Which is better to choose a gyro scooter, so that you do not regret it later? The best hoverboard: how to choose, reviews Modern hoverboard.

The question, in fact, is not an easy one: two-wheeled mini-segways appeared on the domestic market quite recently, and not everyone knows what to look at when buying. In this article we will help you make the right choice!

Which gyro scooter to choose: types of mini-segways

All hoverboards can be roughly divided into three categories:

    With tubeless wheels. , and are compact and lightweight models that are ideal for everyday transport. We got to the metro, put the hoverboard into a backpack or a cover, it doesn't take up much space. Of the minuses: on such gyro scooters, tubeless and fairly solid wheels are usually installed, on bad asphalt it can shake quite a lot. Well, low ground clearance can be a hindrance;

    With inflatable rubber wheels. - This is a more massive, heavier, but also more comfortable option. The best cross-country ability, good shock absorption, perhaps the most correct choice of a gyro scooter in modern realities. Consider only that a rider is lighter than 25-30 kilograms, such models may simply not notice, a kind of "age limit" is obtained.

How to choose a gyro scooter? Parameters

When choosing a gyro scooter, look at its following characteristics:

Always look at the user's weight for which the gyro scooter is designed - this is a key parameter. In this case, not only the maximum, but also the minimum weight is important: for example, if a child is riding a hoverboard. Powerful models may simply ignore an overly light driver;

Power.Key parameter: the higher the power of the mini-segway, the more thrust. On a powerful machine, you will not lose speed on the rise, powerful hoverboards are better for heavy riders. In modern hoverboards, power ranges from to;

Wheel diameter. We already wrote about this above: the larger the diameter of the wheels, the more comfortable you will ride, but the heavier and more massive the two-wheeled platform itself will be. In any case, if there is not very good asphalt on your usual route - or if you are driving off-road - we recommend choosing;

Bluetooth and columns. If you like to ride not only with the breeze, but also with music, it makes sense to choose a mini-segway. Speakers are better than headphones from the player, since they do not interfere with your hearing of others - it will be safer to ride.

Which hoverboard to choose? Various firms

There are four main manufacturers on the Russian market, whose products are worth paying attention to. It:

    . The Chinese manufacturer produces, perhaps, the most budgetary hoverboards in the world (not counting all sorts of nameless models and fakes) - budget and reliable. In addition, the company is known for its excellent support for Russian clients and attention to the Russian market; there are several branded service centers;

    . A younger brand that also relies heavily on Russia. Produces reliable and durable hoverboards of the mid-price category, they will be an excellent choice for everyday trips;

    . If you are wondering how to choose a premium hovercraft, you can just look at the Smart range. The company produces really beautiful and durable hoverboards designed for maximum user comfort. Moreover: it was Smart who were among the first to come up with the idea to remove the steering wheel from the Segway, making it more compact and maneuverable - in fact, they came up with hoverboards;

    How to choose an off-road hoverboard? First, take a look at the Ecodrfit models. This company makes the most powerful 800 watt hoverboards on the market. Large, powerful, reliable;

  • ... Unquestionably the best device in the world. This is the highest quality gyro board from the famous world brand. No hovercraft even comes close to comparing to the HoverTrax 2.0. We wrote a whole article in which we clearly showed and talked about this sensation. ... If you are concerned about the question “How to choose a good hovercraft and not overpay”, there is only one answer: Razor HoverTrax 2.0!

How to choose a gyro scooter? Conclusion

The procedure for choosing a gyro scooter is actually very simple:

    Decide on what you need (efficiency, power, comfort);

    Based on these requirements, select a manufacturer;

    Take a look at the models of this manufacturer, and we are sure: you will find the mini segway that suits you!

Have a nice ride!

A hoverboard with a stick (or a wheel - whichever you prefer) is a kind of electric vehicle. In its configuration there is a handle with which control is carried out.

What is the difference between a gyroscooter with a stick and a segway?

Different manufacturers call two-wheeled units differently. But the main difference between a Segway and a hoverboard with a stick between the legs in weight is that the mass of the first is 5-6 times greater.

The heaviest hoverboard weighs about 13 kg, while the segway weighs 60 kg. Therefore, the latter is less popular. It is not very convenient to drag such a “friend” to the fifth floor after a walk. Well, at the price, the gyro scooter is cheaper.

Hoverboard with or without steering wheel - what to choose?

In fact, this is more a matter of taste. Teenagers and people who love outdoor activities are more focused on conventional models. Steering options are more suitable:

    those who value confident driving;

    for older people who need more convenient transportation;

    teenagers who are just starting to master a fashionable device.

To choose and buy a model, go to the website of the Eko-bike company. Here is a large selection of reliable and inexpensive products under warranty, you can sign up for a test drive.

Many neglect protection. Yes, in general, some believe that riding with knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet is the lot of suckers, but later these people end up in the hospital with serious bruises and injuries. So avoid serious injury and what if you don't want to wear body protection? A hoverboard - whole legs, arms and head, but how?

What is protection for?

You should understand that a gyro scooter is a fairly fast vehicle that can accelerate to several pedestrian speeds. Also, there is a huge number of fakes and defects on the market, and you definitely cannot know which gyro scooter you came across is a quality one or a bad underground one.

Many are injured in the first minutes of driving or even standing still. The fact is that at the beginning it is very difficult for many people to catch exactly the balance of the gyro scooter itself. But this does not mean that a gyro scooter is something dangerous - no. She is as dangerous as a bicycle, roller skates or skateboard.

Many fools neglect protection and then suffer very, very much because of this. The fact is that even the smallest blows to the kneecap lead to complications. The kneecap is the most difficult joint in the body and therefore even if you feel normal after the impact, it does not mean that everything is in order. In fact, the micro injuries that the knee received may not heal correctly and later it will crawl out in pain that cannot be cured in any way.

You probably know that many athletes, by a more mature age, begin to suffer from serious diseases associated with the bones and back. But here it is understandable that people have devoted themselves all their lives to sports, but you can get exactly the same if you fall and hit the right places.

The worst thing that can be injured is the head, since even a micro-concussion can have serious consequences. You can also knock out your teeth or break your nose, which will require surgery later. It is clear that the chance to hurt yourself like this is equal to the chance to stumble and fall on the spot, but it still exists.

How to avoid injury

You will not be able to completely avoid falls and even minor injuries, but here are a couple of rules to help you keep your health, as well as your gyro board. If you just want to learn how to ride and have just bought a gyro scooter, then be sure to find a perfectly flat road and more space. Also, be sure to charge the gyro scooter to its fullest and find such a person who will help and support you in your first endeavors.

Gyro scooter - legs, arms and head must be protected, at least during the first rides. Later, if you feel confident in yourself, then you can already remove the protection, but you are doing us your own risk. If you have a child, then do not remove the protection from him at all throughout the ride.

Be sure to choose a good road, with good asphalt, no holes or large cracks, and try to drive away from the roadway. When leaving the yard, be careful, as the vehicle leaving or entering may not notice your vehicle.

We kindly ask you not to ride in alcohol or any other intoxication, otherwise you risk getting more serious injuries. Avoid riding in the dark, where there is no good lighting and where you know the road well.

Also, be sure, if you have not bought a gyro scooter yet, then take it only in trusted stores that have been working for a long time and which have all the available documentation for each model. Often the reason for the fall is a poor quality and defective hoverboard.

When deciding to buy a gyro scooter, first of all decide on the budget. The most economical models cost in the range of 20-25 thousand rubles - these are simple gyrocycles without additional options and unnecessary bells and whistles. Smart Balance will be a good choice in this price category: load up to 100 kg, power reserve of 12 kilometers, age limit from 6 years old - an excellent family option.

Models of the middle price segment will cost you 26-30 thousand, they have a larger power reserve (on average 20 kilometers), and better depreciation. Gyroboards of American brands are leading in this category.

The price for the top versions ranges from 30-33 thousand, these are the best models that you can buy today. High-speed gyroscopes with large wheels are suitable for the city and for stunts, they are great at dealing with pits and potholes in the roads. Ideal if you are sure that the gyroboard is definitely yours!

Do you still have questions about hoverboards? Our managers are always ready to help you choose the two-wheeled vehicle of your dreams.

Mini-segway is a modern transport that is gradually replacing bicycles, ordinary segways and skateboards from the market for personal vehicles. No wonder: the hoverboard is ideal for moving around busy Moscow streets, without traffic jams and unnecessary waiting, without wasting time looking for parking.

Giroboards in Moscow are becoming the optimal last mile transport: mobile, maneuverable and very compact, they are ideal for getting to the metro or garage without going through traffic jams.

Do you want to buy an inexpensive gyro scooter in Moscow, but don't know where? Check out the suitable model in our catalog!

The development of individual transport is proceeding by leaps and bounds. Segways have recently appeared on the market, and today there are already cooler options for personal transport! For example, a hoverboard: a platform on 2 wheels!

Why is a hoverboard better than a segway?

Segway without a rudder is good for everyone: comfortable, fast, safe. It has only one major drawback: size. Long and tall steering wheel, big wheels - alas, but this futuristic machine needs parking. And what if it is not there? The manufacturers found the answer to this question: they simply took and removed the steering wheel from it, making it compact and maneuverable. This is how a mini segway appeared on the market: an electrical device.

It is great for commuting from home or work to the subway, for walking in parks, quickly moving around shopping malls or supermarkets ... In fact, it is a complete vehicle for areas where we usually walk. On a gyro board you can get from the house to the garage, and there you just throw it into the trunk and go about your business. Compact size and excellent handling - this combination is the main trump card of gyroscopes.

How to use a gyro board?

The control of the gyroboard is intuitive: in which direction you lean, you will go there. Gyroscopes prevent the platform from losing balance, you will get used to a new vehicle in just 10-15 minutes. The optimal speed for movement will be 10-12 km / h, but if you wish, you can accelerate to 20 (on some models, the speed threshold is even higher!).

One charge is usually enough to cover 30-40 km - quite enough for both riding and business trips. If you like long walks, there are models with increased battery capacity.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!

To choose the best gyro scooter for yourself or your child, you need to look at reviews of popular models, compare the characteristics declared by manufacturers: this will help you decide what inch the transport wheels should be for people of different ages and weight categories. Check out what this self-balancing electric scooter is, what models exist for adults and children, how they differ from each other.

What is a gyro scooter

A gyro scooter is a vehicle with a built-in processor and vibrating gyroscope. It is a horizontal platform equipped with two wheels on the sides, which moves freely in any direction thanks to the principle of dynamic balancing. The main advantage is simple and intuitive operation. They are gaining popularity rapidly - buyers appreciate their mobility, environmental friendliness, the ability to develop high speed.


When you want to choose the best gyro scooter for yourself or your child, it is important to know their differences. Gyrocycles are classified by wheel diameter, so there are 4 types:

  1. 4.5 to 5.5 inches. These are considered for children, their maximum carrying capacity is 60 kg. The models are equipped with small wheels, so the surface on which the equipment will move should be almost perfectly flat. The average weight of the devices is about 5 kg.
  2. The 6.5-inch model was the first to hit the market. The machines weighing about 12 kg are equipped with rubber wheels, the maximum user weight is 100 kg. The gyro is sensitive to the quality of the road surface - because of the hard wheels, cracks and unevenness of the asphalt break the body.
  3. From 7 to 8 "- are an" update "of 6" technology. There is only one significant difference between the models - the platform has slightly expanded, making it much more comfortable for an adult to ride. The ground clearance in such models was raised by only 1.5 cm, but the wheels remained rigid. For the first time in this model range, LED lighting and speakers appeared.
  4. 10-inch - the newest and best gyroboards. Compared to previous 8-inch models, these have increased wheels, making the ride more comfortable, the ground clearance has increased to 6 cm, which allows you to ride even on non-asphalt surfaces, the maximum load has increased to 120 kg.


When choosing, you must first find out which companies produce the best gyro scooters. For example, in China, there are many factories producing substandard goods using poor materials. Most online stores sell this kind of equipment cheaply, but it is better to refuse to purchase. It is worth choosing products from well-known patented companies, for example:

  1. Airwheel is a company that makes the best gyroscopes, segways, scooters, mono-wheels and off-road gyrocycles.
  2. Hoverbot is one of the most renowned companies producing electric scooters, scooters and small gyro scooters in the middle price category.
  3. WMotion is a Chinese company engaged in the production of budget, but reliable and high quality models.
  4. Ecodrift is a company that makes the best transport: large, reliable and powerful hoverboards.
  5. Razor is a company that produces the best and highest quality gyroboards.
  6. Smart is one of the most popular brands in Russia. The company was the first to produce children's cars with a wheel diameter of 4.5 inches.

Gyro scooter models

There is a wide range of gyroboards on the market today. Every buyer should know how to choose the right hoverboard. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main technical characteristics - electric motor power, battery capacity, range and travel speed. The main difference between the models is the size of the wheels, which determines the cross-country ability of the equipment, the speed of movement and the carrying capacity. Consider the best options for gyro scooters on the Russian market.

10 inch

These are the best models on the market. These SUVs have soft inflatable wheels, excellent shock absorption, they can be driven not only on perfectly flat asphalt, but also off-road. The speed of the devices reaches 15 km / h, the travel distance is about 20 km. However, a new model of a gyro scooter from the well-known company Xiaomi has appeared on the market. The test drive of the equipment showed that this model can accelerate to 25 km / h, while it has its own interesting "chips".

  • Xiaomi Ninebot Mini 10 ”.
  • Cost: 19990-44990 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum load capacity 85 kg, distance 22 km, speed 20 km / h, electric motor power 700 W, wheels with a diameter of 10 inches. Charging time 4 hours, maximum lifting angle 15 degrees, dimensions 548x260 mm.
  • Pros: durable construction with inflatable wheels and reduced vibration, instead of a long handle, manufacturers have made a small one, which needs to be clamped between the knees. The equipment is controlled using the application, an alarm function is provided.
  • Cons: expensive.

Considering gyroboards with large wheels, it is worth highlighting the powerful and reliable device from Wmotion:

  • Wmotion WM 8.
  • Cost: 9850-27900 rubles.
  • Features: 25 km without recharging, battery capacity 4.4 Ah, engine power 700 W, maximum speed 12 km / h, load 100 kg, wheel diameter 254 mm, charging time 1.5 h, weight 13.5 kg.
  • Pros: a solid case, on which you can move on grass, gravel, snow, uphill, the device can rise with a slope of 25 degrees.
  • Cons: heavy weight.

For those looking for the best transport for comfortable movement around the city, the next generation model from Cactus is suitable:

  • Cactus MoveOn SUVM 10 ".
  • Cost: 14331-18580 rubles.
  • Characteristics: body material - plastic, wheel diameter 254 mm, battery capacity 5.8 Ah, charging time 3 hours, minimum age 7 years, mileage 20 km, load 100 kg, speed 10 km / h, device weight 15 kg, LED backlight ...
  • Pros: different body colors (black, white), increased cross-country ability, convenient control, the model is equipped with a Bluetooth module and speakers.
  • Cons: heavy weight.

8 inch

The machine with 8-inch wheels is a very compact and lightweight device that is used for everyday transportation. It does not take up much space, weighs a little, so if necessary, you can carry it with you in a case or backpack. The disadvantages of this technique are hard wheels, because of which they shake while driving on uneven asphalt. If you are going to ride on a flat surface, pay attention to the original multi-colored Crossway models:

  • Crossway X 8 ”.
  • Price: 24990-38490 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maximum speed 20 km / h, power reserve 20 km, dimensions 570x180x180 mm, weight 12 kg, engine power 350 W, maximum load 100 kg, Bluetooth sound speakers.
  • Pros: there are models of different colors on sale, the gadget has compact dimensions.
  • Cons: high price.

If you think Crossway products are overpriced, consider products from Smart Balance Wheel:

  • Transformers X 6.
  • Price: 14990-16990 rubles.
  • Characteristics: weight 12 kg, charging time 1-1.5 hours, lifting angle 15 degrees, load 120 kg, 700 W engine, speed 15 km / h, distance on a single charge 20 km, dimensions 584x186x178 mm.
  • Pros: models of different colors are on sale, long battery life - 1000 cycles, high-quality battery - Samsung Lithium battery 36 V 4.4 AH.
  • Cons: Shakes when driving on rough roads.

Those looking for a lightweight and manoeuvrable hoverboard should take a look at the popular Hoverbot model:

  • Hoverbot B-5.
  • Price: 21000-28800 rubles.
  • Characteristics: 700 W motor, load 120 kg, charging time 6 hours, distance 20 km, wheel diameter 200 mm, speed 12 km / h, weight 10.5 kg.
  • Pros: built-in speakers play music from a smartphone via a Bluetooth connection, chic design of the device, bright body.
  • Cons: High cost, shaking when driving on uneven roads.

6.5 inch

Models with small 6.5-inch wheels have many advantages, the main ones being compactness, maneuverability and low price. These types of gadgets are equipped with tubeless wheels, which makes them lightweight. Ultra-compact vehicles from Besshof are popular among young people:

  • Besshof AJ-PY 6-1.
  • Price: 8999-19918 rubles.
  • Characteristics: speed 10 km / h, load 100 kg, distance 15 km, battery power 500 W, charging time 2-3 hours, weight 10.2 kg, dimensions 58x18 cm.
  • Pros: durable plastic case, convenient control, headlights are provided.
  • Cons: charge time.

Some of the best premium quality gyro scooters are also produced by SpeedRoll:

  • SpeedRoll 01 APP Premium Smart.
  • Price: 10120-12985 rubles.
  • Features: maximum load 120 kg, distance 20 km, speed 18 km / h, charging time 2 hours, 700 W motor, battery capacity 4.4 Ah.
  • Pros: Comes with a carrying case, built-in speakers that play music from a smartphone via Bluetooth connection, the model is presented in different colors.
  • Cons: low ground clearance.

If you are looking for the best child transport, consider the lightest model from Ecodrift:

  • Ecodrift Umka.
  • Price: 11,490 rubles.
  • Features: speed 8 km / h, 300 W engine, device weight 4.5 kg, distance 12 km, charging time 1.5 h, dimensions 69x28 cm, maximum user weight 65 kg.
  • Pros: high-quality body material, ease of operation, not too high speed, which increases safety for children, presented in different colors.
  • Cons: instruction in English.

Which gyro scooter to choose

To choose which gyro scooter to buy, you need to first understand what exactly you want. There are a huge number of types of gyroscopes, scooters and segways, and each type of electronic vehicle has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. Before buying, decide which member of your family will use the machine, then consider the rating models, paying particular attention to their speed, power and size.

For adults

One of the most important criteria for choosing a transport for an adult is the diameter of the wheels, because the driving speed of an electric vehicle and its cross-country ability depend on it. Models with large and medium wheels are considered the best and most comfortable for adults. If you expect to ride on uneven surfaces, opt for the 10-inch. However, the middle wheels also have a reinforced tread for better grip.

For a child

First of all, children's electric vehicles should have 5-inch wheels - this is the best choice, because this technique is convenient and safe. Weight is also important when choosing a gyro scooter for a child - on average, the technique should not exceed 5 kg so that the baby can carry it himself. When choosing, pay attention to the battery power - it should be minimal: then the child can accelerate smoothly and drive at a safe speed.

The fastest

The electronic two-wheeled scooter has many advantages, from light weight to easy handling. However, those who like to ride the streets with a breeze are looking for models that are able to drive as fast as possible. Segway aside, the Electroboard Lambo XXL (8-inch) is the fastest hoverboard in existence at the moment. The maximum speed of the device is 25 km / h.


Before buying, you need to know the engine power. Acceleration time and transport speed depend on this parameter. For example, the power of children's models is 150 watts, but models for adults have from 500 to 700 watts - the best indicator for a comfortable ride. In Russia, a powerful gyro scooter with a 1000 Watt engine is popular - Eltreco Contemp - a device capable of traveling up to 25 km on a single charge and accelerating to 16 km / h.

Giroskuter mini

If you value high-quality technology and you don't care how much it costs, opt for the Xiaomi Ninebot mini - this is the best mini segway in existence. It has a low steering column (up to the knees), with which it is easily controlled. It strikes with its interesting shape and characteristics: a powerful engine, there is an adjustment of the speed of movement, you can change the colors of the backlight, adjust all sensors, hygroscopic sensors, and the speed of turns.

How to choose a gyro scooter

Choosing a gyro scooter is a responsible business, requiring at least minimal knowledge from the user about what this technique is. For example, many people, out of ignorance, even think that a gyro scooter is a hoverboard, although this is not at all the case. So, after analyzing the rating of gyro scooters and deciding to buy the best one, remember the simple rules:

  1. Decide which gyro scooter is best for you - economical, powerful, comfortable, with large wheels, medium or small. After that, decide whether the model should be “twisted” or simple and neat.
  2. Pay special attention to the materials - they will tell a lot about the reliability of the device. The body must be strong, without a large number of parts (1-2 parts for the handle and body are acceptable), and the wheels must be made of high-quality rubber - the absence of a pattern of protectors in the form of "corners" indicates a low quality of the material.
  3. Turn on the equipment, see if the engines are working. Examine the wheel balance so that no cracking or other abnormal sounds are heard when the tires rotate.
  4. Find out what is the power of the motor and the capacity of the battery. It depends on how much you drive and at what speed. The optimal value is 500-600 W.
