains more than one page with information.

Obviously, the search for certain data you need in these endless expanses cannot be done, as they say, manually. For a long time, there are quite smart search engines on the Internet. For some reason, many people think that searching the Internet is an extremely difficult task, while today even schoolchildren can cope with it.

How to ask?

I emphasize again that most search engines today are smart enough to "read" questions written in spoken Russian, and this saves many from the sacred trepidation that arises when looking at a search string. Nevertheless, there are several nuances that are worth separate consideration and are applicable to most popular modern search engines, including Yandex and Google, both of which perfectly “understand” the Russian language, including declensions and conjugations.

A correct, correct query to a search engine should consist of several words - then it will be easier for the system to find the information you need. If you want to buy five rolls of linoleum, then entering the word "linoleum" in the search box will most likely not be enough - you need to clarify the request by indicating the city where you live. For example, "linoleum yekaterinburg" (the case of letters does not matter, you can write both uppercase and lowercase). Well, to find out the price of these rolls, you should once again clarify the request by entering the phrase "linoleum yekaterinburg prices" in the search box.

Another example - you are about to come to Moscow and are looking for an inexpensive snack (suppose you are not satisfied with "fast food"). The query "Moscow restaurants" will not give the desired results - the search engine will show links to both cheap eateries and elite class restaurants. Therefore, the request must be clarified by writing: "Moscow to eat inexpensively." At the same time, make a query like "where in Moscow can you eat inexpensively?" it makes no sense - the system will still ignore the question mark, as well as conjunctions and prepositions.

A separate item is the ability to search for information in, which today is considered the most popular encyclopedia on the Internet. Adding the word "wiki" to your query text will make the link to appear first in the search results. For example, to find information about the structure of the solar system in an online encyclopedia, you must enter a query like "solar system wiki" into the search box.

Excellent hint

Another useful feature of search engines is "quote search". For example, a line from some poem stuck into your memory: "It can give imperishable sleep and the power of miracles to infant remains," but what kind of poem and who its author is, you cannot remember in any way. Enclose this string in quotation marks and "feed" the search engine, which will give you a link to Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" in a second.

It is also worth mentioning the relatively recently implemented mechanism of "hints", which were implemented by both Yandex and Google. It works like this: when you start entering a query into a string, the search engine tries to guess what exactly you mean and complete the query for you. Let's say your plans are to make a short friendly visit to St. Petersburg, and you are wondering where to stay without splurging on hotel payments. You, of course, go to the search engine and start typing: "St. Petersburg hotels", after which a small tablet appears under the search bar with tips, among which you can find "St. Petersburg hotels are cheap", "St. Petersburg hotels are inexpensive" and "St. Petersburg economy class hotels".

Another feature of search engines is that you can limit your searches to a specific website. For example, you are sure that the website of the electronic library contains a work by Karel Chapek "War with the Salamanders". A query like "war with the salamanders site:" will display a link to a novel by a famous Czech writer. And to find all references to the sensational tsunami in Japan on the news site, you need to enter a query like "tsunami japan site:" into a search engine.

Finally, another feature of the search engines is "cross" search. For example, after visiting Google, you decided to search for detailed information about Gothic architecture, but there are clearly not enough text descriptions - as they say, it is better to see it once. To replace them with pictures or videos - just click on the link "Pictures" or "Video" in the top menu.

This trick is valid for other requests as well. Let's say you decide to buy a Dell laptop, but you know nothing about the "appetites" of the sellers of these devices. The search query "Dell laptops" on "Yandex" will not immediately clarify the price situation, but after the page with the results appears, click on the "Market" link - and the price of the laptops is in full view.

It is noteworthy that you don't need to type, and so on in the address bar. Many browsers support the ability to enter a search query directly into the address bar - for example, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and recent versions of Internet Explorer. A question can be typed instead of a web address, and which search resource will be used to find the answer depends on the settings. So, for example, in the case of Chrome, Firefox and Opera, the default search engine will be Google, and Internet Explorer sends users to the search site, developed by Microsoft.

The right to morality

Both Yandex and Google allow you to determine the "morality" of search results. Often, a completely innocent query can lead to the fact that in search results there will be only links to pornographic resources, which may not please parents of young children.

To limit your search to safe sites, you just need to set up a filter. In the case of Google, the link to the settings is located to the right of the search bar; on the Yandex website, the Settings section is located in the upper right corner of the page. To prevent questionable results from appearing in search results, you just need to set the filtering level to moderate.

Often in Google search results, you can find the phrase: "This site can harm your computer." It is better to refrain from visiting such a resource.

And finally, one more piece of advice. If you decide to search for information in a foreign language, do not be surprised that the search results may contain few characters that you understand. Online translation services, which are also available in Yandex and Google at and (the latter knows more languages), will help to translate the page into Russian. Do not expect literary translation, but these services will help you to grasp the essence of the text.


Search system - an Internet service that helps to find information on the Internet.

Search line - the field where the user enters his question.

Search results, search result - a page with links to websites that the search engine thinks will help you find the information you need.

Search filtering - getting rid of search results from unnecessary or harmful information.

Yandex, Google - the most popular search engines in the Russian Federation.

question answer

- Dear Anton! I cannot enter the BIOS settings of the computer. At boot time, it says the F2 button is used for this. I press and hold it, but I can't get into the BIOS.

This is a common mistake. The button that allows you to enter the BIOS, you just need to press and release - preferably more often, and everything will work out.

- For more than two years I have been using a USB modem for cellular Internet access and decided to change it to a more modern one. But on my Windows XP computer, the new modem does not work - the software installs, but the device is not recognized. What to do?

Apparently, the point is in the drivers (control programs) for the modem - most likely they are not in the standard set of Windows XP. The easiest way out is to go to friends who have a computer with Internet access and download drivers for the modem under Windows XP from the site of the modem manufacturer.

- I signed up on Twitter, but I can't figure it out: What are Following and Followers? How do I post a new message? How do I send a message to a friend?

It is very easy to create a new message - enter your username and password on the main page and click the "Home" button in the top menu. A line for entering text and an inscription in English will appear just below: "What s happening?" (What happened?). This is the form for posting a new post in your diary.

Following is the number of Twitter users you've followed as friends, and Followers is your talent's "army of fans". Private messages that are visible only to the addressee and sender are sent using the Messages section in the top menu.

Read in the next issue

You can ask Anton Blagoveshchensky a question at

The ability to quickly and accurately use information provided on the Internet is a useful skill for an ordinary person, and even more so for a webmaster or Internet marketer. Do you want to improve the efficiency of your work with search engines?

Operators of search engines, which are special characters, commands for Yandex and Google, can help you with this. They refine the request, allowing you to get the materials you need.

These are a kind of genies from oriental tales: in response to a correctly composed phrase, they grant wishes. Try it - you will definitely like it!

All Google search operators

It's time to get to know the major and minor search operators.

  • Site search (site :)

This is a popular and beloved command by many webmasters to search for a request on a specific resource.

Must have for forgetful readers and fans of fast linking!

The formula for success is simple: enter your query, then the syntax (site :) and url.
... As a result, you will get all the texts about SEO on the site site.

Important! You do not need to put a space between the colon (:) and the link.

  • Exact match ("")

The operator shows pages that exactly match your key - the words enclosed in quotation marks ("") are in the same order.

This command is useful for those looking for information on rare items with long SKUs. In addition, it will help you quickly find the thieves of your news and other content.

To increase the scope of your targeted search, add quotation marks to one part of the query and leave the other broadly matched.

  • Files (file :)

The special character searches the Web for documents of a specified format, saving the user time and nerves.

For example, if you want to study the legendary work of the founder of marketing Philip Kotler in "pdf", you must enter the following query into the search engine: "kotler marketing filetype: pdf".

Downloading the book will begin immediately after clicking on the website address.

  • Plus words (+)

These AdWords match operators find the full set of listed words within a single sentence. The main thing is to put a plus (+) between them.

  • Minus word (-)

They are useful when you want to exclude unwanted words from a query.

You just need to put a minus (-) without a space before the unnecessary fragment.

If you enter into Google "as an online store - optimization", you will be able to view sites with all information about the online store (opening, niche, design choice), except for its optimization.

  • Or (OR)

Shows the resources where at least one of the specified words and phrases occurs.

  • Operator *

This is a general-purpose Windows command for searching for an exact match, where * stands for any number of words. By typing "order * inexpensively", you will receive information about everything that can be ordered inexpensively on one or another online platform: website, abstract, dress.

  • Special character ..

Ideal if you need digital range data (like 1.15).

He refines the request, taking into account a specific location. For example, if you enter restaurant loc: moscow, you will receive a list of establishments located in the capital of Russia.

  • Define statement:

Allows you to instantly find the definition of a term from an authoritative source, for example, from Wikipedia.

  • Date symbol:

Searches for information that appears in the index for a specific period. So, a person who typed in the search line "promotion in social networks date: 6" will receive data that was added within the last six months.

  • Refine the source query:

This feature is intended for Google News, it is designed to narrow the search according to the selected source. For example, with a news magazine.

  • Related syntax:

It helps to find competitors' sites with similar materials in a matter of minutes.

  • Allinurl matching operator:

An extremely useful function that demonstrates sites whose url contains the words mentioned after the command itself. It is better to use the Latin alphabet or transliteration to expand the search area. For example, "allinurl: marketing".

  • Special character inurl:

In this case, the system will limit the results to a selection of one word. Would you like to find an answer to the query "tips", the address of which contains "seo"? Then feel free to type in the search "inurl: seo tips".

  • Allintext command:

It will come in handy when you need a full entry of the request solely by the content of the page.

  • Additional syntax intext:

If you enter in the search "seo intext: humor", it will give you data for the word "humor", which contains materials with the inclusion of "seo".

  • Allintitle statement:

Searches the page header for the full occurrence of the specified request.

  • Intitle function:

It resembles the previous special character in its action, but with the only difference that its search is limited only to the first word specified in the request.

  • Cache (cache :)

After entering "cache: site" you will be presented with the last copy of the Google cache page of the analyzed site. A similar manipulation can be done with any portal on the Internet.

  • Information (info :)

Displays all information about the specified page. This method can be used to check if the page is indexed in the search engine.

  • Allinanchor command:

It is used to search for projects with keywords in the description of links.

  • Inanchor symbol:

Similar to allinanchor: works with only one key.

Convenient operator combinations

Half measures are not for you, do you want to find out information quickly and precisely? Then feel free to combine symbols.

Several such options are presented below.

  • Exact query and date function:

For example, the combination "" news from google "date: 2" will show all the news from the search engine that appeared in the index in the last two months.

  • Inurl query and match operator

So, the result of the query "reviews inurl: Livepage" will be a list of pages for the query "reviews", in the address of which our company is mentioned.

  • Query with exact query and site:

If you want to find all the articles from Alexey Andrusenko on our site - just enter "" Alexey Andrusenko "site: site".

Actually, you can combine any commands. However, try not to overdo it with their number so as not to miss any important information.

Yandex search operators

  • Quotes ("")

The presented function is designed to search for pages with an exact match. To the query "SEO FAQ", the answer will be a list of materials with an identical match of the phrase.

  • Symbol *

It is useful for finding missing words in an exact match, the syntax serves as their replacement. By typing “buy * inexpensively” in the search box, you will get “buy cheap swimwear”, “buy inexpensive furniture”, etc.

  • Exclamation mark (!)

He fixes the form of the word: time, number and case.

  • & And && function

A single character (&) searches pages with query words combined in one sentence, and a double character (&&) searches the entire document.

  • Command ~

Allows you to quickly find a sentence with a word located to the left of a sign that does not contain the word indicated to the right. For example, the query "result ~ competition" will provide information about the result, which however is not related to the competition.

  • Plus (+)

By specifying this element between the elements of the request, at the output you will receive sentences with a full set of entered words, including pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions.

  • Minus (-)

This syntax removes garbage from the query.

  • Square brackets

Remembers the order of elements in a query, takes into account stop words and different word forms.

  • Round brackets ()

They conveniently combine elements in complex queries.

  • Vertical bar (|)

Searches for any of the listed words. Let's say you need a new outfit from either of the two brands. Just enter “korpo pants | orsa "- and you will get the desired result.

  • Title (title :)

This command searches the page titles.

  • Site operator:

An impeccable helper when you need to find data on the site and all its pages, as well as subdomains.

  • Url function:

Quite useful vocabulary if you need to locate a page located at a specific address. For example, the request "url: site / blog" will show whether this page is indexed in Yandex.

  • Host command:

Searches for queries on the specified host.

Search operators for customizing contextual advertising

The additional syntax will save you not only time but also money. Using a few simple special characters, the user will significantly narrow the search and find what he wants in a matter of minutes.

Using special characters for search engines is the best way to solve this problem. They will filter out non-targeted queries, so that only an interested audience will see your ad content. The result will be the same as if you increase your Direct budget, but you will get by without additional costs.

Do you want to know what clarifying symbols should be chosen in this or that case, how exactly they will help your business? Then read on!

How do Google AdWords Operators work?

The service allows you to work with broad, phrasal and exact matches, as well as use negative keywords and broad match modifier.

All keywords specified without special characters are perceived by the search engine in broad agreement. In this case, the ad is displayed in response to queries with relevant phrases and key word forms. Among them:

  • synonyms;
  • variants that are similar in topic;
  • words similar in meaning.

Please note! If there are no matching Google search operators, the word order in the keyword is ignored.

Google Adwords supports the non-switchable "Near Variants" feature by default. This means that it will show analogs in the singular and plural, with different cases, word forms, declensions and typos.

For broad matching, a modifier is provided to display phrases with the mandatory presence of the specified key. This is a plus sign (+).
So, the request "+ buy a ticket + Tahiti" will be seen by every user who is looking for tours and tours in Tahiti and wants to buy them. The words "Tahiti" and "buy" must certainly appear in the request, but instead of "voucher" there can be "vacation", "tour" or "rest".

Exact and phrasal match

To get only the entered words with any case, declension and number, as well as their synonyms without any additions, you must use the syntax in the form of square brackets ().

As for the phrase match, it is intended to find passages with the specified word or phrase (it must be enclosed in quotation marks ""). In this case, before and after such a key, as a rule, additional words are present.
There are also negative keywords that exclude irrelevant phrases - the minus (-) symbol was invented for this. By the way, use to speed up the process.

Search operators Yandex Direct and their secrets

Yandex.Direct provides broad, phrasal, exact match, as well as forced entry of words, compliance with a fixed query order and negative keywords.

Yandex, like Google, always uses a broad match for the entered key, which, by analogy, leads to inaccurate results and a high probability of budget drain. In addition, negative statistics accumulate in the advertising campaign. The Yandex Wordstat operators will help you avoid this: parentheses, square brackets, quotes and other syntax.

Attention! By default, the search engine does not take into account official words, conjunctions and prepositions. So, the answers to the query “tickets in Kiev” will be “ticket to Kiev” and “ticket to Kiev”.

To exclude a large layer of inappropriate queries and achieve high conversion, use the special quotation mark (""). In this case, the ad will be displayed only for a request with a specific key and its word forms.

Want to enforce a fixed word order? Use square brackets. This command is especially relevant when selling tickets. For example, an ad “[ticket Samara-Kaliningrad]” posted in Yandex.Direct will be displayed for those Web users who need to travel from Samara to Kaliningrad. Those who wish to order a ticket from Kaliningrad to Samara will not see it at all. And everyone knows: the more specific the proposal, the more effective it is.

Minus and plus words

The operator of matching plus (+) is used for mandatory accounting of conjunctions and prepositions, which, as already mentioned, are ignored by the search engine. Thanks to it, you will create a more relevant headline and, accordingly, increase sales. The phrase "+ how to buy a ready-made online store" is suitable for users who need additional information about the purchase, and "+ where to buy a ready-made online store" - for those who are interested in the place of purchase.

If you need to "freeze" the current number and case of a word, use the special exclamation mark "!" For example, "! Looking for an investor" or "! Looking for investors". For maximum effect, you can group a command with an exact match, that is, with quotes.

Let's sum up

As you have seen, the search engine operators Yandex and Google make it much easier and faster to find information.

In addition, they can be used to compose a semantic core, check external links and analyze competitors' web projects.

Another important point is to optimize your ads by cutting off non-targeted clicks and empty impressions.

In the right hands, this is a powerful and free tool with wide functionality. The main thing is to choose the optimal commands for yourself, to use them in suitable cases.

Try it, experiment, and you will succeed!

Yesterday, some people in our country suddenly discovered that. It was temporarily blocked by providers TTK, Akado, Avax and Sumtel at the direction of Roskomnadzor. But a significant proportion of the subscribers of these providers did not notice the blocking, as they use the domestic search engine.

AT april 2017 in "Yandex" looking for something 43 million people... If you are one of them, then this short article is for you.

P.S. For those who prefer Google and DuckDuckGo, there are links in the last section.

1. How to search among the sites of a certain city, region, federal district or country?

This is how you can find information on the request "ball of graduates" among the sites of the city of Bratsk:

graduation ball cat: 11000976

To find out the number to be dialed after the operator cat:, you need to add to 1100000 region code in Yandex.Catalogue. For instance:

  • Moscow - 1100001;
  • Chernihiv - 1100966;
  • Voronezh - 1100193;
  • Volga region - 1100040;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1100207;
  • CIS countries - 166.

There are already over 117 thousand sites in Yandex.Katalog. Similarly, you can search for something only among resources dedicated to a specific topic. To do this, instead of region codes, you must use topic codes and add 9,000,000 to them, instead of 1,100,000.

2. How to trick Yandex about your location?

Using a Chrome extension Manual Geolocation you can mark any point on the map and the search engine will think that you are there and adjust the search results in accordance with this data. For example, you can search for objects located near your home in St. Petersburg, but is located in Moscow. Convenient when planning trips.

This item is relevant for all sites that use your location data.

3. How to search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language?

This is how you can find what Ukrainian sites write about zebras (in the ua domain zone) in Ukrainian:

zebra domain: ua lang: uk

Similarly, you can find out the opinion of sites of other states on various issues. Language codes for Yandex:

  • russian (ru);
  • ukrainian (uk);
  • belarusian (be);
  • english (en);
  • french (fr)
  • german (de);
  • kazakh (kk);
  • tatar (tt);
  • turkish (tr).

4. How to search for pages on a specific site?

This is how you can search for pages only on the site:

zebra site: site

This is how you can search only among articles of certain categories. For example, among the questions in Rescue service website:

url messages: site / iNotes / q / *

And here's how to get a list of all tags that are used on the site:

5. How to search for pages created on a specific date?

This is how you can find pages created on a specific day:

steve jobs date: 20170617

And like this, between two dates:

steve jobs date: 20170610..20170617

And using the operator idate: you can search pages by the date of the last indexing.

6. How to search for files of a certain type?

Search for a PDF book to download to iBooks:

flowers for algernon mime: pdf

And this is how you can find all MS Word documents with the mention of the word "declaration" on the FTS website:

mime declaration: docx site:

Types of documents that Yandex indexes:

  • html;
  • docx;
  • xlsx;
  • pptx;

7. How to search only in page titles?

With this operator:

It is very convenient when you need to find an article by its exact title.

8. How to search by image file name?

Save the picture to your computer, want to use it with the indication of the source, but don't remember where it came from? The search operator by the exact name of the image will help:

Operators for searching by attribute values \u200b\u200bof HTML tags:

applet: - code of the applet tag;
script: - src of the script tag;
object: - all object attributes;
action: - action of the form tag;
profile: - the profile of the head tag.

9. How do I find links to a specific page?

Yandex has an operator to search for mentions in a request within links. This way you can find links to a specific page.

inlink: ” / iNotes / 533552 ″

10. How do I use widgets and tips?

If you type one of the four words below in the search, gadgets will appear below the search bar:

  • "Calculator";
  • "Currency Converter";
  • "Unit Converter";
  • "Transfer".

And for some queries, the answers are displayed directly in the search bar. Examples.

Search engines are improving every day, helping users to get the content they need among the vast layers of information. Unfortunately, in many cases, the search query cannot be satisfied due to the insufficient accuracy of the query itself. There are several secrets to setting up a search engine that will help filter out unnecessary information to give more correct results.

In this article, we will look at some of the rules for forming a query in the Yandex search engine.

1. By default, the search engine always returns results for all forms of the entered word. Putting the operator "!" In the line before the search word (without quotes), you will get results with that word only in the specified form.

The same result can be achieved by enabling advanced search and clicking the "Exactly as in the query" button.

2. If you put in a line before the word "!!", the system will match all forms of this word, excluding the forms related to other parts of speech. For example, she will pick up all forms of the word "day" (day, day, day), but will not show the word "do".

Clarifying the context

With the help of special operators, the mandatory presence and position of the word in the search is specified.

1. If you enclose your query in quotation marks ("), Yandex will search for exactly this position of words on web pages (ideal for searching for quotes).

2. In the event that you are looking for a quote, but do not remember a certain word, put an * instead of it, and be sure to put the entire request in quotes.

3. By placing a + sign in front of a word, you indicate that this word must be found on the page. There may be several such words, and each must be preceded by a +. A word in a line that is not preceded by this character is considered optional and the search engine will show results with and without this word.

4. The "&" operator helps to find documents in which the words marked with the operator occur in the same sentence. The icon must be placed between words.

5. The "-" (minus) operator is very useful. It excludes the marked word from the search, finding pages with only the remaining words in the string.

This operator can also exclude a group of words. Put a group of unwanted words in brackets and put a minus sign in front of them.

Setting up advanced search in Yandex

Several Yandex functions that refine search are built into a convenient dialog form. Let's get to know her better.

1. Includes regional binding. You can find information for a specific locality.

2. In this line you can enter the site where you want to search.

3. Set the type of file to find. It can be not only a web page, but also PDF, DOC, TXT, XLS and files to open in Open Office.

4. Enable search only for documents written in the selected language.

5. You can filter the results by update date. For a more precise search, a string is offered in which you can enter the start and end date of creation (update) of the document.