What is a miner virus. What does the concept of mining mean and how to start doing it What are miners in games

In this article, I will tell you what miners are, and how and with the help of what mining is done, and is it realistic to make money on mining in 2017. Surely many of our readers have come across the mention of a cryptocurrency (digital counting unit) called "bitcoin". The mining of this currency has long outgrown the level of ordinary enthusiasts, has become a professional basis, and now many specialized structures around the world are engaged in the mining of bitcoins. At the same time, the process of mining cryptocurrency is closely related to the terms "miners" and "mining".

What is mining and who are miners

What is a Miner? Translated from English, the word "mining" means "mining", and, in fact, this is exactly what this process is figuratively. The mining process consists in earning bitcoins (digital currency), which appears when any participant in the mining process manages to correctly calculate the unique checksum (hash sum) of the block of transactions performed, corresponding to the conditions predetermined in mining.

This hash is a combination of the hash of the previous guessed block of transactions (usually completed in the last 10 minutes), the sum of the transaction checksums, and some random number. As soon as the required hash is determined, the block of transactions is closed on this, and the user receives his reward of 25 bitcoins.

Mining is calculated by "miners" - people involved in mining (also the term "miners" is often understood as the devices themselves for mining). If earlier this could be done on ordinary computers that use the resources of the central processor for mining calculations, then the further development of technologies led to the transition to the use of top-end ones that produce mining more efficiently.

The next point of evolution was the use of special ASIC devices designed exclusively for mining, and therefore the most effective of all available analogues.

"Mining farm" - a set of special devices that work only to solve mining problems

Why does digital bitcoin need miners?

Due to the implementation of the mining process and constant calculations, they are the nodes of the system, thanks to which bitcoin exists. Thanks to the miners, transactions are confirmed. It is clear that these miners, by their presence, protect the network from fake transactions and other types of digital dangers, support the decentralization of the network, and so on.

Features of mining

After I have described what mining is, and who miners are, we will also analyze a number of features of this term. One of these features is the decentralization of mining, since this process does not have any state supervisory board or other centralized body that regulates its activities. This allows Bitcoin to be considered a completely free world currency, without being tied to the arbitrariness of regulatory bodies.

Bitcoin is one of the freest currencies in the world

As I wrote above, the bitcoin prize amount for correctly guessed hash amount is 25 bitcoins (one bitcoin currently costs $ 2,578). At the same time, it is planned to gradually reduce the amount of rewards by half (in particular, there are plans to reduce the amount of remuneration to 12.5 bitcoins in the current, 2017).

Since the lower the power of your equipment, the less likely it is to receive bitcoins, many participants unite in so-called "pools" (associations of miners), providing such a pool with their computing power. Pools benefit from mining efficiency, as they allow parallelizing ongoing computations between their members. Moreover, in the case of a successful win of bitcoins, the reward is usually distributed among the participants of such a pool in proportion to the power of the equipment involved (although there are alternative reward options).

Nowadays, most of the powerful miners are located in China, where the mining process is put on an almost professional basis with the appropriate equipment and specialists (in particular, more than half of the power of the Bitcoin network is controlled by three large Chinese pools).

How profitable is mining?

If 6-8 years ago, buying a top-end video card and then using it in mining paid for itself in a few weeks.

Today, the growth in the number of mining participants and the rapid rise in the cost of the corresponding equipment dictate the need to invest an amount of about 70-100 thousand rubles (or even more), with its subsequent payback in a year and a half.

At the same time, many indirect factors must be taken into account, ranging from the cost of electricity, cooling systems, the possible failure of the system for various reasons, and other factors that may interfere with the profitability of such an investment.

If you are attracted by the amount of reward, then you can try to calculate your potential profit using a special tool called the "Bitcoin Mining Calculator". In order for you to follow the link and read the instructions.

Working view of "Bitcoin Mining Calculator"

If the miner is a virus

There are also situations when a viral miner program penetrates a random user's computer, which turns such a computer into a bitcoin mining station. Usually, in this case, the full power of the computer is used (for which the process is often responsible miner.exe in Task Manager). At the same time, the computer begins to significantly slow down, glitch, and resource-intensive applications launched by the user either work poorly or do not work at all.

In this material, I considered the question of what miners and mining are, and what are the features of this process through the prism of today. At the moment (June 2017), the process of mining by individual enthusiasts does not justify itself, since it requires significant material investments, and at the same time, having rather vague prospects in relation to costs to profitability. Nevertheless, if you are willing to take the risk and invest in this enterprise (the potential payback period is a year and a half), then it is quite possible that mining will bring you significant material profit over time. After all, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne.

The English word miner is a miner, a miner, and mining means mining. This usually applies to various natural resource developments and people doing it, but there is a digital alternative with the same name, although the essence is the same.

In fact, mining is not necessarily a malicious program, there is a whole class of money on this mining. In exactly the same way as minerals are mined, this program also works, it "extracts" money for you, taking away the resources of the video card.

Basic information about mining

There is an electronic currency network called bitcoins, and there are similar ones, but they are less well known. It has proven itself well due to its stability and anonymity. Today the price of bitcoin is steadily growing, and this is due to the non-standard method of entering the currency. It has no paper alternative, like any currency, it exists only on the Internet. It cannot be simply invested from the real world, but gradually the amount increases due to the extraction.

The algorithm for increasing the number of bitcoins is approximately the following: a task is automatically created, and it consists of a huge number of blocks. One of them contains a key, when someone finds it, they receive a certain number of bitcoins. Usually, whole networks of miners work on the task, spending their resources on processing the task, basically the power of the video card is needed.

Initially, to work on the network, an ordinary home computer was enough and at the same time they received solid rewards (at that time the price was not high) in bitcoins. As the business developed, the number of miners began to increase and the task became more complicated. Now, when using mining on your home PC, you can hardly pay for your electricity bills. There are special computers ASIC, which are created for this purpose, the consumption is significantly lower and the power is higher.

See also: How to make money on a video card?

Finding a cloud mining farm is easy, there are a lot of them on the Internet. There are people who create their own farms, but investments are needed, while others simply attract third parties, in this case you take part of the income for yourself.

The problem begins when you did not know anything about this type of earnings, but stumbled upon a miner virus that, without your knowledge, takes system resources and brings income to its creator. Another difficulty is when the computer lags, but you consciously want to make money and have installed the program with your own hands, then you need to configure the miner.

Such a virus enters your computer along with other software that you downloaded, so you are not aware of its existence in your system, but there are sure ways to determine that it is a miner.

Miner virus, how to determine?

Perhaps you are faced with such an unpleasant problem, which is expressed in the form of a miner virus. We will discuss how to find, identify and remove it later.

So how do you find a miner? - the very first and most important question to know for sure in which direction to move. The following problems usually indicate the presence of a miner:

  • Your computer lags when using even weak games, despite the fact that the power is more than enough;
  • At rest, the PC uses 50-100% of the resources of your video card. To check, you can use the GPU-Z program, which will show the occupied resources of your video card;

  • Increased noise from the cooler on the video adapter even without load.

If you have a miner on your computer, then you will not experience just one problem, but all at the same time, since individually they may indicate other failures. Additionally, open the "Task Manager" by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del and in the processes tab make sure that there are no items named mining or bitcoin, although they are often encrypted under other system processes. Usually, such an element loads the system heavily and is easy to identify, just make sure that this is not a system file, it must be run as a user.

See also: How to check your computer for viruses?

Ways to fight the virus

After identifying the process and its true purpose, we need to learn how to find the miner and disarm it. Now you need to go to the corresponding menu and find the specified program:

  • Click Start and select "Control Panel";
  • Click on the "Programs and Features" tile;

  • Find the element with the same name, select it and click on the "Delete" button.

If this method does not work, you will be helped by another option to remove the miner. It is relevant if there is simply no required item in the menu, that is, the program is hidden from the system. You will need:

  • Find the required process in the same "Task Manager";

  • Right-click and select "Open file storage location";
  • Now leave the folder open and in the same menu select “End process tree”, there may be several such items, do for each;
  • Delete the virus itself and related files.
See also: How to create a YouTube channel and make money on it?

We also advise you to use antivirus software to determine the source of the problem and patch this security hole. By principle, many antivirus software does not identify the miner as a problem, but you can use Dr. Web CureIt or SpyHunter.

So, the miner itself is not dangerous, but when it is installed without your knowledge and spends your resources for the enrichment of another, then you clearly need to get rid of such a program and it can be called a virus. Alas, as with any other type of earnings, we can face unfair methods of increasing profits.

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The ability to make money on the Internet is no longer a myth, but a reality. So miners, striving to earn more and more units of cryptocurrency, bitcoins, are using all new digital technologies and equipment. Who are miners and is it possible to "get rich" in the virtual space - in this article.

Miners - who are they?

The word itself is of English origin and is translated as "miner". A person with this profession extracts minerals, and cryptocurrency miners mine digital gold - bitcoin, depicted in the form of coins. Often, the term "miner" is also used for the computing device itself, which is trying to earn virtual money for its owner. Bitcoin is a technology whose work on the creation of new blocks is supported by all interested "miners" by calculating the cryptographic signature of the block.

It uses the SHA256 hashing algorithm common on the network. To get a reward on this distributed platform, you need to shovel a bunch of "waste", that is, hashes that do not fit the block, and spend a lot of money investing in equipment, room cooling and electricity. The higher the computing power of your equipment in relation to the power of the entire network, the higher the probability of receiving an award.

Who are video card miners?

At the dawn of bitcoin development, miners are a squad of enthusiasts who used the processes of ordinary home computers to work. After 2 years - in 2011, a program for GPU mining appeared. This is why miners buy video cards - they have hundreds of shader processes, each of which is capable of calculating hashes separately. Several video cards began to be installed on one computer, and then whole "farms" appeared. The so-called pools provided greater uniformity and predictability in receiving bitcoins.

By providing the pool with its computing power, the miner can count on the maximum parallelization of computations and search for his own solution without consistency with the solutions of others. Two years later, FPGA modules appeared, and then specialized ASIC chips, which still provide the hash-racer race. Most of today's large pools are located in the PRC.

How do miners earn?

In the early years of mining, taking into account the cost of spare parts and electricity, it was possible to earn the salary of an ordinary office manager. The trouble is that at the moment Bitcoin profitability is falling in proportion to the increase in computational complexity. For those who are interested in what miners calculate, it is worth answering that the same hashes, but this already requires huge areas with a large number of computing devices, cheap electricity and good cooling systems.

The various home-made devices offered by amateurs are unlikely to be able to compete with such mining giants, in addition, the profitability of this enterprise has long been tending to zero and depends on the slightest fluctuations in the rate and complexity. If you get involved in the so-called "cloud" mining and rent computing power in the data center of the service operator, then you can even "be left without pants", since in reality they often turn out to be financial pyramids.

How much do miners earn?

If it is not yet completely clear who the miners are, it is worth noting that their malicious activity can be easily detected by strong heating and noise during operation and even computer idle time, “freezing” of games and programs. Most of the miner programs get into the computer as part of some kind of virus and, after being installed, start making money for their owner. Those who are interested in what miners are paid for can answer that not only for solving the cryptographic signature of the block, but also for using the power of the infected system and stolen Internet traffic.

Who pays the miners?

Each member of the network receives its reward in Bitcoin, but every four years this amount is halved. In 2009, bitcoin miners received 50 BTC for each solved block, and in 2013 the reward was only 25 BTC. Sergio Lerner, who analyzed the first blocks of the transaction, claims that from 2009 to 2010, only one person was engaged in mining, earning about a million bitcoins, but never spending them.

How to become a miner?

Today, the question of who are cryptocurrency miners and how to become a Bitcoin miner is no longer relevant. Ordinary users simply do not have such capacities. However, alternative options are becoming widespread - optronics, quantum computing and superconductivity. Cryptocurrency can be obtained for using space on a hard drive or other medium. On such a decentralized storage, you can inexpensively distribute hosting sites or large arrays of images, audio, photo and video data.

Making money by mining cryptocurrencies is becoming a popular topic. People who are called miners... The very first of them appeared simultaneously with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 and the generation of the first block in the blockchain. Users who have little interest in cryptocurrency will immediately have a reasonable interest - who are the miners? What are they doing? The questions, of course, are relevant and interesting, therefore, we will consider in detail the analyzed answers to them.

Every year, the cryptocurrency market is growing, gaining popularity, and virtual currencies are actively being introduced into various financial and economic sectors. Now there are few people who have not heard about cryptocurrencies, the rapid enrichment of digital coin holders, blockchain technology and other points from this area. Any user is initially attracted by electronic currency as a means of enrichment.

There are many ways to achieve financial well-being through cryptographic currencies - investing, mining, developing your own altcoin, etc. Among these methods, mining stands out in a special way, which involves the extraction of cryptocoins for their further sale, exchange or use as a means of payment. This activity is carried out by miners.

All existing virtual currencies represent a polysyllabic cryptographic code or, in other words, a hash code. To form it, you need to use a special mathematical algorithm that can work on high-performance computing equipment. As a result, a new crypto coin is formed. This is the simplest description of the process of the emergence of new coins of any cryptocurrency.

Users who generate such codes on special equipment, called miners... In principle, everyone who is familiar with the Internet can start receiving digital money, at least superficially versed in computer technology and capable of starting the process of performing the necessary tasks.

More or less serious mining requires a lot of investment, since powerful computing equipment is expensive. In addition, there will be impressive costs for consumed electricity. Another point that complicates the modern mining of electronic coins is the gradual complication of mining with an increase in the number of coins of a certain. This is an algorithm programmed in the source code that prevents the rapid emission of the entire amount of digital money. Otherwise, an avalanche-like depreciation of this virtual currency will begin.

The fall in value is due to the loss of interest of investors and miners in a cryptographic asset due to the inexpediency of its production, a decrease in demand for such coins and their reaching a value peak, which will certainly be followed by a rapid price collapse.

Important! Despite a number of specific differences in different cryptocurrencies, in general, this process is characterized by some general patterns:

  • The number of crypto coins is initially limited.
  • With an increase in the volume of virtual currency in circulation, its production becomes difficult.
  • As the value of coins rises, the difficulty of mining them also increases due to increased competition among miners!

What is the essence of mining

The process of extracting cryptocurrency (mining) has a relatively simple meaning. The blockchain of virtual currency is constantly growing and new blocks are needed for this chain to accommodate new pieces of information. So the computing power of a PC or nodes of a large mining farm, processing a special algorithm, generate free blocks for the cryptocurrency blockchain. For these actions, the miner receives the earned reward. Thanks to this procedure, digital money exists.

The main elements of the device (or farm) that forms the blocks are:

  • Motherboard with central processing unit.
  • Power Supply.
  • Graphics card with GPU.

It is clear that a monitor, keyboard and other parts of the system are still required so that the miner can install and run the necessary software, make settings, periodically monitor the process, etc.

On large farms, as a rule, sections of video cards are used, connected to separate computers (control devices). They can work either autonomously, so to speak, in separate modules, but more often they combine them into a single complex. It turns out the most powerful computing unit.

Special groups of programmers control the clarity of the work of all modules and, if necessary, correct or optimize something in the system.

Cloud mining and pools

Another type of mining is pooling miners. People in different places organize a special community. All PCs are combined into a system to get more total power. Then coins are mined, and at the end of a week or a month of work (this is negotiated by community members), all crypto money is distributed among the group members. Each receives a proportional share of the computing power provided.

Why are miners needed

It is thanks to the miners that exist in any country that cryptocurrencies can exist and perform their functions. Coin miners maintain the reliability and integrity of the virtual structure by doing the following:

  • Supports decentralization of virtual currencies.
  • Protect the network from introducing erroneous data.
  • Generates blocks for the blockchain.
  • Protect the system from attacks.
  • Confirm the correctness of transactions.


All miners for cryptocurrency systems are the defining link. They implement the main idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual money - decentralization. Due to the absence of a single regulatory node, attackers are deprived of the chance to break into a complex structure.

Miners contribute to the emergence of new cryptocoins, receiving a good reward for this. As a result, the needs and requirements of all participants in the system are satisfied.

If you are interested in cryptocurrency mining and you wanted to understand the topic for a long time, but due to the volume and complexity of the question, you have been postponing all the time, today you have a great opportunity. The article contains basic information on cryptocurrencies for dummies. It is easily described what bitcoin, mining, blockchain and other incomprehensible words are. Why do miners buy video cards, what are mining farms, why do we need cloud mining and is it really possible to make money on it. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Let's start with the basics.

What is cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a type of virtual currency created and controlled by cryptographic methods. It is not controlled by any state authorities and is not confirmed by anyone's power and authority. But due to the fact that it is based on cryptography, you can safely carry out operations with it.

All that affects its cost is demand. You can use it like ordinary money: exchange it for other types of currencies or even pay for some goods and services. Where does it come from? There are the following methods of mining cryptocurrency:

  • Creature;
  • Purchase.

Creation will cost less than buying, but longer in time. The process of creating cryptocurrency is called mining. Mining consists in generating new blocks of information according to the algorithms established by the system and receiving rewards for this in the form of cryptocurrency units.

It all started in 2009 when bitcoin appeared. After bitcoin gained popularity, analogues appeared. Alternative cryptocurrencies that work on the same principle, but with different mathematical algorithms: Etherium, Ripple, Litecoin, etc. They are called that - altcoins.

What is cryptocurrency mining and how it works

Let's figure out what it means to mine. In simple terms, as soon as a person installs mining software on his computer and starts a wallet, he becomes a member of the network - a miner.

Software is needed to connect to the system and start mining cryptocurrency, and a wallet is needed for transactions. The wallet will manage your balance and the keys required to sign transactions using an electronic digital signature. The important thing is that the wallet does not contain any real owner data.

The principle of cryptocurrency mining is in the absence of some kind of central control, all transactions of the network are written into the blockchain, a copy of which each participant of the network has. Blockchain is a diary where every N minutes all changes in the system are recorded. Why in N minutes? So that the participants have time to exchange information about all the movements of funds made.

Let's consider how the mining of cryptocurrency, that is, mining, takes place in detail. All network participants are equal and do the same thing: solve mathematical problems issued by the system. One problem has many solutions, the computer will do calculations and iterate over them until it finds one that suits the requirements of the system. For example, a block whose hash has many leading zeros. When this happens, the participant who found this solution forms a new block.

The block contains the solution to the problem and information about all transactions that have occurred in the system in the last N minutes. It is attached to the end of the blockchain, and the blockchain is distributed to all other network participants.

The scheme of forming transactions and blocks on the example of the Bitcoin blockchain.

The point of mining is in distribution. None of the participants will be able to rewrite the transaction history and forge the blockchain. To make one block that meets all the requirements, it takes N minutes of work for all miners. So calculate how long it will take for one miner to generate all the blocks.

In addition, in order for the block added to the blockchain to be considered legal, it is necessary to obtain confirmation from other network participants, which consists in verifying the block key. For different cryptocurrency systems, the number of confirmations is different, for bitcoin, for example, you need to receive 120 confirmations.

What you need for mining

How is cryptocurrency mined? The mining takes place using a computer, a mining program and a wallet (can be located on the exchange), where coins will be accumulated. You have a computer, you can download a mining program, choose a wallet carefully so as not to run into scammers. If your funds are stolen from you, you cannot return them.

In theory, everything is easy. In practice, how to mine cryptocurrency will depend on which one you choose. The fact is that the system adjusts the complexity of tasks depending on the number of participants. If we explain this in simple terms, when there are too many miners, tasks will be solved too quickly, so the system will automatically increase their complexity.

The very first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin. Now it is the most popular, and the number of miners has increased dramatically. Bitcoin always gives such tasks that miners mine 6 blocks per hour, 1 block every 10 minutes. Accordingly, the complexity of the tasks in the bitcoin system is so great that the processor of an ordinary computer alone cannot cope with them, and you cannot earn anything.

Something like this now looks like Bitcoin mining farms, it is obvious that the power of a home computer is not even close to be compared with them.

Now, to start making money on popular cryptocurrencies, other methods are needed. We'll have to invest heavily in powerful hardware. At a minimum, purchase several video cards. Let's consider the technical issues in more detail.

How mining works

It's time to tell you how mining is organized in technically simple words. The complexity of the tasks grew gradually. At first, it was possible to mine on one personal computer. Then they began to mine on video cards, since they are better suited for such calculations. But the complexity grew in proportion to the popularity of the system, and soon a computer with multiple graphics cards was no longer able to cope.

Then there were farms with tens and hundreds of video cards. The larger and more powerful the farm, the more it can get, and the more profitable it is to maintain it. But the costs of its maintenance are high, the cost of electricity can reach several tens of thousands of dollars per month. The most advanced farms in Singapore, China and Iceland are usually located underground to save on cooling costs.

Later, special mining equipment appeared - ASIC. These are microcircuits designed for a specific task. Their power is much higher than that of a conventional computer, although the cost is much higher.

ASIC is specifically designed for a specific hashing algorithm and is of little use for other tasks

What is better to mine

The creators of altcoins strive to maximize the availability of mining their currencies, because accessibility leads to popularity, and popularity leads to demand for the currency and its rise in price. The mining process should be designed so that everyone can replenish the network with their own computer and make a profit. But which cryptocurrency should you choose for mining?

The answer to this question is simple: it is better to mine what will give you big profits. The profit will be the difference between the value of the coins earned and the cost of equipment, electricity, Internet, etc. When choosing a cryptocurrency for mining, you should consider:

  • Cryptocurrency rate - how much real money you can get from selling it;
  • The number of miners in the network, which affects the complexity of the tasks;
  • Computational complexity - how much equipment and how much power you need.

It will be difficult for a beginner to navigate, calculations can be carried out on a special calculator site. For example, at whattomine.com.

Mining types

You can mine in different ways. There are the following types of loot:

  • Solo mining;
  • Mining in pools.

In solo mining, they use their equipment, taking all the profits for themselves. This method is effective in the early stages of crypto development, as it was with bitcoin. Later, the capacity of one machine was not enough to produce a new block, and miners began to unite in pools to add up their computing power. In this case, the profit is divided among all pool members in proportion to their shares.

Not so long ago, a new type of mining appeared - cloud mining.
The miner buys or leases equipment that will be located outside of his home. Service is usually outsourced to special services.

Pros of cloud mining:

  • There is no need to assemble and configure equipment, especially if you do not understand it;
  • Achieving high power that you cannot get at home;
  • The ability to mine multiple cryptocurrencies at once.

The disadvantages of mining in such services are the fees charged, the risks of fraud and hacker attacks. It is also alarming that, logically, having equipment, it is more profitable for services to mine themselves, but instead they give the cryptocurrency to others and promise a reward for attracting new customers. Be careful with cloud mining.


The pools divide the block rewards among the participants, according to the initially agreed conditions.

Modern realities are such that it is possible to mine the popular cryptocurrency alone only with expensive powerful equipment. Now it is quite profitable to mine in pools, 99% of miners work like that.

A pool (from the English "pool") is a server that distributes the computational task between all participants connected to it. All miners calculate it. As soon as one of them finds a solution, a block is formed, and the reward is divided among all participants equally, or in proportion to the effort expended. What to look for when choosing a pool:

  • View the characteristics of the video card to find out how much the miner can expect to earn. If the video card is built-in or old, the earnings will be small.
  • Server age. There are few participants on young pools, so you will hardly be able to make money, because the strength of the pool is in the amount of computing power.
  • Profit distribution procedure. Most pools divide the cryptocurrency that they get in proportion to the tasks being solved, and not equally, although this is also the case.
  • Availability of affiliate programs, the possibility of passive income from attracting new members.
  • Profit withdrawal. In what currencies and what is the commission charged.

Who pays for mining

Mining is the process of finding the right solution to a mathematical problem generated by a system. But who will pay for it? Where does the money come from? The system participants agreed that the new block in the Blockchain is written by the one who finds the solution to the problem the fastest. And since he forms a new block, at the same time he writes a transaction to the block that he has been credited with cryptocurrency. It is called the "creation transaction". Thus, the miner is rewarded for being the first.

Government and mining

The attitude of the state towards mining is ambiguous. In the case of electronic money, you can always find all the participants in the transaction. Cryptocurrencies are anonymous. This means that they provide great opportunities for money laundering, drug trafficking, sponsoring terrorism and the circulation of illegal goods and services within the country. In addition, cryptocurrencies are disadvantageous to the state from a financial point of view: taxes are not paid on profits, banks do not receive a commission for transactions. Here the state has two ways:

  • Prohibit and impose penalties for the use of cryptocurrencies;
  • Take control of everything.

The first reaction of states to cryptocurrency was negative. Governments have warned that the circulation of cryptocurrency is not controlled by anyone, and in the event of fraud, citizens are not protected in any way. In China, trading on the BTCChina cryptocurrency exchange was completely banned.

Mining news informs that other countries are still considering the possibility of legalizing cryptocurrencies. The Russian government has repeatedly spoken out that it will lead and regulate mining in Russia. State cryptocurrencies are also expected to appear on the market.

The opinions of experts about mining are divided. Someone says that cryptocurrencies are the currencies of the future that will replace money, while others think that this is a bubble that will burst sooner or later. Like any business, mining has its pros and cons.

The advantages are that despite short-term drops, they still increase their value over time, which we can see in the example of bitcoin. The disadvantages are that cryptocurrencies are very unstable, they can periodically drop in price, and the mining process itself is dangerous for the equipment, because it wears it out.

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