How to use an electronic signature from a flash drive. What is an electronic signature - in simple language for newcomers to the world of the digital economy How to open an EDS key from a flash drive

Electronic digital signatures (EDS) have long and firmly entered into use both in government agencies and in private companies. The technology is implemented through security certificates, both general for the organization and personal. The latter are most often stored on flash drives, which imposes some restrictions. Today we will tell you how to install such certificates from a flash drive to your computer.

Despite its reliability, flash drives can also fail. In addition, it is not always convenient to insert and remove a drive for work, especially for a short time. The certificate from the key media can be installed on the production machine to avoid these problems.

The procedure depends on the version of CryptoPro CSP that is used on your machine: for the latest versions, Method 1 is suitable, for older versions - Method 2. The latter, by the way, is more universal.

Method 1: Installation in automatic mode

The latest versions of CryptoPro DSP have a useful feature to automatically install a personal certificate from an external medium to a hard drive. To use it, do the following.

  1. The first step is to launch CryptoPro CSP. Open the menu "Start", in it go to "Control Panel".

    Left-click on the marked item.
  2. The working window of the program will start. Open up "Service" and select the option to view certificates marked in the screenshot below.
  3. Click on the browse button.

    The program will prompt you to select the location of the container, in our case a flash drive.

    Select the one you want and click "Further"..
  4. A preview of the certificate will open. We need its properties - click on the desired button.

    In the next window, click on the button to install the certificate.
  5. The Certificate Import Utility will open. Press to continue "Further".

    You have to choose a repository. In the latest versions of CryptoPro, it is better to leave the default settings.

    Quit the utility by clicking "Done".
  6. A successful import message will appear. Close it by clicking "OK".

    The problem has been solved.

This method is the most common today, but in some versions of certificates it is impossible to use it.

Method 2: Manual installation method

Outdated versions of CryptoPro only support manual installation of a personal certificate. In addition, in some cases, the latest software versions can take such a file into operation through the import utility built into the CryptoPro.

  1. First of all, make sure that there is a certificate file in CER format on the USB flash drive that is used as a key.
  2. Open CryptoPro CSP in the way described in Method 1, but this time choosing to install certificates ..
  3. Will open Personal Certificate Installation Wizard... Proceed to select the location of the CER file.

    Select your USB flash drive and the folder with the certificate (as a rule, such documents are located in the directory with the generated encryption keys).

    After confirming that the file is recognized, press "Further".
  4. In the next step, review the properties of the certificate to make sure you are correct. After checking, press "Further".
  5. Further actions - specifying the container for the key of your CER file. Click on the corresponding button.

    In the pop-up window, select the location of the desired one.

    Back in the import utility, click again "Further".
  6. Next, you need to select the storage for the imported EDS file. Click "Overview".

    Since we have a personal certificate, we need to mark the corresponding folder.

    Attention: if you use this method on the newest CryptoPro, then do not forget to check the box "Install the certificate (certificate chain) into the container"!

  7. Exit the import utility.
  8. We are going to replace the key with a new one, so feel free to press "Yes" in the next window.

    The procedure is over, you can sign documents.
  9. This method is somewhat more complicated, but in some cases, it is only possible to install certificates.

As a summary, let us remind you: install certificates only on trusted computers!

As a rule, the digital signature is recorded on a USB-stick. However, if you need to install an EDS from a USB flash drive to a computer, that is, copy the EDS to a computer, find out in this article how to quickly and easily do this.

Copy EDS to computer

Of course, it's not always convenient to carry a USB flash drive with you. It can either become unusable, or it simply may not be at hand at the right time. In this case, a method will come to the rescue, in which we copy the EDS certificate to the computer itself, which later will make it possible to do without a USB drive.

In order to copy EDS to computerplease follow further instructions:

Insert the USB-drive with EDS into the computer and run the program CryptoPro CSP, go to the tab Service and press Copy ....

In the window that opens, select the key container by clicking the button Overview.

In the list of key user containers that opens, select a container and click OK.

After selecting a container, its name will appear in the line Key container name... In the next window, just click Further.

In the next step, you need to specify information about the new container, for which enter Certificate name (come up with any name for the key certificate). Then press the button Done.

For a newly created container, it is possible to set a new password. If you want to set a password, enter it twice in the appropriate fields. If you do not plan to use a password, leave the fields blank and click OK.

So, we have selected an object for copying, indicated the location of the certificate. Now you need to install this certificate.

In the tab Service click View certificates in a container ...

By pressing the button Overview, in the window that opens, if you paid attention, another key container appeared. Select the newly created container and click OK.

After selecting a new container, click Further.

In the window that opens, the certificate for viewing will be indicated. Click on Install.

As a result, after the actions you have taken, a message will appear about the successful installation of the certificate. Click on OK.

Done. EDS is installed on the computer.

A copy of the EPC will be useful for:

  • guarantees of signature safety
  • usability

Some certification centers provide a service - backup.

Copying an electronic signature from a secure medium is performed using the CryptoPRO CSP program.

A copy of the EDS is made on a secure medium, such as Rutoken / Etoken. A regular USB stick will not work.

Copy from CryptoPro CSP

First of all, download and install the CryptoPRO CSP program from the licensed site. Insert the EDS carrier into the computer. Run the previously installed program. Open the section - Service → “Copy”.

In the window that appears, select Browse. Select the medium you want to copy → “Ok” → “Next”. In the line for entering the pin code, insert the pin code from your ES carrier

Give a name to the new container using Russian layout and spaces. Click → Finish.

In the line - "Insert blank key media", specify empty media. The program will prompt you to set a password. This action is optional. Click → “Ok”. It should be noted that if you lose your PIN, you will not be able to use the container. When registering an electronic signature on Rutoken, use the pin code issued by the certification center.

Upon completion of the operation, the window will close. A new container will appear on the carrier, which will be a copy of the EDS.

If you encounter problems while creating a duplicate yourself, you can contact our CA. Our managers will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us!

head of the VLSI group

When migrating electronic reporting to another computer or reinstalling encryption software, you need to copy the electronic signatures. In the step-by-step instructions, we show how to correctly copy electronic signatures using the ViPNet CSP program.

Step-by-step instructions on how to copy an EDS certificate

Step 1. Open VipNet program

Most likely you won't find a shortcut on your desktop. Follow four steps to open the program:

  1. Go to the menu "Start"
  2. Open the item "All programs"
  3. Find the folder with the name ViPNet
  4. Click on the icon with the name ViPNet CSP

The VipNet encryption program will open.

Step 2. Open the electronic signature for copying

In the left part of the window that opens, go to the tab "Containers". A list of electronic signatures that are on your computer will appear.

Select the electronic signature to copy from the list. Click the button "Copy".

Step 3. Choose a place to copy the electronic signature

The system will prompt you to select a directory where the signature will be copied. Click the button "Overview".

In the window "Browse folders" indicate the place of copying the electronic signature. Then press "OK".

Attention! The directory to which the signatures are copied should not be named infotecs or containers, if further you plan to completely remove ViPNet CSP.

Step 4. Copy the electronic signature

In some cases, the system will ask for an electronic signature password. Enter it and click "OK".

Electronic signature copied.