What to do if the connection timed out. Google Play: "Connection timed out" - troubleshooting

Quite often, when you try to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1
The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights in the PRO version of the application are not required, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2
You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a problem with the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (new models may have an incomplete firmware and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative, earlier and guaranteed workable).

Option 3
In file / etc / hosts there may be extra addresses. There should only be one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the work of Google Play. To clean the / etc / hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

Option 4
The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also the rest of Google services - the certificate is not valid yet. The solution is elementary - set the correct date.
Option 5
It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the device has a fake Freedom program for hacking games, which allows you to receive money (items, resources) by dishonest means. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in step 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step by step instructions for solving the problem:
1. Remove Freedom;
2. Get superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3. Install RootExplorer and give it superuser rights;
4. Find the hosts file in the / system / ets / directory using Rootexplorer, open this file using a text editor, then erase everything written there and insert only one line: localhost;
5. Save;
6. Delete your Google account;
7. Clear cache, delete data from Google Play and Google ServicesFramework applications;
8. Reboot your smartphone or tablet;
9. Go to Google Play and re-add your Google account.

We hope that the information provided here will be useful to you and help you solve the problem of refusing to connect to Google Play.

When trying to update or download an application from the Play Market, sometimes you may encounter the "Waiting for download" error. In this article, we will explain why it occurs and how to fix it.

The indicated error can appear for various reasons, ranging from an unstable / slow Internet connection or incorrect operation of an external storage device to a serious failure in individual (pre-installed) applications or the operating system as a whole. Next, we will consider all the options for eliminating the "Waiting for download" error in the Google Play Store, moving from the simplest to the most complex and even emergency.

Note: If your Android smartphone uses an antivirus or firewall (preinstalled by the manufacturer or downloaded from the app store itself, it does not matter here), before proceeding with the solution to the problem voiced in the title of the article, disable it, or even better, remove it. An error may occur, including through their fault, and if so, then the implementation of the recommendations below will not give a positive result.

Most errors can arise from a small glitch in the system, which can be corrected by a banal reboot of the gadget. Restart your device and try downloading or updating the app again.

Method 2: Find a stable internet connection

Another reason may be the incorrectly working Internet on the device. This may be due to the ending or running out of traffic on the SIM card or the breaking of the WI-FI connection. Check their work in the browser and, if everything works, then go to the next method.

Method 3: Flash Card

Also, a flash card installed in the device can affect the operation of the Play Market. Make sure of its stable operation and performance with a card reader or other gadget, or simply remove it and try to download the desired application.

Method 4: Auto-update applications in the Play Market

When downloading a new application, a pending message may also appear due to the fact that previously installed ones are currently being updated. This can happen if auto-update is selected in Google Play settings "Always" or "Only through WI-FI".

Now let's move on to more complex solutions.

Method 5: Clearing Play Market Data

Method 6: Removing and adding a Google account

  1. To erase your Google account data from your device, "Settings" go to "Accounts".
  2. Next step go to "Google".
  3. Now click on the button in the form of a shopping cart with a signature "Delete account", and confirm the action by repeated tap on the corresponding button.
  4. Further, to resume the work of the account, go to the item again "Accounts" and go to "Add account".
  5. From the list, select "Google".
  6. Next, the window for adding an account will appear, where you can enter an existing one or create a new one. Since at the moment you have an account, then in the appropriate line enter the phone number or email to which she previously registered. Press to go to the next step. "Further".

When working with the Play Market service, failures often occur. At the same time, a warning about server error or no connection appears. Dissatisfied users write to the support service a message: “I can’t enter the Play Market.” This article will discuss the possible causes of such failures and how to fix them.

Reboot the OS

Users often complain: “I can’t go to the Play Market on Android”. The fact is that on mobile devices the OS often freezes. In order to solve the problem, you need to restart your smartphone. In a similar way, you can fix the failures of this service and other applications.

Removing unnecessary information

A large amount of unnecessary information stored on your phone can cause errors in Google Play. The user needs to reset the utility settings:

  • This requires opening the device menu.
  • Then you should go to the settings.
  • Then you need to switch to the "Applications" tab and select the Play Market program.
  • The control window will pop up. The user needs to click on the "erase data" button.
  • And in order for the system to recognize the changes made, you need to restart your mobile phone.

Removing installed updates

What should users do when they post messages on the forums, such as: “I can't enter the Play Market on Android”? You can try to fix the crashes by removing installed updates:

  • To do this, as in the second method, you need to go to the menu.
  • Next, you should open the settings and select the line "applications".
  • Then you need to mark the Play Market program in the list and click on the "remove updates" link.

The application will return to its original state.

Resetting Google Services Utility

How to enter the Play Market if the above methods do not work? Sometimes resetting your Google Services preferences can help solve the problem.

To complete this event, you need to go to the settings. Then you need to mark the item "applications". In the list of installed programs, select "Google Services". Then you should click on the "clear cache" button.

Enabling the Download Manager application

If this utility is deactivated, then errors in the Play Market program will occur constantly. To enable the "Boot Manager", you must open the device menu. Then you need to go to the "settings" section.

Here you need to mark the line "applications" and switch to the "all" tab. In the list of installed programs, select "Boot Manager". If the application is stopped, then you need to click on the "enable" button. After completing these steps, you need to restart your mobile phone and check the program.

Deleting a Google Account

It should be borne in mind that when you deactivate your account, all important and necessary information will be erased. Before performing this procedure, you should create a backup:

  • To do this, go to the settings.
  • Then you should switch to the "accounts" tab and mark the required account in the list.
  • Then you need to click on the mailbox address. The sync menu will open.
  • The user needs to tick the necessary items. This menu is used to back up personal data and contacts.
  • In order to save important information on the device, you should click on the "options" button and check the "synchronize" item. The system will create backups of all utilities.

After syncing, you need to deactivate your Google account. How to enter Play Market after deleting an account? Upon re-authorization, the user will be prompted to restore the backup. You need to click on the "ok" button. After deleting and reactivating the account, the Play Market utility should be normalized.

Troubleshoot program compatibility issues

One of the possible reasons that the owners of Android devices write “I cannot enter the Play Store” is the presence of conflicting applications. Users install such utilities on their own. The Freedom application, through which users make free purchases of game currency, should be referred to as malicious programs.

Editing the "hosts" file

In search of interesting utilities, newbies visit unverified sites. After such visits, thousands of requests appear on the forums: “I can’t enter the Play Market from my phone”, “the money on my account has disappeared” and so on. In order not to resort to a complete reset of all device settings, you must edit the "hosts" file:

  • The user needs to go to the "settings" section, mark the "applications" item and switch to the "installed" tab.
  • Select a malicious program from the list of utilities.
  • Next, you need to click on the "disable" button.
  • Then uninstall the application.

You cannot erase files without first stopping the utility. After restarting the device, you need to check the changes made.

Return to factory state

What if the above methods did not help solve the problem? In order not to bother the support service with numerous messages on the topic: "I can not enter the Play Store", you can try to fix the failures by resetting all settings. This is a rather radical decision. This procedure will help to eliminate most of the problems associated with the operation of installed programs and the system itself:

  1. First you need to go to the "settings" section.
  2. Then it is necessary to check the item "restore and reset". A new window will open. The user needs to click on the "reset settings" link.

Before starting this procedure, you need to back up important data. The information saved to the memory card will remain intact. Next, you should restart the device and restore the backup of the contacts.

Checking the Network Connection

Most often, users send a message to the support service with the text: "I can not enter the Play Market, writes, there is no connection." In this case, the failure is caused by the lack of an Internet connection. You need to check your network settings and restart your router.

Enabling Google Account

Play Market malfunctions often occur due to a disabled account. In such cases, users send requests to technical support such as: "I can not enter the Play Market, writes, you need to log into your account." In order to activate an account, you must open the device menu. Then you should click on the "settings" icon.

Next, you need to mark the item "accounts". Here you need to click on the "add" link. The user needs to specify the email address and password. After completing these steps, you need to check the operation of the Play Market application.

Checking the time and date settings

In the absence of a stable connection to the network, there is no need to panic and create threads on the forums: “I can’t go to the Play Market, writes a server error”. First, check the time and date settings. The user needs to go to the menu.

Then it is necessary to mark the item "settings". Here you need to select the line "date and time". The next step is to set the time zone and time. In this case, you need to enable synchronization with the network.

Disable proxy settings

Seeing the inscription about the lack of connection, users drive into the search queries: "I can not go to the" Play Market ", writes, the connection timed out." Don't waste your time. In such cases, the first step is to check the Wi-Fi operation. If other sites and programs open without problems, then the user needs to disable the proxy server. To complete the task, click on the "settings" button.

Next, you should make sure that the word “no” is highlighted next to the “proxy server” item. In this case, the option "extended parameters" must be activated. If there is no inscription, then the user needs to disable the proxy server settings.

Setting up static DNS

If the above methods do not work, then you need to try to fix the problem in the following way. The user needs to return to the "Wi-Fi" section. Having selected an access point in the list, you need to click on the "change network" button. Then you need to check the box next to the "advanced options". Next, put a check mark next to the line "static IP settings".

At the bottom are two DNS fields. You must fill them in with the numbers and Then you need to click on the "save" button. Next, you need to restart Wi-Fi on the mobile device and re-check the Play Market application.

Change router settings

Setting the MTU - 1500 parameter in the router software is usually carried out automatically. For this reason, some applications will not start at all. This problem occurs on all devices connected to the access point. You can manually change the MTU settings. This will save the user from the need to create queries: "I can not enter the Play Store, Google Play does not work."

In order to change the MTU parameters, you need to go to the router settings and open the "network" section. Next, you should switch to the "WAN" tab. Below you can see the line "MTU size". 4 numbers should be entered in the empty field next to the inscription. A user who is unable to contact the provider should specify one of several options: 1420, 1460, 1500.

Next, you need to save the settings and reboot the router. To change MTU in Asus software, open the "Internet" section. Next to the line "additional pppd options" you can see 2 fields. They need to register the number 1460.

The "Timed out" error typically occurs when an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine could not start, the server name is incorrect, or there are network and firewall problems.

Error message text

In SQL Server Management Studio, this error message may appear as follows.

"Unable to connect to."

“The waiting time has expired. The timeout period has elapsed before the operation completes, or the server is not responding. (Microsoft SQL Server, error: -2) "

Program sqlcmd may return the following errors.

"SQL Network Interfaces: An error occurred while locating the specified server or instance."

"Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: The client cannot establish a connection."

"Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: Login timed out."

"Unable to open connection to SQL Server."

“An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server, this error can be caused by the fact that in the default configuration, SQL Server does not support remote connections. "

Typical causes of this error

Invalid server name specified.

Try entering the server name again.

The SQL Server service is not running on the server.

Start an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.

The TCP / IP port of the Database Engine instance is blocked by a firewall.

Configure your firewall to provide access to the Database Engine.

The Database Engine is not listening on port 1433 because the port has changed or because the Database Engine is not in the default instance and the SQL Server Browser service is not running.

Either start the SQL Server Browser service, or connect by specifying the TCP / IP port number.

The SQL Server Browser service is running, but UDP port 1434 is blocked by the firewall.

Either configure your firewall to allow access to UDP port 1434 on the server, or connect by specifying the TCP / IP port number.

Client and server cannot select the same network protocol.

Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, configure the server and client computer to have at least one common protocol available to them.

The network module cannot resolve server name to IP address. This can be checked using the PING program.

Resolve the problem with resolving the computer name on your network, or connect using the server's IP address. This issue is not related to SQL Server. If you need help, consult your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

Connection using an IP address is not possible. This can be checked using the PING program.

Resolve the problem with TCP / IP protocols on your network. This issue is not related to SQL Server. If you need help, consult your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

Unusual mistakes

Server with multiple IP addresses

Clients running in may receive this error when connecting to a named instance of SQL Server installed in a cluster or on a non-clustered computer with multiple IP addresses. This issue can occur in all versions of SQL Server.


When connecting to a named instance on a remote computer to obtain the connection endpoint (TCP port number or named pipe), the client uses UDP to connect to the SQL Server Browser service on the SQL Server computer or cluster.

Client firewalls prohibit UDP loose source mapping. This means that the response must come from the IP address to which the request was sent. If the response comes from a different IP address than the target, the client firewall will drop the packet. This issue can occur when connecting to a clustered server or a single computer that has multiple IP addresses.

The following table describes the operating system combinations that can pass UDP packets. This prevents a connection to a named instance of SQL Server or to a default SQL Server instance that is not listening on TCP port 1433.

Client operating system

Operating system running SQL Server

Result in SQL Server 2008

Result in SQL Server 2005

UDP packets are not allowed.

UDP packets are not allowed.

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003

UDP packets are not allowed.

UDP packets are not allowed.

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x86, IA64)

UDP packets are not allowed.

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x64)

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.


To work around this issue, you must do one of the following:

Turkish or Azeri

Connection attempts may fail if the current language is Turkish or Azeri and the server name contains the letter "I". To avoid this problem, connect to the server using the IP address. If the instance name contains the letter "I", specify the TCP / IP port number when connecting. Use an alias to connect to a specific port.

Connection timed out on Google Play (google play) on Android.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

In file / etc / hosts

Option 4

Option 5

1 ... Remove Freedom;
4 / system / ets /

Quite often, when you try to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1

The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. You can solve the problem in this case by installing Set DNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not required in the PRO version of the application, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2

You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a problem with the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (new models may have an incomplete firmware and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative, earlier and guaranteed workable).

Option 3

In file / etc / hosts there may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the work of Google Play. To clean the / etc / hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

Option 4

The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also the rest of Google services - the certificate is not valid yet. The solution is elementary - to set the correct date.

Option 5

It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the device has a fake Freedom program for hacking games, which allows you to receive money (items, resources) by dishonest means. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in step 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step by step instructions for solving the problem:
1 ... Remove Freedom;
2 ... Get superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3 ... Install Root Explorer and give it superuser rights;
4 ... Find the hosts file in the directory / system / ets / using Root explorer, using a text editor to open this file, then erase everything written there and drive in only one line: localhost;

5 ... Save;

If the message " Timed out waiting for a response from the gateway. Check network settings. ", do the following:

1. Check Internet Access

To resolve the situation, check if the the Internetusing a web browser Internet Explorer... If access to the Internet no, then contact your provider for more information. Try to activate the application again after the restoration of work The Internet.

2. Correctly configure Firewall

If your computer has Firewall, add an allowing rule for the process in it avp.exe or disable Firewall completely.

Firewall (firewall, firewall)designed to ensure the safety of your work in local networks and the Internet. Firewall is a software package that checks data transmitted via the Internet or a local network, and, depending on the parameters Firewall, blocks or allows this network activity.

3. Check the system date on your computer

You can find out how to check if the system date is set correctly on your computer in KB3508.

4. Try to activate again in an hour

5. Contact the Kaspersky Lab Technical Support Service

Quite often, when you try to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1
The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights in the PRO version of the application are not required, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2
You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a problem with the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (new models may have an incomplete firmware and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative, earlier and guaranteed workable).

Option 3
In file / etc / hosts there may be extra addresses. There should only be one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the work of Google Play. To clean the / etc / hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

Option 4
The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also the rest of Google services - the certificate is not valid yet. The solution is elementary - set the correct date.

Option 5
It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the device has a fake Freedom program for hacking games, which allows you to receive money (items, resources) by dishonest means. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in step 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step by step instructions for solving the problem:
1. Remove Freedom;
2. Get superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3. Install RootExplorer and give it superuser rights;
4. Find the hosts file in the / system / ets / directory using Rootexplorer, open this file using a text editor, then erase everything written there and insert only one line: localhost;

Connection timed out on Google Play (google play) on Android... Quite often, when you try to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1

The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. You can solve the problem in this case by installing Set DNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not required in the PRO version of the application, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2

You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a problem with the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (new models may have an incomplete firmware and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative, earlier and guaranteed workable).

Option 3

In file / etc / hosts there may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the work of Google Play. To clean the / etc / hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

Option 4

The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also the rest of Google services - the certificate is not valid yet. The solution is elementary - to set the correct date.

Option 5

It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the device has a fake Freedom program for hacking games, which allows you to receive money (items, resources) by dishonest means. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in step 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step by step instructions for solving the problem:
1 ... Remove Freedom;
2 ... Get superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3 ... Install Root Explorer and give it superuser rights;
4 ... Find the hosts file in the directory / system / ets / using Root explorer, using a text editor to open this file, then erase everything written there and drive in only one line: localhost;