A notary is an authorized specialist in the field of jurisprudence. Notary - an authorized specialist in the field of jurisprudence Who uses the Registration Procedure

Authorized Certification Center

Federal Treasury Department

tomsk, Lenin Ave., 27

This sample order is a recommendation. However, in order for the authorized person of the organization to receive the certificate of the electronic signature verification key in the Authorized Certification Center (hereinafter referred to as the UCC) of the FK in the Tomsk region, the order must contain the following key points:

Full name of the organization;

Official abbreviated name, if any;

The phrase "Give the right to ES";

Full name of authorized persons (written in full);

The number of persons vested with the ES right is determined by the organization independently, but must be at least 2 people in order to replace the main employee

When preparing an order for this sample, please take into account:

If an authorized employee signs electronic documents in the SUFD DUBP, EDMS FC, then he is included in clause 2;

If an authorized employee signs electronic documents on the All-Russian official website (hereinafter - OOS) *****, then he is included in clause 3 indicating all his powers for OOS (Appendix 1);

If an authorized employee signs electronic documents on the official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions *****, then he is included in clause 4 indicating all his powers on the GMU website (Appendix 2);

If an authorized employee signs electronic documents in the PPO SED FK, SUFD DUBP, on the sites *****, *****, then he is included in clause 2, and in clause 3, and in clause 4 c an indication of all his powers for environmental protection (Appendix 1) and GMU (Appendix 2).

A certified copy of the organization's order is submitted to the UTC UFK in the Tomsk region.
Name of company

(complete and official abbreviated name)


Date No. _______

About empowering electronic digital signature

In order to implement electronic document management with the Office of the Federal Treasury in the Tomsk region and place orders, perform work, provide services for state and municipal needs


1. To assign the duties of the Administrator of the workplace to ensure the uninterrupted operation of software and hardware, storage, accounting of electronic documents and protection of information on

and in his absence on

2. To grant the right to sign electronic documents with the provision of an electronic digital signature in the PPO SED FK, SUFD DUBP

with the first signature of the following employees:

position of full name (full name)

position of full name (full name)

with the second signature of the following employees:

position of full name (full name)

position of full name (full name)

3. To grant the right to sign electronic documents with the provision of an electronic digital signature on the all-Russian official website ***** to the following employees:

position of full name (full name)

position of full name (full name)

with powers * _


4. To grant the right to sign electronic documents with the provision of an electronic signature on the official website (www. *****) of the following employees:

position of full name (full name)

with powers ** __________________________________________________


position of full name (full name)

with powers ** __________________________________________________


5. In their activities, these employees should be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, keep the private keys of an electronic digital signature secret and comply with the rules for the operation of cryptographic information protection tools.

6. Control over the execution of the order to entrust

position, full name

Acquainted with the order:



* Appendix 1 Roles of organizations, user roles. OOS website *****

** Appendix 2 Roles of users. site of GMU *****

Attachment 1

Roles of organizations

Roles of organizations indicated in the certificates of the EDS key:

· "Customer" - state (municipal) customer - used for a participant in the budget process placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services at the expense of budgetary funds and funds received from income-generating activities, as well as for an organization with a share of state participation, a unitary enterprise , subject of natural monopolies;

· "Authorized body" - applies to the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local self-government body authorized to exercise the functions of placing orders for state or municipal customers;

· "Specialized organization"- is applied to a legal entity that a state (municipal) customer or an authorized body (in the event that such a right is provided for by a decision on the creation of an authorized body) attracts on the basis of a state or municipal contract or on the basis of a civil law contract to perform the functions of placing an order by conducting purchases for the right to conclude a state or municipal contract;

· "Supervisory authority" - applies to the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local self-government body of the municipal district, urban district authorized to exercise control in the field of placing orders;

· "Financial authority" - it is applied to the financial body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation), a governing body of a state extra-budgetary fund, confirming the correctness of the indication by the authorized body of state (municipal) customers for which the relevant authorized body places orders;

· «» - is used for a legal entity that, on the basis of a state contract, provides services for maintaining the all-Russian official website and ensuring its functioning;

· «» – applies to a legal entity that ensures the operation of electronic sites and acts on the basis of the Agreement on the operation of electronic sites for holding open auctions in electronic form, concluded between the federal executive body in charge of normative legal regulation in the field of placing orders and the federal executive body authorized to control in the field of placing orders (on the one hand) and operators of electronic platforms (on the other hand).

User roles

User roles specified in the EDS key certificates:

· Administrator of the organization;

· Authorized specialist;

· Specialist with the right to sign the contract (only for organizations with the role of "Customer");

· A specialist with the right to send a draft contract to a procurement participant (only for organizations with the role of "Authorized body" or "Customer").

User rights

The table lists user roles and the actions that are available for execution depending on the user's role. The certificate of the EDS OOS key can contain several roles of the OOS user.

Role of the organization

User role

Actions available on the site

Organization administrator

· Viewing applications for registration of users of an organization with the roles "Authorized specialist", "Specialist in the right to sign the contract" (only for organizations with the role "Customer"), "Specialist with the right to send a contract template to the participant in the order placement";

· Confirmation of applications of users of the organization with the role "Authorized specialist", "Specialist in the right to sign the contract" (only for organizations with the role "Customer"), "Specialist with the right to send the draft contract to the participant in the order placement";

· Assigning access rights to users;

Blocking / unblocking organization users

· Registration of separate divisions of the organization and the assignment of the access area to the organization's orders;

· Viewing the list of separate divisions of the organization;

· Editing information about separate divisions of the organization;

· Blocking / unblocking of separate subdivisions;

· Assigning a separate subdivision to the user, the subdivision to which he belongs.

Specialized organization

Organization administrator

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Editing contact information in the registration data of the organization;

· Registration of users of the organization with the role of "Specialist";

· Registration of the right to place orders by a specialized organization on behalf of the customer (only for organizations with the "Specialized Organization" role);

· Registration of the right to place orders by a specialized organization on behalf of the authorized body (only for organizations with the "Specialized Organization" role);

· Viewing user access rights when working with organizations of the Customer / Authorized body;

· Blocking / unblocking organization users.

Supervisory authority

Operator of the all-Russian official website

Operator of an electronic trading platform

Organization administrator

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Editing contact information in the registration data of the organization;

· Viewing applications for registration of users of the organization with the role "Authorized specialist";

· Confirmation of applications of users of the organization with the role of "Authorized specialist";

· Registration of users of the organization with the role of "Specialist";

Financial authority

Organization administrator

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Editing contact information in the registration data of the organization;

· Viewing applications for registration of users of the organization with the role "Authorized specialist";

· Confirmation of applications of users of the organization with the role of "Authorized specialist";

· Assigning access rights to users of the organization;

· Blocking / unblocking organization users.


Specialist with the right to sign a contract

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Signing a state or municipal contract based on the results of an open auction in electronic form.

Customer, Notified Body

A specialist with the right to send a draft contract to a participant in an order placement

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Forwarding the contract card containing the contract draft template to the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded.

Customer, Notified Body, Specialized Organization

Authorized specialist

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

Performing the functions of placing an order in the personal account of the organization in accordance with the access rights, including legally significant operations (for specialized organizations, except for the functions of preparing and publishing protocols)

Supervisory authority

Authorized specialist

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Performing control functions in the field of placing orders in the organization's personal account in accordance with access rights, including legally significant operations.

Operator of the all-Russian official website

Operator of an electronic trading platform

Authorized specialist

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Performing functions in the organization's personal account in accordance with access rights, including legally significant operations.

Financial authority

Authorized specialist

· Editing user registration data not included in the EDS key certificate. The e-mail address and position generated on the basis of the EDS key certificate data can be changed by the user;

· Confirmation of the Authorized Body's right to place orders from Customers.

Appendix 2

User roles for the GMU website

User roles specified in the ES key certificates:

· Work with GMU. ES Administrator of the organization;

· Work with GMU. ES of the Authorized Specialist.

ES key certificate can contain several user roles.

The actions available to complete the formation procedure, provide information about the institution on the GMU website, depending on the user's role, can be found in Section III of the FC Order No. 000 dated December 29, 2011 “On approval of requirements for the procedure for the formation of structured information about the institution and electronic copies of documents posted on the official website on the Internet ”.

4.1. To register on the official website, the authorized person of the organization, after receiving the certificate of the electronic signature verification key, fills out the registration form on the official website.

When registering on the official website, the authorized person of the organization uses the received certificate of the ES OOS verification key.

4.2. Registration of organizations and authorized persons of organizations on the official website is carried out in the following order.

4.2.1. To register an organization on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of a user of the official website "administrator of the organization" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator of the organization) on the registration form indicates the contact information of the organization and registration data of the Administrator of the organization that are not in the certificate of the electronic signature verification key.

After filling out the registration form, the registration of the organization and the Administrator of the organization on the official website is automatically performed.

4.2.2. To register the Administrator of the organization on the official website, the Administrator of the organization on the registration form indicates the registration data of the Administrator of the organization, which are absent in the certificate of the ES OOS verification key.

After filling out the registration form, the registration of the Administrator of the organization on the official website is automatically performed.

4.2.3. After registering on the official website, the Administrator of the organization gains access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to perform the following operations:

entering the details of accounts opened with credit institutions for transferring funds by procurement participants;

entering information and documents within the authority of the organization, established by Federal Law N 44-FZ;

consideration and confirmation of applications for registration of authorized persons of an organization with the authority of a user of the official website "authorized specialist", "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil contract of a budgetary institution, an agreement)", "a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil contract budget institution, contract) to the procurement participant "(for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement" customer "," authorized body "," authorized institution "," the organization exercising the powers of the customer to carry out procurement on the basis of a contract (agreement) in accordance with part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ ")," an official with the right to sign a copy of a contract (civil law agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement) "(for the Administrator of an organization with authority in the field of procurement" authorized body "," authorized institution ", "the organization exercising the powers of the customer to carry out procurement on the basis of an agreement (agreement) in accordance with part 6 of article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ ")," specialist with the right to approve procurement) "(for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement" customer "," authorized body ", "authorized institution");

formation of a request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, executor) (for the Administrator of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", "authorized body", "authorized institution", "an organization exercising the powers of the customer to carry out purchases on the basis of a contract (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ ");

confirmation of the right of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", "authorized body", "authorized institution", "an organization exercising the powers of the customer to carry out purchases on the basis of an agreement (agreement) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44- Federal Law "to determine the supplier (contractor, contractor) on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority" customer "(for the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority" customer ");

confirmation of the right of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution", "an organization exercising the powers of customers to carry out purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with part 6 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ" to carry out purchases from the name of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" (for the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "customer").

4.2.4. To register an authorized person of an organization with the authority of a user of the official website, "authorized specialist", "specialist with the right to approve the purchase", "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil law agreement of a budgetary institution, an agreement)", "an official with the right to sign a copy of a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract) "," a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant "the corresponding authorized person of the organization on the registration form indicates registration data that are not in the certificate of the electronic signature verification key ...

After filling out the registration form, an application for registration is automatically generated and sent to the Administrator of the organization.

4.2.5. The registration application is considered by the Administrator of the organization and:

in case of confirmation of registration by the Administrator of the organization, an authorized person of the organization with the appropriate authority is automatically registered on the official website;

in case of refusal to register, the application for registration is rejected by the Administrator of the organization indicating the reason for the rejection and communicated to the authorized person of the organization who filled out the registration form.

4.2.6. The administrator of the organization determines the operations to be performed by a registered authorized person of the organization with the authority of a user of the official website "authorized specialist" on the official website and electronic platforms.

After registering on the official website, the authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website, the "authorized specialist" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to carry out operations determined by the Administrator of the organization.

4.2.7. After registering on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of a user of the official website "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil law agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement)" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to sign a state or municipal contract (civil legal agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement) based on the results of an auction in electronic form.

After registering on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of a user of the official website "an official with the right to sign a copy of a contract (a civil law agreement of a budgetary institution, an agreement)" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to sign a copy of a state or municipal contract ( civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract).

4.2.8. After registering on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of a user of the official website "a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law agreement of a budgetary institution, an agreement) to a procurement participant" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to send a draft contract (civil legal contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant.

4.2.9. An authorized person of the organization who does not have a certificate of the ES OOS verification key and is registered on the official website before January 1, 2014 with the authority of a user of the official website "specialist" has the ability to access the official website and electronic platforms until March 31, 2014 inclusive. From April 1, 2014, the access of an authorized person of the organization, who does not have a certificate of the ES OOS verification key, to the official website and electronic sites is terminated.

The authorized person of the organization, who does not have a certificate of the ES OOS verification key, is not available to perform legally significant actions related to the publication of information on the official website and electronic platforms.

For an authorized person of the organization who does not have a certificate of the ES OOS verification key to the official website and electronic platforms from April 1, 2014, the authorized person of the organization applies to the Federal Treasury body to obtain a certificate of the ES OOS verification key in the manner prescribed by the Federal Treasury.

4.3. An organization with a procurement authority "specialized organization" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.3.1. An organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of a user of the official website "administrator of the organization", "authorized specialist" are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Procedure.

4.3.2. After registering on the official website, the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "specialized organization" forms a request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, contractor) on the official website on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" indicating:

the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", on behalf of which the supplier (contractor, executor) will be determined;

the term of validity of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

authorized persons of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" who can determine the supplier (contractor, executor);

the rights of authorized persons to perform operations to determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

a document that is the basis for registering the right to identify a supplier (contractor, performer).

The generated request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "specialized organization" is sent for consideration to the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "customer".

If the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" confirms the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer), the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) is automatically registered on the official website.

After registering the right to determine the supplier (contractor, executor) for authorized persons of the organization with the procurement authority "specialized organization", such persons gain access to the official website and electronic platforms to work on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" or with the right to carry out operations specified in the request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer".

In this case, the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" has the right to clarify the list of operations to be performed by authorized persons of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" when determining the supplier (contractor, performer) on the official website on behalf of the organization with authority in the field procurement "customer".

In case of refusal to register the right to determine the supplier (contractor, executor), the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" rejects the request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, executor) on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" indicating reasons for rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, executor) on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection, is communicated to the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "specialized organization".

4.4. An organization with a procurement authority "authorized body", "authorized agency" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.4.1. Organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of a user of the official website "administrator of the organization", "authorized specialist", "specialist with the right to approve the purchase", "official with the right to sign the contract (civil agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement) "," an official with the right to sign a copy of the contract (civil agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement), "a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement) to a participant purchases "are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Procedure.

4.4.2. The administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution" forms a request for confirmation of the right to carry out procurement on the official website for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" indicating:

organizations with a procurement authority "customer" for which procurement will be carried out;

the document that is the basis for registering the right to procure.

The generated request for confirmation of the right to carry out procurement for organizations with the procurement authority "customer" is sent to the organization with the procurement authority "financial body" for consideration and confirmation by an authorized person of this organization with the authority of a user of the official website "authorized specialist" (hereinafter - authorized the person of the financial authority with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist").

4.4.3. In case of confirmation of the right to carry out purchases by an authorized person of a financial body with the authority of a user of the official website "authorized specialist", authorized persons of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution" get access to the official website and electronic platforms for procurement of the organization with the procurement authority "customer".

If the registration of the right to procurement is denied, the authorized person of the financial body with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" rejects the request for confirmation of the right to conduct procurement for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" indicating the reason for the rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to procure procurement for organizations with the procurement authority "customer" indicating the reason for the rejection shall be communicated to the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "authorized body", "authorized institution".

4.5. Organization with authority in the field of procurement "an organization exercising the authority of customers to carry out purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with part 6 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.5.1. Organization with the authority in the field of procurement "an organization exercising the authority of customers to carry out purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with part 6 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of a user of the official website "administrator of the organization", " authorized specialist "," an official with the right to sign a contract (civil agreement of a budgetary institution, agreement), "an official with the right to sign a copy of a contract (civil agreement of a budgetary institution, an agreement)", "a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant "are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by clauses 4.1 and After registration of the right to carry out procurement, authorized persons of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement" the organization exercising the powers of customers to carry out procurement on the basis of contracts (from of announcements) in accordance with part 6 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ, they gain access to the official website and electronic platforms for work on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" with the right to carry out the operations specified in the request for confirmation of the right to carry out procurement on behalf of an organization with procurement authority "customer".

If the registration of the procurement right is denied, the Administrator of the procurement authority organization rejects the request for proof of the procurement right on behalf of the procurement authority organization with the reason for the rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to carry out procurement on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection, is communicated to the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "the organization exercising the authority of customers to carry out procurement on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with with part 6 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ ".

4.6. After posting on the official website information about the details of the accounts to which funds should be received from procurement participants (for participants in the budget process of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget, budget of the state non-budgetary fund)), budgetary institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal budgetary institutions, budgetary institutions of the state off-budget fund), the correctness of information on the relevant account details is confirmed by an authorized person of the financial body with the authority of a user of the official website "authorized specialist".

Notary - an authorized specialist in the field of jurisprudence, dealing with notarial affairs. The main task of an employee is to certify the authenticity of documents passing through his hands. Since notarial transactions are the most frequent "victims" of fraudsters, the work is very responsible and requires the utmost care from a specialist.

A notary in Moscow, like a notary in any other city, must have a legal education. In this profession, the basis is knowledge of the features of paperwork and the necessary list of papers for concluding various types of transactions. A notary can carry out activities in a public or private notary office, as well as in a court.

In what cases can you not do without a notary?

The notary protects the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities. All actions are performed by him on behalf of the state and have absolute force. Usually, a specialist is contacted when selling / buying an apartment, registering an enterprise, drawing up a power of attorney, entering into an inheritance, etc. Particularly prudent citizens resort to the help of a professional even in those cases when it is not mandatory - in order to secure the transaction from possible risks.

The services of a notary include:

  • · Certification of transactions (agreements);
  • · Drafting of wills and issuance of appropriate certificates;
  • · Registration of consent (child's trip abroad, etc.);
  • · Authentication of translation, signatures, copies of documents;
  • · Execution of executive notices (for the collection of a sum of money);
  • · Acceptance of documents for storage, etc.

Many notaries in Moscow are qualified specialists who know their business. The best indicators of the reputation of an office, of course, are the presence of many positive reviews about it and a long existence. You can also ask the employee to show a license for the right to conduct notarial activities - he has no right to refuse.

The cost of notary services depends on the person applying (natural or legal), on the prestige of the office and its location in a particular city.

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Since July 19, 2014, a new Procedure for registration on the official website of customers has been in effect (the corresponding order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 6).

Previous rules are no longer valid

In connection with the issuance of a new order, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Treasury of Russia, by order of May 28, 2014 No. 305 / 9n, invalidated the previous Procedure for registering users on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting information on orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services www .zakupki.gov.ru (approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Treasury of Russia dated August 10, 2012 No. 508 / 14n).

So, the current Procedure for registration on the website www.zakupki.gov.ru (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Procedure) applies to customers and other persons who are subject to the Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs ", with the exception of suppliers (contractors, executors). It contains the rules for presenting and changing information about the organization.

Who uses the Registration Procedure

Registration of procurement participants, publication of information about them on the official website, verification of documents of procurement participants is carried out by the Treasury of Russia. The following public sector organizations are registered on the official website and provided (through authorized persons) with certificates of electronic signature verification keys:

Federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies (including territorial ones);

Management bodies of state and territorial off-budget funds;

State, budgetary, autonomous institutions;

State corporations and companies (including Rosatom);

State, municipal unitary enterprises;

Specialized organizations;

Official website operator;

Operators of electronic platforms;

Banks issuing bank guarantees in accordance with Article 45 of Law No. 44-FZ;

Audit and control bodies in the field of procurement, which are specified in part 1 of article 98, part 1 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ;

Other legal entities in accordance with part 5 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ within their powers;

Organizations in whose authorized (pooled) capital the share of the Russian Federation (constituent entity of the Russian Federation) is at least 25 percent, if necessary to make purchases under Law No. 44-FZ in cases established by law.

The website www.zakupki.gov.ru must also register legal entities subject to the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities" (hereinafter - Law No. 223 -FZ), but which have not posted on the official website a legal act governing the procurement rules.

This includes:

Subjects of natural monopolies;

Organizations carrying out regulated activities in the field of power supply, gas supply, heat supply, water supply, water disposal, wastewater treatment, disposal (disposal) of solid household waste;

Business companies, in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation exceeds 50 percent;

Subsidiaries, in the authorized capital of which more than 50 percent of the shares in the aggregate belong to the above-mentioned legal entities.

Information about the institution

To register on the official website, the relevant state organizations or institutions submit to the Federal Treasury body information about themselves, containing the details provided for in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2.5 of the Registration Procedure.

The number of requisites that are checked by Treasury specialists include:

Information number assigned by the organization that generated the document;

Date of preparation;

Full and abbreviated (if any) name of the organization or institution;

Special code (for a participant in the budgetary process, the main manager or a bank);


OKFS and OKOPF codes;

Organization type code in accordance with the list (for example, a budgetary institution has a code 03, a public institution - 08, an autonomous one - 10);

The name of a federal state body, a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local self-government body, a governing body of a state non-budgetary fund, which is in charge of the organization;

Full name of the Federal Treasury body at the place of submission of the document, indicating the code for the KOFK;

The date from which the information about the organization, specified in the information, should be put into effect;

Activity code according to OKVED;

The powers of the organization in the field of procurement (customer, authorized body, etc.);

Organization location address and OKTMO code.

The information provided by organizations about themselves should not contain information constituting a state secret.

Signature verification key certificates

Electronic signatures are required by customers to operate on the specified site within their procurement authority. The Federal Treasury body issues certificates of keys for checking electronic signatures to the authorized persons of the customer in case of a positive result of checks of the documents submitted for their receipt. The verification key certificate contains, among other things, the details defining the authority.

1. One of the possible values \u200b\u200bis indicated for the authority of the organization in the area of \u200b\u200bprocurement. For example, a customer, authorized body, authorized institution, bank, etc .;

2. For an authorized person of an organization, one or more of the following values \u200b\u200bare given:

Organization administrator;

Authorized specialist;

Specialist with the right to approve the purchase;

An official with the right to sign a contract or certify its preliminary version (as well as a civil law contract of a budgetary institution, an agreement);

A specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil contract) to a procurement participant.


The registration procedure regulates the change of information about the institution (Section III). If the information of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities changes from January 1, 2015, the Federal Treasury will automatically correct information about the organization in terms of the following details:

Full name, OGRN;

OKOPF and OKVED codes;

Organization location addresses.

Please note: the Federal Treasury body may suspend the institution's access to the official website if copies of documents confirming the change in information (details) are not provided within five working days.


The registration procedure establishes what actions should be taken by institutions to gain access to the official website as customers to place orders for the supply of goods (works, services). Access is provided by the Federal Treasury. All data is authenticated before being accessed.