Free Google Drive tools you may not be using. How to put a password on an application in Android How to password protect a folder in google drive

Many users are wondering how to put a password on the browser. Someone is inclined to believe that such a question is excessive suspiciousness. However, if you think sensibly, then you understand that this is by no means excessive suspiciousness, but on the contrary, a very reasonable approach.

The fact is that modern browsers are equipped with the option to save passwords from users' personal accounts to a particular portal. Most users use this option with pleasure, and they have to enter the password only once when registering on a new site, and then, the browser "enters" it on its own. This, of course, is definitely convenient.

However, what happens if someone steals your PC (or just decides to use it in your absence), and your browser doesn't have a password? An attacker can easily enter any of your personal accounts and perform various actions on your behalf. Of course, if we are talking about a forum, then this is not very scary, the maximum that you face is a ban, but what if you allowed the browser to remember the password of an electronic wallet? In such a situation, everything becomes much sadder.

That is why it is necessary to set a password for the browser. In this article we will tell you how to put a password on Google Chrome.

How to set a password for the Google Chrome browser using the "Settings" menu?

In order to set a password on Google Chrome using the "Settings" menu, you first need to create your own Google account, or, more simply, your personal mail on the Gmail service - registration link... However, it is not difficult at all and will only take a couple of minutes.

When the account is created, follow the steps of the following instructions:

1. We open the browser, enter the created Google account - our personal profile in the browser is automatically activated upon login - we do not notice this, but so far we should not focus on this.

2. Click the button in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the browser, select the "Settings" item.

4. Now our task is to create a controlled profile - the profile that everyone except you will use when working with the browser: your passwords, history and downloads will be remembered only in your personal profile, nothing will be transferred to the controlled profile.

5. In the "Users" section, click the "Add user" button.

6. Select an avatar and a name, press the "Add" button (it is recommended to leave the checkmarks in both windows, but you can, of course, remove them if you wish).

7. We have created a “Guest” profile - click on the “Switch to Guest profile” button, a new browser window will open in front of you - in the upper right corner you will see “Guest (controlled profile)”.

8. Now let's return to the previous window - there, in the same place, we will see the name of our profile, in our case "Ekaterina", click on it and see that we have a new option "Exit and block", click on it.

9. A window appears in front of us, from which you can enter the browser through two profiles - personal and guest, however, you can enter the personal only if the password is known. Perhaps you will have a question - what kind of password are we talking about, we did not set any passwords. And we will remind you that, of course, we installed it when we created a Google account - yes, the passwords for mail and the browser are identical, so feel free to enter the password for your Google account and press "Enter".

Helpful advice! The monitored profile can be configured - go to the "Settings" menu of the browser, the "Users" section and click the "Profile control panel" link, as you can see, it is even possible to restrict access to certain resources - this is very convenient if you need to set up a child profile. To delete a profile, simply click on the trash can icon.

How to put password on Google Chrome browser using LockWP?

If the above method seemed too complicated for you, it's okay, there is an easier answer to the question of how to set a password on Google Chrome. The official store of Google Chrome extensions will help us - applications created specifically for this browser and allowing us to supply it with certain additional options.

In this very store you can find a number of programs for setting a password. However, most of them will have only an English-language interface, however, there is one high-quality, convenient and Russified application for setting a password on a browser from Google - this is LockWP.

How to put password on Google Chrome browser using LockPW? Let's analyze in step by step instructions:

1. Go to the official browser app store - link.

2. In the search box, enter the name of the application you are looking for - LockPW and press "Enter".

3. We look at the search results, opposite LockPW, we press the "Install" button (you can note that the search gave us other applications similar to LockPW in functionality, however, as we said above, their interface is English, and the ratings are less) ...

4. After installation, a welcome window of the extension will appear in front of us, which will notify that it will not be able to work without configuration, click "OK" in it to start the configuration.

5. Now we execute the "commands" of the browser - click on the button "chrome: // extensions".

6. In the window that opens, put a tick in front of the "Allow use in incognito mode" item.

7. After checking the box, we will be automatically transferred to the information window, here you can study the instructions for your system (to change the system, use the appropriate button), alternately clicking on this or that section, or you can simply click "Next".

Important! When setting up, developers also advise to activate all three "sliders" on the right side of the settings (see the screen above). The first will block the browser if the password is not entered within 30 seconds (the time interval can be changed), the second will automatically minimize the browser if the password is entered incorrectly, the third will not allow the attacker to terminate the application using the task manager and other similar programs, bypassing this way, his protection. You can also set a limit on the number of login attempts.

9. After specifying all the settings, click the save button (see the screen above).

10. Now close the browser and open it again, the LockPW window appears in front of us, in which you need to enter the password and click "Login". That's all!

If you need to disable the password - open Google Chrome, click the button in the form of three horizontal lines, click the item "Additional tools", then "Extensions".

You will see a settings window, you do not need to enter anything, you just need to click on the "Disable" button and the browser will notify you about disabling the password.

Helpful advice! If you need to leave your PC for a short time - for example, you are at work and want to move away from your computer, but you do not want someone to access the browser in your absence, you can use the convenient LockPW options. On any page of the browser, right-click and click the "LockPW" item (the item automatically appears in the menu if the extension is protected) - the browser will be minimized and a password entry window will appear.


So, now you know how to set a password on Google Chrome, and also, we hope, you understand how important it is to use this option, because it will not only protect you, for example, from the idle curiosity of colleagues who suddenly wanted to look into your browser while you moved away, but will also save you from intruders. Plus, a browser password is a great way to keep kids safe from going online!


Five free and easy-to-use tools let you encrypt data, listen to music, view slides, automatically create backups, share files, and more.

Google Drive is only about a year old and already quite popular. If you have a Google account, it's very easy to use and prices are noticeably lower compared to Dropbox. For 100GB of storage, you only have to pay $ 5 / month (Google also offers 25GB of storage for Gmail as a bonus). At Dropbox, 100 GB will cost 2 times more.

Like the Chrome browser, Google Drive can be even more useful if you add third-party extensions and services to it.

Some extensions run right on your computer, others in Chrome, and others on a remote server, but they all help make your Google Drive experience more enjoyable and efficient.


Are you concerned about privacy issues and the security of files hosted on a remote server? This is quite natural, but it should not become an obstacle on the way to the cloud. The desktop application, Windows BoxCryptor, creates an encrypted folder that can be placed in the Google Drive folder as well.

After creating the folder and defining the password, move the files you want to protect into it. BoxCryptor will encrypt them according to the AES-256 standard. To unlock the folder and access the files located there, you just need to launch BoxCryptor, go to the encrypted folder and enter the password.

When trying to open files without a password, an error message appears on the screen. But BoxCryptor only hides the contents of the files: their names and format are still publicly available. Therefore, in order to increase confidentiality, it makes sense to rename the files so that they do not attract other people's eyes.

Please note that access to encrypted files can only be obtained after entering a password. If you forget your password, your files will be lost forever. Therefore, it should be quite complex, but memorable.


Storing music in the cloud allows you to listen to it wherever there is an Internet connection. However, Google Drive doesn't have its own music player yet. To listen to tunes, you need to either install the appropriate application on your computer, or use a portable music player. An alternative option could be the DriveTunes Chrome extension.

If you are using the Chrome browser (both fully installed and portable), install the DriveTunes program, which will act as the music player for the Google Drive folder. The app automatically detects all music files and lists them in an easy-to-view interface. To listen to a song, just double-click on it.

DriveTunes is a very simple player with only a pause / play button, a skip button and a volume button. Do not expect artistic presentation of albums, as well as support for equalizers and playlists from it. He only knows how to play music, and this is his limit. Currently only two audio formats are playable, but DriveTunes' download page states that the next version will also support Ogg and FLAC files.

Google slides

As long as the business lives, there will be slideshows. But what if you need to put together a presentation with colleagues at a decent distance from you? This is where the sharing power of Google Drive comes in handy, and the Google Slides Chrome app, which makes creating a presentation as easy as you can imagine.

According to the Google downloads page, Slides is perfect for "both a colorful 6-page brochure and a 600-page presentation that can make anyone slumber." In other words, there are no restrictions on file sizes (of course, if you have enough free space on Google Drive). Slide presentations can be created on a wide variety of topics, including animation. In addition, you have the option to leave comments for your colleagues in the file. This is much more convenient and efficient than endlessly exchanging emails and plunging into tedious conference calls.

The best part is that you no longer have to automatically hit the save button. Google Slides instantly saves everything done in real time - for PowerPoint creators to take note of.


Placing files and backups in the cloud is a great idea, but at the same time it is also unnecessary worries that users too often simply forget about. Free web service IFTTT (abbreviated from If This Then That - "if ... then ...") promises to simplify your tasks by putting them in the background. By choosing the appropriate scenario, you will no longer think about it.

The service requires preliminary configuration, but after everything is done, you can sit quietly, periodically observing what is happening. The IFTTT Google Drive section is chock-full of automation tools (called recipes) offered by other users. Free copying and correction of recipes is allowed. If you can't find what you want to find, and if you are not able to adapt existing recipes to your needs, you can create from scratch your own recipe. Let's say you need to save all your tweets to a CSV file hosted in Google repository. To do this, you open Twitter and give IFTTT access to your tweets, and then instruct IFTTT to transfer the tweets to the Google Drive storage (which should also be available to the IFTTT service).

IFTTT recipes cover most of the popular web services. And the developers are constantly adding more and more new features here, so it makes sense to check the IFTTT website more often.

Open drive

Many Google Drive users share their files with others, and as a result, Google Drive turns into a huge file-sharing network. But in order to request a copy of the file you are interested in, you need to know about its existence. But getting the relevant information is not so easy.

For a company whose main business is based on search, it may seem strange, but you cannot search for other people's files inside Drive and effectively use regular Google search engines.

To address these shortcomings, Mcom Multicartes offers the Chrome Open Drive extension, which provides an interface to simplify the process of finding public files.

With Open Drive, you can simultaneously search for files in other cloud storages (Dropbox, Skydrive Evernote and Box) and then move the found files to your Google Drive account. The more cloud services are involved in the search, the longer the procedure takes.

Having received a list of found files, you can download them to your computer, copy them to the Google Drive storage, generate a list of links to documents, or simply open them. If your search does not return the results you want, you have the option to query the Open Drive Google Plus community.

As with any search engine, there is a lot of garbage in the search results along with grains of gold. In practice, in most situations, the Open Drive extension was able to find the relevant files. And the simultaneous search in several cloud services at once from the same interface creates additional convenience.

Google Drive is more than just file storage

The tools listed above can help you improve the performance and value of your free file storage in the cloud. They help you encrypt cloud-hosted files, listen to music, search for public files, automate your personal and professional life, and create powerful presentations.

Google Drive is not only cloud storage, but also a complete tool for working with documents. Since the application is free, naturally new features do not appear as quickly as we would like. Despite this, the service is constantly evolving and does not stand still. Today we will talk about how to get the opportunity that was so lacking when working with confidential documents, namely how to put a password on tables in Google Drive.

Creating a new copy of the table scripts

First, go ahead and agree to copy the spreadsheet script to your account. This is an original script that allows you to independently extend the standard capabilities of the Google Drive service.

Now the script is stored on a verified account and checked for malicious code - everything is in order. In order for the file to be copied to your profile, you need to log in to the Google system.

Create your own web application to run the table script

First, you need to make sure that the script can get all the necessary rights to work in the Google Drive profile.

Open the previously copied table and click on the Tools tab, select the "Script Editor" item in the pop-up menu.

On the page that opens, we find the "file" item, and then look for the "Versions" tab.

After the new version is saved, click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen to return to the script editor.

Find the "Publish" button in the top menu and select the "Deploy as web application" link in the drop-down list

You do not need to configure or change anything in the window that opens, since this script is only capable of adding passwords inside your table, so go straight to the next item, "Expand". Note that this script is only available on your account.

In the second window that appears, you do not need to enter anything either, just click "OK" and follow the further instructions.

Now when you need to create a secure table, just copy and rename the file that you recommended to download. Since you have already created the script, the following files will automatically open with data encryption functions.

Encrypt and decrypt your tables

When you open the spreadsheet, a new menu item will be available: Protect File. This item appeared due to the fact that you deployed the web application according to the instructions above.

All data that you will enter into the table is now processed with the participation of your script. By clicking on the new menu item, you will see a drop-down list of options that offer to encrypt or decrypt the data in the table. We will explain how to use these options below.

First, click the "Protect File" button, followed by the "Encrypt File" link.

When you first open this script in a Google Drive spreadsheet, the app will warn you about possible harm from third-party apps.

This happens with all applications that are developed by third party programmers, so don't be surprised or alarmed. Click the OK button to continue working with the script.

Now try setting a password for the spreadsheet.

I would like to warn you, do not use the same passwords as in your Google account or other important accounts. Your best bet is to come up with a new password for security. Once you have entered the new password, click to confirm it by clicking the "OK" button.

The very moment you enter the password, the data in the table will begin to change and become unreadable. Again, the script uses simple encryption, and therefore it is worth understanding what data should be published in the cloud.

When you need to return the table to its original state, click the Protect File button and select the Decrypt File item.

A window will appear in front of your eyes in which you need to enter the password entered earlier during encryption. Enter it and click the Submit button. Since the script is simple and free, problems may arise with it, but do not be afraid. Just try to enter your password again, most likely a temporary failure occurred.

You can change the password all in the same Protect File menu by entering the old and new password. There is one nuance here, when you change the password, editing the table will become unavailable, so you will have to copy the table and start filling in again.

Another script feature is to create a direct URL to a file. To access the table, you will have to enter the same password.

If you notice that the Protect File menu item is missing, bring it back using the "Tools" - "Script Management" item and select our script from the list. \\


We agree that password-protecting a spreadsheet is a rather tedious and time-consuming process now, but until Google officially adds such a function, there is no choice. Tell us in the comments if you managed to encrypt the table?

Let's take a look at how to put a password on the Google Chrome browser so that strangers do not get access to your data (cookies and passwords to sites).

If someone else uses your laptop or computer, then this user can view bookmarks, history in the browser, mail, log into social network accounts (if you are logged in, you are not logged out, or passwords are saved in the browser).

This is an unpleasant situation, especially if a laptop is lost and a stranger is using it. The solution to this situation is to set a password to enter the browser.

Password on Google Chrome

The Google Chrome browser supports a convenient user profile management system. This system allows each user profile to have their own isolated passwords from sites, bookmarks, browser history and other elements. In the installed Chrome, one user profile already exists, even if you did not start synchronization with your Google account.

In this guide, we will take a closer look at the question of how to set a password prompt for Chrome user profiles and be able to manage all individual profiles. Users on Google Chrome are also present without a Google account, but subsequent actions require that the main user has such an account and logs into the browser under it.

Turn on password request

In the profile management system we are considering (version 57), there is no option to set a password on Chrome, but there is a function in the browser settings that allows you to activate a new profile management system. This will provide the desired result.

We carry out the following procedure:

  • We enter chrome: // flags / # enable-new-profile-management in the address bar of the browser, and in the menu “New profile management system” set “Enabled”. Then we click on the "Restart" button located inside the page.
  • Enlarge

  • Go to Google Chrome settings.
  • Enlarge

  • In the "Users" menu, click on "Add user".
  • Enlarge

  • We set the username and mark the section "Browse sites opened by this ..." (if this item is not there, then you are not logged into Chrome under your Google account). You can also leave the checkmark to create a separate shortcut for the new profile, which will run without a password. Click "Next" and then select "OK" when a message is displayed about the successful creation of the controlled profile.
  • Enlarge

  • The list of profiles will look something like the screenshot below.
  • Enlarge

  • Now, to block your profile with a password and close access to personal data, you should click in the title of the Chrome window by your own username and select the "Exit and block" section.
  • Enlarge

  • As a result, you will be able to see the login window for Chrome profiles, and a password will be set on the main user profile. This window will be displayed every time you launch Google Chrome.


The profile created in 3 - 4 paragraphs of the above instructions will allow you to use the browser without access to your personal data, which is located in another profile. If you wish, you can go to Chrome under your own password, in the settings, click on the "Profile Control Panel" and set bans and permissions for the new user (for example, permission to open only certain sites), examine his activity (which sites he went to), activate notifications about the activities of this user.

In the world. Thanks to this program, the study of the Internet takes place in a comfortable and relatively safe environment. It is convenient to store numerous bookmarks in the browser, someone even trusts him with their passwords, and someone credit card details.

If you have ever thought about the security of your bookmarks and passwords, or simply would not like to show your personal information to family members or colleagues, then one of the obvious solutions is to put a password on Chrome.


The author of these lines has been using Chrome for a long time. It is convenient to have all work bookmarks in your work account, and store all sorts of entertainment sites in bookmarks on your home profile. In this article, we'll look at how to quickly switch between the two profiles, and how to block a Chrome profile from colleagues or children.

I want to warn you right away - this method of blocking a profile is by no means a panacea. All your data is still stored unencrypted on your hard drive and, if desired, can be taken over by intruders. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not store passwords for important services in your browser. But from a curious neighbor or a naughty child, again, it will work with a bang.

So, first, let's figure out how to create a new profile in the browser, tied to a new mailbox from Google.

How to create an account in the Google Chrome browser

Open the browser and immediately click on the tiny little man icon in the upper right corner, next to the minimize button. We are interested in the button Sign in to Chrome.

In the window that appears, you need to enter your email address. If we want to register a new mail with an account, then it is worth clicking on the link Other options.

In the drop-down list, select Create new account, and proceed to registration.

The next window will ask for information about age and gender. Whether to provide real information is up to you, if you don't like sharing personal information on the Internet with anyone, you can come up with a pseudonym, it will remain on your conscience.

Next comes the most crucial and difficult step - coming up with an email address. The simpler and more concise the address, the easier it is to remember. You are limited in the use of special characters and Russian letters, and short and meaningful addresses are already taken. However, if this is a work address, it makes sense to indicate a work phone number instead of letters, or add a few numbers to the last name for uniqueness.

If the selected e-mail is completely satisfactory, go to the password setting menu.
The password should be complex, consisting of letters, numbers and symbols, and it is desirable to store it in your head, or in a hard-to-reach place.

Having duplicated the password, thereby confirming it, click on the "Next" button and move on to the next item.

You have the opportunity to specify a phone number to restore access to your account or to confirm transactions. However, if you don't want to, you can skip this step.

Read the Terms of Use carefully and click I accept... Although who am I kidding.

Here's our new account!

As you can see, we have created an account along with the mailbox. This means that now you can proceed to the next step, setting the password.

How to set a password for an account in the Google Chrome browser

In order to protect your browser from strangers, just set a password. But for this you have to create a new user and restrict his rights. Well, let's get started!

As you can see, instead of the little man icon, our account name appears. In this case, the name is “Ivan”. By clicking on the name, in the drop-down window, click on the item Manage users

A window of all your users will open. In this example, there is only one account. Click on the add user button.

Next, in the window that appears, indicate the desired name of the new account, put the icon as desired, uncheck the “Create shortcut ..” box and put a tick in front of the item “Browse sites ..”. And if you have a child, then at the same time you can create a profile for him to keep track of what your child is watching on the Internet. We press to save.

In the next window, select OK, or whatever, it doesn't matter.