How to set time on iPad 4. How to set or change time and date on iPad

Articles and Life Hacks

Today, wristwatches and paper calendars have practically lost their relevance, and all because of the huge selection of digital equipment with similar functions - tablet computers and smartphones. Unfortunately, not all happy owners of Apple devices know how to set date and time on iPad... But this is no more complicated than that, and, besides, it is quite convenient, given that most modern people still prefer to check the time on an electronic device. It is also very convenient to set reminders for different days of the calendar.

Let's try to figure out how you can set the time and date on an iOS tablet computer, and also give some recommendations that you should pay attention to.

Setting time and date on iPad

The modern tablet computer has a huge responsibility. In particular, it warns its owner about upcoming important events and dates. It is therefore extremely important that the clock and day are set correctly.

So how to set date and time on iPad? To do this, press the Home button from the bottom (it has a square symbol) and go to the main menu of our device. Find the "Settings" tab in the list and open it. Next, we activate the item "General".

A menu will open where you need to find the option "Date and Time". The time zone is also set there. To change the date, click on the required field once and specify the exact values. To save the entered parameters, simply click on an empty area of \u200b\u200bthe display. The time is set in the same way. It is recommended to check it in advance on the Internet (accurate to the second).

Tips for setting time and date on iPad

If we would like to know more about other settings of our tablet computer, it is recommended to check the firmware version first. But in any case, this will not be needed.

The user is prompted to configure both 24-hour and 12-hour date formats. Please note that US residents (like many others) are accustomed to the fact that the time is displayed in 12-hour format. In this regard, residents of the CIS countries have some difficulties with the transition to winter or summer time. To avoid problems with this, when you go to the above option "Date and Time", you should find the item "Automatic" and activate it. If, over time, the user pays attention to the fact that his iPad translates the time incorrectly, this function should be disabled. To do this, move the slider to the zero position.

Now a considerable number of people have become the owners of devices running the Ayos operating system. This OS is installed on devices made by the famous American company Apple. An important role was played by the optimized software, aimed directly at potential device owners. Thus, engineers and programmers simplified it as much as possible. But even so, there are still people who do not know how to change the time on the iPad. Today we will talk about this.

In what cases do we face a similar problem?

It should be noted that the question of how to change the time on the iPad is only a special case of the situation under consideration. In other words, sooner or later, owners of absolutely all tablet computers face such a problem. Nevertheless, especially often the question of how to change the time on the iPad is asked by lovers of outdoor activities and travel. This is due primarily to the change in time zones, as well as the translation of the hands. Often, the question of how to change the time on the iPad is also asked after the operating system software fails. Actually, there is nothing super complicated in the process of changing time. However, there are certain nuances here, and you need to know about them in order to avoid incorrect results of the operation.

How to change the time on the iPad? Install correctly

A special help service is built into this tablet in case the user absolutely does not understand what and how to do to use the device. Nevertheless, it is not so difficult to establish the correct time, and using the references for this is something from the realm of fantasy. So, first you should press the button called "Home". This will take you to your desktop. From there we go to the main engineering menu. In it, you need to pay attention to the item called “Settings”.

What to do next?

Next, we need a tab, which the engineers named "General". It, in fact, contains the tools that allow you to manipulate the date, as well as with the time. To start the operation, press with a short tap on the watch. After that, a new window should open. You will notice a special menu in it. It will offer to scroll through the minutes along with the hours in order to set the indicators we need. If the date does not match the valid one, then you can change it in the same way. Actually, after the change, it remains only to save the values \u200b\u200bpreviously set by the user. To do this, you can touch the screen at any point where there is no setup menu. And to undo the changes, you can use the right key of the device.

Setting additional settings

You can always activate some additional settings to make working with the device a little more convenient. Note that this also includes changing the display format of the date and time. For example, residents of the United States of America and the European Union use the twelve-hour format. You can also activate it using a menu containing additional date and time settings. Usually this function is used by people who often travel abroad. Special icons will show the countdown: either before noon or after noon. In order not to make a mistake in the parameters, you can instruct the system to determine the time automatically. To do this, you only need to go to the corresponding item in the engineering menu of the device and activate the function. After that, you will not need to constantly worry about changing time zones.

A simple procedure such as setting the time and date on an iPad shouldn't be difficult, but some users are still confused and can't set the correct date. Therefore, in this article we will consider this issue in as much detail as possible.

Important note: there is a bug on Apple devices with 64 bit processors that allows you to turn the gadget into a brick by changing the date. This happens when the date is set to January 1, 1970. At the same time, it is impossible to restore such a device on your own; you need to contact the service center. Therefore, under no circumstances set this date.

So, in order to set or change the time and date on the iPad, you need to go to the Settings application and select the "Basic" section there.

And than go to subsection "Date and time"... This sub-section is near the end of the list with basic settings, next to the keyboard, language and region settings.

After that, you will see the date and time settings. By default, automatic time detection is enabled here. If you want to manually set or change the time that is used on the iPad, then automatic detection must be turned off.

After turning off automatic time and date detection, a line with the current date and time will appear at the bottom. To change the date and time simply click on this line and select the values \u200b\u200byou want.

You can also change the time zone in the "Date and Time" settings section. For this you need to click on the current time zone.

And in the window that appears, select another.

In order to find the required time zone, you can use the search.

The era of Hensei or 2559

In some cases, users are unable to set the correct date due to the Japanese or Buddhist calendar used on their iPad. If in the "Date and Time" section you have the "Epoch of Hensei" indicated, then this is the Japanese calendar, if it is 2559 or something like that, then it is Buddhist.

In order to fix this problem you need to open the iPad Settings and go to the section "General - Language and Region - Calendar"... Three calendars will be available in this section of settings: Gregorian, Japanese and Buddhist. For to return to normal dates just select the Gregorian calendar.

Then you can return to the "General - Date and Time" settings section and set the correct date and time there.

In the age of computer technology, fewer and fewer users wear simple wristwatches and find out the time on their electronic devices.

But even the most accurate devices sometimes need adjustment, especially when the whole country is making the transition from daylight saving time to winter time.

And then the question arises before the owner of the iPad - how to change the time on the iPad? Most modern tablets have a constantly active Internet connection and the time on the device changes automatically. If this does not happen, the owner will have to manually set the clock on his tablet.

Translation accurate to the minute

In order to transfer the watch to the iPad, you need to perform a few simple manipulations:
on the electronic device go to the "Settings" item,
we find the sub-item "Basic",
open the item "Date and time",
uncheck the box "Automatic", if it was enabled, otherwise after manual translation, the system will return the original time,
click on the heading "Time zone" and select the region and the central district.

If your region is not on the list, make a choice in favor of the closest large settlement to your city that belongs to your time zone.
At the request of the owner, you can choose the 12-hour or 24-hour format, but in our country the 24-hour format is considered generally accepted, but if you are closer to such designations as 3.25 PM and 10.00 AM, then choose the 12-hour format.

After that, in the "Time" field, manually set the hours and minutes and press the "Save" button.

It is useful for the owner of the iPad to remember the above algorithm of actions, since sometimes even the highest-quality devices can fail, which is why the built-in clock can "lag behind" or "run ahead" for a minute.

Setting the exact time will take just a couple of minutes, but will help the owner of the tablet to always remain punctual.
If on an electronic device it is necessary to correct not only the time, but also the day of the week, knowledge of how to change the date on the iPad will help to cope with this task.

Checking the iPad against the calendar

To change the date on an iPad tablet, you need to do the same as when adjusting the time.

  1. again we find the item "Settings";
  2. go to the "Basic;
  3. then look for "Date and Time";
  4. There, in the date column, type the desired day, month and year, or scroll through the full list in the tab that opens;
  5. Then we set the required day of the week and press the "Save" button.

These settings are not serious, these are only current working moments, therefore, rebooting the electronic device after the above manipulations is not required. In other words, you do not need to turn off and then turn on the tablet. After saving all the settings, iPad will once again become the most accurate and reliable electronic device.