Windows 7 is not installed hangs on the splash screen. External device evaluation

The same article explains in detail:
How to prepare a bootable UEFI Windows 7 64-bit USB stick.
How to properly configure the UEFI BIOS to boot from a USB flash drive and then install Windows 7 on a GPT disk.
How to convert a hard drive to GPT in Windows 7 Setup and finally install an operating system.

  • Note: Friends, I want to tell you this, Windows 7 installed on a GPT disk works a little faster, but certainly not as fast as if you were!
  • All the difference between new GPT disks and old MBRs is described in our article.
  • Today's article describes a rather difficult way for beginners to create a bootable UEFI flash drive with Windows 7, there is a much easier way and it is described in our other article -.
  • Today we will install Windows 7 with you on the GPT disk of a computer with an ASUS motherboard, but if you have a GIGABYTE motherboard, read another article

Connect a bootable Windows 7 flash drive to a USB 2.0 port (black), when connecting a flash drive to a USB 3.0 port (blue), an error may occur, since the Windows 7 installer does not have USB 3.0 drivers.

As usual, at the beginning of the article, we publish a letter from the reader of our site.

Hello admin, I ask for your advice! I bought a powerful system unit. BIOS on a new computer, you guessed it - UEFI. I installed the Windows 7 64-bit operating system myself, but ran into a problem. I have a 3 TB hard drive and after installing the operating system, 745 GB remained unallocated on it. After a short search for information on the Internet, I realized that this is due to the fact that my hard disk has the most common and already outdated type of MBR partition tables, which does not see all the space on a hard disk larger than 2 TB. This means that my hard drive needs to be converted to a new format for placing partition tables GPT, which, by the way, has many other advantages over MBR. This is where my adventures began, judging by the numerous posts on the Internet, I'm not the only one.

On one very authoritative resource, I was offered a helping hand with such a “hopeful” message “ None of the editions of Windows 7, unlike Windows 8, support installation on drives with a GPT table of contents". In my case, you just need to buy an SSD solid-state drive and install the Windows 7 64-bit operating system on it, then convert my second 3 TB hard drive to GPT and use it for file storage.

Administrator Note: This can be done only if all sections are deleted on it and, accordingly, there is no information.

Have you edited it?

Now we run the following command:

xcopy I: \\ *. * F: \\ / e / f / h (where I is the drive letter of the mounted Windows 7 ISO image, and F is the drive letter of the flash drive). Windows 7 installation files are copied to a USB flash drive, which takes 3-5 minutes.

There are a few commands left:

xcopy F: \\ efi \\ microsoft \\ *. * / e / f / h F: \\ efi \\

xcopy C: \\ Windows \\ boot \\ efi \\ bootmgfw.efi F: \\ efi \\ boot \\ bootx64.efi (where F is the drive letter of the flash drive)

answer the question by pressing on the keyboard (F).
And the last one:
bootsect / nt60 F: (where F is the drive letter of the flash drive) (file is located F: \\ boot \\ bootsect)
Our windows 7 64-bit UEFI bootable USB drive ready!

Note: If you enter the command bootsect / nt60this error will come out "bootsect" is not an internal or external command, executable program or batch filethen change the command to this I: \\ Boot \\ bootsect.exe / nt60 F: (where I is the drive letter of the mounted Windows 7 ISO image, and F is the drive letter of the flash drive).


To install Windows 7 to a GPT disk, we need to properly configure our UEFI BIOS.

We press Delete or F2 when loading and enter the UEFI BIOS. Click Advanced (F7).

and select the USB Support option and set the Full Initialization parameter.

Then we go to the menu CSM (Compatibility Support Module)

and set the Start CSM position to Enabled.

Boot device parameters - put Only UEFI

Click on the arrow and exit the menu - set the Windows UEFI mode parameter and exit back.

Boot priority

Download parameter # 1 - choose our flash drive

Boot parameter # 2 - select our hard drive.

That's all the settings. Press F10, with this we save the changes we made to the UEFI BIOS.

In general, in the UEFI BIOS, you can change the boot priority in the initial window. In the initial phase of the computer boot, press Delete or F2, enter the UEFI BIOS, select the boot menu (F8),

then we select our flash drive, it is loaded from the flash drive.

Boot into the Windows 7 setup program. Everything is as usual. Further.

Install. We accept the license agreement. Full installation (advanced options).

In this window, we do not pay attention to the existing sections.

We call the command line, in it we convert our hard disk to the GPT standard, all partitions and data on the disk will be deleted. Press Shift + F10 on the keyboard. In the command line, enter the commands sequentially:

sel dis 0
convert gpt

click Update.

The usual process of installing Windows 7 takes place. Who does not know how to install the seven on a computer, read our article.
After installing the Windows 7 operating system, go to Disk Management, right-click on our disk and select Properties,

Windows is a mature operating system and usually installs without surprises, but sometimes the installation process hangs.
The following are five solutions for this problem that apply to Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

1. Be patient

The advice is banal, but useful: if the installation hangs, do not rush to worry. Recently, more than once it was necessary to deal with the fact that on completely new computers the installation program stops, reaching the screen saver of the Windows desktop. In all cases, the installation resumed by itself - sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after 45 minutes.

It is not yet possible to find an official Microsoft explanation of the reasons for this freeze. But according to observations, this most often happens when installing Windows on computers with Gigabyte motherboards and AMD processors.

The desktop screensaver isn't the only sticking point for Windows Setup. Sometimes it freezes before displaying a screen asking you to select a hard drive to install the operating system. However, in this case, the installation process resumes much faster.

2. Disable the floppy disk controller

Although floppy disks have long been obsolete, some manufacturers still provide floppy disk controllers to their motherboards. Sometimes Windows cannot be installed until you disable the floppy controller in the BIOS settings.

Unfortunately, this is not a universal recipe because sometimes the Windows installation freezes even if the motherboard's floppy controller is missing.

3. Check the voltage of the memory modules

If Windows Setup hangs intermittently, it might be caused by a problem with your RAM. There are many ways to diagnose this kind of problem. But I would like to mention one method in particular, since it is often overlooked.

Most motherboards use 1.5V memory modules. If the voltage is higher (even if only slightly), the system periodically freezes. However, this does not mean that such memory cannot be used: some motherboards allow you to adjust the voltage of the RAM through the BIOS.

4. Try removing or replacing memory modules

As mentioned above, most of the time Windows installation hangs due to memory issues. If so, try removing all but one of the memory modules and see if the freeze stops. If that doesn't work, replace the remaining module with another one that has been tested to rule out the possibility of defective memory. If this does not solve the problem, check the documentation for the motherboard: the memory may be running at an unsupported frequency. Even if the module can be installed in a motherboard slot, it is not a fact that it will work.

Check other RAM requirements as well. Some motherboards only support certain brands of modules.

5. Try using an IDE or USB DVD drive

Finally, a SATA DVD drive can be another reason for Windows installation to hang. This does not mean that such drives cannot be used, but the problem is that many motherboards have four or six SATA ports for creating RAID arrays. If you plug a DVD drive into one of these ports and try to create a RAID array with fewer hard drives than the system board can supply, Windows installation may hang. In this case, it is preferable to use an IDE or USB DVD drive.

Hello dear friends! This weekend I got a computer on which I needed to install Windows 7. But there was a problem that I encountered for the first time. When I started installing Windows 7, the installation window did not appear (first window, language selection). And then the seven was installed for a very long time. If you have the same problem when Windows 7 takes a long time to installand installation window does not appear, now I will write how to solve it. At least I'll tell you how I solved this problem.

Perhaps I'll start from the beginning. They called me and asked to come and see the computer, otherwise: the Internet does not work (there is Intertelecom), the antivirus shows some window all the time, nothing starts, etc. In short, a full set of all sorts of different breakdowns. And I have already dealt with this computer, such a powerful "machine", new, only Windows XP is installed there, not that it is bad, it just surprised me. And when I asked the owners why Windows XP was worth, they said that they had it installed in the store. I said that it would not be bad to put a seven, after all, it is newer, and on such hardware.

I came a second time, turned it on, and there was something incomprehensible. Tolley, it was a virus that worked like that, or children :), but there Avast stuck in some kind of warning, there were almost no icons on the notification panel, the Internet did not react to an attempt to open a connection, the theme was changed, and it was not possible to return the standard one. And many more different unpleasant moments.

I looked and decided that it would be easier to demolish everything, format drive C and. Having explained everything to the owner of the computer, we decided that we will do so.

Everything is fine, the computer rebooted and started booting from the installation disk. The file download bar went off when installing Windows 7, and when a window with a choice of language should appear, nothing happened. The window did not appear, there was only a splash screen (well, such as when installing the seven) and a cursor. I waited three minutes and rebooted my computer. Realized that something was wrong. I decided to go to BIOS again and see the settings. Now it is clear why Windows XP was installed in the store, most likely it was not possible to install the seven.

I threw away the problems with my installation disk right away, installed it more than once. Yes, and I had an exact copy, with which the Windows 7 installation window did not appear either. I saw nothing strange in BIOS, and. It did not help, Windows 7 was not installed, the language selection window did not appear. I also decided to open the system unit and see how and what is connected there. There I saw nothing interesting. A hard disk and an optical drive were connected via the SATA interface.

I tried to run the installation again. I started it the same way, only the background, but there is no window with a choice of language. I decided to wait. After about 5 minutes, a window appeared with a choice of language, well, at least something, I thought. I pressed further, an inscription appeared "Starting installation ..."and that's it. The computer “thought”, I understood this from the fact that the cursor was spinning (something was loading), I decided to wait a bit.

After about 10 minutes, a window appeared in which I chose a clean installation of the system, waited again for 5 minutes, formatted the partition for Windows 7 and started copying files. They copied longer than expected, it seemed to me. In short, with grief, I installed Windows 7. Then I realized what a long installation of Windows 7 is :).

Slowly but established

The computer worked as it should be for such hardware, very smart. It remains only to configure. But I did not have a driver for the modem, so they decided to take the system unit to me and pick it up the next day.

Finding the reasons for the slow installation of Windows 7

At home, I set everything up, and decided to torment the computer a little more and find out why it took so long to install Windows 7, I was interested. Moreover, I did not find a specific answer to this question on the Internet, only guesses.

Configuring SATA hard drive in BIOS

First, I opened the system unit and changed the hard drive and drive connections. I connected the hard drive from SATA 0 to SATA 1. A CD / DVD drive to SATA 3.

Then he got into the BIOS again. I was interested in the SATA controller settings. Section.

On the contrary OnChip SATA Controller the parameter was Enabled. Well, then we see the item, I have the Native IDE parameter. This is not very good for a SATA hard drive, it does not seem to show all its capabilities.

Changed the parameter value to AHCI (the best option for SATA drives). I tried to turn on the computer. The drive was not detected at all, and as soon as Windows 7 started to load, the blue screen blinked and the computer rebooted.

I decided to put RAID instead of AHCI in the parameter (it combines disks into an array), nothing happened (I knew it was useless, but decided to try), everything is the same as with AHCI.

Installed back Native IDE ... All these experiments did not help. Although it is very strange why AHCI did not work, I did not understand it.

Disable Drive A

I also saw that opposite the Drive A table the parameter “1.44MB, 3.5”. It's a floppy drive, and this computer doesn't have one. So I set it to “None” to tell the system that it is missing.

Saved the settings by pressing F10. I put the installation disc with Windows 7 and tried to start the installation again to check how the seven will be installed, either slowly or faster.

And to my surprise, everything worked as expected, a window with a choice of language quickly appeared, and so on, I quickly got to formatting the disk. Of course, I did not format it, since the computer was already configured, and it should have already been taken.

How to solve the problem of slow installation of Windows 7?

Let's summarize, otherwise I dashed off a lot of text :). There was a problem with the installation of Windows 7, it was installed for a very long time, and I had to wait a lot until a window with a choice of language appeared, and then hung for a long time "Start of installation ..."... If you have such a problem, then you can just wait and everything will be installed. It worked for me.

If you want to try to solve this problem, then:

  1. Try to put AHCI in the BIOS opposite the item (most likely it did not help me).
  2. Change SATA connectors for hard drive and drive.
  3. Disable Drive A.

I did the last two things, and the Windows 7 installation went quickly. I can’t say with 100% certainty that this is what helped return the normal speed of Windows 7 installation. But in any case, you need to try.

Sorry for so much text, I just wanted to describe everything in as much detail as possible. I hope that my experience was useful to you, if you managed to solve this problem, this, or in some other way, write about it in the comments, it will be interesting and useful. Good luck friends!

At some point in time, no matter what, you wanted to install / reinstall the operating system on your computer. We got a distribution kit, set the settings in BIOS and, most importantly, got ready for the boot-installation process mentally. But it was not there. When installing Windows 7, the computer unexpectedly freezes without showing the slightest signs of life. Miracles, and nothing more. However, before grabbing your head, running after validol, or rushing to write an angry letter to Bill Gates, you should think about why the problem still happened in the system.

In this case, the reasons will directly tell us the consequence and, accordingly, all possible ways to solve the problem, why it takes so long to install Windows 7.

Malfunction options and their causes

The symptoms of such a "disease" in an operating system installation can be different:

At the same time, the reasons for the PC freezing in each of these cases are the same. In particular, the system can take a very long time to load due to:

  1. malfunctions of the hard drive;
  2. a problem with the RAM or power supply;
  3. lack of contact with the motherboard;
  4. a short circuit in the USB connector or a malfunction in the drive;
  5. incorrect BIOS settings;
  6. errors in the OS image on the distribution;
  7. damage to the boot disk (flash media).

Thus, the reasons that the computer freezes at the beginning, middle or at the end of the installation of the operating system can be divided into internal (1-5), directly related to the operation of the PC, and external (6-7). Based on this, the options for solving the problem will also differ among themselves.

Troubleshooting options

1. Waiting for a response

As trite as it sounds, for a start you can try just to wait for the Windows installation to finish. There are frequent cases when, after 10-45 minutes of waiting, the system responded and was subsequently installed without failures and freezes. How can this be explained? It will not be possible to find an unambiguous, especially an official answer to this question. However, as practice shows, very often such a problem accompanies the installation of Windows on a computer with an AMD processor and a Gigabyte motherboard.

2. Replacing the Windows 7 distribution kit

If waiting for the system response did not help and the PC still freezes, it is worth trying to replace or test it on another computer. If the reason was in it or in the image recorded on it, the problem with slowing down the computer, of course, will disappear with the replacement of the distribution kit.

Here, we note that the problem may not be in the boot disk itself (flash drive), but in the drive (USB connector) with which it boots. It is not difficult to identify such a problem with the PC. It is enough to test the drive (USB-connector) for operability using any other disk (flash drive).

3. Reconfiguring BIOS

There are definitely two parameters in the BIOS that can affect the speed of the computer, namely:

  1. SATA Mode (OnChip SATA Type);
  2. Floppy Drive / Drive A.

It is best to correct the work of each of them. In the first case, you will need to enter the Integrated Peripherals section and select AHCI for SATA Mode or OnChip SATA Type:

In the second case, you will have to completely deactivate Floppy Drive (Drive A). This can be done by entering the Advanced section in the BIOS:

In addition, you can try resetting the computer boot parameters that were set before starting the Windows 7 installation process.

4. External device evaluation

If none of the above methods helped, it is very likely that the cause of the problem lies in the "stuffing" of the computer. First, it is worth assessing the external condition of the devices. To do this, we take a screwdriver in our hands, unscrew the bolts from the system unit and alternately check if there are drips, a burning smell and other malfunctions:

  • power supply unit;
  • motherboard;
  • hard drive;
  • RAM, etc.

It is clear that if the result is positive, the solution will be very simple - we change the damaged device and forget about the problem. If the external examination did not give anything, we undertake to test the hard disk and the operation of the RAM.

5. Testing the hard drive and RAM

You can test the hard disk for bad sectors and other malfunctions with various programs, for example, utilities such as.

Hello dear readers.

Sooner or later, all users of computers with operating systems from Microsoft are faced with a situation when they need to change their environment. In this case, the reasons can be very different. Earlier, I already talked about exactly how you need to place the new OS on your device. But what to do if the beginning of the Windows 7 installation appears, freezes on the laptop and then nothing happens? As always, there can be a lot of reasons. Later in the article I will try to analyze the most popular of them.

The above problem manifests itself in various ways:

The reasons( )

Despite the fact that the process stops at different moments, the reasons are the same:

    Problems with the hard drive, RAM, power supply.

    Insufficient contact with the motherboard.

    Closing the reader or USB port.

    Incorrect BIOS setup.

    An error occurred while recording the image.

    Damage to the data carrier.

Well, as you can see, there are many reasons for the problem. They are conventionally divided into external and internal. Based on this, the solution to the disease will be different.

Waiting for a response( )

We will consider all possible solutions to the problem. So, if the process of installing the operating system suddenly stopped on your Asus laptop or any other, you should not immediately worry. Perhaps you just need to wait 10 or 15 minutes. It is likely that after this everything will continue without any disruption.

Why is this happening, official sources do not report.

True, it should be noted that in most cases this is observed on devices that use Gigabyte motherboards and processors from AMD. Apparently, during their interaction, small failures occur, leading to such consequences.

Distribution kit( )

What if the previous option did not help and your HP or other laptop still freezes? It is worth trying to take a new portable memory with the Windows distribution. In addition, you can test an existing removable device on a computer other than yours. If everything happens again, the ailment is directly related to memory. Otherwise - with a computer.

It is worth noting that in the latter version, a separate component of the device may not function correctly, with the help of which reading occurs. Therefore, to exclude possible options, it is worthwhile to conduct a test using just another disk or flash drive.


On many computers and laptops, regardless of the manufacturer, be it Samsung or any other, problems with starting the installation process can be associated with two important parameters that are set in the BIOS area:

And for correct operation, you must specify the appropriate parameters for each. To do this, we perform several movements:

Now it's worth going back to the installation process again.

Computer check( )

If the above methods did not solve the problem, one of the next steps is to check your Lenovo computer or laptop (any other manufacturer) for mechanical damage. From the outside, everything looks as it was before - it is worth unwinding the system unit. With a laptop in this case, you need to try a little more.

After opening, we check for a burning smell, drips, dark spots. At the same time, it is worth inspecting everything that is possible, including the power supply, hard drive, RAM connectors, and more.

As a result, if a problem spot is found, it just needs to be replaced.

Testing RAM and hard drive( )

If the inspection does not lead to anything, it is worth testing important system components. So, for checking RAM, MemTest is considered the most popular program today.